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Water Wizard

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Very Interesting Article....grhttp://www.dicksutphen.com/html/webcol348.html

MASTER OF LIFE COLUMNDick SutphenDate: 12-5-08

50% OFF on all Valley of the Sun books and CDs Go to www.prohypnosis.com to find details on over 300 life-changing titles.www.mp3prohypnosis.com is now online with most of our titles available for download. To learn more about Raymon Grace, go to www.raymongrace.us . He also has a newsletter and a foundation to support his work: news@...


My first contact with Raymon Grace was an email asking if he could use my “Battle For Your Mind†writings in a book he was writing to be titled “The Future is Yours: Do something about it.†Of course I gave him permission and when the book was published he sent me a copy. Judging from his picture on the back of the book, I knew I’d like him if we ever had a chance to meet. He was wearing a Stetson, jeans and a pearl-button cowboy shirt.A year or so later he wrote me asking if I’d like to speak at a Coptic Festival in City, Tennessee. I asked my friend Patti Conklin if she knew of Raymon and the festival. “Raymon is a real character,†she said, “you’ll love him. He does magical things with water and is a featured speaker at New Age festivals and dowser conferences.†She went on to explain that 600 to 700 people attend the Coptic Festival every year and she’d spoken there in the past. “You can be assured, when you speak that you’ll have a huge audience.â€I wrote Raymon and accepted. It turned out, Patti was also invited to speak at the festival.When I stepped off the plane in the tiny airport, Raymon was waiting for me. “I’m just a hillbilly,†he said, as if to explain his thick Appalachian Mountain accent. He was wearing a Bowie knife on his hip. His car was waiting at the sidewalk, window down and large-caliber handgun on the console. Hmmmmm.“I have some boys who want to talk to you,†he said. I explained I’d been up quite late with my daughter Jessi in Phoenix the night before. I’d had about three hours sleep and was about to fall over.“We gonna get you the best barbecue you ever tasted.†he said. “An the boys want to talk to you.â€â€œOkay.â€To make a long story short, we drove out into the country to a warehouse, where I met a man who lived on Raymon’s energized water. No food. Just water. He did however confess to the fact that in the last few years, he had eaten one cracker. I looked at Raymon. He nodded. A few other men began arriving and we moved upstairs to a circular table in a small room where we talked and ate (incredible) barbecue.I’d written columns about global warming and this small group asked me questions about my research. I was soon asking them about their work. Their goal is clean up all the water on the earth. I know that sounds a little overblown, but that’s what they want to do. And they had some amazing stories to tell. Raymon had trained the group to work individually and as a team to clean up bad water. “Water has memory,†Rayon explained. I agreed. Dr. Emoto seemed to have proven that. “So the water has memories of all the negativity throughout history. We energize the water and remove the negativity.â€I thought about the demonstrations Dr. Emoto had offered in the film, “What the Bleep.†When happy, loving thoughts were projected into water, which was then frozen, sliced and photographed, the ice formed beautiful symmetrical snowflake designs. But when the same water was sent angry, hateful thoughts, the results were ugly, fragmented images.Raymon explained that he and his friends could alter the energy and attributes of large bodies of water with dowsing and intention. He had recently taken arsenic out of a well in Canada, something that is said to be impossible. Only problem, Raymon explained, people are made primarily of water, and you can only work with one group of people at a time. When Raymon talks to you he is usually spinning a dowsing pendulum -- but instead of the normal pointer or crystal, his pendulum has a 45 cal. cartridge on the end. As he talks, he spins it, obviously asking questions and obtaining answers. As the evening wore on, his friends told me that Raymon easily changes the energy in homes, which results in removing negative entities. “You can do this at a distance?†I asked. “All the way to California,†he said, spinning the pendulum. One of the men at the round table told me Raymon has a DVD created to energize water at home. “You just place a container of water in front of your TV and play the DVD. Then you project your intention into the water for whatever purpose you desire. They had reports of people using it to remove algae from a pool, and remove bad odor and taste from a well. It’s also been used to energize water to correct physical problems with people and animals.I spent a lot of time with Raymon over the three-day festival weekend. He is unique and I look forward to our next meeting (April 17-19, 2009 in City, TN). He gave me his DVD and I admit to placing a large jug of water in front of my TV while he talked on screen. Check him out at www.raymongrace.us

The following testimonials are from Raymon’s website:Dear Raymon,I received your DVD about a month ago, I put a gallon of water in front of the TV and played the DVD. After you energized the water I put a little of it down my well. Ray I live on the shore of lake Champlain, and all my life all my neighbor's and I have had to put up with bad water in the wells. The rock here is black slate , this gives the water a rotten egg smell, after spending a lot of money on trying to get rid of the smell most of us realized that this was the cost of having a house down by the lake. After I put the energized water down the well, I walked my dog's in the back yard, all I could smell was rotten eggs, as I do when I run the garden hose, I could see what looked like vapors rising up from the ground all over the back yard. I walk my dogs every night and never have I seen anything like that before. Well my wife Frances started to notice a softness in the water when she did the washing, and over the next few week's the smell of rotten egg's became less noticeable. Last week I had a visit from my cousin, that had not been to my house since I put the energized water down the well, he noticed right off no smell, he ran water into his hand and still no smell. Ray you have done for me what no amount of money could do. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are truly a great man with special powers that need to be realized for the better good of the Earth and mankind.Your Friend,J

Dear Raymon,As you know I have suffered from Crohn's Disease (An incurable intestinal disorder) for the past 18 years. About 3 months ago you gave me a bottle of what you call "Energized Programmed Water" and asked me to drink it on a regular basis and just continually replenish it as I use it. This water was" programmed" to treat my Crohn's Disease.About 2 weeks I noticed a marked improvement in my condition and that improved condition has continued for this period of approximately 3 months.I cannot be certain that the improvement is due to your programmed water, but I can honestly say that I haven't made any other changes to which I could give the credit.I am most grateful to you for your concern & efforts to want to improve my health.Sincerely yours,

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