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Tips and Tricks for People with Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia can also cause pain when lightly being touched.

Tips 'n Tricks for People

with Fibromyalgia


Please note: each

of us reacts differently to therapy and medications. Therefore, you may

or may not benefit from the suggestions below. It is a good idea to keep

a record of how you react to any new treatment.

Cheryl's Tips 'n Tricks



Coenzyme Q-10, 150 mg/day will provide more

oxygen to all of your cells. It will help your energy level. You

may also want to try DHEA. If you are a woman, do not take more than 25

mg per day. If you are a man, you can take up to 50 mg per day.


Circulation and Pain Relief

Do you have problems with food allergies and/or

digestion? Try 2 cayenne pepper capsules and 2 ginger root capsules

with meals. It will help you to digest your food better and to absorb

nutrients better. Also, capsaicin in the cayenne pepper inhibits

Substance P so you may get some pain relief, too! In addition, the

cayenne increases circulation and will help to keep your hands an feet warm.


System Enhancement

The herbs, Astragalus

(huang chi) and Siberian Ginseng, have been used

for thousands of years to enhance immune function on a deep level.

Echinacea is good for short-term immune system boosting. If you also

have CFS, you should also take St.

's Wort because it has both anti-viral

properties as well as antidepressant properties (MAO inhibitor).


Massage can be tricky for PWFMS for several

reasons. First of all, many of us have referred pain (pain that

originates in one place but is felt in a remote body part). Our

instinct is to massage the part that hurts. However, if it is referred

pain, no pain relief will occur unless the point where the pain originates is


Care must be taken with massage. If too

little pressure is used, we may receive no benefit at all. However, if

too much pressure is applied, we can get horrible rebounds that are much

worse than the initial pain! If your spasms are in the insertion points,

then, very often, nerves are impinged and the pain is unbearable. Pain

killers have little effect on nerve impingement and physical bodywork, - myofascial release plus

Chiropractic adjustments - will give you your best chance at relief. It

may be necessary to see the Chiropractor twice a day for 1 or 2 days until it

stabilizes. Acupuncture can also be very helpful at the hands of a highly

skilled practitioner.


We tend to store a lot of toxins in our muscles

that get released during vigorous massage. To neutralize these toxins

quickly and safely, take 2 Hepatopure tablets and 2

Red Clover Cleanser (formerly River

of Life) tablets 3

times a day for 2 days following your treatment. Also, taking a bath in

very warm water with 2-4 cups of Kosher salt or sea salt is helpful. Do

not use soap but go over your skin with a loofa or

bath brush. Soak for at least 15 minutes followed by a rinse in clear

water. Do this right before you go to

bed. It will also help you to sleep. You can also use this

treatment after detoxing from yeast (e.g after taking Diflucan).



Take 200 to 400 mcg chromium GTF every day.

Also, 5-HTP will increase serotonin and

decrease carbohydrate cravings. 5-HTP has been shown to decrease

depression and alleviate pain in many PWFMS.


My dentist made me several acrylic appliances

that I bit through at various rates. I kept asking him if there was

something soft that would absorb the shock and take the pressure off of my

neck and jaw muscles. He said no way because I would bite through

them. So I asked my PT about the mouth protectors that the sports

players wear and he said that for $2, I could get something at the Sporting

Goods store. Well, I got one and it felt good for a couple of weeks

until I bit a hole in it! I went back to the Sporting Goods store and

found a mouth protector for $15 called the Shock Doctor and it's fantastic! I've had it for 5 months and I

haven't bitten through it. My neck and jaw muscles are no longer in

spasm and my dentist just bought some of them to keep for patients!


During long trips, it's a good idea to take a

break and try to walk for several minutes. If space is limited, like on an

airplane, try standing and going up on tiptoes several times. If possible,

elevate your legs. Ask you doctor about compression stockings. They

will increase circulation and decrease swelling. They can also be

purchased through mail order health catalogs. I tried them on my last

flight and they really prevented the swelling that I always get while flying.


and Standing

Make a good pair of running shoes (not jogging,

aerobic or walking shoes) your primary shoes. Running shoes have increased

shock absorbers and will take the pressure off of your muscles and

joints. The best ones I found are Reebok Classics. Then I put

extra shock absorbing insoles (from the Sporting Goods store) in them and

it's wonderful.


Most of us have both endogenous depression

(because of the low serotonin and norepinephrine levels) as well as reactive depression

from feeling lousy and being in constant pain. Both St. 's Wort and 5-HTP can help to

normalize the neurotransmitters and alleviate depression.



Be certain than you monitor is at a height

where your eyes comfortably focus on the center. This will prevent the

muscles in the neck from locking up. A neat trick that my husband

showed me was to place the mouse pad on my lap. It totally takes the

pressure off of my shoulders. Try it!

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