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Re: Need help.. info on how many CCs to inject into dog's tumor

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On 12/4/2009, laurel canyon (laurelarc@...) wrote:

> I need to know how many CCs to inject of MMS into dog's tumor. Does

> anyone have that information.. or a link I can go and read up on

> this? Thanks

I have never heard of injecting it, and there are some warnings on the

net (google is your friend) against doing that, so, what makes you think

it CAN be safely injected?

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I remember Jim Humble has experimented with IV MMS1.That was on some of the videos of him I watched



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> I need to know how many CCs to inject of MMS into dog's tumor. Does> anyone have that information. . or a link I can go and read up on> this? ThanksI have never heard of injecting it, and there are some warnings on thenet (google is your friend) against doing that, so, what makes you thinkit CAN be safely injected?

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Intravenous MMS has been used for many years with people who wanted

intravenous infusions. MMS is being used in Mexico in at least one

clinic and I have had many people call me and mention that they were

either treating some one by intravenous infusion or that they were

being treated intravenously.

There are some listings on the Internet where sodium chlorite

has been used for infusions for up to 20 years. In checking the

quantities generally used I found that it was similar to that which I

have suggested. Although I didn't find a great deal of information, I

did find that more than 100,000 infusions have been done in hospitals

and clinics. Unfortunately, there was much fear and worry and so these

infusions were used to control a very limited number of diseases. There

was no mention of adverse effects or problems. But it is highly

doubtful that the infusions would have continued for 20 years if there

had been a problem.

I personally have had MMS intravenously quite a number of

times including before 1990. In the past and in most clinics even now,

MMS (sodium chlorite) is used intravenously without citric acid

activation (or vinegar). It is my belief that is a mistake. With

activation MMS increases the chlorine dioxide by at least 100 times if

not 200, or 300 times. The result has got to be that chlorine dioxide

goes deeper into the body when the MMS is activated with the acid

(mentioned above).

Earlier this year I decided to test this theory out. Over the

past 8 years I have continued to take MMS, not on a constant everyday

basis, but on a continuous bases. There have been many months where I

increased my dosage higher and higher. Finally I have been able to take two thirty drops doses a day without noticeable effect.

Which after being connected with many thousands of people taking MMS, I

must assume that there is nothing left in my body to create a

herxheimer reaction.

So with this in mind I decided to see if intravenous MMS

activated with citric acid would go any deeper into tissues of the body

and thus destroy more pathogens that might be present. I already have

proven that using inactivated MMS did not seem to make any changes. In

fact I had notice that if one was taking, for example 6 drops activated

with citric acid with a bad reaction by mouth, he could usually take

about the same number of drops by IV without the citric acid.

So I had proven I could take up to 30 drops without reaction

by mouth. I decided to find out how many drops of activated MMS I could

take (intravenous) without reaction. Being careful, I decided to start

out with one drop of MMS and 5 drops of citric acid 10% solution. The

first thing I noticed is that there was no pain created in my veins,

not this time and not anytime.

The small amount of acid in the drops is not enough to make

veins notice pain. In fact when up to 100 drops of citric acid solution

is added to 250 ml solution with the MMS one can barely see a change in

the level of acid in the 250 ml solution. Certainly not enough to cause

any pain even in an open wound. However, there was some pain from the

nurse not hitting the veins correctly. If the needle does not go

directly into the vein and it slides along the vein for a short

distance before penetrating the vein, it creates quite a bit of pain.

The one drop, however did create a herxheimer reaction. I

discussed this with several doctors, including Dr. Hesselink who has

had a great deal experience with oxidative therapies. They all agreed

with me that it was a herxheimer reaction which was actually bad chills

and flu like feeling. I went to bed with 5 thick blankets for about 2

hours, and then the reaction was completely gone. The next day when I

took the next infusion with the same dose, 1 drop of MMS and 5 drops of

acid, there was no reaction at all. So the next day I went to 2 drops

of MMS and 10 drops of acid. There again was the same reaction, chills

and flu feeling, and on the following day with the same 2 drops there

was no reaction. This continued up to 4 drops of MMS and 20 drops of

acid. I had to stop because the blood vessel began knotting up and

stopping the flow of blood. That is not an unusual occurrence and it is

normally handled with Heparin or Procaine or both. However, we did not

have any available and I had to stop for the time being.

I'm not telling you this to brag or anything like that. I just

want you to have the data if you are going to use MMS infusions on

yourself or anyone else. There is a little bit more data before we get

to the exact protocol. One of the ladies that calls me from time to

time decided to try MMS activated intravenously. I advised her to start

with 1 drop like I did, but she decided to use 16 drops of MMS and 80

drops of citric acid.

My contention is that one should take the MMS by intravenous

daily for some time, but she decided to try the shock method. I think

she had decided that she had either lyme disease or morgellons. The 16

drops IV (plus the 80 drops citric) made her very sick. She vomited for

three days. And an amazing thing happened. Her face had been getting

darker and darker and she looked about 70 years old. After the

intravenous Infusion the skin of her entire face pealed off with a

great deal of pain, but she wound up again looking her age of about 40.

About a month later she did an infusion of 16 drops two days

in a row. (She, of course activated it with 80 drops of citric as

usual) This time most of the skin on her body pealed off with a great

deal of pain. Evidently, the disease was in the top layer of skin and

the skin was killed as the disease was killed. I say this because her

skin was gray looking and old looking. When the skin pealed, the skin

again looked her true age and better. She said that she felt a lot


When I called at a later date she did not consider herself cured. I

didn't expect her to be cured as I believe that it will take a series

of such treatments for days, but I do not believe that it takes that

kind of shock to kill the morgellons disease. I pointed out that it

might take a continued use of MMS for a number of days or weeks. No

report on her further condition so far.

One other man from England reported that his friend was doing

activated intravenous Injections. He said that his friend took 22 MMS

drops activated with 110 drops of citric acid. He reported not feeling

very good and he reported having chills similar to the chills that I


My doctor in Uganda said that he used inactivated MMS in all his IV infusions of AIDS patients there.

He used 6, 12, and 22 drops or the equivalent of that many drops in

that sequence. Once he reached 22 drops in three days he continue at 22

drops until the patient was well. Many stayed sick for days, but

eventually seemed to come out OK. Some that felt well in three days

later returned asking for more help.

In my opinion, after seeing many people use intravenous

infusions, and MMS of various different amounts of time, that just

using MMS without the citric acid activation is not going to handle

some of the more incurable diseases. I believe it is going to take

activated MMS. That means getting the chlorine dioxide directly into

the veins.

In this case the chlorine dioxide will be dumped into the plasma of the

blood and some of it will be taken up by the red blood cells, and some

of it will not. If you have read up on chlorine dioxide you will

realize at this level of strength that it cannot react against blood or

any body components or cells. It is very unique in this regard. No one

has recorded anyone being hurt by chlorine dioxide at this level of

strength over the past 20 years. Chlorine dioxide has the lowest

oxidation potential of all the oxidizers. Remember, when reading

industrial reports of the use of chlorine dioxide they are talking

about 10,000 times the strength used in the human body.

Now having said all that, what I have recommended to a number of people who have called me is this:

Supplies:1 - 250 ml bag of saline or glucose solution with

the standard needle and tubing for IV. We use saline solution usually

unless we expect a drop in blood pressure, in which case the glucose

seems to keep the blood pressure up. It has been suggested by a doctor

that it is best to use no more than 250 ml solutions for 1 hour drips.

He mentioned that it can cause water on the lungs in larger doses. Tie

the bag in place and get set to use it.

1- bottle MMS

1- bottle 10% citric acid solution

1- hypodermic syringe

1- experienced nurse or doctor

Start out like I did. Use a dry clean glass. Do not worry about

disinfecting the glass as the MMS will do that. Use 1 drop MMS, 5 drops

of 10% citric acid solution, shake to mix, wait 3 minutes, using the

syringe remove several ml from the IV bag, squirt the solution from the

bag into glass and mix with the MMS. Suck the solution mixed with the

MMS back into the syringe and squirt it back into the IV bag. Shake the

bag a bit to mix it. It's ready to use.

Set the drip for approximately one hour. The herxheimer

reaction, if there is one, will probably start in 1 to 2 hours. Keep

the patient warm. Normally it lasts 2 hours or less.

Do the same MMS IV dose the second day or twice in one day,

morning and evening. Continue until there is no herxheimer reaction and

then go to the next higher dose. Continue at that dose until there is

no reaction at that level and then go to the next higher dose again

until you have reached 22 drops of MMS and 110 drops of citric acid.

Continue at this level until the patient reports that he is better or


Of course, observe the patient and make sure that reactions are

herxheimer reactions and not other problems. Do not make the patient

sick. Reduce the number of drops used if the patient continues to

experience chills, or headaches, or nausea, or diarrhea. Do not stop,

just drop back in the number of drops being used until the patient can

tolerate the condition without discomfort.

About the pain of IV infusions: Normally there should be no

pain involved in IV infusions. A number of doctors have mentioned to me

that they expected pain because of the citric acid used. But that

doesn't make a lot of sense. For example in a large dose of MMS, like

15 drops plus 75 drops of citric acid solution when mixed you create

one teaspoon of MMS at a pH (acid/alkaline balance) of 4.8. That is not

a strong acid. And when that is added to 250 ml of IV solution you are

not going to change the pH balance by enough to record unless you have

a very delicate instrument. I guarantee not enough for the inside of

your veins to feel. If you use pH test paper I guarantee that you will

not be able to tell the difference in the pH balance between before

adding the MMS and after adding the MMS.

The pain is either created by poorly inserting the needle or

by using the veins in the hands. I'm sorry I don't know why the hand

causes the pain, but it seems to cause it. It is some sort of a

neurological response as opposed to the feeling of acid against the

vein walls. When the needle is properly inserted in the arm instead of

the hand, there is almost never any pain. If the pain was coming from

the blood vessel, it would only hurt right at the vessel, but that

isn't the case. The whole arm hurts and that has to be some sort of a

nervous reaction.

The needle must penetrate the skin and the vein in the same

place. If the needle slides along the vein before it penetrates there

will be pain and usually inflammation. So it sort of gets to be a

scientific art. You got to get it right to prevent the pain. Just a

tiny bit of MMS in the skin or tissue and you have the pain and that

multiplies. Good luck.

CONTACT INFO: Before writing to the MMS Institute

about specific disease questions you should visit the knowledge base

and click on various diseases that may be of interest. Click here: [ http://MMSanswers.com ] An E-mail contact address is provided there.

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This page provides information about MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement)

which is a well known salt in solution. The information is not a

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These MMS web sites describe one well-known salt in solution for

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> > I need to know how many CCs to inject of MMS into dog's tumor. Does> > anyone have that information. . or a link I can go and read up on> > this? Thanks> > I have never heard of injecting it, and there are some warnings on the> net (google is your friend) against doing that, so, what makes you think> it CAN be safely injected?>

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On 12/5/2009, Wilkins (montemomma2002@...) wrote:

> I remember Jim Humble has experimented with IV MMS1.That was on some of the

videos of him I watched

Yes, but IV is not the same as injecting it into a tumor (or a muscle,

or anywhere else).

I honestly think that anyone experimenting with such, without having a

good deal of knowledge of biochemistry, is playing with fire.

But as always, caveat emptor.

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I don't know if it can be safely injected. But I did find last night an article that states how many CC can be and at what %.

It matters not anyway now. We had to put her down tonight. > I need to know how many CCs to inject of MMS into dog's tumor. Does> anyone have that information. . or a link I can go and read up on> this? ThanksI have never heard of injecting it, and there are some warnings on thenet (google is your friend) against doing that, so, what makes you thinkit CAN be safely injected?

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try the enema/retenson/implant of mms unto gthe rectom.

roger> I need to know how many CCs to inject of MMS into dog's tumor. Does> anyone have that information. . or a link I can go and read up on> this? ThanksI have never heard of injecting it, and there are some warnings on thenet (google is your friend) against doing that, so, what makes you thinkit CAN be safely injected?

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Laurel, I am so sorry for your loss. We had to do the same last month. They are so much like children..

From: laurel canyon <laurelarc@...> Sent: Sun, December 6, 2009 12:23:19 AMSubject: Re: [ ] Need help.. info on how many CCs to inject into dog's tumor

I don't know if it can be safely injected. But I did find last night an article that states how many CC can be and at what %.

It matters not anyway now. We had to put her down tonight. > I need to know how many CCs to inject of MMS into dog's tumor. Does> anyone have that information. . or a link I can go and read up on> this? ThanksI have never heard of injecting it, and there are some warnings on thenet (google is your friend) against doing that, so, what makes you thinkit CAN be safely injected?

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too have only heard of MMS1 with IV use. You would also have to make sure the pH

is reasonable, as I suspect the way many use the activator it probably swings

very acidic. If it were me I think I’d investigate the Sodium Bicarb

route. Also, you might want to look into Hydrazine Sulphate to stop the tumor

progressing while you work out what protocol you’re going to use to get

rid of it.



On 12/4/2009, laurel canyon (laurelarc@...) wrote:

> I need to know how many CCs to inject of MMS into dog's tumor. Does

> anyone have that information.. or a link I can go and read up on

> this? Thanks

I have never heard of injecting it, and there are some warnings on the

net (google is your friend) against doing that, so, what makes you think

it CAN be safely injected?

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On 12/6/2009, laurel canyon (laurelarc@...) wrote:

> I don't know if it can be safely injected. But I did find last night

> an article that states how many CC can be and at what %.


> It matters not anyway now. We had to put her down tonight.

I'm very sorry... :(

Putting a pet down is very hard, as most of us know from personal


But she is in a better place now! :)

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