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New Energy Alert from Bishop: Integrating the Feminine...

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A new energy alert, " Integrating the Feminine As We Prepare for What Is Ahead " has just been posted on the What's Up On Planet Earth?

web site. Find out about symptoms you may be experiencing as we integrate the higher feminine energies and what is in store for the future.

Read the newest energy alert at:


For Your Reading Pleasure Today A book excerpt from The Ascension Companion:


" ENTERING THE HIGHER REALMS can really bring aboutstates of

confusion. Yes, we are beginning a residency in thehigher realms, but we haven't completely left the old 3D worldyet! Much of what we believed regarding higher ways of beingand living were at times inaccurate. This information arrived

through a 3D mind, or rather through adis-connect state of mind. Much of the spiritual information thatwe were taught, or that we bought into, was therefore comingfrom a lower vibrating level of consciousness.

As many of us are having some very strange and interestingexperiences through the ascension process, we can then become

quite confused about what is really going on, and whateverything was really all about in the first place. Add to this theenergy shifts. When we experience an energy shift, it serves toraise our vibration. When this occurs, much of everything

withinand without is moved around. And during this time of so much " vibration raising, " things are adjusting and lining up in regardto a critical mass, so that change can occur. This can cause a

confusing waiting period. It is no wonder then, that we canbecome very confused at times and not know what in the worldis going on!

Confusion can occur when we thought that things would unfoldin a certain way. If we were to believe, for instance, that as weraise our consciousness, everything just naturally gets better and

better, we would be in for a big surprise. The purging andreleasing resulting from the ascension process creates depressionand challenging energies, to say the least. And then there are thelong periods of waiting, as mentioned above, where we seem to

be in a void or in limbo as we are

waiting for others to catch up,while we are also " rebooting " or re-aligning for the next step. Wemay continually expect that the next step will be oh so muchbetter, and then are usually disappointed and let down when it

isn't. Dying while in a 3D body is a very long process. Yes, there are

moments of really experiencing great feelings of a higher order,but the process is also very real, as it takes us through anddeeply into ourselves. It also seems to stop and start...and thiscan cause confusion as well.

" Have we gotten anywhere at all? " you may wonder at times. Orperhaps you may have had feelings that all this ascension stuff

created absolutely nothing New. The truth of the

matter is thatwe have made incredible progress. Taking an entire planet oflower vibrating energy and raising it up is no small matter.Things began at higher levels and then needed to trickle downinto the physical. In addition, the lightworkers began their

ascension journeys far ahead of everyone else, and therefore havebeen at it for a very long time. This was their service forhumanity, and this is one reason why it may seem like things aretaking forever. But for others, they have yet to begin.

If you were to look back on what your life was like a year ago, orperhaps even a few months ago, I would imagine you would seethat great changes had occurred. You probably are not the same

person you used to be and you are also probably in a verydifferent situation in many areas of your life. Confusion can result when we are seeing a process that doesnot resemble what we had imagined in our old 3D mind. But ourold 3D mind did not know much. For the most part, it was

disconnected from Source. And in addition to all of the above,those of us who are here experiencing the ascension process as aservice to humanity, are at the helm of the process as well. Thismeans that things can literally change on a dime. At higher soul

levels, we get together, have regular meetings, and arrive with aplan. And although there is most certainly a general plan, thelogistics and road to get there are subject to " wiggle room. " Sojust when we think we know and understand what will happen

next, it doesn't! (Unless, of course, you are very consciouslyconnected to yourself at a soul level...)

If you have chosen this page, you are being encouraged to knowthat all is always in divine and perfect order. Being in themoment can greatly ease any discomforts that confusion canbring. If you can get out of the way in regard to analyzing and

needing to know, you will connect more greatly to Source in thelong-run. The higher we begin vibrating, the more clarity wereceive, as we are beginning to " see " things at a much higherlevel from the other side of the veil. And clarity is not always

what we thought it would be! But as we progress further andfurther along our paths of ascension, we begin to find much morepeace, as we truly begin to find the clarity that was alwaysthere...we just weren't vibrating high enough to understand it

yet. " Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.

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