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Re: A plea for help

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Wow mom!

He does sound autistic. You have not taken him to be officially diagnosed? I found only two types of doctors helpful, but maybe others here have other suggestions. was originally dx'd by a Pediatric Developmental Specialist at 3.8 years of age with PDD-NOS. Later, around 7 he was given the official dx of Asperger's by a Psych Neurologist. Both were helpful at different points in 's life. At 3.8, he was much like what you describe here, but more verbal. He was a terror though, and we didn't leave the house, because it was always a nightmare. At 7 we were having more difficulty with academics and understanding how he learned, which is why we sought a Psych Neuro.

But back to when he was difficult. I could not let even walk in a parking lot or a mall. He had to be carried or restrained in a stroller, same goes for Wal-mart, Target, etc. He was a screamer, and a runner, and very distracted. School was a nightmare for him, and I was always frustrated. This is when we started the gfcf diet, which for us was a blessing. It helped a lot! Later, around 6 we started him on the B6/magnesium, which helped even more. We had tried medications, which made things worse; Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera, Seroquel, Clonidine, and a couple of others.....which is what led us to the B6/mag. It works for some kids, not for others, same goes for meds, or the diet. However, they are all worth a try at one point. Just try things 1 at a time. I have some other recommendations too, so feel free to e-mail me. Inositol can also help with aggression (get at the health food store) and so can a diet that has no hydrogenated fats.

a - Peoria IL-- KELLY MULV ANEY <chatthisway@...> wrote:

is very strong and very strong willed seven year old with developmental delayes and wobbly gross motor. He is non verbal ans has a hard time mastering signs. Scary combo. Since cannot communicate well I can understand why he may behave frustrated like, But he is now way to difficult for me to handle. My daughter is ADHD so I know how one with ADHD acts, but of course also have developmental disabilities. His fit throwing has increased to the point now where I cannot redirect his energies at all. When he has his " fits of rage" for lack of better terms, he tries to hurt me or who ever is near by. Sometimes he doesn't even know the person they are just walking by at the wrong time. He grabs and throws what ever he can reach at that moment and does not calm down until he is ready. I can not redirect his attention. He also has "fits of orneriness". When he seems in a good mood but begins to pinch, pull hair, hit or has even been known to bite and scratch out of pure Orneriness. He thinks it is funny. There are times when he gets "out of control" hyper active. He spends sometimes an hour or more obsessively climbing on chairs, rolling around, trying to hang on me, throwing toys, trying to grab other things to throw, and sometimes shake his head no till he's dizzy. I have to let him wear down any kind of intervention seems to make him more intense or I end up getting hurt. One day when I was on the phone he was playing with sister (11) in the same room as I was in, out of the blue he came up behind my chair, grabbed my hair and pulled me down. I have no understanding why, except he may have been frustrated that sissy would take him outside to play.Meal times are very unhappy most of the time due to never wanting to sit down. Also he throws food and dumps his drinks on purpose the tries to eat and drink our dinner. Reminds me of Helen Keller except I don't tolerate it. Although I do not know how to really handle situations as this. We take his food away and tell him he has to wait a while to eat. Then he still won't sit in the living room while we eat he tries to get into stuff to get my attention so I cannot enjoy my meal. Restaurants are a joke. My mom took my grandma, my daughter, and I to dinner a Shari's last Saturday. After about 5 min he then started standing up on the seat and I had a hard time getting him to sit down, then He kept trying to crawl out on the booth right over my lap. I took him outside for a walk until our food came and then we went back into eat. He would not sit down instead while I was trying to wrestle him to sit down he was intentionally trying to put his feet on the table to knock things over. I then told my mom to get my food to go and bring it to the car where I put in his car seat, which is always a struggle, and he watched me eat. Then I fed him 30 min later. has also started to wander off, getting more brave and as the staple in his head will prove his behavior and I not knowing how to handle it is getting us both hurt.I watched a video today called "Day By Day Raising the child with Autism/PDD by Joan F Goodman And Hoban. Although does not have a diagnosis of Autism he has always exhibited some of the challenging behaviors and I have always figured what works for autism child is worth trying on any developmentally delayed child. Any way the girl in this video does everything like . To the tee. never acted unaware of people when he was little and loves people, But he is non verbal and age 7 with a mentality in some thing of a 3 year old. Also he is like having terrible 2s times 10 right now. And transitions are horrible fits even getting out of the car it seems. Even though he barely focuses on an activity but bounces from one thing to another with no real intent It is still hard to get him to do something that is not his idea. It is true he act the worst with me his mother so no one believes the way he acts.If any one can offer advice on what I can do to try to cope with these very aggressive behaviors I would appreciate your comments.Thank you

( short trip to crazy)

mother of age 7 Blepharophimosis, developmental delays, non verbal, aggresive behaviors

e age 11 ADHD ODD

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The first thing you need to do is get him to a neurologist or a

psychologist who can assess him. He may well be autistic, sounds like

it to me, but I'm not a dr. so you need the word from someone who is.

Even so, someone is dropping the ball and it isn't you. I'm assuming,

from his other issues, that he's being seen by a dr. That dr. should

have referred you to therapists and a good pediatric psychiatrist so you

can get a start on some strategies to make life more pleasant for you

*and* your son. Not that your child is crazy; he isn't. But a

psychiatrist can help him deal with the treatment he will receive

because of his difference, as well as give him the beginnings of coping

skills to help him deal with his environment without melting down. There

are things you can do, but they should be tailored to your childs needs.

The rage you describe is likely what we autie parents call " meltdown. "

It happens, usually, because of one or more kinds of sensory overload.

He gets to the point where he can no longer cope, and he melts down. He

loses it. And it's never without a reason. It's just that sometimes

the reason is difficult to determine....but it's always there. When you

see your son begin to become upset (and you will begin to notice the

signs, given time), it's time to take him to a quiet place with little

sensory input so he can calm down. If he is clingy, it may be that he

need some deep pressure (lots of our guys do). Try giving him a great

big, sitting on the floor, whole body hug using your arms *and* legs. It

works with a lot of our guys.

Transitions are a hard thing to handle for our guys. Try setting up the

transition 'way before hand. Let him know, if possible, that the next

day at x o'clock, you will be going to x place. Tell him this

periodically throughout the day. The day of the transition, start the

day with telling him this is the day that at x o'clock etc. Tell him

this, with what modifications seem right to you, periodically until it's

time to do whatever is planned. Then tell him, about half an hour

before it's time, that it's getting to be time to go. Let him prepare

by bringing a favorite toy or comfort thingie (like a blanket). Then

tell him, five minutes before, that it's time. If it's a trip, go to

the car and buckle in. Be sure to explain each step of that process too,

so there are no surprises. Do this often enough, and he will eventually

get used to all sorts of transitions and schedule changes. Gee, we had

to prepare Louie for Christmas by (more or less) telling him what he

might get from Santa; we started Christmas work-up in November. Thank

goodness for Advent calendars! Those little windows with chocolates or

toys are a godsend for our guys! I've thought more than once of making

them for all the major holidays as well as Louie's birthday or family

trips (when he was still at home).

Anyway, that's how we handled things at our house. Louie was dx'ed

HFA/AS; his dx's started at two and a half with APDD. :) He's 26 now,

is in assisted living with three roomies (also auties), has two paying

jobs, one volunteer position, and is learning to groom and walk a horse.

There is a happy ending a lot of the time! And remember: there are

things much worse than autism. :)

Annie, who loves ya annie@...


Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who

are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it. --Mark Twain

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We have done it all as well. I have found that Cod Liver oil, a good vitamin supplement, and another supplement called Behavior Balance along with my sons medication of Zoloft and Ritalin has helped tremendously. in Lancaster, Capjand3kids <pjand3kids@...> wrote: Wow mom! He does sound autistic. You have not taken him to be officially diagnosed? I found only two types of doctors helpful, but maybe others here have other suggestions.

was originally dx'd by a Pediatric Developmental Specialist at 3.8 years of age with PDD-NOS. Later, around 7 he was given the official dx of Asperger's by a Psych Neurologist. Both were helpful at different points in 's life. At 3.8, he was much like what you describe here, but more verbal. He was a terror though, and we didn't leave the house, because it was always a nightmare. At 7 we were having more difficulty with academics and understanding how he learned, which is why we sought a Psych Neuro. But back to when he was difficult. I could not let even walk in a parking lot or a mall. He had to be carried or restrained in a stroller, same goes for Wal-mart, Target, etc. He was a screamer, and a runner, and very distracted. School was a nightmare for him, and I was always frustrated. This is when we started the gfcf diet, which for us was a blessing. It helped a lot!

Later, around 6 we started him on the B6/magnesium, which helped even more. We had tried medications, which made things worse; Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera, Seroquel, Clonidine, and a couple of others.....which is what led us to the B6/mag. It works for some kids, not for others, same goes for meds, or the diet. However, they are all worth a try at one point. Just try things 1 at a time. I have some other recommendations too, so feel free to e-mail me. Inositol can also help with aggression (get at the health food store) and so can a diet that has no hydrogenated fats. a - Peoria IL-- KELLY MULV ANEY <chatthisway > wrote: is very strong and very strong willed seven year old with developmental delayes and wobbly gross motor. He is non verbal ans has a hard time mastering signs. Scary combo. Since

cannot communicate well I can understand why he may behave frustrated like, But he is now way to difficult for me to handle. My daughter is ADHD so I know how one with ADHD acts, but of course also have developmental disabilities. His fit throwing has increased to the point now where I cannot redirect his energies at all. When he has his " fits of rage" for lack of better terms, he tries to hurt me or who ever is near by. Sometimes he doesn't even know the person they are just walking by at the wrong time. He grabs and throws what ever he can reach at that moment and does not calm down until he is ready. I can not redirect his attention. He also has "fits of orneriness". When he seems in a good mood but begins to pinch, pull hair, hit or has even been known to bite and scratch out of pure Orneriness. He thinks it is funny. There are times when he gets "out of control" hyper active. He spends

sometimes an hour or more obsessively climbing on chairs, rolling around, trying to hang on me, throwing toys, trying to grab other things to throw, and sometimes shake his head no till he's dizzy. I have to let him wear down any kind of intervention seems to make him more intense or I end up getting hurt. One day when I was on the phone he was playing with sister (11) in the same room as I was in, out of the blue he came up behind my chair, grabbed my hair and pulled me down. I have no understanding why, except he may have been frustrated that sissy would take him outside to play.Meal times are very unhappy most of the time due to never wanting to sit down. Also he throws food and dumps his drinks on purpose the tries to eat and drink our dinner. Reminds me of Helen Keller except I don't tolerate it. Although I do not know how to really handle situations as this. We take his food away and tell him he

has to wait a while to eat. Then he still won't sit in the living room while we eat he tries to get into stuff to get my attention so I cannot enjoy my meal. Restaurants are a joke. My mom took my grandma, my daughter, and I to dinner a Shari's last Saturday. After about 5 min he then started standing up on the seat and I had a hard time getting him to sit down, then He kept trying to crawl out on the booth right over my lap. I took him outside for a walk until our food came and then we went back into eat. He would not sit down instead while I was trying to wrestle him to sit down he was intentionally trying to put his feet on the table to knock things over. I then told my mom to get my food to go and bring it to the car where I put in his car seat, which is always a struggle, and he watched me eat. Then I fed him 30 min later. has also started to wander off, getting more brave and as

the staple in his head will prove his behavior and I not knowing how to handle it is getting us both hurt.I watched a video today called "Day By Day Raising the child with Autism/PDD by Joan F Goodman And Hoban. Although does not have a diagnosis of Autism he has always exhibited some of the challenging behaviors and I have always figured what works for autism child is worth trying on any developmentally delayed child. Any way the girl in this video does everything like . To the tee. never acted unaware of people when he was little and loves people, But he is non verbal and age 7 with a mentality in some thing of a 3 year old. Also he is like having terrible 2s times 10 right now. And transitions are horrible fits even getting out of the car it seems. Even though he barely focuses on an activity but bounces from one thing to another with no real intent It is still hard to get him to do

something that is not his idea. It is true he act the worst with me his mother so no one believes the way he acts.If any one can offer advice on what I can do to try to cope with these very aggressive behaviors I would appreciate your comments.Thank you ( short trip to crazy) mother of age 7 Blepharophimosis, developmental delays, non verbal, aggresive behaviors e age 11 ADHD ODD See the all-new, redesigned .com. Check it out. ________________________________________________________________________Try Juno Platinum for Free! Then, only $9.95/month!Unlimited Internet Access with 1GB of Email Storage.Visit http://www.juno.com/value to sign up today! __________________________________________________

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Hi. I live in Mackinaw and was wondering what the names of the two helpful doctors you found were? My son has recently been diagnosed "educationally" as being on the ASD. I am thinking that it could be helpful to get an actual medical diagnosis.



Re: a plea for help

Wow mom!

He does sound autistic. You have not taken him to be officially diagnosed? I found only two types of doctors helpful, but maybe others here have other suggestions. was originally dx'd by a Pediatric Developmental Specialist at 3.8 years of age with PDD-NOS. Later, around 7 he was given the official dx of Asperger's by a Psych Neurologist. Both were helpful at different points in 's life. At 3.8, he was much like what you describe here, but more verbal. He was a terror though, and we didn't leave the house, because it was always a nightmare. At 7 we were having more difficulty with academics and understanding how he learned, which is why we sought a Psych Neuro.

But back to when he was difficult. I could not let even walk in a parking lot or a mall. He had to be carried or restrained in a stroller, same goes for Wal-mart, Target, etc. He was a screamer, and a runner, and very distracted. School was a nightmare for him, and I was always frustrated. This is when we started the gfcf diet, which for us was a blessing. It helped a lot! Later, around 6 we started him on the B6/magnesium, which helped even more. We had tried medications, which made things worse; Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera, Seroquel, Clonidine, and a couple of others.....which is what led us to the B6/mag. It works for some kids, not for others, same goes for meds, or the diet. However, they are all worth a try at one point. Just try things 1 at a time. I have some other recommendations too, so feel free to e-mail me. Inositol can also help with aggression (get at the health food sto re) and so can a diet that has no hydrogenated fats.

a - Peoria IL-- KELLY MULV ANEY <chatthisway > wrote:

is very strong and very strong willed seven year old with developmental delayes and wobbly gross motor. He is non verbal ans has a hard time mastering signs. Scary combo. Since cannot communicate well I can understand why he may behave frustrated like, But he is now way to difficult for me to handle. My daughter is ADHD so I know how one with ADHD acts, but of course also have developmental disabilities. His fit throwing has increased to the point now where I cannot redirect his energies at all. When he has his " fits of rage" for lack of better terms, he tries to hurt me or who ever is near by. Sometimes he doesn't even know the person they are just walking by at the wrong time. He grabs and throws what ever he can reach at that moment and does not calm down until he is ready. I can not redirect his attention. He also has "fits of orneriness". When he seems in a good mood but begins to pin ch, pull hair, hit or has even been known to bite and scratch out of pure Orneriness. He thinks it is funny. There are times when he gets "out of control" hyper active. He spends sometimes an hour or more obsessively climbing on chairs, rolling around, trying to hang on me, throwing toys, trying to grab other things to throw, and sometimes shake his head no till he's dizzy. I have to let him wear down any kind of intervention seems to make him more intense or I end up getting hurt. One day when I was on the phone he was playing with sister (11) in the same room as I was in, out of the blue he came up behind my chair, grabbed my hair and pulled me down. I have no understanding why, except he may have been frustrated that sissy would take him outside to play.Meal times are very unhappy most of the time due to never wanting to sit down. Also he throws food and dumps his drinks on purpose the tries to eat and dr ink our dinner. Reminds me of Helen Keller except I don't tolerate it. Although I do not know how to really handle situations as this. We take his food away and tell him he has to wait a while to eat. Then he still won't sit in the living room while we eat he tries to get into stuff to get my attention so I cannot enjoy my meal. Restaurants are a joke. My mom took my grandma, my daughter, and I to dinner a Shari's last Saturday. After about 5 min he then started standing up on the seat and I had a hard time getting him to sit down, then He kept trying to crawl out on the booth right over my lap. I took him outside for a walk until our food came and then we went back into eat. He would not sit down instead while I was trying to wrestle him to sit down he was intentionally trying to put his feet on the table to knock things over. I then told my mom to get my food to go and bring it to the car where I put i n his car seat, which is always a struggle, and he watched me eat. Then I fed him 30 min later. has also started to wander off, getting more brave and as the staple in his head will prove his behavior and I not knowing how to handle it is getting us both hurt.I watched a video today called "Day By Day Raising the child with Autism/PDD by Joan F Goodman And Hoban. Although does not have a diagnosis of Autism he has always exhibited some of the challenging behaviors and I have always figured what works for autism child is worth trying on any developmentally delayed child. Any way the girl in this video does everything like . To the tee. never acted unaware of people when he was little and loves people, But he is non verbal and age 7 with a mentality in some thing of a 3 year old. Also he is like having terrible 2s times 10 right now. And transitions are horrible fits even ge tting out of the car it seems. Even though he barely focuses on an activity but bounces from one thing to another with no real intent It is still hard to get him to do something that is not his idea. It is true he act the worst with me his mother so no one believes the way he acts.If any one can offer advice on what I can do to try to cope with these very aggressive behaviors I would appreciate your comments.Thank you

( short trip to crazy)

mother of age 7 Blepharophimosis, developmental delays, non verbal, aggresive behaviors

e age 11 ADHD ODD

See the all-new, redesigned .com. Check it out. ________________________________________________________________________Try Juno Platinum for Free! Then, only $9.95/month!Unlimited Internet Access with 1GB of Email Storage.Visit http://www.juno.com/value to sign up today!

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Hi. I live in Mackinaw and was wondering what the names of the two helpful doctors you found were? My son has recently been diagnosed "educationally" as being on the ASD. I am thinking that it could be helpful to get an actual medical diagnosis.



Re: a plea for help

Wow mom!

He does sound autistic. You have not taken him to be officially diagnosed? I found only two types of doctors helpful, but maybe others here have other suggestions. was originally dx'd by a Pediatric Developmental Specialist at 3.8 years of age with PDD-NOS. Later, around 7 he was given the official dx of Asperger's by a Psych Neurologist. Both were helpful at different points in 's life. At 3.8, he was much like what you describe here, but more verbal. He was a terror though, and we didn't leave the house, because it was always a nightmare. At 7 we were having more difficulty with academics and understanding how he learned, which is why we sought a Psych Neuro.

But back to when he was difficult. I could not let even walk in a parking lot or a mall. He had to be carried or restrained in a stroller, same goes for Wal-mart, Target, etc. He was a screamer, and a runner, and very distracted. School was a nightmare for him, and I was always frustrated. This is when we started the gfcf diet, which for us was a blessing. It helped a lot! Later, around 6 we started him on the B6/magnesium, which helped even more. We had tried medications, which made things worse; Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera, Seroquel, Clonidine, and a couple of others.....which is what led us to the B6/mag. It works for some kids, not for others, same goes for meds, or the diet. However, they are all worth a try at one point. Just try things 1 at a time. I have some other recommendations too, so feel free to e-mail me. Inositol can also help with aggression (get at the health food sto re) and so can a diet that has no hydrogenated fats.

a - Peoria IL-- KELLY MULV ANEY <chatthisway > wrote:

is very strong and very strong willed seven year old with developmental delayes and wobbly gross motor. He is non verbal ans has a hard time mastering signs. Scary combo. Since cannot communicate well I can understand why he may behave frustrated like, But he is now way to difficult for me to handle. My daughter is ADHD so I know how one with ADHD acts, but of course also have developmental disabilities. His fit throwing has increased to the point now where I cannot redirect his energies at all. When he has his " fits of rage" for lack of better terms, he tries to hurt me or who ever is near by. Sometimes he doesn't even know the person they are just walking by at the wrong time. He grabs and throws what ever he can reach at that moment and does not calm down until he is ready. I can not redirect his attention. He also has "fits of orneriness". When he seems in a good mood but begins to pin ch, pull hair, hit or has even been known to bite and scratch out of pure Orneriness. He thinks it is funny. There are times when he gets "out of control" hyper active. He spends sometimes an hour or more obsessively climbing on chairs, rolling around, trying to hang on me, throwing toys, trying to grab other things to throw, and sometimes shake his head no till he's dizzy. I have to let him wear down any kind of intervention seems to make him more intense or I end up getting hurt. One day when I was on the phone he was playing with sister (11) in the same room as I was in, out of the blue he came up behind my chair, grabbed my hair and pulled me down. I have no understanding why, except he may have been frustrated that sissy would take him outside to play.Meal times are very unhappy most of the time due to never wanting to sit down. Also he throws food and dumps his drinks on purpose the tries to eat and dr ink our dinner. Reminds me of Helen Keller except I don't tolerate it. Although I do not know how to really handle situations as this. We take his food away and tell him he has to wait a while to eat. Then he still won't sit in the living room while we eat he tries to get into stuff to get my attention so I cannot enjoy my meal. Restaurants are a joke. My mom took my grandma, my daughter, and I to dinner a Shari's last Saturday. After about 5 min he then started standing up on the seat and I had a hard time getting him to sit down, then He kept trying to crawl out on the booth right over my lap. I took him outside for a walk until our food came and then we went back into eat. He would not sit down instead while I was trying to wrestle him to sit down he was intentionally trying to put his feet on the table to knock things over. I then told my mom to get my food to go and bring it to the car where I put i n his car seat, which is always a struggle, and he watched me eat. Then I fed him 30 min later. has also started to wander off, getting more brave and as the staple in his head will prove his behavior and I not knowing how to handle it is getting us both hurt.I watched a video today called "Day By Day Raising the child with Autism/PDD by Joan F Goodman And Hoban. Although does not have a diagnosis of Autism he has always exhibited some of the challenging behaviors and I have always figured what works for autism child is worth trying on any developmentally delayed child. Any way the girl in this video does everything like . To the tee. never acted unaware of people when he was little and loves people, But he is non verbal and age 7 with a mentality in some thing of a 3 year old. Also he is like having terrible 2s times 10 right now. And transitions are horrible fits even ge tting out of the car it seems. Even though he barely focuses on an activity but bounces from one thing to another with no real intent It is still hard to get him to do something that is not his idea. It is true he act the worst with me his mother so no one believes the way he acts.If any one can offer advice on what I can do to try to cope with these very aggressive behaviors I would appreciate your comments.Thank you

( short trip to crazy)

mother of age 7 Blepharophimosis, developmental delays, non verbal, aggresive behaviors

e age 11 ADHD ODD

See the all-new, redesigned .com. Check it out. ________________________________________________________________________Try Juno Platinum for Free! Then, only $9.95/month!Unlimited Internet Access with 1GB of Email Storage.Visit http://www.juno.com/value to sign up today!

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  • 1 year later...
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My prayers are with you and your grandson! I do hope that they are able to figure out what is wrong and help him. Blessings and with love MicheleAntoinette Hummel <antoinette.hummel@...> wrote: My grandson is in the hospital and has been for over a week now. The hospital that he was in couldn't figure out how to help him. Yesterday they sent him to another hospital. The blood clots that they thought they fixed have returned. They still don't know for sure what the

mass is in his abdomen. To date they don't think it's cancer. He is having surgery once again to see if they can break up the blood clots. Please say prayers for . I am out of my mind with worry as well as his parents and his brothers

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Thank you. I can't go to see him. He is in ICU. I feel so helpless at this point

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:04 AM, michele horton <epifany97523@...> wrote:

My prayers are with you and your grandson! I do hope that they are able to figure out what is wrong and help him.

Blessings and with love

Michele Antoinette Hummel <antoinette.hummel@...> wrote:

My grandson is in the hospital and has been for over a week now. The hospital that he was in couldn't figure out how to help him. Yesterday they sent him to another hospital. The blood clots that they thought they fixed have returned. They still don't know for sure what the mass is in his abdomen. To date they don't think it's cancer. He is having surgery once again to see if they can break up the blood clots.

Please say prayers for . I am out of my mind with worry as well as his parents and his brothers

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On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Auastar <atiester@...> wrote:

Antoinette love, Just as I read your message I was in a room with yr grkid, trust the AA is there, Jesus too, I was told to put my hand on his 7th chacra and his abdomen, which I did, I was told the doctor was troubled by a great light, thought he was blinded or something, as he found no clots

with love AtieOn Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Antoinette Hummel <antoinette.hummel@...> wrote:

My grandson is in the hospital and has been for over a week now. The hospital that he was in couldn't figure out how to help him. Yesterday they sent him to another hospital. The blood clots that they thought they fixed have returned. They still don't know for sure what the mass is in his abdomen. To date they don't think it's cancer. He is having surgery once again to see if they can break up the blood clots.

Please say prayers for . I am out of my mind with worry as well as his parents and his brothers

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Thank you....... You have no idea how upset i am...........

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Auastar <atiester@...> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Auastar <atiester@...> wrote:

Antoinette love, Just as I read your message I was in a room with yr grkid, trust the AA is there, Jesus too, I was told to put my hand on his 7th chacra and his abdomen, which I did, I was told the doctor was troubled by a great light, thought he was blinded or something, as he found no clots

with love Atie

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Antoinette Hummel <antoinette.hummel@...> wrote:

My grandson is in the hospital and has been for over a week now. The hospital that he was in couldn't figure out how to help him. Yesterday they sent him to another hospital. The blood clots that they thought they fixed have returned. They still don't know for sure what the mass is in his abdomen. To date they don't think it's cancer. He is having surgery once again to see if they can break up the blood clots.

Please say prayers for . I am out of my mind with worry as well as his parents and his brothers

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Yes I understand, having 6 grkids myself. Being upset seems to block the energy flow,so you feel powerless. A few weeks ago my ring(gold with emeralds split) so I was upsetand worried about the broken ring too, thats some one told me it interferes with the energy flow.

Thats why, as a believer, you are told that the Holy Spirit knows and takes over.On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Antoinette Hummel <antoinette.hummel@...> wrote:

Thank you....... You have no idea how upset i am...........

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Auastar <atiester@...> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Auastar <atiester@...> wrote:

Antoinette love, Just as I read your message I was in a room with yr grkid, trust the AA is there, Jesus too, I was told to put my hand on his 7th chacra and his abdomen, which I did, I was told the doctor was troubled by a great light, thought he was blinded or something, as he found no clots

with love Atie

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Antoinette Hummel <antoinette.hummel@...> wrote:

My grandson is in the hospital and has been for over a week now. The hospital that he was in couldn't figure out how to help him. Yesterday they sent him to another hospital. The blood clots that they thought they fixed have returned. They still don't know for sure what the mass is in his abdomen. To date they don't think it's cancer. He is having surgery once again to see if they can break up the blood clots.

Please say prayers for . I am out of my mind with worry as well as his parents and his brothers

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On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Auastar <atiester@...> wrote:

Yes I understand, having 6 grkids myself. Being upset seems to block the energy flow,so you feel powerless. A few weeks ago my ring(gold with emeralds split) so I was upsetand worried about the broken ring too, thats some one told me it interferes with the energy flow.

Thats why, as a believer, you are told that the Holy Spirit knows and takes over.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Antoinette Hummel <antoinette.hummel@...> wrote:

Thank you....... You have no idea how upset i am...........

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Auastar <atiester@...> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Auastar <atiester@...> wrote:

Antoinette love, Just as I read your message I was in a room with yr grkid, trust the AA is there, Jesus too, I was told to put my hand on his 7th chacra and his abdomen, which I did, I was told the doctor was troubled by a great light, thought he was blinded or something, as he found no clots

with love Atie

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Antoinette Hummel <antoinette.hummel@...> wrote:

My grandson is in the hospital and has been for over a week now. The hospital that he was in couldn't figure out how to help him. Yesterday they sent him to another hospital. The blood clots that they thought they fixed have returned. They still don't know for sure what the mass is in his abdomen. To date they don't think it's cancer. He is having surgery once again to see if they can break up the blood clots.

Please say prayers for . I am out of my mind with worry as well as his parents and his brothers

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