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New and Confused

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Hi Everyone.

My 3 yr 1 month old son was diagnosed yesterday with ASD. The

therapist said he is " high functioning " and cognitavely advanced for

his age. Which shocked me, since he only has about 5 words. He

wants to see him again in 6 months to help determine for sure that

it is not Aspergers. I have been anticipating a diagnosis for some

time, and have had him on the gf/cf soy free diet for about 3 weeks.

Also, We have been working with some early intervention services for

develpmental delay for about 8 months, with little results.

My question for the group: The psychologist basically said that all

biomedical treatments are a gimic, and that my son will likely begin

to talk soon without all that stuff. He was also against the gf/cf

diet. He did recommend OC, speech therapy. I'm beside myself, and

not sure what to believe. I don't want to experiment on my son.

Yet, I have been researching the biomed approach like crazy. Has

anyone experienced resistance like this? DAN doctor? I'm in Utah.

Any input is appreciated.


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Yes, this unfortunately happens all the time. My kid's psychiatrist told me he would not refer me to a biomedical practitioner because no one could do anything for him. Well, I listened to parents on the Internet instead, and now my boy is recovered.

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