Guest guest Posted June 18, 2009 Report Share Posted June 18, 2009 Enjoy Mealtime Again -- Don't Be Slowed by Occasional Bloating, Gas, or Indigestion* Do any of these sound familiar to you? You used to be able to eat anything you wanted without giving it a second thought -- but now you have a mental list of foods you know will give you trouble. You occasionally feel bloated after you eat -- like you have to unbutton your pants or loosen your belt. You avoid certain restaurants or certain types of food. You occasionally experience intestinal gas. You have irregular bowels -- occasional constipation. If you have occasional problems with your digestive tract, you're not alone. The discomfort of occasional abdominal bloating affects 10, 20, perhaps even 30% of adults. And if you include other abdominal signs -- like occasional stomach discomfort, passing gas, or irregular bowel movements -- the percentages shoot up like fireworks. I hear from far too many people who are struggling with occasional bloating or stomach discomfort. And social embarrassment too. Oftentimes, you lose out on the pleasure of sitting down to a tasty meal because you know the price you'll pay later. All because your digestive tract isn't working optimally. Fortunately, if your situation is similar to that of the many others I've worked with over the past several years, there's plenty you can do to improve these occasional digestive issues -- and boost your overall health in the meantime.* If you can relate to these stories than please heed your feelings of occasional abdominal discomfort. Take a few minutes with this quiz I've prepared. It will help you focus on any digestive issues that might be bothering you. Take This Quiz to See if You Could Use Extra Help for Your Digestive System*: I occasionally feel bloated after a meal. Y N I'm over the age of 30. Y N I occasionally feel indigestion. Y N I sometimes have gas attacks after I eat. Y N I eat one or more large meals each day. Y N More than 15% of my diet is meat. Y N I eat my food quickly. Y N I frequently feel low in energy. Y N SCORE YOUR RESPONSES Of course, no simple online quiz can be tailored to your health, so there is no substitute for checking with your own health practitioner. However, here is what your score most closely indicates: 4+ ‘Yes' Answers: It sounds like you might benefit from some extra help to improve your digestion and make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need.* 2-3 ‘Yes' Answers: Continue reading to learn more about the ways your digestive tract functions. Someone with a score in this range is likely to benefit from some extra digestive support.* 0-1 ‘Yes' Answers: You may not benefit as much as others from extra digestive support. Still, the information in this article will help you discover how you can continue to keep your digestive system healthy into the future.* Read on. The occasional bloating, gas, and discomfort you feel is only part of the picture. There's a hidden cost to sluggish digestion. Discover how a well-functioning digestive tract is important to your total health. You Aren't What You Eat… But You Are What You Digest and Absorb If your body does not break down and absorb nutrients optimally, the effects can go far beyond the occasional abdominal discomfort you're feeling. In fact, it's been said that a healthy digestive system is at the root of all health. That's logical -- your digestive tract is the basic source of the nourishment every cell in your body needs. I want you to eat the healthiest, most nutritious diet possible. But if your stomach and intestines aren't working efficiently, even the ideal diet won't do as much for your health. You're not going to be able to optimally extract and absorb the chemical building blocks your body depends on. To help your digestive tract do its all-important job, you've got to understand some of the chemical wizardry that goes on inside your stomach and small intestine. Enzymes -- Your Silent Helpers in Processing Food* Maybe you've already tried some other strategies to deal with less-than-optimal digestion. You eat plenty of fiber, drink enough water, and consume lots of fresh vegetables. Yet something still isn't workingas well as it can. These are healthy dietary habits, so don't stop them. But you may need a little extra help. Perhaps the issue is your supply of digestive enzymes. You need a robust supply of digestive enzymes to process food as it passes through your intestines.* Here's how they work: The food you put into your mouth is a complex mixture of large organic molecules -- macromolecules. There are fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, along with vitamins, minerals, and other components. To absorb these nutrients into your bloodstream, you've got to break these large molecules down into smaller bits. Fortunately, your system has evolved sophisticated chemical engineering to accomplish just that. While you're polishing off your latest meal, digestive enzymes are pouring into your small intestine (from your liver, pancreas, and gall bladder) to break down the large macromolecules into easily absorbable smaller pieces. These digestive enzymes are specialized proteins, each designed to break apart a specific type of molecule in your food. For example, there are: Lipases -- to break down fat Amylases -- to break down large carbohydrate chains Proteases (also called proteolytic enzymes) -- to break down protein The liver, pancreas, and gall bladder contribute other useful helper molecules too. Digestive enzymes are naturally produced within your body. But sadly, there are far too many people whose enzyme stores become depleted for one reason or another. Then you can't digest your food optimally. The cycle of occasional bloating, indigestion, and other minor digestive issues begins. Enzyme Depletion --A Common Cause of Less-than-Optimal Digestive Function All too often, diminished levels of your normal digestive enzymes are the root cause of less-than-optimal digestive function. Here are a few of the many common reasons that your enzymes might be depleted. A generally unbalanced diet, without the right mix of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins Inadequate vitamin or mineral intake Poor eating habits -- rushing through meals, not chewing thoroughly Exposure to artificial food additives, colorings, and preservatives The aging process -- as you advance into middle age, a certain degree of enzyme depletion becomes almost inevitable With all these possible factors contributing to enzyme depletion, it's no wonder that minor digestive complaints are so common. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take today to make sure your digestive tract has maximal support to do its job. It begins when you take your first bite…. Start Digestion Off Right: Chew Your Food! In today's hurried world, we often neglect to savor the simple pleasures of life. For example, nothing matches the satisfaction of sharing a leisurely, healthy meal with family and loved ones. Quite apart from the esthetic pleasure of an unhurried mealtime, there are powerful physiological reasons to take your time chewing your food. First of all, the chewing process mashes your food into small pieces and partially liquefies it, making it easier to digest. Secondly, when food hits your mouth, it stimulates saliva production. Saliva contains its own digestive enzymes, so the longer you chew, the more time these enzymes have to get to work while your food is still in your mouth. This makes it easier on your stomach and small intestine. There's also a third reason to chew your food thoroughly. The chewing process stimulates a reflex that primes your pancreas and other digestive organs to do their job. It's a brilliantly designed part of the automatic communication system that keeps your body's organs working in harmony. Don't mess it up by skipping the important first step -- chew thoroughly! While we're on the subject of chewing, there's another important change you can make to save your digestive tract lots of stress. Avoid Chewing Gum!! Chewing gum interferes with the coordinated digestive tract reflexes that I just described above. Every time you put a stick of gum in your mouth and start to chomp, your brain thinks you're eating food. So it sends signals to your stomach, pancreas, and other digestive organs to get them ready for the digestive process. Your pancreas is fooled into manufacturing a batch of the digestive enzymes your brain thinks you'll need. If you keep this pattern going month after month, your pancreas gets exhausted from the repeated over-production. Then it won't be able to produce the digestive enzymes you need when you actually require them. Unfortunately, even if you follow these important health habits, your digestive enzymes could still become depleted. You may need some extra help with your digestive process.* How a Top-Quality Enzyme Supplement Might Help You Once Again Enjoy the Benefits of a Good Meal Thoroughly chewing your food at meals and avoiding chewing gum can dramatically help preserve your enzyme function. However, depletion of digestive enzymes does seem to affect many despite these practices. And the common result is troublesome occasional bloating, minor abdominal discomfort, occasional constipation, and more. This can diminish your enjoyment of your food and cut you off from much of the nutritional benefit of the healthy diet you're eating. Fortunately, you can give your natural enzymes a boost with a high-quality supplement that you consume at meal times. Taking an enzyme supplement will be like hiring an extra hand to help on a work crew -- whatever the job is that needs to be done, it will get accomplished more quickly, more easily, and with less strain.* It's that simple. There are dozens, or even hundreds, of digestive enzyme supplements available to the health-conscious consumer. So when you're considering which one to trust, there are a few key points you'll want to make sure you've thoroughly researched. The high-quality digestive aid you're looking for should have these characteristics: It should contain a mixture of different types of enzymes, to help digest all the components of your diet:* Lipases for fats Proteases for proteins, and Amylases for carbohydrates It should contain the right amount of each ingredient, to make digestion a breeze, but without over-riding your body's own digestive efforts* The ingredients should be all-natural, and of the highest quality to begin with The product should be labeled to tell you the actual enzymatic strength of each ingredient, not just its weight The supplement should be easy to use and come with a solid guarantee You should be able to obtain the product at a reasonable cost relative to the high quality The supplement should be manufactured by a top-notch company, with excellent quality control and consistent potency This last point is worth exploring in more detail. If you don't have confidence in the company that's making your supplements, how can you trust them with your health? Only the Highest Quality Manufacturing Process Guarantees Purity, Consistency, and Effectiveness There's a dirty secret that clouds the entire food supplement industry. Most vitamin companies don't want you to know about it. The quality and purity of most products is very erratic. If you send a vitamin supplement to be analyzed at a chemistry laboratory, the amount of each ingredient could vary tremendously from what's printed on the label. And that's true even before the product leaves the factory and sits on a shelf somewhere for a few months. On top of that, a wide range of fillers, binders, stabilizers, and what-have-you is then added. You can't take anything for granted -- these supplements are sold with little regulation. Here's a checklist of some of the characteristics you deserve in a high-quality food supplement: It needs to be all-natural, of course. There should be rigorous quality control at every step of production. Your product should be free of unnecessary additives or common allergens. The potency should be consistent from bottle to bottle, batch to batch. The manufacturer should exceed the highest industry quality standards. This means meeting the rigorous requirements to become ISO 9001, ISO 17025 and NSF certified. Those may seem like a bunch of meaningless letters and numbers to you, but believe me -- they mean a lot. The company that makes the supplement should test and retest the original raw food sources from which the product is made, to make sure they conform to a rigorous standard. The personnel who manufacture the product should be thoroughly trained and those testing the supplement should be scientists with PhD degrees. With all these factors to take into consideration, the health-conscious consumer would have to do a lot of homework in order to know where to obtain a supplement of superior value. But if you don't want to take the time to do this entire product research yourself, I've done it for you. I've invested countless hours researching the highest quality, medical-grade labs and manufacturers so I know I can trust them to create the nutrition products I recommend to my readers. The result is a digestive aid that meets and exceeds even my high standards. Introducing Digestive Enzymes:The Extra Help Your Digestive Tract May Need* You're looking for a digestive enzyme supplement to help yourself to better digestive function.* You want your minor discomfort and occasional bloating to diminish.* You don't want to feel bogged down after a big meal anymore.* And you don't want to worry about occasional constipation or gas.* If you read the label of name of product, and discover the care that goes into its creation, you'll begin to understand why I've selected this particular digestive enzyme supplement to recommend to my readers. You'll take one -- just one -- of Digestive Enzymes at the beginning of your largest meal of the day (or up to about 20 minutes beforehand). Then, the digestive enzymes in Digestive Enzymes will go to work supplementing your natural enzymes -- to help break down the food you eat.* Name of product has the right mix of powerful enzymes to get to work helping you break down your food.* A single tablet gives you powerful doses of each of these digestive aids: Digestion Booster #1*Bromelain Each capsule of Digestive Enzymes includes a full 3,000 MCU's of bromelain, derived from the pineapple plant. That's a hefty amount as compared to a typical, lower-quality digestive enzyme product. Bromelain is one of the strongest, safest, most tested ways to help break down proteins.* It's an entirely natural mixture of proteolytic enzymes and supporting substances. It's been used safely and effectively for centuries to improve digestion and boost health.* By the way, scientists measure the enzymatic activity of bromelain in MCU's. An MCU (milk clotting unit) is a standard way to gauge the actual potency of the enzyme -- not just its weight. There are many different types of protein, and many different types of proteolytic enzymes. Each one works most efficiently under slightly different conditions. So I've included a second important protein-splitting enzyme to give you a well-rounded product: Digestion Booster #2*Papain Papain is another natural, plant-derived proteolytic enzyme from papaya. Like its cousin bromelain, papain has been used safely and effectively for centuries. Digestive Enzymes will support your digestion with 1.2 million USP units of papain.* Working along with bromelain, the papain will give you a powerful ‘1-2 knockout punch' to deal with the protein you eat.* With bromelain and papain taking care of the protein in your food, you'll also need something to help break down the other components of your diet.* That's why I've included these additional ingredients in Digestive Enzymes: Digestion Booster #3*Amylase The amylase in Digestive Enzymes takes care of breaking down long-chain carbohydrates, such as starch or glycogen (the energy-storage molecule in animal tissue).* Once these molecules have been split apart, the individual pieces can be absorbed by the small intestine.* Long-chain carbohydrates, also known as polysaccharides, are an important part of a healthy diet. They supply energy to your body at a smoother, steadier pace than if you were to eat sugar (which, of course I don't recommend). But if you can't digest polysaccharides properly, they're not doing you any good. First, without proper digestion of long-chain carbohydrates, you won't have access to all the energy that's locked in the food you're eating. Secondly, if you're not adequately processing these large carbohydrate molecules, flatulence (passing gas) is one common result.* But that's not the only way that name of product is designed to help you. To complement the activity of amylase, particularly when it comes to digesting beans, peas, or lentils, I've included a second carbohydrate-digesting enzyme.* Digestion Booster #4*Alpha Galactosidase To help you break down the carbohydrates that might be resistant to amylase, I've added alpha-galactosidase to Digestive Enzymes.*Alpha-galactosidase has a special ability to attack the carbohydrate chains found in legumes -- beans, peas, and lentils -- and other “gassy†vegetables.* But excess gas won't be as much of a problem for you when you're taking Digestive Enzymes.* Each capsule contains a substantial 100 AGSU of alpha-galactosidase, with far higher enzyme activity than in many similar products.* You'll be able to include healthy servings of beans in your diet without fear of --shall we say -- “repercussionsâ€.* So far, we've taken care of the various proteins and carbohydrates your digestive tract has to deal with.* There's one other primary food component -- lipids -- otherwise known as fat. Digestive Enzymes helps you digest dietary fats by adding another natural, time-tested ingredient.* Digestion Booster #5* Ox Bile Bile is manufactured in your liver, and then stored in your gall bladder until it's ready to be squirted into the intestine to aid fat digestion. In order to safely and effectively supplement your liver's natural production, ox bile has been used for many years as a food supplement.* Ox bile contains the lipase enzymes you need to break down dietary fat.* In addition, it includes other substances that help emulsify the fat into small, easily-absorbed micro-droplets.* Without this emulsification, the fat from your food may glob together in big blobs and be difficult to process. The 400 mg of ox bile included in Digestive Enzymes will give your digestive tract plenty of help in digesting essential fats.* Power to Help Your Digestive Tract* -- Supplied by a Company That Stands Up Under Rigorous Scrutiny The combination of these powerful ingredients sounds great in theory. But without a top-of-the-line company ensuring the quality of every step of research and manufacturing, you couldn't be sure that the resulting supplement would deliver on all its promise. Fortunately, the company I've selected to provide Digestive Enzymes can proudly boast of meeting or exceeding all of the standards of excellence a health-conscious consumer should demand. That means that the supplement you'll put in your mouth is of the highest quality and most consistent potency of any product I found. I've staked my reputation on providing top quality, all-natural, effective nutrition supplements at a reasonable cost. If you take a closer look at the label of Digestive Enzymes and compare it to some similar-sounding products out there, you'll see for yourself why I have no hesitation in guaranteeing your complete satisfaction (see details below). Introductory Special: A 3-Month's Supply of Digestive EnzymesOnly $12.32 per month --Plus Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed (see details below) I've only recently introduced Digestive Enzymes to readers of my website -- and I want everyone who might need it to have the chance to try it as soon as possible. That's why I'm offering this powerful digestive aid at an introductory low price of only $14.97 for a bottle of 30 tablets.* That's a month's supply for people who take one tablet a day. Get a 3-month supply and pay even less per bottle: just $12.32. Start by taking one tablet of Digestive Enzymes at the beginning of your largest meal of the day, though you can take up to three per day -- one with each meal -- if needed. Many who start taking Digestive Enzymes begin to see changes right away -- your meal will digest much more easily, and you'll experience more freedom from occasional gas, bloating, or indigestion.* But don't worry if your body's response isn't immediate -- for some people, the beneficial changes can show up days or weeks later.* And, like all my products, Digestive Enzymes is backed by a no-questions-asked money back guarantee. So you can try your first bottle and still get a complete refund (less shipping and handling) if you're not satisfied with the results. By the way, Digestive Enzymes contains only natural ingredients that assist your body's own enzymes to more easily and completely digest the food you eat.* The ingredients in Digestive Enzymes are considered to be safe, with no commonly-recognized side effects or contraindications.* I am so confident that you will be more than satisfied with your purchase of Digestive Enzymes I am providing a 100% Money Back Lifetime Guarantee (less shipping and handling) so you can try it at NO RISK! Simply call our customer service department for immediate resolution regarding your purchase. Nine Important Reasons to Take the Next Step to Improve Your Quality of Life -- Today!* With my thorough and methodical research, I've taken all your guesswork out of selecting a high-quality digestive aid.* Digestive Enzymes contains a spectrum of enzymes to help you digest carbohydrates, fats, and proteins -- all three of the major food components.* From the first day you take it, Digestive Enzymes will be helping your natural process of digestion -- and start to soothe your digestive system.* It's simple -- only one capsule at the beginning of each meal is the perfect dose for most people. There are no commonly-recognized contraindications or negative side effects to taking Digestive Enzymes. Not only is Digestive Enzymes designed to offer relief from occasional bloating, gas, or discomfort, but it might help you derive more nutritional value from the foods you eat.* Digestive Enzymes is manufactured under very high quality standards. Trust me -- I wouldn't be comfortable offering anything less. Digestive Enzymes contains natural enzymes at a higher activity level than many similar products, but still I'm able to offer them to you at the low introductory price of only $14.97.* Your satisfaction is guaranteed. I stand behind my products 100% and have no problem offering a full refund (less shipping and handling) on those rare occasions when a customer is less than completely satisfied. Now you should understand why I'm so excited to offer you these extraordinary digestive enzyme supplements. There really is no need for you to live with these occasional digestive issues any longer when a top-of-the-line product exists like -- Digestive Enzymes -- that specifically addresses these problems.* Take the next step to improve your health.* Order now! Digestive Enzymes 3-Pack3-Month Supply (30 Capsules per Bottle) List Price: $50.85 Your Price: $36.97 You Save: $13.88 (27%) Digestive Enzymes Variety 3-Pack • Digestive Enzymes (30 Caps) • Complete Probiotics (30 Caps) • Organic Psyllium Whole Husk (12oz) List Price: $73.91 Your Price: $52.97 You Save: $20.94 (28%) Digestive Enzymes1-Month Supply (30 Capsules) List Price: $16.95 Your Price: $14.97 You Save: $1.98 (12%) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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