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Re: What is Healing? How Do YOU Define Healing? Responses Desired Greatly, Pls!

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No wrong answers huh?....hummm...that gives me all kinds of leeway.

Pondering a direction....let's see now. Healer! What and whom is a


A healer is the person or even the thing, that needs to be healed.

[what?][what did he say?] I said, a healer is the person or thing

that calls to our awareness, our involement.

[ok now, leeway is one thing, but this...] Wait!

All sickness, illness, disease, injury, and loss is a result of,

misinformation within the person or thing. Not that the person or

thing is aware of this, or created or caused it directly.

The soul of the " affected " knows with full awareness, the truth of

the matter, that love is not present, or is in low supply. A

connection to source and supply is misaligned in some area.

The person or thing, has come to a place where " illusion " has taken

the place of " truth " . Truth being, love; wholeness.

Regardless who, or what puts out the call, it is the soul which

directs " the call " . The soul both the way and the method according to

it's own plans.

The larger part of ourselves, of any " thing " , is " as one " , therefore,

complete in " truth " . There is no separation " in fact " . It can only be

illusion which would create what is not so. Ego loves to protect, and

is control of illusions.

" Our " work, is not as a " healer " , so much as it is as a " confirmer " .

ONE who stands in the confirm the TRUTH. We " see " the " affected " as

already STILL whole and complete. We DO NOT look to the illusion and

AGREE with it. We do not confront the Ego. We stand in TOTAL

AGREEMENT that the illusion is not so. We gently remind the affected

of this in our own unique ways of doing and sharing. " Where any two

are gathered in my name, so shall that thing be established

(confirmed) to be made so... "

In agreement, the two, become one, in truth. " In MY Name " , means, " in

the name of Love " . By agreeing, by reminding, by sending, by giving,

overwhelming, overflowing, and endless love... " our will " is done.

The affected thereby, have healed themselves (remembered/been

reminded) of love. We simply were called by the soul that is of us

both, to agree and confirm the healing, the remembering.

Not every reminder, or method serves to make whole; bring awareness

to the illusion. There can be many illusions and issues standing to

counter intrusion into what is affected. The ego does not wish to

lose what has come to it, even been created by it.

It is further said that, the soul is in full possession of " the

plan " . It may be that, the part of " them " , " their soul " , has agreed

to allow some affliction to " come into being " , simply for the reason

of healing the " greater whole " . By the " awareness " that may be

brought to others when the " healing " takes place.

That being said, as human, we have empathy and compassion. We

can " feel " what another feels and experiences...We become one with

them in this...this is a sign of the soul connecting (the

call)...this is a sign that healing is " already " done...our

confirmation is instant and complete.

It could be said, that through this, we are in direct connection to

the soul and the person, or thing. While we " feel " in the capacity of

human for a fellow human being and brother/sister/spirit; we also

experience the knowing of what the soul has decided in the matter.

Either the confirming, (healing) or the awareness, of " the greater

plan " for them. We still stand ready in agreement.

[ " oh my gawddddd " ] [did you hear what he just said?]

[make him sit down][he's done lost his ever lovin mind...]




what was the question???

--- In , " alisonkain " <alisonkain@...>




> What is Healing?




> Healing; everyone talks about it. Everyone has sought it at one

time or

> another. So, what is your definition of " healing " ?

> ***Next topic will be what is a " healer " ; what does that mean to


> what does that include and/or entail, in your estimation, and why?


> please, be ready!




> I am officially asking…possibly pleading *grin*…for all of your

> feedback (for those who feel comfy) on what you believe healing


> is, what it entails and why. There are NO WRONG ANSWERS!




> Why am I asking a group of esteemed healers and fabulous souls this

> question? Because it has come to me very often that the definition


> healing can be limited in its entirety, at least by my own humble

> definition. So, let's have at it, please? *grin*




> Core Questions to respond to, please?: What does the word " healing "


> to you? What is " healing " ? What heals you? What does healing


> (e.g. processes, ideologies, methodologies, etc…)?




> Remember, ALL are equal here by our estimation and I (along with


> & Stef – as well as many if not all of you also)

> wholeheartedly believe that EVERYONE has something special to

offer. If

> you feel you are not qualified to answer because you do not bear a


> created by humankind such as " healer " , forgive me for being blunt,


> really my beautiful family, YOU ARE truly wholly qualified to


> In fact, you ALL are more than qualified to give a response to this

> query because, unless you have been extremely fortunate and blessed,

> you've sought healing at one point or another in your lifetime,

> which makes you perfect to speak to this question by our definition


> at Humanity Healing.




> I am sincerely looking so very forward to what you all offer in

terms of

> this answer! It will give us an opportunity to learn and grow


> with one another as one. Every one and every answer is respected


> desired equally.




> " And, where is your definition Sassypants Ali? " , you may be

> asking. *grin* Rest assured my cherished family members that I

have my

> own answers, and I shall gladly share them with you all when you


> reported in with your own!




> " How do I answer this question? " : Please simply post by either


> " reply " to this message or post a new topic with the

> word " Healing " in it.




> " How long do I have to answer this question? " : Two days maximum


> posting, please. Thank you in advance for your participation and

> consideration!




> With MUCH Love for each one of you from me, with my heart and soul

on my

> sleeve, I am sincerely deeply hopeful that you'll opt to come along

> on this journey with me.




> Peace,


> ~Ali~ (aka " Eternally A Seeker " on MySpace *OurSpace* URL=

> http://www.myspace.com/naturallyamystic

> <http://www.myspace.com/naturallyamystic> and you will find me if


> wish to know more about me or extend your hand in friendship or

wish for

> someone to be added to the official grid of Humanity Healing. *soft

> smile*)




> P.S. When all answers are done, we'll have some fun and see what

> feedback comes in…remember be respectful for even if you disagree

> there is a gift being presented when someone opens their hearts to


> and stands hopeful waiting with bated breath not to be judged and




> hugs to everyone*




> Also, please, see the poll we're taking – the total responses

> will be summed up for you all in a single posting once all are in (2

> days here also for response)… Check out some new movement and DO

> expect much more interaction to come…there is even the option of,

> well…we'll wait with that until next time, hm? *grin with a

> wink*


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No wrong answers huh?....hummm...that gives me all kinds of leeway.

Pondering a direction....let's see now. Healer! What and whom is a


A healer is the person or even the thing, that needs to be healed.

[what?][what did he say?] I said, a healer is the person or thing

that calls to our awareness, our involement.

[ok now, leeway is one thing, but this...] Wait!

All sickness, illness, disease, injury, and loss is a result of,

misinformation within the person or thing. Not that the person or

thing is aware of this, or created or caused it directly.

The soul of the " affected " knows with full awareness, the truth of

the matter, that love is not present, or is in low supply. A

connection to source and supply is misaligned in some area.

The person or thing, has come to a place where " illusion " has taken

the place of " truth " . Truth being, love; wholeness.

Regardless who, or what puts out the call, it is the soul which

directs " the call " . The soul both the way and the method according to

it's own plans.

The larger part of ourselves, of any " thing " , is " as one " , therefore,

complete in " truth " . There is no separation " in fact " . It can only be

illusion which would create what is not so. Ego loves to protect, and

is control of illusions.

" Our " work, is not as a " healer " , so much as it is as a " confirmer " .

ONE who stands in the confirm the TRUTH. We " see " the " affected " as

already STILL whole and complete. We DO NOT look to the illusion and

AGREE with it. We do not confront the Ego. We stand in TOTAL

AGREEMENT that the illusion is not so. We gently remind the affected

of this in our own unique ways of doing and sharing. " Where any two

are gathered in my name, so shall that thing be established

(confirmed) to be made so... "

In agreement, the two, become one, in truth. " In MY Name " , means, " in

the name of Love " . By agreeing, by reminding, by sending, by giving,

overwhelming, overflowing, and endless love... " our will " is done.

The affected thereby, have healed themselves (remembered/been

reminded) of love. We simply were called by the soul that is of us

both, to agree and confirm the healing, the remembering.

Not every reminder, or method serves to make whole; bring awareness

to the illusion. There can be many illusions and issues standing to

counter intrusion into what is affected. The ego does not wish to

lose what has come to it, even been created by it.

It is further said that, the soul is in full possession of " the

plan " . It may be that, the part of " them " , " their soul " , has agreed

to allow some affliction to " come into being " , simply for the reason

of healing the " greater whole " . By the " awareness " that may be

brought to others when the " healing " takes place.

That being said, as human, we have empathy and compassion. We

can " feel " what another feels and experiences...We become one with

them in this...this is a sign of the soul connecting (the

call)...this is a sign that healing is " already " done...our

confirmation is instant and complete.

It could be said, that through this, we are in direct connection to

the soul and the person, or thing. While we " feel " in the capacity of

human for a fellow human being and brother/sister/spirit; we also

experience the knowing of what the soul has decided in the matter.

Either the confirming, (healing) or the awareness, of " the greater

plan " for them. We still stand ready in agreement.

[ " oh my gawddddd " ] [did you hear what he just said?]

[make him sit down][he's done lost his ever lovin mind...]




what was the question???

--- In , " alisonkain " <alisonkain@...>




> What is Healing?




> Healing; everyone talks about it. Everyone has sought it at one

time or

> another. So, what is your definition of " healing " ?

> ***Next topic will be what is a " healer " ; what does that mean to


> what does that include and/or entail, in your estimation, and why?


> please, be ready!




> I am officially asking…possibly pleading *grin*…for all of your

> feedback (for those who feel comfy) on what you believe healing


> is, what it entails and why. There are NO WRONG ANSWERS!




> Why am I asking a group of esteemed healers and fabulous souls this

> question? Because it has come to me very often that the definition


> healing can be limited in its entirety, at least by my own humble

> definition. So, let's have at it, please? *grin*




> Core Questions to respond to, please?: What does the word " healing "


> to you? What is " healing " ? What heals you? What does healing


> (e.g. processes, ideologies, methodologies, etc…)?




> Remember, ALL are equal here by our estimation and I (along with


> & Stef – as well as many if not all of you also)

> wholeheartedly believe that EVERYONE has something special to

offer. If

> you feel you are not qualified to answer because you do not bear a


> created by humankind such as " healer " , forgive me for being blunt,


> really my beautiful family, YOU ARE truly wholly qualified to


> In fact, you ALL are more than qualified to give a response to this

> query because, unless you have been extremely fortunate and blessed,

> you've sought healing at one point or another in your lifetime,

> which makes you perfect to speak to this question by our definition


> at Humanity Healing.




> I am sincerely looking so very forward to what you all offer in

terms of

> this answer! It will give us an opportunity to learn and grow


> with one another as one. Every one and every answer is respected


> desired equally.




> " And, where is your definition Sassypants Ali? " , you may be

> asking. *grin* Rest assured my cherished family members that I

have my

> own answers, and I shall gladly share them with you all when you


> reported in with your own!




> " How do I answer this question? " : Please simply post by either


> " reply " to this message or post a new topic with the

> word " Healing " in it.




> " How long do I have to answer this question? " : Two days maximum


> posting, please. Thank you in advance for your participation and

> consideration!




> With MUCH Love for each one of you from me, with my heart and soul

on my

> sleeve, I am sincerely deeply hopeful that you'll opt to come along

> on this journey with me.




> Peace,


> ~Ali~ (aka " Eternally A Seeker " on MySpace *OurSpace* URL=

> http://www.myspace.com/naturallyamystic

> <http://www.myspace.com/naturallyamystic> and you will find me if


> wish to know more about me or extend your hand in friendship or

wish for

> someone to be added to the official grid of Humanity Healing. *soft

> smile*)




> P.S. When all answers are done, we'll have some fun and see what

> feedback comes in…remember be respectful for even if you disagree

> there is a gift being presented when someone opens their hearts to


> and stands hopeful waiting with bated breath not to be judged and




> hugs to everyone*




> Also, please, see the poll we're taking – the total responses

> will be summed up for you all in a single posting once all are in (2

> days here also for response)… Check out some new movement and DO

> expect much more interaction to come…there is even the option of,

> well…we'll wait with that until next time, hm? *grin with a

> wink*


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Healing to me has so many facets. You can heal yourself of the

negative energies that seem to cling to your heart or ask a blessed

friend for help. Also healing others is an amazing gift that you

give someone. I feel That healing can be a smile to a stranger, they

may be having a horrible day up until then. Healing can also be me,

myself healing with my hands, my humble form of Reiki, I do not have

certificates but feel the amazing energy as a conduit for the

Universe to heal people, animals, trees, all the beings in

nature...Stones, as my kin believe are the oldest living beings. They

also need healing for many people trample on them and do not realize

they deserve our respect also. Healing in prayers for my fellow

brothers and sisters in need by lighting candles, envisioning human

physical and emotional pain leaving their bodies through the help of

Source. I utilize many " tools " to focus my energies on to aid me in

my workings for I at times feel something tangible and visual helps

me to focus on the intent of my healing. Healing to me is to make

what was " out of sorts " for lack of better words a bit better,

hopefully in the case of some really challenging times, ALOT better!

Thank you for letting me share this, sweet Ali!! Love & light, LUNA

--- In , " alisonkain " <alisonkain@...>




> What is Healing?




> Healing; everyone talks about it. Everyone has sought it at one

time or

> another. So, what is your definition of " healing " ?

> ***Next topic will be what is a " healer " ; what does that mean to


> what does that include and/or entail, in your estimation, and why?


> please, be ready!




> I am officially asking…possibly pleading *grin*…for all of your

> feedback (for those who feel comfy) on what you believe healing


> is, what it entails and why. There are NO WRONG ANSWERS!




> Why am I asking a group of esteemed healers and fabulous souls this

> question? Because it has come to me very often that the definition


> healing can be limited in its entirety, at least by my own humble

> definition. So, let's have at it, please? *grin*




> Core Questions to respond to, please?: What does the word " healing "


> to you? What is " healing " ? What heals you? What does healing


> (e.g. processes, ideologies, methodologies, etc…)?




> Remember, ALL are equal here by our estimation and I (along with


> & Stef – as well as many if not all of you also)

> wholeheartedly believe that EVERYONE has something special to

offer. If

> you feel you are not qualified to answer because you do not bear a


> created by humankind such as " healer " , forgive me for being blunt,


> really my beautiful family, YOU ARE truly wholly qualified to


> In fact, you ALL are more than qualified to give a response to this

> query because, unless you have been extremely fortunate and blessed,

> you've sought healing at one point or another in your lifetime,

> which makes you perfect to speak to this question by our definition


> at Humanity Healing.




> I am sincerely looking so very forward to what you all offer in

terms of

> this answer! It will give us an opportunity to learn and grow


> with one another as one. Every one and every answer is respected


> desired equally.




> " And, where is your definition Sassypants Ali? " , you may be

> asking. *grin* Rest assured my cherished family members that I

have my

> own answers, and I shall gladly share them with you all when you


> reported in with your own!




> " How do I answer this question? " : Please simply post by either


> " reply " to this message or post a new topic with the

> word " Healing " in it.




> " How long do I have to answer this question? " : Two days maximum


> posting, please. Thank you in advance for your participation and

> consideration!




> With MUCH Love for each one of you from me, with my heart and soul

on my

> sleeve, I am sincerely deeply hopeful that you'll opt to come along

> on this journey with me.




> Peace,


> ~Ali~ (aka " Eternally A Seeker " on MySpace *OurSpace* URL=

> http://www.myspace.com/naturallyamystic

> <http://www.myspace.com/naturallyamystic> and you will find me if


> wish to know more about me or extend your hand in friendship or

wish for

> someone to be added to the official grid of Humanity Healing. *soft

> smile*)




> P.S. When all answers are done, we'll have some fun and see what

> feedback comes in…remember be respectful for even if you disagree

> there is a gift being presented when someone opens their hearts to


> and stands hopeful waiting with bated breath not to be judged and




> hugs to everyone*




> Also, please, see the poll we're taking – the total responses

> will be summed up for you all in a single posting once all are in (2

> days here also for response)… Check out some new movement and DO

> expect much more interaction to come…there is even the option of,

> well…we'll wait with that until next time, hm? *grin with a

> wink*


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