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Ripple Effect

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Ripple Effect

by: Larry Harp, , Source Unknown

There is no greater bond than that of sharing good news and triumph

with others. If you have ever witnessed what is called the " Special

Olympics " you know what I mean. I have found tears in my eyes seeing

kids I didn't even know meet a challenge and overcome adversity to

cross the finish line.

For some of us it takes little effort to succeed at a given task,

while there are those of us who just have to keep plugging away. The

reason: we are not all blessed with the exact same ability. I have

mine, and you have yours. We are, by virtue of this fact, bound to one


I can't make it with my skills alone, I need you. This life's journey

is difficult many times, and that's when the " Ripple Effect " can be

the most beneficial. If I tell you how much I appreciate your just

being part of my world, that's surely going to lift you up. A warm

smile, a loving handshake or brief note of praise placed on your desk,

will cause you to feel better about yourself and then that feeling has

a way of reaching out and touching the lives of so many others.

May I suggest that we, just you and I, go around starting a " ripple

effect " in the lives of those with whom we work, go to school with,

play with, and live with.

Could it be that your wife, husband, children (child), teacher, boss,

friend, neighbor, penpal, classmate, community leader, police

officers, waitresses, and so many others we dare not try to name them

all, need someone to start a ripple in their lives. I so wish I could

have started a " ripple " in the hearts and lives of those young men in

Colorado. What I'm saying is, we need to abandon the " me generation "

now, before we become more distanced from the things that bind us

together as a society and world.

I confess to you now, I cannot make it on my own. If that seems weak

to you, I'm sorry. I still believe in the wonderful uniqueness of

everyone on this planet. Each of us holds such power to mold the

nature of our surroundings. Opportunities abound, the world is still

going around, we have today, this hour this minute; let's not waste a

single moment.

Let us start the " Ripple Effect " with someone now. You cannot buy this

kind of happiness or fulfillment.

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