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A day to understand. Blessings, Joy

[sPAM] Astrology.com: Cosmic Calendar

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Sunday, September 14

Like yesterday, the healing energy-field is super-strong as Mars in Libra makes a flowing trine to Chiron in Aquarius (5:38AM PDT). Learn more about holistic healing techniques and alternative medical practices. However, confusion and chaos are on the rise due to an awkward, 150-degree connection between the Sun in Virgo and Neptune in Aquarius (5:55AM PDT). Even though this challenging alignment takes place in the early morning hours, it can influence the entire day. Signing important papers or entering into long-term commitments is taboo. You need to accentuate crystal clear communication all-day long. Pisces Moon continues the trend toward helping others who are down on their luck. Mood swings can be more intense throughout the day as the lunar orb approaches its monthly union with uplifting and yet provocative Uranus (exact at 10:10PM PDT). This Moon-Uranus encounter favors high-tech interests, online research and metaphysical studies. Nevertheless, the biggest and most helpful alignment of the day clocks in at 6:38PM PDT when Mercury unites with Venus. You may remember that Mercury and Venus also merged on August 21 in Virgo. Now their reunion gives vitality to arts, crafts, hobbies as well as social and cultural activities across the board. Communications and travel plans also receive a boost right now. Considering the fact that the Full Moon is exact on Monday morning September 15 at 2:14AM PDT, you may want to have an evening meditation or reflection period. Send out your healing thoughts and prayers to humanity and the kingdoms of nature. Think more about your higher destiny and let your imagination and fantasy life run wild for several hours overnight. Copyright, 2007 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd.

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A good one to remember.

Astrology.com: Cosmic Calendar

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Hi Joy! Here is your Daily Cosmic Calendar for Thursday, March 4

This is a good point in the Cosmic Calendar to remind you that solar and planetary alignments don't just disappear in one day. Therefore, last night's trio of aspects - Venus united with Uranus, Venus 150-degrees to Vesta, and Mercury in a 60-degree rapport with Juno - are still in effect and sending out astro-vibrations within the psychic atmosphere. Emotional discord and stormy conditions in relationships are more the rule than the exception right now. These tendencies are amplified as Vesta makes an off-kilter, 150-degree link to revolutionary Uranus (12:54AM PST), Venus squares Ceres (6:05AM PST) and Venus also parallels Uranus (11:43PM PST). Signing agreements and legal papers is foolish under these provocative circumstances. As often happens, the challenges in the heavens are being neutralized as Mercury makes a supportive, 60-degree connection with distant Pluto (3:56AM PST), the Moon in Scorpio makes a harmonious trine to Jupiter in Pisces (12:57PM PST), Juno trines Pluto in earth signs (1:55PM PST), and the Moon trines the Sun in water signs (7:22PM PST). The question is whether the four highly favorable sky patterns mentioned above can turn the tide and boost your confidence across the board. Mystery stories and dramatic film classics are back in the limelight under Scorpio Moon this evening. Romance is still in the iffy category overnight as the Venus-Uranus parallel (11:43PM PST) is more potentially shocking and unsettling for lovers than stabilizing and resourceful.

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Astrology.com: Cosmic Calendar

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Hi Joy! Here is your Daily Cosmic Calendar for Sunday, December 5

This day could be one for the history books as the New Moon happens (energizing 14 degrees of Sagittarius at 9:37AM PST) while Mercury unites with Pluto in Capricorn (5:21PM PST) and Uranus is motionless - shifting from retrograde to direct at 27 degrees of Pisces (5:51PM PST). Any new phase of solar-lunar forces encourages you to take some kind of great leap ahead. Today's leap has an extra double-kick of Uranian radiation since Uranus itself is stationary and the New Moon occurs at the Heliocentric South Node of Uranus. This reference to a helio-oriented node is part of solar systemic dynamics and orbital astrology that not every professional and student in our field is familiar with because it is more astronomical, scientific and arcane in significance. The point is that this New Moon is in alliance with a cosmic level of Uranus while the planet Uranus itself stimulates extreme revolutionary fervor on Earth and within humanity. Tap into your intuition in order to avoid a battle of nerves that can force you to the sidelines of life. [The next time Uranus will go into reverse will be on July 9, 2011 when this electrifying, eccentric and maverick-like planet becomes motionless again at 5 degrees of Aries.] Meanwhile, Mercury unites with Pluto at 5:21PM PST just 30 minutes before tonight's Uranus pause in the zodiac - adding a giant note of underworld pressure to your activities and decisions. Try to direct your passions into useful studies - especially in psychology and metaphysics. Remember that the congenial and happy-go-lucky vibes of Sagittarius are still abundantly available.

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