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Re: Suggestions for Bathing in MMS Tub Water

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Those measurements are off, 2.5 teaspoons isn't 150 drops, 1 teaspoon is

120 drops. 1/4 is 30drops. So 2.5 is 300 drops

I learned measurements when I was in culinary school, they're off.

For instant dosage to the body:

I take foot baths with MMS1 and DMSO

I use

1/4 teaspoon of MMS1 (30 drops)

1.25 teaspoon of lemon (150 drops)

1.5 teaspoon DMSO (180 drops)

I let feet soak in the vibrating hot foot bath till the water runs cold

in bath, usually 40min to 1hr. You get a dose through the pores of your

feet instantly. Try it, you'll feel the effects instantly.

On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 4:41 pm, kathelee wrote:

> Suggestions for Bathing in MMS Tub Water.

> Note: this doesn't say anything about DSMO in the Bath ....kathelee


> Skin Diseases

> Acne Pustular

> Actinic Keratosis

> s Disease

> Athlete's Foot

> Bacterial

> Vaginosis

> Barcinoma-Basil Cell

> Basil Carcinoma

> Black Heel

> Boils

> Candida Groin

> Candida Infection

> Carbuncles

> Chiggers

> 's Nerves

> Cold Sores

> Cysts

> Dandruff

> Dermatitis

> Diaper Dermatitis

> Eczema

> Genetal Ulcers

> Grover's Disease

> Hand Foot Mouth

> Heat Rash

> Hives

> Hydrocystoma

> Impetigo

> Insect Bites

> IrritantDermatitis

> Jock Itch

> Leprosy

> Lice

> Lichen Schlerosis

> Lichen Simplex

> Lupus Acute

> Lyme Disease

> Melanoma

> Milroy Disease

> Mites

> Monkey Pox

> Morgellons

> Nail Fungus

> Nevus Anemicus

> Open Sores

> Pellagra

> Poison Ivy/Oak

> Pre-skin Cancer

> Psoriasis

> Red Ant Bites

> Ring Worm

> cea

> Scabies

> Shingles

> Skin Lupus

> Skin Moles

> Small Pox

> Staph Infection

> Sun Burn/spots

> Sunburn

> Syphilis

> Ticks

> Vitilligo

> Warts


> In addition to taking oral doses of MMS it is possible to absorb MMS

> through the skin directly into underlying muscle. Whereas oral doses

> provide Cl02 gas primarily to the red blood cells, MMS that sinks

> through the skin provides Cl02 gas directly to the liquid plasma of the

> blood. More Cl02 is circulated and more rapid benefits can be expected.

> If you are not acquainted with the reported benefits from taking

> activated MMS doses, read the article: " Introduction to MMS " at [ Here

> ] and also print the mixing and activation instructions at [ Here ] .

> When using this bathtub strategy, your full skin surface will be in

> contact with Cl02 gas for 20 to 30 minutes.

> See this alphabetical list of diseases drawn from a catalog of 28,000

> skin diseases. ==>

> For some people this strategy has produced a breakthrough. By soaking

> for 20 minutes in tub water laced with activated MMS, people who had

> been unable to rise above a 7 drop oral solution were able to increase

> the supply of Cl02 gas in the blood stream without nausea. Rationale?

> Bacteria and pathogens on or below the skin level are killed by the MMS

> and they move outward, away from the body. Most debris moves outward

> and floats away rather than being adrift in the blood stream. Do not

> neglect oral doses during your occasional tub experiences. Take at

> least a six drop dose just before the tub bath. Don't worry about

> whether you just ate - or didn't eat. Any Cl02 losses caused by food in

> the stomach is minor and relatively unimportant.


> Pathogens removed through the internal use of MMS (as when we drink it)

> can only get out of the body by passing to the liver and on to

> elimination. This works fine until you reach the (temporary) nausea

> barrier. Nausea indicates that MMS is killing more pathogens than the

> elimination system can handle, resulting in temporary-but-serious

> nausea.

> Bathing in MMS water enables cleansing of pathogens that are on the

> skin surface or just under it. Cleansing at these outer levels seems to

> avoid overloading the internal elimination systems. Pathogens killed

> near the skin surface more-often move outward through the skin and

> float away. Do continue with normal MMS oral doses, of course.


> 1. WIPE OUT THE TUB. Otherwise the MMS ClO2 gas in the water will go to

> work on any soap scum and bathtub-ring, reducing or neutralizing the

> Cl02 available to the body. By the second bath, the tub will be clean

> due to the MMS cleansing action. Put no soap or other chemicals in the

> water. Adding more water does not weaken the CL02 that is being

> generated. Some people add 1/4 cup DMSO. (Not required but it may

> assist deeper penetration of the Cl02 gas.)


> 2. ACTIVATE MMS IN A CUP OR GLASS before adding to the tub water. Place

> 30 drops of MMS in a cup. Add 2.5 teaspoons of lemon juice or citric

> acid (150 drops). Plan for a 20 to 30 minute minute tub sitting. If you

> have open skin sores or severe body wounds, consider reducing the MMS

> to 20 drops mixed with 100 drops of citric acid or lemon juice (1.5

> teaspoons) so that sensations of heat or burning will be reduced. Open

> sores usually heal quickly due to the disinfecting action of MMS. The 1

> to 5 ratio is the normal MMS protocol.



> waiting, draw 5 to 8 inches of hot water for bathing. Do not add soap,

> perfume, shampoo nor children's toys. The amount of water doesn't

> matter. It is good to drink a separate 6 or 8 drop dose as well.


> Diseases caused by bacteria or viruses will almost always be resolved

> through repeated exposure to MMS Cl02 gas.


> Diseases caused by genetic or nutritional deficiencies may not be

> helped by MMS because MMS supplies no nutrients.


> 4. ADD THE ACTIVATED MMS into the tub water. Stir it. Almost

> immediately all germs in the water will be eradicated. Some companies

> provide swimming pool systems that use this same strategy. Water does

> not reduce the amount of ClO2 gas that is being produced. Tub half full

> or very full doesn't matter because the same amount of Cl02 gas will be

> produced by the activated MMS.


> 5. LAY IN THE TUB. One side, then the other. Splash water onto the

> entire body - arms, neck, hair, face - all over. If a history of cold

> sores, then wipe tub water on the lips and nose repeatedly and wherever

> they were once visible. If water splashes in the eyes, just wipe it

> away. MMS doesn't harm eyes - unlike shampoo. With a cup pour tub water

> onto the scalp.


> 6. ADD MORE HOT WATER. Heat opens the pores and MMS penetrates into the

> muscles. Massage the scalp with tub water. By the 3rd bath, skin moles

> may begin to crumble.


> 7. WIPE AWAY TUB DEBRIS when finished. See also:

> [Here] Hardback book: " Miracle Mineral Supplement for the 21st

> Century. " Volumes 1, 2, and 3.


> One lady stepped out of her 4th bath and looked down. She spotted two

> very skinny white worms creeping directly out of her foot. One beside

> the big toe, another between toe 4 and 5. These were probably Trichina

> worms, passed along from rare meats or poorly cooked sausage.

> In the presence of Cl02, parasites and germs will flee or die.


> [Here] Jim Humble's MMS Answers site

> [Here] Sign up for the MMS Newsletter.

> [Here] Jim's protocol for spraying MMS on skin targets.

> [Here] List of MMS resellers - $20 one year supply. [Here] Buy Jim

> Humble's hardback book - $21.95 US$


> CONTACT INFO: Before writing to the MMS Institute about specific

> disease questions you should visit the knowledge base and click on

> various diseases that may be of interest.

> Click here: [ http://MMSanswers.com ] 

> An E-mail contact address is provided there.




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