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Fw: Fighting the Health Freedom War... with Prince on Our Side?

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From: Natural Solutions Foundation <healthfreedomusa@...>Subject: Fighting the Health Freedom War... with Prince on Our Side?epifany97523@...Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 9:08 AM

Natural Solutions Foundation Health Freedom eAlert GlobalHealthFreedom.org - HealthFreedomUSA.orgOrganics4U.org - NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org - NaturalSolutionsMarketPlace. org

August 21, 2008


If you would like to subscribe to the Health Freedom eAlerts, click herehttp://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=187

Index of this Issue:Weaponized Flu UpdateInternet Abuzz... Search engine censorship?GMOs and Prince GMOs and Scientific AmericanNatural Solutions MarketplaceHomeland Security Thought Crimes

New Weaponized Avian Flu Estimate of Intelligence Situation 2.1http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=794

In our latest update on the pandemic flu, Weaponized Avian Flu Estimate of Intelligence Situation 2.1, you'll find the news that we think is significant. More "dots" that we've connected...

These are serious issues requiring sober decision making. You need information to do that. We're providing a unique service to allow you to see what's happening around what government sources continue to claim to be the "inevitable pandemic" and then make up your own mind, making your decisions accordingly, and taking steps to protect yourself and your family.

Note that Cabinet-level spokespersons in the UK showed up the absurdity of the US's avian flu vaccine program noting that the current avian flu vaccine gives either limited, or no protection and that an effective vaccine could not be made until 4-6 months after the pandemic began. (Let's ignore the question of whether any vaccine is effective for right now.) The "inevitable pandemic", which we believe is a man-made, weaponized Avian Flu assult on those deemed "useless eaters", is definitely still "on the table" in the US and elsewhere. It is, of course, the perfect opportunity for social control and cancellation of your most basic rights. Perhaps the "solution" for the

Social Security and Medicare entitlement time bombs. Please take a few moments to look at the most relevant Avian Flu items that we have pulled together in one place. This is what we do for you.

Intelligence Estimate of Situation -- an Internet Sensation that a Certain Search Engine Seems to be Trying to Dissolve... The Natural Solutions Foundation is always at the forefront in providing critically important news that you need to stay informed and help keep health freedom free.

Our Weaponized Avian Flu articles, blasts and blogs have become an internet sensation with huge numbers of citations and quotes around the world. The phenominon is so dramatic that the Natural Solutions Foundation today issued a global Press Release, http://www.prweb.com/releases/2008/8/prweb1227944.htm, on the viralization of information about a weaponized virus, In fact, two days ago, Google reported 13,300

hits for "Weaponized Avian Flu".

Oddly, today, Google reports only 12,900 while .com reports 128,000 results. Could this Google downward trend somehow be the result of the Chinese influence on Google's view of censorship while no longer even "paying lip service" to its famous motto, "Don't Do Evil"?

We urge you to click on this Press Release, http://www.prweb.com/releases/2008/8/prweb1227944.htm, for two reasons. First, we believe you will find it interesting and hope that you will forward it to your contacts while urging them to sign up for the Health Freedom eAlerts, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=187, on our Home page, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org.Second, every time you click on this link, you drive it higher in the search engine ratings. We want as many people as possible to see it and we know that the way for this to happen is for it to be on the first page of all the search engines.

In fact, we know this works because when you Google or or DogPile or NorthernLights "Weaponized Avian Flu", the Natural Solutions Foundation's information is all over page 1 and page 2 and page 16 and page 24, and... well, you get the idea. In fact we are on the first page on most of our terms of interest and reference. And you put us there. Thanks!

If you would like to exchange links with us and increase your ratings and ours at the same time, put this link on your web site,

Stop Codex - Protect health freedom from Codex Alimentarius. Website contains information, resources, and calls to action.

on your site and write to us at dr.laibow@... with "LINK" in the subject line to send us your link. Please also include the specific place where you posted our link. Let's help each other grow stronger!

Is This Any Way to Run a War?

So this man races into his analyst's office early one morning in a cold sweat. "Doctor", he says, "I had the most horrible dream and I can't make heads or tails out of it. It was so bad that even after I woke up, I couldn't stop thinking about it and I lay awake the rest of the night thinking about how frightening it was and wishing I could understand it.

I couldn't wait to get here to tell you about it this morning. In fact, I was so upset that I couldn't eat a thing for breakfast and ran all the way here to tell you about it.

I dreamed you were behind me and when I turned around, I saw you, but you had my mother's face. It was horrible. Doctor, what could it mean?"

The doctor purses his lips, taps his pad with his pen, leans forward and says, in a Motherly voice, "You came here without eating breakfast? Don't you know better than that? Is this any way to start the day?" So here is my question to you: "Is this any way to win a war?" Yes, I know it's August and the doldrums of Summer, but the battle goes on (and on - just take a look at the Weaponized Avian Flu Intellegence Estimate of Situation 2.1).

Has the other side stopped for even a moment? Did the weaponized Sonofi-Pasteur avian flu vaccines get off the container from China in Tahiti and hang around for a month before they reached Swiftwater PA for filling individual syringes to forcefully vaccinate you and your kids?

Has the Codex machine -- which is weaponizing your food -- stopped because it is August? Did Big Pharma take a vacation this month and stop planning how to make sure everyone on the planet is sick enough to require drugs for their entire life-span?

General Stubblebine and I are looking at the trip to the next Codex meeting that we need to attend, this one in South Africa. How do we pay for that trip? This month our donations have averaged $392.43 per day. While for any of us as individuals, that is a good deal of funding, in the world of international agencies and big business, it's barely nothing. Given all the other expenses we need to cover, including paying for the web sites and for our eblasts, how we can run a successful battle on that sort of money? Let me be like your mother for a moment, "What kind of a way is that to win the war?"

If this is not your battle, do nothing, and do it right now. If health freedom does touch you and your loved ones, then click on this link, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189, and make your generous tax deductible donation right now. While you're at it, please make it a recurring one so that we know that we can count on you every single month. Recurring donations, no matter how small, allow us to plan our spending in advance. They allow us to be prepared to represent YOUR interests at Codex.

And don't forget that sharing this information with everyone you know, and asking them to sign up for the Health Freedom eAlerts, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189, so THEY can send the information out to all of their contacts, and so on, is a vitally important part of winning this war.

We Are Not Alone! We've Got Prince on Our Side...Well... About GMO Dangers! Natural Solutions Foundation welcomes Prince to its Hall of Fame for his stance on the cataclysmic dangers of GM "foods". Prince publicaly said that companies developing genetically modified crops risk creating the biggest environmental disaster "of all time". Relying on "gigantic corporations" for food would end in "absolute disaster", he warned.

"That would be the absolute destruction of everything... and the classic way of ensuring there is no food in the future." He said GM developers might think they would be successful by having "one form of clever genetic engineering after another", but he believed "that will be guaranteed to cause the biggest disaster environmentally of all time". Read more - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7557644.stm Another GMO note: The August issue of Scientific American singles us out for criticism; not by name direclty, but by implication. On page 36 it urges more government action to promote GMO crops to "save" Africa, stating, "Nongovernment organizations that advocate the exporting of the organic food movement to Africa are at best misguided..." As the premiere NGO urging Africans to remember how to grow food naturally, we want the editors to know how misguided they are. Perhaps they never heard about our partner Songhai Community, with its modern, zero emissions, all natural methods: the most productive farm land in Africa. "Organic" is not some exotic New Age export... it is what people have done to feed themselves for


You know about Fr. Godfrey and the Songhai story from the videos we posted on www.NaturalSolutionsMedia.tv -- so we invite you to write to Scientific American, editors@... and let them know how advanced, scientific, appropriate natural means will allow Africans (and all of us) to take back our foods from Big Agra and avoid the disaster that Prince predicts. And please mention Natural Solutions Foundation in your emails... General Stubblebine says, "Mouse Warriors to the attack!"

New Media Rides Again!

Natural Solutions Market Place Growing Rapidly


Natural Solutions Foundation is a leader in the innovative use of the New Media. The Natural Solutions MarketPlace, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/mall/, was initiated to create a win-win-win situation using the capacity of the internet to meet your needs and support our Foundation while building business opportuntities for merchants and service providers.

Consumers win because they can find trusted and reliable products and services knowing that every purchase benefits their favorite chartity, the Natural Solutions Foundation. It's a way of donating without spending a penny extra while you get the products and services you want. So it's a win for health freedom because your purchases translates into support for the Foundation.

And it's a win for the merchants and service provider because they increase their audience and hence their business by showing our community their wares! By the way, if you are a merchant or service provider, click here http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/mall/merchants/index.php to see how the Natural Solutions Market Place can work for you!

Of course, if you are looking for organic products and supplements, check out the Natural Solutions Foundation's outstanding Organics4U.org site, www.Organics4U.org, where you will find the best in organic products. The New Frontier of Homeland Insecurity: Mental Privacy

Trade in "A Penny For Your Thoughts" for "A Shackle for Your Thoughts"http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=832

The Department of Homeland Security is moving towards implementing a provision of the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 otherwise known as the "Thought Crimes Bill" through a 3 year, $12 Million program designe to study "terrorists" and their supporters' thinking and communications. This is despite the fact that the legislation has not been signed into law. The House version of the bill HR 1955 was passed by a margin of 404-6 whereas the Senate version of the bill S 1959 is still awaiting action. One of the bill's provisions gives the Department of Homeland Security the authority to fund a University based "Center of Excellence" to study ways to thwart what the government believes are "extremist" belief systems and

"radical ideologies" of individual Americans. In other words, if the government doesn't like the way you think, they are going to have teams of social scientists and behavioral experts trying to figure out the best way to deal with you. As it turns out, the Department of Homeland Security is already funding a Center of Excellence to study "thought criminals" in the United States at the University of land. This shows that it doesn't matter if S 1959 is defeated or not, as they are moving forward with this agenda with or without Congressional approval. In reality, Congress is nothing more than a staged circus to make people falsely believe that they actually have a say in what the government does. The Department of Homeland Security is funding research to setup an Orwellian system to deal with political dissenters under the guise of fighting terrorism and they care not if it is in accordance with what the people want or the

law provides. In other words, be prepared for the possibility of a future with re-education camps as a real life "Ministry of Love" system is implemented. Read more http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=832

Is This What You Want for Yourself and Your Children? The time is growing very short. Is there an Angel out there who can help us immediately with significant funding? We have a war to fight and we need resources to do so.

Yours in health and freedom, Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MDMedical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org

Order Vaccine Exemption eBookhttp://tinyurl.com/69w5t5

Support H. R. 2117 http://tinyurl.com/yvm8tr

Order "Nutricide: the DVD" http://tinyurl.com/2ewxzz

Order the Codex eBook http://tinyurl.com/3yy5zq

Stimulate Your Stem Cells http://tinyurl.com/6mp7cq

Shop at our online store www.Organics4U.org

and the newNatural Solutions Markeplacehttp://tinyurl.com/6khg8j

Detox Padshttp://tinyurl.com/6yvopv


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