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Food Grade Hydrogen 35%-destroy bacteria and viruses

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Hydrogen Peroxide, or H202, is water plus an extra oxygen molecule.

The extra oxygen molecule, which is easily released, can destroy

bacteria and viruses because bacteria and viruses cannot survive in

an oxygen-rich environment.

Food Grade Hydrogen 35% Peroxide is the only kind you should use

internally, it has no additives and is the only pure grade that is

safe for use in food production, plant care, sterilizing enema

equipment and for oxygen therapy. It is very useful for detoxifying

baths or, when diluted to 3% to 6%, for use in enemas and douches, as

a mouthwash, an antiseptic throat or nasal spray, natural tooth

brushing when mixed with baking soda, for food sterilization,

sprouting and wheatgrass growing*, plant care, for sterilizing work

surfaces, laundry, dishwashers and sprouting equipment. It can also

be used as an insecticide.

A rising star as a Healing Agent in alternative therapies for

treating infections and degenerative diseases ranging from the common

cold to candida, herpes, arthritis to even AIDS and cancer. Bio-

oxidative therapies are well used around the world. External use of

Hydrogen Peroxide is approved even in countries such as the USA,

Canada and the UK, which are very conservative in issues of


To enjoy a rejuvenating and detoxifying bath use approximately 3ozs

(75ml) of 35% solution in a full bath.

Occasionally, also,I will give my girls hydrotherapy baths of

different sorts.

One time I will use 35% hydrogen peroxide in the bath. Next time I

will do the Epsom salts, next time baking soda, the next time might

be an aromatherapy bath of essential oils of lavender and chamomile.

Use 1 ounce of 35% peroxide per 1 gallon of non-chlorinated water

in a vaporizer improves nighttime breathing tremendously. But

intravenous infusion holds the real key to relief. It has the ability

to cleanse the inner lining of the lungs and restore the ability to


As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may

temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough.

You may need to start with ONLY 1 drop three times a day, then 2

drops three times a day. For internal use. Always add in pure water

for consumption. Very effective , Very Powerful.

Food grade hydrogen peroxide is 35% potent and 100% pure. It is a

strong oxidiser. Use rubber gloves whenever handling full strength .

I personally always use 1 large glass in my hot tub jacuzzie once a

month, and it totally has eliminated any need for ALL that chemical


I purchase mine from www.purehealthsystems.com

I find it helpful in many ways throughout the house.

Peace and blessings ~

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Thanks for sharing this? Should I give it on empty stomach and how far away from food and supplements? Or does that matter?

What do you mean by pure water? We use a Pur water filter on our faucet.Dana and Garrett, just turned 4, SCD 2 yearsCeliac, ASD, Speech and Motor Apraxia, sensory processing disorder

Subject: Food Grade Hydrogen 35%-destroy bacteria and virusesTo: mb12 valtrex Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 2:50 PM

Hydrogen Peroxide, or H202, is water plus an extra oxygen molecule. The extra oxygen molecule, which is easily released, can destroy bacteria and viruses because bacteria and viruses cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment.Food Grade Hydrogen 35% Peroxide is the only kind you should use internally, it has no additives and is the only pure grade that is safe for use in food production, plant care, sterilizing enema equipment and for oxygen therapy. It is very useful for detoxifying baths or, when diluted to 3% to 6%, for use in enemas and douches, as a mouthwash, an antiseptic throat or nasal spray, natural tooth brushing when mixed with baking soda, for food sterilization, sprouting and wheatgrass growing*, plant care, for sterilizing work surfaces, laundry, dishwashers and sprouting equipment. It can also be used as an insecticide.A rising star as a Healing Agent in alternative

therapies for treating infections and degenerative diseases ranging from the common cold to candida, herpes, arthritis to even AIDS and cancer. Bio-oxidative therapies are well used around the world. External use of Hydrogen Peroxide is approved even in countries such as the USA, Canada and the UK, which are very conservative in issues of healthcare.To enjoy a rejuvenating and detoxifying bath use approximately 3ozs (75ml) of 35% solution in a full bath.Occasionally, also,I will give my girls hydrotherapy baths of different sorts.One time I will use 35% hydrogen peroxide in the bath. Next time I will do the Epsom salts, next time baking soda, the next time might be an aromatherapy bath of essential oils of lavender and chamomile.Use 1 ounce of 35% peroxide per 1 gallon of non-chlorinated water in a vaporizer improves nighttime breathing tremendously. But intravenous infusion

holds the real key to relief. It has the ability to cleanse the inner lining of the lungs and restore the ability to breathe.As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough.You may need to start with ONLY 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day. For internal use. Always add in pure water for consumption. Very effective , Very Powerful.Food grade hydrogen peroxide is 35% potent and 100% pure. It is a strong oxidiser. Use rubber gloves whenever handling full strength . I personally always use 1 large glass in my hot tub jacuzzie once a month, and it totally has eliminated any need for ALL that chemical garb. I purchase mine from www.purehealthsyste ms.comI find it helpful in many ways throughout the house. Peace and blessings ~

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