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Find your passion. Mine are Animals (includes Insects) and Plants (Flowering, Food, and Healing Properties). Love, Joy

A New Energy Alert for June 23 is Ready for You!

YOUR BOOK EXCERPT FOR TODAY (find more information about books andprograms with their descriptions at the end of the book excerptsection below)********************************************************************For your reading pleasure from Staying In Alignment:"STAYING IN ALIGNMENT WITH SELFKNOWING WHO WE are and what we are here to contribute,and supporting this in ourselves and others, will immediatelyplace us in alignment. This chapter could probably be summedup in one sentence:When we follow the path of what "feels good" to us, wecannot go wrong.And following what feels good to us is dictated by who we are. Ifsomething feels good to us, it is usually best to go that route. Inthis way, we are continually on a path of where we need to be.We are in alignment, then, with ourselves. One sure fire way toknow who we are and what we are about, is to follow the path ofwhat feels good. When we feel a passion for something, it isbecause we are remembering what it was that we came to do.When we feel passion, it is because most everything about acertain subject or path is fitting us and in alignment with us.The more ducks there are in a row in regard to what fits us, themore passion we feel. And the more passion we feel, the morein alignment with Source we are, allowing this energy to pourthrough us with no hesitation. This is the way it was meant tobe.At times we may not do what we love or what feels best becauseit does not generate money, or we feel a responsibility to others,or possibly we even put ourselves last. A lamp cannot generatelight if it is not filled with oil. The heart must first pump bloodto itself before it can take care of the rest of our body. And evenon an airline, we are advised in an emergency to place anoxygen mask on ourselves before we place one on our children.Taking the time to pursue a hobby, a creative outlet, or aspecific interest allows us to be much more of who we are. Andbeing as much of whom we are as we possibly can, greatlyplaces us in alignment with Source, as the part of us that istruly Source, is the pure gold nugget of our gifts and talents.Taking time for ourselves in this way also benefits others, asour vibration is then higher.Following our interests and spending as much time inthis arena as we can, places us in alignment with whowe are.In more highly evolved societies in other worlds, the purposeand contribution of each individual at their time of birth iswidely known by all. In this way, each and every person canthen be supported by the whole. Who they are is known andseen, so an alignment to Source is then greatly supported.The Story of AspenOne day when I was living in Flagstaff, Arizona, I was phonedby a friend who asked me if I would take care of a feral kittenher partner had found alone on a lonely street in town. Myfriend was a wonderful angel to the cat species, and frequentlyfostered them. I immediately said yes, as she was feeding thiskitten from an eye-dropper every three hours and had beencalled in for jury duty. This kitten had evidently beentemporarily estranged from its' mother and siblings. Well, after one day, I was in love, and asked if I could keep this beautiful little Siamese kitten that barely fit in the palm of my hand.I named her Aspen, and as the days and months progressed,she grew into a healthy, very lively, and curious young cat. Shewanted to be wherever I was, often sitting on the edge of thebathtub while I soaked, climbing into drawers when I gotdressed, and going on every trip with me. I loved her company,and when I had a project to do, I immediately included her in it,as she loved to be involved in anything and everything that wasgoing on. At night she slept with me, cheek to cheek, herpurring becoming a soothing lullaby of comfort and joy. Wewere truly the best of friends.When she was about 4 months old, I moved to the WhiteMountains, where she adjusted most beautifully and remainedan integral part of my small family of two cats and myself. Onenight while I was writing on my laptop, I noticed her standingat the sliding glass door, wanting to come in. When I openedthe door, she seemed to be behaving rather peculiarly, as shewalked inside. She then lay down on the floor and stayed therefrozen in fear and shock. I immediately knew that somethingwas dreadfully wrong. My lively and fun loving animalcompanion was not herself at all. She could not move, and howshe dragged herself inside, was a miracle in itself.She smelled of rubber, and I instinctively knew that she hadbeen hit by a car. In a panic, I called every vet in thephonebook, and as I later came to know, there was no vet in mytown, and no after hours vet service anywhere in the area.Eventually, after many, many, calls, I rousted a vet out of hishome, and he agreed to meet me at his office, an hour and ahalf away.It was determined that the tire of a vehicle had slammed downupon her tail and pulled it violently from her body, breaking itat the base and causing paralysis to her hind quarters. Aftermany vet visits and many medications, she recovered wellenough to walk and play, was no longer in pain, but could notcontrol her bowels or bladder. At one point when I had toreturn her to the vet to stay for awhile, I began to cry during thedrive home. I knew she was suffering so. It was so difficult towatch, and all I wanted was for her to be well again.Seeing me in distress, her non-physical star family arrived inthe car with an important message for me. "You are taking onAspen's journey as your own," they said. "All is in perfect order,as she is going through her initiation. She is here to be one withnature and be at home in the nature kingdom. She was getting abit 'lazy,' forgetting why she was here, and not owning her truepower. She is needing to take some responsibility for herself."Well, I had checked in on her soul purpose when she was veryyoung, and knew this was her role, but evidently, she wasslacking on the job! I had assumed that she would most likelyspend a lot of time outdoors, and had left it at that.Eventually I brought her home, but she still had little controlover her bowels and bladder. After much research and manyconsultations, her vet did not know for certain if she wouldreturn to complete health, but we were both hopeful. Notwanting her to be isolated and alone in her recovery, I laiddown big sheets of plastic on the living room floor and coveredthe furniture to protect it from her "leaking." A week went by,and still no change. The living conditions were getting a bitstressful (as well as smelly with much washing to do!), so I thensealed off the kitchen from the rest of the house and had herstay there. I felt badly that she was alone, so I moved my bigchair in the kitchen so that I could write with her by my side.Another week went by, and still no change.At this point, my house had become chaotic and crazy, with mesleeping on the floor at times, or trying to make any kind ofarrangements for Aspen's comfort. Whenever I read her energy,I saw the same thing...she was taking absolutely noresponsibility energetically or at a soul level for herself. I wasdoing it all, and at my own expense. She didn't seem to caremuch, gladly accepted what I offered, and was not moving intoor owning her own power.One morning I woke up and knew that something wasdreadfully "off." Something had to give. After spending sometime looking at her soul purpose and talking with her starfamily, it was determined that she needed to be out in naturewhere she had come to be in the first place. She reminded me ofSimba, in Disney's The Lion King...not wanting to take herrightful power and move into her intended responsibility. Byover caring for her at my own expense, I had been enabling thisbehavior. I had been robbing her of her place in nature. Theenergy of every feral cat I have ever done a reading for looks thesame. They are here to be in the wild. Their purpose is either inbringing in higher energy or in reporting back conditions of theearth. They are never meant to be residing with humans. Thisonly serves to rob them of their purpose.So with tears streaming down my face, I took her to a beautifulplace out near some near-by ranches and let her go. I knew shewas a great mouser and I knew there was water near-by. Shewould then be "forced" to step up to the plate and own her truepower as one who commands and is fully in harmony with thenature world. For many nights I could not sleep, but one night Ihad a dream that her tail was again upright and she wasthriving in the wild. I still think of her often, and have to knowthat she is where she was meant to be. And perhaps one daywhen she is fully integrated in her soul purpose, she will againbe in my space in some capacity.When we know the soul purpose of another, we are then able tosupport it in all ways. Many times when we think we arehelping, we are actually hindering, as with good intentions inmind, we really do not know that all is in order when we seewhat appears to be suffering on the part of another. Supporting the soul purpose of another places us in alignment with ourselves.INFORMATION ABOUT BOOKS/PROGRAMS AND HOW TO ORDER******************************************************************** For book excerpts, book descriptions, prices, interactive programs,e-books and how to order , go directly to the What's Up On Planet Earth? web site at www.whatsuponplanetearth.com and access any of the book links at the left sidebar. All What's Up On Planet Earth? books and programs are reasonably priced for your convenience. Currently available books and programs are listed and described below:Remembering Your Soul Purpose...An ascension book and workbook for excavating your soul's unique purpose and contribution, with a section on putting it all together to rekindle within you the memoryof your true and authentic self and purpose within the cosmos.The Ascension Primer...A simply written and easy to understand explanation of the ascension process, with a comprehensive list of strange and unsettling symptoms so many are experiencing, a list of indications of reaching the higher realms (or very new reality and way of being) that may seem confusing and different, and a validationat every page that you are not "losing it," not alone, and that whatyou are experiencing is a complete and natural process of the divine.Staying In Alignment...This short book will provide you with a clearsnapshot of where we are heading, how we will get there, and what wecan do to stay in alignment during this process that at times can create upheavals in our lives. You will be given the tools and explanations to keep yourself centered, healthy, calm, and in the flow of what these new and higher ways are guiding us into. Being inalignment with the new and higher ways of being can greatly ease ourprocess.The Ascension Companion...A book of comfort for challenging times. Open the book to any page at random and you will receive a message just for you and your current situation. Each of the 33 messages contains a detailed description and explanation of a scenario relatingto the ascension process, an explanation of a higher level way of beingthat this scenario is supporting you in becoming, and suggestions for aligning with the higher energies, supporting you in having a more comfortable ascension experience. Stepping Into the New Reality...(Not yet listed on the website) Coming soon! An interactive program in e-book format, you will be given an opportunity to ask questions. More information will beprovided soon. This program's availability will be announced throughthe What's Up On Planet Earth? e-list (sign up here), as well as within an energy alert and a link will be provided on the web site as well. If you are a regular reader of the energy alerts, you won'tmiss knowing about it!May the offerings from What's Up On Planet Earth? serve to lightyour path, validate your experience, and remind you that we are all one. Thank you for your continued interest and happy reading!To join this e-list, please copy and paste the url below into yourweb browser (or go to the What's Up On Planet Earth web site and click on the elist link at the top of the page):http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Fkr44 & m=1ZdOxmc7.hOCzj & b=bV3XhVYQWKgqqd0r8bzRYAThis e-mail is for announcements only. For e-list and commonly asked questions, please click on your "reply" button. To unsubscribe,please access the link at the VERY BOTTOM of this e-mail. To contact, please access this page:http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Fkr44 & m=1ZdOxmc7.hOCzj & b=sYYQRPE9dx4nqnuEZ1HtTwWhat's Up On Planet Earth?, P.O. Box 386, Ramah, New Mexico, 87321 USA

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