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Re: Favorite healing modality

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Dear ,

Oh, how wonderful!! You are in the right place, dear! I am

happy to " know " you and hope you learn to love Our family as much as I

do, ;) Namaste, LUNA


> I am a Reiki III level. I send from a distance.

> T


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> I am a Reiki III level. I send from a distance.

> T




> Dear T


> Please send healing to coma patients around the world.

> Thank you for your service.

> P.

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We love you too ! Thank you for being a part of this group and offering your support and love to others. said to me once that this group is about those who need healing, or just needing some encouragement through emotionally tough times. And then when they are strong enough to stand on their own feet, they turn around and help others. This group is like a "chain of love". I know that sounds kind of corny (hehehe), but it's very true. We help make each other strong, and in return they help make others strong. What a beautiful collaboration of intention! To have a community of compassionate people, helps create appreciation. And once we truly know what appreciation is, then gifts and clarity seem to fall from the sky! I feel like I'm holding hands with each and every one of you. Even those who don't post messages, and that in return creates a chain. *deep bow of respect*Stefanie> >> > I am a Reiki III level. I send from a distance.> > T> >>

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