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Neuromuscular Disorders and Diseases

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Antoinette, I do not think this is one of the problems, either. But since it came up in my research, I thought I would share. Love, Joy

Neuromuscular Disorders and Diseases

The broad category of neuromuscular disorders or diseases covers conditions that involve the weakness or wasting of the body muscles.These problems may arise in the spinal cord, the peripheral nerves or the muscle fibers. Some may be hereditary, while others are acquired. Commonly recognized conditions fall into the categories of myopathies, which are diseases of the muscle like muscular dystrophy, disorders of the junction where the nerve impulses are transmitted to the muscle like myasthenia gravis, and neuropathies, which are diseases of the peripheral nervous system like diabetic neuropathy. Those specific disorders are discussed here.

Muscular Dystrophy:

Muscular dystrophies (MD) are rare genetic muscle diseases related to the absence of certain essential muscle fiber components, causing progressive weakness.Symptoms usually start in childhood or early adolescence. Certain muscular dystrophies can affect other organs, including the heart.The rate of the progression or pattern depends on the type of dystrophy. Some can progress slowly and others confine the patient to a wheelchair within a few years. The most common muscular dystrophies seem to have an inherited deficiency of a muscle protein called dystrophin.More than 50,000 people in the United States have one of the various forms of muscular dystrophy.

SymptomsGenerally, symptoms start out by affecting the voluntary muscles, which gradually get weaker.Children may be slow to walk or to master certain motor activities. They may have weakness initially in the muscles closer to the body and then gradually develop problems in their hands and feet as well as in the respiratory and cardiac muscles.Other symptoms include frequent falling, problems walking, eyelid drooping, drooling, muscle and skeletal deformities and scoliosis. Muscle fibers may be replaced by fat and connective tissue in the later stages of the disease. Certain MDs, such as Duchenne dystrophy, may ultimately be fatal, while others have muscle weakness that causes the person little disability.

DiagnosisAfter thorough physical and neurological examinations, other testing may be required. In some cases, other problems may be ruled out.Those tests include blood tests, electromyography (EMG) to test single muscle fibers, nerve conduction studies, an electrocardiography to monitor cardiac changes and, a muscle biopsy to help with the diagnosis.

TreatmentControlling the symptoms and maximizing the quality of life are the goals of treatment. Steroids can sometimes help slow the progression of the disorders.Activity is encouraged, depending on the patient. Physical therapy can help with muscle strength and functioning, as can orthopedic appliances like braces and wheelchairs.Muscular dystrophy gradually worsens and can eventually cause mental impairment.

ResearchA major jump in the research of muscular dystrophy came in 1986 with the identification of the gene for a specific type of MD. Since then scientists have been working to identify the genes and the proteins that cause other muscular dystrophies. Studies are working to figure out ways to insert new genes or to compensate for the gene defect.Also looking for new and improved steriods to slow or reverse the progression of the disease.

Myasthenia Gravis


This is a disorder of the neuromuscular junction that causes muscle weakness because nerve impulses are not adequately transmitted to muscles. Myasthenia gravis is an auto immune disease, meaning that the body attacks itself. Antibodies that would normally protect the body from foreign organisms block, change or destroy the impulses at the neuromuscular junction. This prevents muscles from operating properly.The muscles most often affected are those that control eye and eyelid movement, facial expression and swallowing. Other muscles may be affected as well.About 36,000 people in the United States have the condition, which commonly affects young adult women and older men. It can occur at any age, and is life threatening when it affects the respiratory system. However, the first year of muscle weakness can be the worse. With care and treatment, good muscle function can be maintained in many patients.Neonatal myasthenia gravis generally disappears after birth.

SymptomsThe most common early symptoms are double vision, droopy eyelids, difficulty swallowing, chewing or talking.A common trait of this disease is muscle weakness that may increase during periods of activity and improve after periods of rest. Myasthenia gravis may come on gradually or develop rapidly.The degree of muscle weakness varies tremendously and can range from a localized form limited to eye muscles to a generalized form in which many muscles are affected.The thymus gland, which is part of the immune system, can be abnormal in MG patients or tumors can be developed on the gland.

DiagnosisDiagnosing myasthenia gravis can be difficult because muscle weakness is common in many other disorders.In addition to a medical history and physical and neurological examinations, the doctor may ask for other testing. This may include a blood test to detect elevated antibodies, an edrophonium test to detect impact on muscles, a nerve conduction study for specific muscle fatigue, an electromyography (EMG) to test single muscle fibers, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to identify an abnormal thymus gland or pulmonary function testing to measure breathing strength.

TreatmentMedications aimed at improving muscle weakness and strength are used to help control myasthenia gravis, as well as a number of procedures, all dependent on the patient’s age, degree of symptoms and related medical problems.Certain anticholinesterase agents improve neuromuscular transmission. Immunosuppressive drugs help suppress the production of abnormal antibodies.Removal of the thymus gland can improve symptoms and, in come cases, cure patients. Other procedures can be helpful during periods of weakness. They include removing abnormal antibodies from the blood and providing the body with normal antibodies from donated blood. A crisis or medical emergency in which the respiratory muscles are effected can be triggered by infection, fever, stress or adverse reaction to medication. This requires immediate attention and the patient may need a respirator.

ResearchResearchers are still trying to learn what causes the autoimmune response in myasthenia gravis and to define the relationship between the thymus gland and the condition. One study by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke is testing the efficacy of intravenous immune globulin in MG patients to see if this treatment safely improves muscle strength.Another NINDS study attempts to understand the molecular basis of synaptic transmission in the nervous system.

Diabetic Neuropathy


Diabetes, which affects 16 million people, has many complications and diabetic neuropathy is one of them. It is a nerve disorder that can cause numbness, pain, extending problems and weakness.Nerve problems can develop at any time, often occurring about 10 years after the diagnosis of diabetes. The longer the person has diabetes, the higher the risk of developing neuropathy.Diabetic neuropathy is more common in diabetics more than 40 years old, those who have problems controlling their blood pressure and smokers. About 5 million people in the U.S. have diabetic neuropathy.

SymptomsLike other neuromuscular problems, the symptoms vary. The first signs of diabetic neuropathy may be numbness and tingling in the feet. The same person may have pain and insensitivity to pain with neuropathy.Usually symptoms being slowly at first and may go unnoticed initially. In others, the onset can be sudden and severe, especially with focal neuropathy, which affects specific nerves often in the torso, leg or head. Focal neuropathy occurs most often in older people with mild diabetes. The symptoms for that may include severe pain, aching behind the eye or problems with the eyes or hearing or Bell’s palsy.In diabetic neuropathy, the pain may feel like a burning sensation in the feet. It was also described as a series of jolts down the lower extremities. Because the pain can be worse at night, diabetic neuropathy can affect sleep, as well.It can be localized or generalized and depends on what nerves are affected. Nerve damage can also affect digestion, the cardiovascular system, blood sugar, sweating and sexual function.

DiagnosisIn addition to physical and neurological examinations, the doctors may also run some screening tests, including one to check sensation in the feet, blood tests, nerve conduction studies, eletromyography, ultrasound and nerve biopsy.

TreatmentThe treatment for diabetic neuropathy is aimed at discomfort relief and prevention of further tissue damage.It begins with controlling blood-sugar levels and continues with medications to relief the pain, burning, or numbness. Analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs may help, as well as antidepressants, nerve medications, pain killers and topical creams.Other treatments may include electronic nerve stimulations, biofeedback, relaxation training, exercise, warm baths and massage.

ResearchScientists continue to study how high blood glucose leads to nerve damage and how constriction of blood vessels supplying the nerve contributes to nerve damage. Better understanding of the mechanisms of diabetic neuropathy are being sought. Several new drugs are being tested to help prevent or reverse diabetic neuropathy. Experimental drugs being considered are aimed at blocking the formation of substances that damage the nerves.

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I don't this MD is it either.

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 10:23 PM, Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

Antoinette, I do not think this is one of the problems, either. But since it came up in my research, I thought I would share. Love, Joy

Neuromuscular Disorders and Diseases

The broad category of neuromuscular disorders or diseases covers conditions that involve the weakness or wasting of the body muscles.These problems may arise in the spinal cord, the peripheral nerves or the muscle fibers. Some may be hereditary, while others are acquired.

Commonly recognized conditions fall into the categories of myopathies, which are diseases of the muscle like muscular dystrophy, disorders of the junction where the nerve impulses are transmitted to the muscle like myasthenia gravis, and neuropathies, which are diseases of the peripheral nervous system like diabetic neuropathy. Those specific disorders are discussed here.

Muscular Dystrophy:

Muscular dystrophies (MD) are rare genetic muscle diseases related to the absence of certain essential muscle fiber components, causing progressive weakness.Symptoms usually start in childhood or early adolescence. Certain muscular dystrophies can affect other organs, including the heart.

The rate of the progression or pattern depends on the type of dystrophy. Some can progress slowly and others confine the patient to a wheelchair within a few years. The most common muscular dystrophies seem to have an inherited deficiency of a muscle protein called dystrophin.

More than 50,000 people in the United States have one of the various forms of muscular dystrophy.

SymptomsGenerally, symptoms start out by affecting the voluntary muscles, which gradually get weaker.

Children may be slow to walk or to master certain motor activities. They may have weakness initially in the muscles closer to the body and then gradually develop problems in their hands and feet as well as in the respiratory and cardiac muscles.

Other symptoms include frequent falling, problems walking, eyelid drooping, drooling, muscle and skeletal deformities and scoliosis. Muscle fibers may be replaced by fat and connective tissue in the later stages of the disease.

Certain MDs, such as Duchenne dystrophy, may ultimately be fatal, while others have muscle weakness that causes the person little disability.

DiagnosisAfter thorough physical and neurological examinations, other testing may be required. In some cases, other problems may be ruled out.

Those tests include blood tests, electromyography (EMG) to test single muscle fibers, nerve conduction studies, an electrocardiography to monitor cardiac changes and, a muscle biopsy to help with the diagnosis.

TreatmentControlling the symptoms and maximizing the quality of life are the goals of treatment. Steroids can sometimes help slow the progression of the disorders.

Activity is encouraged, depending on the patient. Physical therapy can help with muscle strength and functioning, as can orthopedic appliances like braces and wheelchairs.Muscular dystrophy gradually worsens and can eventually cause mental impairment.

ResearchA major jump in the research of muscular dystrophy came in 1986 with the identification of the gene for a specific type of MD.

Since then scientists have been working to identify the genes and the proteins that cause other muscular dystrophies. Studies are working to figure out ways to insert new genes or to compensate for the gene defect.

Also looking for new and improved steriods to slow or reverse the progression of the disease.

Myasthenia Gravis


This is a disorder of the neuromuscular junction that causes muscle weakness because nerve impulses are not adequately transmitted to muscles. Myasthenia gravis is an auto immune disease, meaning that the body attacks itself. Antibodies that would normally protect the body from foreign organisms block, change or destroy the impulses at the neuromuscular junction. This prevents muscles from operating properly.

The muscles most often affected are those that control eye and eyelid movement, facial expression and swallowing. Other muscles may be affected as well.About 36,000 people in the United States have the condition, which commonly affects young adult women and older men. It can occur at any age, and is life threatening when it affects the respiratory system.

However, the first year of muscle weakness can be the worse. With care and treatment, good muscle function can be maintained in many patients.Neonatal myasthenia gravis generally disappears after birth.

SymptomsThe most common early symptoms are double vision, droopy eyelids, difficulty swallowing, chewing or talking.

A common trait of this disease is muscle weakness that may increase during periods of activity and improve after periods of rest. Myasthenia gravis may come on gradually or develop rapidly.The degree of muscle weakness varies tremendously and can range from a localized form limited to eye muscles to a generalized form in which many muscles are affected.

The thymus gland, which is part of the immune system, can be abnormal in MG patients or tumors can be developed on the gland.

DiagnosisDiagnosing myasthenia gravis can be difficult because muscle weakness is common in many other disorders.

In addition to a medical history and physical and neurological examinations, the doctor may ask for other testing. This may include a blood test to detect elevated antibodies, an edrophonium test to detect impact on muscles, a nerve conduction study for specific muscle fatigue, an electromyography (EMG) to test single muscle fibers, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to identify an abnormal thymus gland or pulmonary function testing to measure breathing strength.

TreatmentMedications aimed at improving muscle weakness and strength are used to help control myasthenia gravis, as well as a number of procedures, all dependent on the patient's age, degree of symptoms and related medical problems.

Certain anticholinesterase agents improve neuromuscular transmission. Immunosuppressive drugs help suppress the production of abnormal antibodies.Removal of the thymus gland can improve symptoms and, in come cases, cure patients. Other procedures can be helpful during periods of weakness. They include removing abnormal antibodies from the blood and providing the body with normal antibodies from donated blood.

A crisis or medical emergency in which the respiratory muscles are effected can be triggered by infection, fever, stress or adverse reaction to medication. This requires immediate attention and the patient may need a respirator.

ResearchResearchers are still trying to learn what causes the autoimmune response in myasthenia gravis and to define the relationship between the thymus gland and the condition.

One study by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke is testing the efficacy of intravenous immune globulin in MG patients to see if this treatment safely improves muscle strength.Another NINDS study attempts to understand the molecular basis of synaptic transmission in the nervous system.

Diabetic Neuropathy


Diabetes, which affects 16 million people, has many complications and diabetic neuropathy is one of them. It is a nerve disorder that can cause numbness, pain, extending problems and weakness.

Nerve problems can develop at any time, often occurring about 10 years after the diagnosis of diabetes. The longer the person has diabetes, the higher the risk of developing neuropathy.Diabetic neuropathy is more common in diabetics more than 40 years old, those who have problems controlling their blood pressure and smokers. About 5 million people in the U.S. have diabetic neuropathy.

SymptomsLike other neuromuscular problems, the symptoms vary. The first signs of diabetic neuropathy may be numbness and tingling in the feet. The same person may have pain and insensitivity to pain with neuropathy.

Usually symptoms being slowly at first and may go unnoticed initially. In others, the onset can be sudden and severe, especially with focal neuropathy, which affects specific nerves often in the torso, leg or head. Focal neuropathy occurs most often in older people with mild diabetes. The symptoms for that may include severe pain, aching behind the eye or problems with the eyes or hearing or Bell's palsy.

In diabetic neuropathy, the pain may feel like a burning sensation in the feet. It was also described as a series of jolts down the lower extremities. Because the pain can be worse at night, diabetic neuropathy can affect sleep, as well.

It can be localized or generalized and depends on what nerves are affected. Nerve damage can also affect digestion, the cardiovascular system, blood sugar, sweating and sexual function.

DiagnosisIn addition to physical and neurological examinations, the doctors may also run some screening tests, including one to check sensation in the feet, blood tests, nerve conduction studies, eletromyography, ultrasound and nerve biopsy.

TreatmentThe treatment for diabetic neuropathy is aimed at discomfort relief and prevention of further tissue damage.

It begins with controlling blood-sugar levels and continues with medications to relief the pain, burning, or numbness. Analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs may help, as well as antidepressants, nerve medications, pain killers and topical creams.

Other treatments may include electronic nerve stimulations, biofeedback, relaxation training, exercise, warm baths and massage.

ResearchScientists continue to study how high blood glucose leads to nerve damage and how constriction of blood vessels supplying the nerve contributes to nerve damage. Better understanding of the mechanisms of diabetic neuropathy are being sought.

Several new drugs are being tested to help prevent or reverse diabetic neuropathy. Experimental drugs being considered are aimed at blocking the formation of substances that damage the nerves.

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