Guest guest Posted March 26, 2009 Report Share Posted March 26, 2009  Getting the right amount of protein Getting the right amount of protein Hi JoyceBased on some of the questions I receive, it appears thatthe fears of death, snakes and public speaking don't evencome close to people's fear of not getting enough protein.You can thank the Madison Avenue advertising sharks for that one. People have been brainwashed into thinking that meat anddairy are the only and best sources of protein, and if theydon't drink their milk and eat their meat, they'll beprotein deficient.Tell me, do you even know what a protein deficiency lookslike? Know anyone that has one? I didn't think so.The fact is, animal products are just one of many sourcesof protein, and they also happen to be very acid-creatingto your body. When your body is in a state of acidity (called acidosis),it can not effectively absorb nutrients from your foods. So even though you're eating protein when you have a steak,chances are good that your body will actually use little ornone of it.What makes this worse is the fact that most people eatanimal products with the wrong other foods. This resultsin over-production of acid in the stomach that destroys thenutrients in your foods and makes you reach for the Rolaids(or your stomach drug of choice).And what people don't realize is that protein from animalproducts is just that--animal protein. It's not humanprotein. Our bodies need to break down the cow or chicken or pigprotein into its individual amino acids. Then it convertsit to human protein, and that is quite an involved process.Want to know another GREAT source of protein that'sactually good for you?Alkaline foods.That's right. Alkaline foods contain the amino acids our bodies requireto construct all the protein we need. And because they're alkalizing to the body, you end upgetting the benefit of the amino acids (and all the othernutrients) in your foods because they're not beingdestroyed by acid.Here's an interesting tidbit: Cows (and other animals ofstrength and endurance) eat nothing but alkaline foods. Cows with their huge bones and enormous bodies have notrouble with protein deficiency. Alkaline foods are also typically low in calories, so ifyou're concerned about that spare tire or bump in yourrump, eating mainly alkaline foods is a great way to makeit go away.The manuals in the Great Taste No Pain system explain thehealth dangers of animal products and show you exactly whatfoods are alkaline, so you'll know all the BEST sources foryour protein.The recipe book contains many mouth-watering recipes, soyou'll love every bite of getting your protein.You'll know what percent of your meals should be alkaline,so you can eat some acid-creating foods you love and stillmaintain a proper acid-alkaline balance.And if you're a die-hard meat and dairy lover that can'tgive it up, I also show you what foods to eat them with tohelp reduce their harmful effects.Check it out right away...and have all the protein you'llever need.- To your health,Sherry BresciaPS: feels so good, she's ready for her cruise: *******************Hi Sherry,I'm 69 years old and for the last couple of years I washaving real problems with gas and stomach pain whenever Iate anything, and sometimes even after drinking. Goingout, even to the shops was getting so embarrassing! I was finding myself staying home more and more. I don'tvisit doctors very often as I would rather try natural waysof healing first.I was searching the internet for remedies for my problem,when I found your website and sent for your 4 day freetrial. I couldn't believe that at the end of day 2, I had no gasand felt great, so I kept to the meal plans for the 4 days.Amazing! No more gas or discomfort when I ate or drank. Ieven kept to the plan when I went out to lunch with friends.I sent for the entire GTNP system which arrived today andI can't wait to learn everything! My son had invited my husband & myself on a cruise in Julyand I was not sure if it was a wise thing for me to accepthis invitation especially with the problems I was having. Now I am so excited and can't wait to go! Thank you onceagain.You're a legend Sherry!If you ever visit Australia, I would love to give you a hug!Thank you so much... Kind regards, ******************* Want to read past articles? Here they are:- * Forward this email to the people you care about the most!© copyright 2009 Holistic Blends- Orders: 1-315-295-1236About the AuthorSherry Brescia is the author of Great Taste No Pain andhost of the radio show "Let's Talk Health with SherryBrescia" on has over 20 years experience in the medical researchfield, and cured herself from IBS in 1992 by changing herdiet and eating the way she now teaches in her Great TasteNo Pain system.Sherry has made it her life's mission to help others withdigestive challenges by educating them about the role ofdiet in overall health and the importance of an alkalinepH. *The contents of this email are not to be consideredmedical advice.* To stop getting this letter would be to not get any futureproduct/seminar/upgrade announcements from Sherry Bresciaand Holistic Blends, Inc.Holistic Blends Inc.http://www.greattastenopain.com925 State Fair BlvdSyracuse, NY 13209Ph.: 315-295-1236FAX: 315-468-5818If you no longer wish to receive communication from us: & ARID=0 & D=To update your contact information: & ID=1061093484 & D= Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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