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New Safe Detox for Mercury Amalgam Fillings

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New Safe Detox for Mercury Amalgam Fillings

Thursday, July 17, 2008 by: A~ (see all articles by this author)| Key concepts: mercury, clay and water

(NaturalNews) Mercury is the most toxic, non-radioactive element on the earth. Most medical and scientific researchers have called for a ban on the use of mercury in all products. However, the potential harmful effects of mercury fillings have been ignored by the U.S. government. Due to its poisonous nature, mercury can adversely affect the immune, urinary, cardiac, respiratory and digestive systems. Under laboratory conditions, mercury has produced brain cell deterioration identical to that seen in victims of Alzheimer's disease.Many people do not realize the "silver" amalgam fillings are 50% mercury. A large filling may contain as much mercury as a thermometer. Mercury vaporizes easily at room temperature, and in this state, is odorless, colorless and tasteless. Inhaled mercury vapor is readily absorbed into the bloodstream. The World Health Organization has

concluded that dental fillings contribute more mercury to a person's body than all other sources of mercury combined. Mercury is a powerful poison. Published research demonstrates that mercury is more toxic than lead, cadmium or arsenic. No amount of exposure to mercury vapor can be considered harmless. Especially considering its cumulative effect.

For more information on the ways the amalgam fillings leak mercury into the body and the problems caused by mercury in the body see: "The Smoking Teeth Video" (http://www.iaomt.org/videos/) .The International Academy of Medicine & Toxicology believes you should have mercury fillings removed (unless you are pregnant or lactating). Mercury vapor is continuously emitted from dental fillings and accumulates in the body over time. The damaging effects of this exposure may not manifest for years or even decades. Studies repeatedly demonstrate that even low levels of mercury cause measurable adverse health effects. Mercury in the tissues of a fetus or infant correlates significantly with the number of dental amalgam fillings in

the mother. Newborns may be at risk for learning disabilities because of mercury their mother absorbed during pregnancy. Many physicians are testing their patients for mercury toxicity and referring them to biological dentists. Across scientific disciplines, health professionals are realizing that mercury may adversely impact patient health.To prevent mercury exposure, the IAOMT recommends finding a biological dentist properly trained in mercury filling removal. Patients should inquire about the following amalgam removal protocols:* Utilizing an efficient suction system in the oral cavity with a special tip

or its equivalent to contain amalgam particles and mercury vapors.* Utilizing a rubber damn to eliminate the possibility to have the patient swallow the larger sections of mercury amalgam fillings as they are being cut apart and removed* Using a vacuum system extra-orally to capture any escaping mercury fumes* Operating both intraoral and extra oral vacuum systems at maximum efficiency.* Applying copious amounts of water to the filling during removal.* Removing the amalgam in large segments to minimize the generation of mercury vapor and amalgam particulate.* Providing the patient and dental staff with a mercury-free source of air.* If applicable, have a vitamin C drip done during the mercury amalgam procedure and/or have it done soon after the procedure.Most biological dentists work in conjunction with

physicians, who may prescribe supplements prior to the removal of mercury fillings. It is imperative that chronically ill patients seek advice from a physician knowledgeable in mercury toxicity issues.In addition to these measures recommended by the IAOMT for protecting patients while having the fillings removed there is a new protocol being recognize by the alternative naturopathic health practitioners that uses Calcium Bentonite Clay for detoxing mercury from the body.Certain healing clays are able to extract heavy metals, radioactive elements and many other toxins such as pesticides from the body. These clays, technically known as Smectites, have the ability to absorb and adsorb making

them ideal for binding with heavy metals. To understand more about the remarkable abilities of healing clay go to (www.AboutClay.com) .When Bentonite clay absorbs water and swells, it is stretched open like a highly porous sponge; the toxins are drawn into these spaces by electrical attraction and bound fast. In fact, according to the Canadian Journal of Microbiology (31 [1985], 50-53), bentonite can absorb pathogenic viruses, aflatoxin (a mold), and pesticides and herbicides including Paraquat and Roundup. The clay is eventually eliminated from the body with the toxins bound to its multiple surfaces.When clay contacts "free mercury", as well as many, many other toxic substances, the clay acts

with both absorption and adsorption. Thus, the body is protected against the mercury as it exits the body.In my book Living Clay, Nature's Own Miracle Cure, I list the protocol for using Calcium Bentonite Clay for mercury detoxing. The clay can and should be administered in several ways and in conjunction with a biological dentist properly trained in mercury filling removal.1. Begin taking clay internally several weeks before the removal of the fillings. Drink 2 oz. of pre-mixed liquid calcium Bentonite clay water 3 times a day.2. Prior to the removal of the amalgams begin swishing clay water in the mouth for 2 minutes 3-4 times a day and then spitting the mixture out and rinsing the mouth with water.3. Pack dry powder clay around the teeth and gums

at night and sleep with it in the mouth. Another method would be to put hydrated clay into a plastic mouth piece and insert over the teeth at night. Follow this with swishing.4. Taking clay baths twice a week using two cups of dry powder clay per bath sprinkled lightly back and forth across the tub as you are filling the tub with hot water. Soak for 15-20 minutes submerging as much as possible into the bath water. Continue this for twelve weeks or longer if necessary to draw out toxins stored in the soft tissues of the body.5. Hair Analysis Test or the Melisa Test (www.Melisa.org) are recommended to monitor the Mercury levels in the body before and during the detoxing.For thousands of years, people have used clay to heal wounds, soothe indigestion, and kill intestinal worms. Though the practice has declined in modern times, the recent rise of

drug-resistant germs has scientists looking more closely at these ancient remedies to learn exactly what they can do and how they do it.More and more we are seeing man-made chemical health related problems being rectified with seemingly simple natural substances like Calcium Bentonite Clay. This amazing natural substance is beginning to be recognized for its true value as a catalyst to support the body in returning to its natural state of health.Be discriminating and select a clay from a reputable source. Ask to see the mineral analysis of their clay and a lab test for microbials. Insist on a quality, clean, pure, natural clay free of Staphylococcus Aureus, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Escherichia Coli and Salmonella. The Smectite/Montmorillonite Calcium Bentonite Living Clays, capable of adsorption and absorption, are widely respected for their healing properties.I would like to thank Dr. Pentti Nupponen, (www.drnupe.com) , a dentist who cares and stays on the leading edge of safe practices for his patients, for consulting and contributing to the authenticity of this article.The information in this article is meant to supplement and not to be a substitute for professional medical care or treatment. This information should not be used to treat a serious ailment without prior consultation with a qualified health-care professional.

About the author A~ is the author of Living Clay: Nature's Own Miracle Cure and has been an ongoing student in the study of Bentonite Clays since the early 1990's. It was then she first tried a green healing Calcium Bentonite Clay that captured her fascination as to the amazing healing potential of dirt. She has been an advocate for this clay ever since. Intrigued with the miraculous stories of clay healing she has continued to delve deeper and deeper into researching and understanding how clays work.

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