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Beautiful Friends & Family - I Humbly Seek Your Help, Pls?

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It is with a sad yet hopeful heart that finds me writing to you this morning, Beloved Family.My father, ph, is very ill. He recently has suffered a series of serious illnesses (most of which found him hospitalized) beginning with pneumonia in late December into early January, followed by a pulmonary embolism which, thankfully, exploded in the pleura and not the lung itself (had it gone in the lung he would have likely died according to the doctors), which awakened the "Sleeping Giant" T.B. - this had lain dormant in his system since he was an late teenager. Fortunately there have been MANY advancements today in the treatment of T.B. so he is actively being treated by a combination of antibiotics designed to specifically target the strain of T.B. he carries. The challenge, the reason I implore you for your loving prayers and healing energies, is because these potent antibiotics are making him so ill, creating a back-up of release of toxins into his stomach resulting in severe nausea and ultimately robbing him of strength and will. The length of time one must remain on these antibiotics is no less than 6 months!My dad is already in the HH Grids but I ask you please, if you find it within your beautiful compassionate and loving hearts and souls, to add more energy for him, I assure you that I believe it will not only help ease his stress and help him to heal and find more will, but also that all which is freely offered is profoundly appreciated by him, my mom, my family, his friends and by me. Energetically, we (my Beloved Allies and my dad and I) work together regularly; he responds beautifully, but this particular struggle is one that is found within the realm/dynamic of the physical resulting with each new ingestion of the required meds he takes thus nullifying all the wondrous effects of the work that was done; in essence that work, once done, becomes undone. *sigh* My father is a man of great action, intellect, soft but amazing wisdom, compassion, kindness, charity and humor. That man is now hidden beneath the struggle to simply survive a day for if he feels (as he does now) that he becomes a burden and needy or that he is not a contributing living and loving being then he perceives that to mean that he has no worth and so begins the stage of "turning the face to the wall"; a surrender. I have become my father's parent in some ways now - for many of us this is neither new nor unexpected, but the reality is far more challenging than the concept.I also ask please that you add loving thoughts and send supportive energies to my mother (Carol) if you would be so kind? She is not young anymore either and has been living in that energy for some time. She is an Empath. She suffers from Atrial Fib (common heart condition) and other smaller but challenging ailments but stress activates all of the negative aspects of her illness/dis-eases. Please, I beg you to remember that when you are a primary care-taker you become the one people forget to ask about, you become the one who is taken for granted that things shall be done, you are the oak in a mighty storm praying not to break and hoping for the cessation of the wind. My parents and I share a most blessed and sadly unique relationship - I wish all had such a great rapport and friendship with their parents hence the reason I say we share a "sadly unique" relationship since so many have longed for such a relationship with their own parents only to have not been granted that right or through times been cast aside or have chosen yourselves to cast aside for what is your greater good by your own heart's measure. We (my parents and I) love one another fiercely, quietly, gently, our sharing filled with laughter and joy, support given without condition just as love is. They are my touchstones and guiding forces. They are contributors of much light to my life and though the time of the end of a cycle of life here on earth is inevitable, this makes it none-the-easier for us. ***This is NOT to say we have reached that point, merely I recognize only what is possible and work to offset it with constant hope, positive energy and absolute love. *soft smile* I do as much as I can but I am also amidst many challenges - which I embrace fully, with complete love and positive thought and vision, humility and enormous gratitude. Still, presently, I ask for patience for those whom would normally seek one on one time with me (or shared time with me and another cherished family member here) for counsel. Forgive me, for I can assure you beyond all doubt that NO ONE has fallen away from my heart, my soul, my love or my concern but if I do not have what I need to give to others because I am not bringing enough in myself through out-pouring of energy and love, then I must give to me first in order to sustain the genuine unconditional giving to my parents and all those beautiful cherished souls whom I am already actively working to help them learn to better help themselves. I take this time to gently remind these amazing cherished souls that they already possess all that is needed within them - we (any counselor or channel) are merely present that we may act as a simple bridge to bring you back to your own divine and gloriously sage high self; this (the counsel or channeling provided) is but a temporary thing, for it is meant to be found that within the learning, the listening, the choice, the hope and the actions in which you heal yourselves and find freedom - you and Spirit. I am but a mere woman and that is all - just like you (unless you're a man in which case not so much so as to be confused! lol *teasing grin*)Blessed Be with GREAT Gratitude, Humility, Love, Honor, Respect & Hope from this old heart and soul to each of you who care enough to add your beautiful, unique and divinely powerful energy to that which I seek your aid...Namaste. Much Metta...always and infinitely.~Ali~

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