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DIVINE HEALING PACKAGE (From another group)

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DIVINE HEALING PACKAGECLEARINGIt seems that all Lightworkers are now getting new astral andetheric bodies. But many of us still have negative emotions,

negative or evil energies and entities, clogged or inoperativechakras and other blockages to our ability to function atmaximum efficiency. This " Healing Package " is designedto rid ourselves of these and to replace them with the positive

aspects of the chakras.Ask your favorite Deity, or if you do not have one, ask theGalaxy Being to administer the following " Healing Package " to yourself and to others which you name individually,

thanking him/her in advance for these gifts, if it be for theirhighest good: The following things are included in the packageMultidimensionally, and for all time, past, present and future -all levels:

First of all, anyone interfering with the Healing Packageor blocking the effectiveness of it to the person it is beingadministered to, will automatically be invalidated and turnedover to the Holy Spirit, who will decide what to do with them.

That at least gets them off our gameboard.In this whole Healing Package, the Higher Self of the personreceiving it is the ultimate authority.* Giving the person a spark of Divine Awareness, which lets

them see the purpose for which they were created, showingthem their karma being generated by their thoughts andactions toward others, and their past karma. Then thankingAll That Is for opening them up and giving them

Unconditional Love.* Removing everything from the entire field of energy multi-dimensionally that doesn't belong, and is not for the highestgood of the person. This includes things like implants, micro-

black holes, entities, negative oversouls, negative Overlords,negative elementals, astral parasited, backwards vortexes, allthought forms, portals to harmful energies or beings, negativematrixes, diseases, contracts, regenerator entities and all

associated energies with any of the above, including slimeand assorted trash, and whatever else is deemed by the HigherSelf necessary to be gotten rid of for the highest good of theperson including any detrimental self created energies and

their results and effects.* Removing everything hindering, obstructing, blocking andrestricting our ascension and enlightenment, and such thatia affecting us detrimentally from the other realities, realms,

worlds, levels, planes, spheres, Universes and dimensions.This includes any calcified or wrongly crystalized materialsin any of the bodies, and any signs, seals, emblems, symbolsand signatures from undesirable outside influences that have

been put on our auric field. These will all be removed andmerged multidimensionally with equal and opposite energiesderived by the most appropriate Energy Field, by DivineDecree, which reduces them to nothing. (Energy Fields are

intelligent Beings)* Removing the inner child's blockages to accepting Love, andgetting the Guiding Angel to cuddle the inner child if it needsit. Also getting the inner child to fully accept the Healing

Package, and removing any blockages to its doing so. AndRemoving all blockages to people becoming " Cherubim " .Showing the inner child the past lives that have caused thetrauma currently being experienced in this lifetime, and the

need for it to take responsibility for past actions.* Doing the same thing for the subconscious and conscience.Also gathrering up the group spirits of the inner children.the subconscious' he consciences' and the past life selves

from all past lives, and cleaning them up in the Black Holeand the Void.* Taking a multidimensional trip through the Void with allthe remaining bagage and attachments to get further cleanedup and ready for 5D, and making sure that the whole thing

goes into the Void all the way up to the top chakra overthe head.* Doing the multidimensional juggernaut time filter cleanseon the person, starting at both ends of time simultaneouslyand working toward the middle. This removes any calcified

mistakes and problems from all lifetimes. And since it ismultidimensional, it will also be done for all realities, andalternate time lines.* Cleaning out one's spiritual " house " and all the dark corners

and hidden trash throughout the whole house, including thebasement, attic and garage.* Removing all unnecessary and harmful memories from alltime that are not for the highest good, and any diseases that

are not karmic or otherwise useful for the development ofthe person.* Removing negative or unbalanced imprints and habits, evenfrom past lives. And removing density and what is left of theold " gameboard. "

* Removing other people's genies that from our energy fieldso they won't come back. Taking them and their ownersthrough the Void, and then returning the genies to the owner,and showing them their karma for doing it. Making sure our

genie is where it belongs. [ Genies are the oversouls of the 8thsphere, and the oversoul of our spirit family of 12 humans.]* Removing all roots, cords to all external and undesirableconnections and transmuting all the energy into neutral

energy and returning to Source. Also all shackles, curses,restrictions, blockages, implants, etc., and all associatedenergies placed on one by others. Then removing all karmicdisks and the energies in you that will disolve them, and

burn the contracts and other associated energies.* Putting the Dweller or shadow self, into the Ultraviolet LaserBeam in the Black Hole for as long as is necessary andspinning it up to throw off all the trash, and making sure it is

thoroughly cleaned out, as well as giving it the healing package.* Making sure no one else's genie is anywhere in your field ofenergy. And nullifying all evil and harmful things sent to youat point of resonance.

* Rescinding and cancelling any vows of poverty or contractsfrom this life and past ones, and alternate reality ones.* Rescinding all self-sabotage programs.* Closing and removing any portals and associated contracts

from any prior lifetimes and this one, in and around yourenergy field that are harmful and letting in entities.* Cleaning up and giving the Healing Package to the mirrorimage of ourselves beneath the feet.

* Installing drain hole in root chakra for all the accumulatedemotional garbage to drain on out.* Invalidating (take off humanity's game board) all etheric andastral beings and entities that are harmful to you, and turning

them over to the Holy Spirit for final disposition.CHAKRAS* Cleaning out all the chakras and spheres in the entire energyfield, and making sure the realms are floating. Repair anydamage to any of the chakras, including rearranging and

realigning the matrices where needed. Then pulling all thechakra meridians multi dimensionally until they " click " asmany clicks as is necessary, which makes sure that whenthey are let go, they will be straight, and not go back to being

crooked. Then taking the meridian that is fully stretched andswiveling it completely in a complete 360º circle around thebody. This releases all the encrusted stuff on the meridiansthroughout all time. It seems to clean up all prior attachments,

too.* Doing equal/opposite/merges on any problems related to anyof the chakras, including those in the aura, above the head, andbelow the feet, as well as any of these problems stuck in anyportion of the multidimensional being, past, present and future.

And make sure the main Star Chakras are also cleared, and themeridian from it to the sex and root chakras are clear of allpast lives so that guilt can be removed.* Making sure that the chakras are going in the right direction

and are in their proper places, and that the oversouls in themare in the proper places and cleaned up, as well.* Cleaning out and healing and transforming all the beings oroversouls that belong within the chakra spheres of the whole

energy field including the star chakras. And getting rid of thebeings that don't belong. This removes all the contracts theyhave made to our detriment, and all the karmic ties (disks),regenerator entities,

* Making sure that all the oversouls that belong in the spheresare in their proper sphere.* After the negative aspects of the chakras are removed,replacing them with positive aspects, such as: Joy, Serenity,

Love, Unconditional Acceptance of Self and Others, etc...* Clearing up the 17th chakra sphere so that people who crossover can see the Light and know their direction instead ofbeing lost in outer darkness.

* Clearing out 21st chakra which seems to be a source ofimplants, and the 28th which is a source of mental implants.* Cleaning out the 22nd chakra sphere, which seems to bewhere all the contacts are made. Breaking all harmful

contracts and getting rid of the regenerator entities andany signs, seals, emblems, signatures, cords and othernegative energies associated with the contracts.* Connecting the person to the Master Chakras outside

the aura.DISEASES* Removing any diseases from all levels, chakras, spheres,and alternate realities, and removing all this from the pastand future of the person multidimensionally as well. And

removing the cause of any illnesses or physical problemswhen they are not karmic, and healing the damage done bythe illness.* In healing people of diseases, addictions and some psychicattacks, going as far into the future or past to get rid of all the

energies responsible, and their root causes and sponsoringenergies, as well as the energies themselves. E/Q/M Andto remove and invalidate all the entities involved.* Removing all energies which block and restrict the perfect

health of our multidimensional being, including removingall parasites, fungi, viruses and bacteria, and whatever otherthings we might not know about; and removing all toxins.KARMA* Getting the person over their lack of responsibility of

accepting their own karma.* If there are still any karmic connections, pulling the astral bodytaken inside out into the past to dump all the accumulatedmemories and associated garbage and connections to the

present, and then returning it to normal. Also showing allthe parties involved all their various previous lives where theyinteracted, and how it evens out karma, and then show themtheir present karma fully, thus activating true remorse, which

can help alleviate their karma.* Removing all karmic disks, and the energies to disolve themwith, and then burning all contracts, regenerator entities,signs, seals, emblems, signatures, cords, ties, shackles and

other attachments.* Helping the person to face up to any remaining unresolvedkarmic connections including their origins in prior lifetimes.* Then doing an equal/opposite energy merge for all parties

multidimensionally on lack of forgiveness of self and othersin relation to all the lifetimes where they interacted* Complete Universal Energy exchange, whereby all energiesare returned to their rightful owners - this includes all

lifetimes, past present and future.* Clearing up any problems with the relatives and ancestorsthat is allowable.* Throwing all past selves into the Void to clean them up, andmaking sure that their multidimensional selves go all the way

down in up to the top chakra over the head. This will makesure they don't attack people you know in the present.REPAIR* Pulling all the rest of the meridians until they click. There

are thousands.* Transmuting all service-to-self energies, to service-to-others.* Making sure all parts of the body are communicatingproperly with each other. And that all the parts of the personare connected properly. Causing all the parts to resonate

together and rearranging all the geometries that need it.* Repairing any damage that was done to the entire energy field,including holes in the aura, and in any of the various bodies.* Raising the vibes of the person and vacuuming off density.

And straightening out and balancing the electromagneticenergy system.* Reactivating the 12 strand DNA, and installing the healingchamber in the body, and the crystaline energy in the brainthat helps the telepathic communication with Spirit.

* Putting anything in us that we are missing or need for ourascension, and replacing anything that needs replacing,including any of the oversouls in any of the chakras orthe subconscious as well.

* Checking to see if any of the jewels, wings, energies andparts or bodies have been abducted, and return them if so,and to properly deal with the beings that did the abductionso that they can't do it again.

* Returning all energies and essences that were stolen from us.* Returning any of the " jewels " (spiritual gifts), wings,energies, that might have been stolen and showing theperpetrators their karma if they continue in their dastardly

deeds. Then giving them a trip through the Black Hole andthe Void to clean them up so that they lose their desire to dothose kinds of things anymore. Giving the same treatment toany others that have been attacking the person that is not for

karmic reasons.* Repairing or replacing any astral or etheric or physical bodyparts that have been damaged or need replacing, and repairingany genetic defects, using the appropriate energy templates to

repair whatever needs the repair. Also upgrading and addingto the DNA where necessary for perfect functioning of thecomplete multidimensional self.* Checking to see if the Higher Self, the inner child, the genie,

the subconscious and conscience have been damaged, anddoing any repairs necessary. And doing a Healing Packageon each of them as separate beings in their own rights.* Doing the equal/opposite/merge on all lack of self love and

appreciation, and self judgment and feelings of not 'beingenough', and feelings of not being 'good enough', and onall other negative emotions blocking our spiritual growth.* Connecting and fully integrating the Higher Self, the genie

(8th sphere over soul), the conscious self, the inner child,the subconscious and the conscience of the person as he orshe spiritually matures.* Teaching the person psychic self-defense, and making them

aware of attacks from their family and friends and others.* Making sure that our defences are up and running, andthe wiring be repaired so that they are functioning properly,and that the subconscious be taught how to use them.

* Integrating eith the Light Body and removing any resistanceto the integration.* Making sure all the astral body parts are facing in the right " direction " and removing any obstacles to their doing so.

* Making sure that all the body parts are in the appropriateplaces.* Sealing any holes and repairing any rips and tears in theaura, and closing and sealing any portals, and repairing anydamage that was caused by any of these problems.

* Doing an electro-magnetic energy balance on the wholeenergy field.* Connecting to Source, and grounding and aligning all theenergies properly.* Placing the appropriate protective shielding around the

person's energy field to ward off harmful radiations andenergies.* Equal and opposite energy merge on the person'snon-acceptance and non-forgiveness of self and others,multidimensionally.

* Reprogramming the subconscious to behave in accordanceand in harmony with the Ascension. To quit sabotagingthe self, and to let go of everyone from the past, includingrelatives, spouses, friends, acquaintances and enemies.

* Re programing and teaching the subconscious to heal themultidimensional self, and to protect the person from psychicattacks of any kind, and to do only those things that are forthe person's highest good.

* Doing whatever healing procedures that are beyond ourunderstanding, or that we are not aware of, and whatever isdeemed best for the success of this healing. (we understandthat some additional items have already been added.)

* Reinstating all bodies of self and balancing all the differentenergies of the body's energy field multidimensionally.(including the chakras)* Rearranging any of the grids and matrices in the body

that need it - especially the hips.* Giving the healing package to all the past life selves, theirsubconscious, higher selves, inner children, consciences,and their genies of all the spheres. Removing any of the

residual karmic trash associated with these past lives.Integrating all the various lifetimes into a unified andperfectly functioning whole.* Putting everything in the person that they need for their

ascension, well being and flourishment, multidimensionally.* Doing equal/opposite/merge on everything keeping usfrom being perfect, whole, and complete.* Getting us to spiral upwards in ascension, and doing

whatever it takes to make sure it sticks! Also gettingthe inner child, subconscious and conscience to spiralup in ascension.* Making sure all the multidimensional parts are swiveledand spiraled on up to the same level.

* Releasing the " death hormone " and activating the " lifehormone " .* Retrieving any lost or earthbound souls of theirs that theymight have left in the past, transforming them, and then

reintegrating them with the self.* Connecting the person with their Guardian Angel and GuidingAngel and other beneficial Angelic Beings, and to connectthem with the healing vibrations of Nature, and the Universal

Healing Ray.* Making sure that the person " sees " all the guides and the HolySpirit and Sananda, and whoever else would be beneficial forthem to see.* Showing the person their perfected self.

* Giving the person the Golden Christ Light of protection.ADDICTION PACKAGE* Removing habits and rituals associated with the addiction.* Removing the addiction energy itself, and the chemical

and psychological addictions.* Removing the addiction entities anywhere in the energyfield of the multidimensional being, and invalidating themand turning them over to the Holy Spirit. Also anyoversouls and Overlords involved will be put in the Void

for general clean-up'. These addiction entities can even bein the inner child.* Removing residual energies and the chemical toxinsassociated with the habit and the addiction.* Repairing any damage, diseases and injuries associated

with or as a result of the addiction.* Healing of the spiritual addiction, and the negativeemotions involved.REGENERATIVE PACKAGEThe Guiding Angels will administer this to you if you ask.

There is a spiritual regenerative powder that is like a kitwith all the necessary tools to repair all organs in the body.It seeks out the damage and repairs it all. It is like a living,intelligent energy that the Guiding Angels can distribute when

asked.~~~~~~>>*<<~~~~~~Ask for the Healing Package for your pets, too. " Animals havea spiritual mission in this lifetime also. They will often take onthe problems of their owner in an attempt to burn off karma for

them. There is very often a mirroring process between your pet'shealth and your health. Some animals are to act as a sacrificialkarma clearer and others to just transmute it. " ~~ Stacee ~~So when you clear yourself, do the same for your pets.

It might help to print this out and put it under your pillow andtell you subconscious to give it to your higher guides at night.[ I left this in because one of our days equals 3 of their weeks.]We find that you have to request the Healing Package every day,

now, because for some reason things like that cannot be put onautomatic. Also ask for help in letting go of things.You can request that this be done for someone else, stipulatingthat it be for their highest good. Just request the " Healing

Package " from the Galaxy Being or the higher guides.Jack and Sue© copyright 2002Please pass this on, but maintain the exact wording, which isvery, very important. We spent a lot of time working it out.

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