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The Health Ranger's South Florida Travel Journal: Medicated Drivers, MSG in Veggie Foods

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After mentioning the idea of a raw foods restaurant directory yesterday, a friend sent me an email with a link to exactly such a directory that already exists! It's called www.VegGuide.org and you can use it to search for vegetarian, vegan or raw restaurants in most cities. Check it out to find these restaurants in your areas.By the way, here's a warning for you on "vegetarian" restaurants: Most vegetarian restaurants use veggie foods loaded with MSG. It's true! Even they don't know their foods contain MSG, either, and sometimes they will tell you, "We don't add any MSG." Well, sure, they don't add the MSG... it's already in there when they buy the veggie patties in the first place.The really dangerous ingredient to watch out for is yeast extract -- a hidden

form of MSG found in virtually all processed vegetarian foods. Personally, I'd rather eat a bacon double cheeseburger than a "veggie" burger made with yeast extract (which includes virtually all popular veggie burger brands, by the way). Be sure to read the labels on these products to avoid yeast extract. There are a couple of brands that don't use any hidden MSG, but you have to read the labels to find out which ones they are.

Are people Driving While Medicated? (DWM)

During my stay in South Florida, I've discovered something far more dangerous than hurricanes...Medicated drivers!A significant majority of the population here, you see, consists of people well over the age of sixty-five, and thanks to Big Pharma's disease mongering efforts, virtually all of them are on five or ten different meds (they lost count, but I assure you, it's a lot).Now that's fine if they just want to sit at home and drool on the couch while pretending to poke at the TV remote, but when they're behind the wheel, it turns Florida's roadways into an action-packed game of "Dodge Granny!"These medicated elderly drivers, by the way, are mostly from New York or New Jersey, and they don't decide to move to Florida until they've lost at least sixty percent of their vision and any ability to rotate their heads. That's why they don't actually bother to look

around before backing out of a parking space or driveway... they can't rotate their necks!Disturbingly, even when their vision and their minds are long gone, they still retain the legal right to vote (they elected a Bush family member as their Governor, after all...), so that means any legislation that might require medicated elderly citizens to stay off the roads will never be passed in Florida. It's like trying to get anti-smoking laws passed in North Carolina. Just ain't gonna happen, folks! At least not in this generation...It's no joke that Driving While Medicated (DWM) is a huge problem in America today. It's at least as bad as DUI (drinking and driving), and in many ways it's actually worse because it's a problem the establishment refuses to acknowledge. While it's relatively easy for a police officer to determine if someone is drunk, determining if someone is over-medicated is a lot more difficult. Why?

Because encountering a driver suffering from a complete loss of cognitive function who drives like an idiot is so common today that it's considered NORMAL!Tip: I've noticed that people who slap those pink cancer ribbons on the backs of their vehicles tend to be the most medicated drivers on the road. So when you see a pink ribbon on a car, interpret that as a sign of danger (if not outright stupidity, too, given that cancer cures already exist, and there is no need to "search for the cure" as is promised by the fraudulent cancer industry).

Wonder of wonders... the sheets aren't toxic!

Continuing my saga with the local hotel operator, my wife spoke to the hotel staff today about the fragrance issue, and they listened to her. (I sorta alienated the staff yesterday, so we decided to play good-cop, bad-cop this time around.) It worked! They delivered a brand-new set of sheets purchased just today. The problem, though, is that the pillow cases are still soaked in toxic laundry fragrance chemicals, but we already bought our own pillow cases to solve that problem, so everything's cool.

Whole foods: Episode IV

I was back at the Whole Foods juice bar today, ordering up a tropical smoothie when I noticed a sign for a "Jay Robb whey protein boost." Wow! That was cool to see Jay Robb being featured at whole foods (his company makes the most natural whey protein and egg protein products in the industry). See www.JayRobb.comSo of course, out of loyalty to the Jay Robb brand, I said to the guy behind the counter, "Hit me with some Jay Robb, dude!"His reply? "Somebody took it." Yep, somebody stole the Jay Robb whey protein out of the Whole Foods juice bar. (Is Jay aware this is happening?) So instead, I went with the Nutiva hemp protein, which is also groovy (www.Nutiva.com), and it's better since I'm on a vegan diet now.Yes, I bend the vegan rules a bit when traveling, so I'll slug down some whey protein on the road, but at home I'm actually on the SunWarrior protein (www.SunWarrior.com) which is made from raw, fermented brown rice protein. It's super smooth, and it tastes a whole lot better than hemp protein (which is kinda gritty...).To use Florida terminology, I am a timeshare vegan, which means I'm vegan when it fits my schedule (which is most of the time now, by the way, but not when I'm on the road). When traveling, I'm merely vegetarian. In truly desperate situations (like at airports after a four-hour flight delay), I

may even eat some seafood or fish, but that's always a last resort. That would make me a pescetarian, I suppose, even though I actually prefer to call myself a freshetarian.Speaking of the "tarians," how about this one: The Vegeterranean Diet! That's a Mediterranean Diet, but without the meat. It's a super-healthy variation on the incredibly popular and well-researched Mediterranean Diet, which has been clinically proven to greatly reduce your risk of dying from cardiovascular events. Somebody should grab the domain name on this idea before it's taken...

Clear water? Really?

The ocean water in Clearwater Beach, Florida is not clear. It's muddy. But the ocean water in Boca Raton is really clear. It's actually blue, and you can see fish swimming in the waves when walking along the beach. I think the name "Clearwater Beach" is false advertising. They should rename their town "Murkywater Beach."Joke for the day:What's the difference between an avian merry-go-round and a meal at Mc's?The avian merry-go-around let's you experience a turning bird!

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