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And Then It's Winter

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Subject: And Then It's WinterAnd it's winter before we know it....You know, time has a way of movingquicklyand catching you unaware of the passingyears.it seems just yesterday that I wasyoung,just married and embarking on my new lifewith my mate. And yet in a way, it seemslike eons ago, and I wonder where all theyears went. I know that I lived themall...And I have glimpses of how it was backthen and of all my hopes and dreams...But, here it is..the winter of my life andit catches me by surprise... How did I gethere so fast? Where did the years go andwhere did my babies go? And where did myyouth go?I remember well.. seeing

older peoplethrough the years and thinking that thoseolder people were years away from me andthat winter was so far off that I couldnot fathom it or imagine fully what itwould be like... But, here it is...myfriends are retired and really gettinggray...they move slower and I see an olderperson now. Lots are in better shape thanme... but, I see the great change... Notlike the ones that I remember who wereyoung and vibrant... but, like me, theirage is beginning to show and we are nowthose older folks that we used to see andnever thought we'd be.Each day now, I find that justgetting ashower is a real target for the day! Andtaking a nap is not a treat anymore...it' smandatory! Cause if I don't on my ownfree will...I just fall asleep where Isit!And so, now I enter into this newseasonof my life unprepared for all the achesand pains and the loss of

strength andability to go and do things that I wish Ihad done but never did!!But, at least I know, that though thewinter has come, and I'm not sure how longit will last...this I know, that when it'sover...its over....Yes , I have regrets.There are things I wish I hadn't done,,things I should have done, butindeed, there are many things I'm happy tohave done. It's all in a lifetime....So, if you're not in your winteryet...letme remind you, that it will be here fasterthan you think. So, whatever you wouldlike to accomplish in your life please doit quickly! Don't put things off toolong!!Life goes by quickly. So, do whatyou cantoday, as you can never be sure whetherthis is your winter or not!You have no promise that you willsee allthe seasons of your life...so, live forgood today and say all the things that you

want your loved ones to remember...andhope that they appreciate and love you forall the things that you have done for themin all the years past!!"Life is a gift to you. The way you liveyour life is your gift to those who come after.Make it a fantastic one."LIVE IT WELL!!----ENJOYTODAY!!!!--- --DO

SOMETHING FUN!!!----BE HAPPY!!!---- BETHANKFUL!!!! !Spiritual freedom is my birthright. I am a free thinker. I am able to rise above mentalprejudices and stereotypes of others. I am a free thinker. Nobody and nothing can manipulateme or deceive me. I am a free thinker. I freely choose truth and love. Today, I embrace a greater degree of spiritualfreedom.

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