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Melamine Found Contaminating Soy Meal Fed to Organic Chickens

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by Mike , the Health Ranger, December 2, 2008Key concepts: Melamine, Organic chickens and China

Want to know what organic chickens are fed? If it's soy meal from China -- a cheap source of protein -- it may also contain melamine.That's what happened with 300 tons of soy meal being fed to organic chicken in western France. Authorities discovered the soy meal contained an astonishing 50 times the maximum limit of melamine: 116mg per kg of soy meal.This cheap Chinese soy meal was delivered to 127 "organic" chicken farms in France. Nobody yet knows how many organic chicken farms in the U.S., Canada, U.K. or Australia might also be feeding their chickens toxic levels of melamine.This is part of the dangerous widening of the melamine scandal I predicted earlier today: Melamine contamination is now reaching into the meat supply, and it could even include organic meats such as beef, pork and chicken.The truth is, nobody knows if meats sold in the U.S. are free of melamine because nobody has tested the

meat! But we do know one thing: Factory meat farms will feed just about anything to cows, including cheap protein sources from China. And melamine could very easily be found in toxic quantities in feed products right now being fed to dairy cows or other animals harvested for their meat.It also means that organic meat may be contaminated with melamine due to the feed sources. Certainly, organic meat is usually safer than conventional meat, but if organic poultry farms can be caught up in the melamine scandal, then just about any animal farming operation could be hit next (except for 100% free-range animals eating nothing but live grasses in the fields -- and this is so rare that for all practical purposes it does not exist in the food supply).I fully expect this scandal to widen even further, eventually encompassing conventional dairy farms. It all comes down to the FEED, and conventional farmers are notorious for buying the

cheapest sources of feed, even if they come from China. Cattle farms, after all, feed their cows chicken poop. Really. It's a USDA-approved feed ingredient for cattle operations. What happens if those chickens are eating melamine in their soy meal? They have melamine-contaminated poop, and that gets eaten by the cows, which creates melamine-contaminated milk or cow meat. And that gets eaten by the humans. Think about it.Now, I've taken some criticism from a few Chinese readers who object to my criticism of China in all this. I just have one thing to say to those folks: Maybe you should go visit your homeland and take a look around to get a dose of reality for yourself!I speak Mandarin, and I've been to China. I lived in Asia for years and know the culture first-hand. There's a lot to love about Eastern philosophy and Chinese culture. It's one of the cultures I admire the most in the world (they created Traditional Chinese

Medicine, after all). But one thing the Chinese really suck at is food safety, and it's no exaggeration to say that mainland Chinese (the Communist Chinese, not the Taiwanese) will sell you a vat of poison and call it milk if it earns them an extra dollar for doing so.I've done business with the mainland Chinese people, and far too many of them (but not all of them) are outright liars and cheaters. You order a palette of electronics and they ship you a palette of bricks (after you pay for the electronics, of course). They'll use bait-and-switch tactics on foods, food ingredients and herbs, and they'll cut everything with cheap fillers like grass, leaves and bark. There are virtually no honest suppliers of anything in China, and the only way Wal-Mart gets its own products made in China with any sort of decent quality is because they have American managers heading the factories there, kicking ass and keeping the workers

honest.Pharmaceuticals made in China contain toxic contaminants, too. You probably didn't know that U.S. drug companies get a lot of their drugs made in China because it's cheaper there. And the FDA has never inspected the factories there. So guess what? It's adulterated poison coming out of the Chinese factories. That's one reason why pharmaceuticals are so dangerous: Many are made in China! (http://www.naturalnews.com/023149.html)China has a lot of things to admire. Food safety isn't one of them. Think about it: Chinese factories will put melamine in the baby formula to be fed to their own people! There are entire towns in China where the locals there won't dare touch the infant formula made by the factory that employs half the town. And why won't they touch it? Because they know what's in it! So they all go

to work poisoning the infant formula, and they all know it's poison, but they don't care because it's shipped off to the next town to poison somebody else's baby.That's China for you. 100% in yo face, raw, blunt, honest reality. Zero exaggeration. You don't believe me? Go there yourself. I already did.And by God if you ever visit China, don't you dare be foolish enough to eat anything made by one of those street vendors. The last time I tried that, I ended up surrendering my vegetable dumplings to a giant rat that emerged from the sewer grate under the sidewalk and verbally threatened me if I didn't hand over two dumplings for him and one for his female friend. The rats there are downright aggressive, and they don't mind a little melamine in their food, either.For the record, I should note that while China is one of the most dishonest suppliers of food and other products that you'll ever find, Taiwan is far different.

Quality standards are much higher in Taiwan, and the people there are far more honest, too. I trust Taiwan-made products far more than I would trust something made in China.Quality control is even better in Japan, where it even exceeds U.S. quality. If you want something made right, get it made in either Japan or Germany. So don't lump all the Asian countries together when you're thinking about quality or honesty, and don't lump Taiwan in with China. They're two separate countries, after all, even if the mainland Chinese foolishly still claim they own Taiwan.Here are my rules of thumb regarding common nations (satire):If you want it cheap and dirty, buy from China.If you want it affordable and usable, buy from Taiwan.If you want it precise and durable, buy from Japan.If you want it overpriced and unhealthy, buy from America.If you want it

over-engineered and unjustifiably expensive, buy from Germany.If you want it expensive but high quality, buy from Canada.If you want it cheap and fast, and you don't really care if it actually works, buy from Mexico.If you want it cool-looking but useless because it's broken, buy from Korea.If you want it cheap and late, buy from India (and keep your fingers crossed).If you want to pay triple taxes on it, buy from the UK.If you want it to snub your friends and make them feel inferior, buy it from France.If you'd rather just talk about buying it instead of actually buying it, then do it in Italy.If you don't want it at all, send your money to the email scamming guy in Nigeria!Hopefully, you have a sense of humor about all this. Most people find these lists funny, but if you feel offended by

this list then feel free to send me a funnier list you write yourself. If it's sufficiently funny (and insightful), I'll publish it.

Click to read:Melamine Found Contaminating Soy Meal Fed to Organic Chickens

From Straitstimes.com: ALMOST 300 tonnes of soymeal from China, used to feed organic poultry in western France, were taken off the market on Friday after testing positive for a toxic chemical, an import company said.... more

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