Guest guest Posted January 19, 2010 Report Share Posted January 19, 2010 Interesting Marie! From: healinghope <mfrreman@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 7:55:39 PMSubject: Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of America [Essiac] Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of America An Excerpt from an Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain By Lanny Messinger -- http://www.HealthFr ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMSESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATIONNO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIACESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPYESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACIDESSIAC AND DIABETESESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEMESSIAC AND DEPRESSION ESSIAC AND ASTHMASURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION Dr. Marijah McCain is a naturopath, master herbalist, homeopath and research microscopist with a following of a quarter million students and customers. My initial interest in interviewing Dr. McCain concerned a four-herb formula called Essiac. During the interview our conversation turned to the subject of Chemtrails. Dr. McCain began telling of an unconscionable incident that in today's Orwellian Newspeak could be best described as an act of "terrorism". Dr. McCain: "My life's been threatened already. I was nearly killed—let's see, it was December, three years ago. I was very actively involved in the chemtrail situation when it came out because it really, really upset me. I was really furious because here I am a doctor and I'm trying to save people and what the hell is this crap that they're spraying on everybody and I know it's making us sick. I was very actively involved on the internet. I was actively involved with an organization in Houston. About 11:00 at night a chopper came over my house and hovered over the house and sprayed the house and almost killed my son and myself. I had complete kidney failure. My lungs filled up with fluid. I couldn't breathe. I had to be put on oxygen. I was sick at least ten days—life and death—and so was my son. I lost my teeth over it. My teeth—I had really great teeth—but the enamel just literally came off my teeth and the inside of my teeth fell out. And that was within four months of being sprayed. And I still have the teeth to this day because at some point in time if this ever does become public, I'm going to sue the ass off them. But at any rate, I lost my teeth about—let's see, from the time I was sprayed to the time I had my teeth done—it was approximately six months. And I tried to tell people—I had photographs, etcetera—and I tried to tell people and nobody would listen. And I said look, this is bad. You know, this is a very serious thing we've got going on in this country. I don't know who the hell is behind this, but it is very, very serious." Lanny: "Did you ever take any test samples to figure out what that chemical was?" Dr. McCain: "No, not at that time. I had collected a bunch of samples [of chemtrails] and, you know, we concurred pretty much with what Carnicom was talking about on his website with the barium and aluminum, etc., and the heavy metal poisoning. But also the barium was radioactive and we'd been picking up low-level radiation with the radiation meter when the spraying is heavy. So people are slowly being poisoned with radiation. This is why the thyroids are going out. People are coming down with all kinds of weird rashes. A lot of that is radiation poisoning." Lanny: "What do you recommend for counteracting that?" Dr. McCain: "Well, the chemtrail issue is difficult because they use different things in different areas. Sometimes we have reports, you know, they'll spray South Carolina and everybody will get lower gastrointestinal stress. They'll have the diarrhea, etc. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll have the sinus, the upper respiratory. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll come down with meningitis-type symptoms. So it's really hard to say. The basic chemtrails spray is—you know, that has a specific profile—that' s the dry skin, the bad taste in the mouth, that type of thing. The chemical poisoning that you're getting from the barium and the aluminum and the metals and the toxin and those types of things from the jet fuel. And then there's the bacteria and the microbes and that's anybody's guess what the hell they're going to do next. It's like the West Nile virus. It went all across the country—I mean, that was a lot of garbage that it was just carried by a bird." Lanny: "There's a lot things we're not being told the truth about." Dr. McCain: "Well, exactly." Lanny: "What do you think is the purpose of chemtrails?" Dr. McCain: "I have no clue. I honestly have no idea. I've read everything there is possible to read—everything from they're trying to get rid of the population to they're trying to control the weather to they're using it for HAARP to there's aliens up there. I've read them all and I have no idea. But I know they're there and I know they're making people sick and I know that if they don't stop—I mean, there's starting to be reports now of people dying. I mean, there's people getting bacterial infections. They're dying of heart attacks because the bacteria is getting to the heart. There's people that are dying that they've done blood tests on and found high levels of barium in the system. Barium is very, very toxic. It's extremely toxic. And aluminum is really bad because it crosses the brain barrier. It makes people—they can't think any more. And you can interview hundreds of people and they will tell you that they have trouble thinking. You know, their minds are foggy. And this is one of the reasons why I developed that Formula One with the EDTA. That was specifically developed to pull those heavy metals out of the system. "There's some areas in the states where people don't see them [chemtrails] because they don't spray like down by Bush's farm in Texas. I've got a friend that lives not very far from there. They never spray there—ever." Lanny: "Gee, I wonder why? That's interesting. " Dr. McCain: "Isn't it? So there's a bunch of stuff on my web site about that under The Air Pollution Solution. We've got the barium detox and the aluminum and EDTA. I developed some specific things to target specific problems with these chemtrails and I try to stay on top of those things. Of course, we use them all here. And we back it up with hair analysis to make sure that our bodies are not accumulating barium and not accumulating aluminum. "We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell you that. That much I know. People have got to save themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. "That's another thing. I've got to tell you—make sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. Depression—the liver works with the chemical balances, the chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this four-herb tea [Essiac tea] with so many people that are suffering from depression—serious, serious depression—and it will bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically say—God forbid—let's take an example of a person whose mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these chemicals and it poisons the system. [Toxins are stored in the fat tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons the body. They become lethargic, they become depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. Do you follow me?" Lanny: "I've been there. I had very serious, chronic asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything else." Dr. McCain: "Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so valuable, the St. 's wort." Lanny: "Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers." Dr. McCain: "In order to survive, the people—what I call the remnant, or the people that really will survive—are the ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming." About three weeks after I interviewed Dr. McCain I sent her an email asking her what herbs/supplements she took in order to survive the helicopter spraying attack on her home. This was her response: "Kidneys failed completely and lungs filled up with fluid and I almost drowned. I was on oxygen and used the following: Asparagus Extract – Dr. Chi's to help detox the kidneys fast Colloidal Silver – 500 ppm – 4 times a day Olive Leaf Extract – anti-viral – 9 caps a day 4-Herb Tea – 3 times a day KB – herbal diuretic to help remove the fluid build up – I was drowning in my lung fluid. COQ10 with Hawthorn – 100 mg. 2 times a day to protect the heart as it was also taking on fluid. Super II laxative to move the toxins through fast Homeopathic Kidney and Lung support The Asparagus Extract saved my life in this case." I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc. Dr. McCain indicated that other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are also very effective. Dr. McCain: "For instance, let's take smallpox as an example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time you start to get a rash it has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys detoxing. Get your antiviral in there—your olive leaf extract and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any constipation— that everything is flowing through and you won't get deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the liver and takes the load out of the system." Lanny: "Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from penetrating the cell, like elderberry does?" Dr. McCain: "No, it stops the virus from replicating. You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are continually replacing themselves every day—they're always dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're spurred—like they can sit in the cell for a long time—and they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you follow?" Lanny: "How long have you been using Essiac?" Dr. McCain: "I would guess probably about seven years. I made it available for my students to try. I didn't come right out and say it was going to be any good. I asked my students if they wanted to give it a try. My students started to try it and the feedback was just absolutely unbelievable. " Lanny: "What kind of feedback did you get?" ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS Dr. McCain: "The very first call I got was from a chiropractor who had a patient that had psoriasis for eight years. And she just put the patient on it because she just decided she'd give it a shot and it cleared up the psoriasis. They had never been able to clear up the psoriasis in eight years. So the first testimonials were not cancer testimonials. The first testimonials were actually skin problem testimonials, which was really remarkable. The first cancer testimonial I had was from a man in Arkansas and he had terminal lung cancer. One of my students had given him the tea to try and it had cured his lung cancer and he had done nothing else. There was no other supplements taken—nothing else—all he did was take the tea. And I thought: Oh, my Goodness, we're seriously on to something here. So then in the next newsletter, with about six or seven testimonials that I had in hand from my students, I said okay I'm going to offer this. I'm not going to make any claims on it, but if you guys want to try it here it is, and it just went berserk. We sent out testimonial sheets for about the first five years every time we sent out the tea. I have testimonial sheets that would fill a closet on this tea. It was really shocking to me because it wasn't just the cancer and I couldn't understand how come we were getting so many different testimonials. We had one lady call in. She had these awful white patches all over her skin and she took the tea and the white patches turned hard and they all peeled off and her skin went back to normal. Which was really remarkable because she had that for years and years. We had another elderly person who had lost all their hair. They took the tea, the hair grew back, but not only did the hair grow back, the hair grew back brown. When they lost their hair, it was gray. "These testimonials were blowing my mind because I was trying to figure out what in the world this tea was doing in order to have such broad-based positive health effects on so many different things. So I started to investigate, seriously, the burdock root—see what was in it. Everybody reported better energy when they took the tea. Well, come to find out burdock root is very high in iron, in natural iron that is easily assimilable in the body. So that was good. It was a blood builder, but the primary function of it is that it is a liver cleanser. The liver, of course, filters the blood system and when it's toxic, the immune system starts to fail. This is what was so profound about this tea because as soon as you started to cleanse the liver the immune system would kick in and it would pretty much fix whatever the problem was in the person. That's what I found so mind-boggling about this tea. It wasn't just for cancer; it's our number one formula now that we use for any kind of skin ailment, hives, psoriasis, especially acne. It works wonders with acne because the skin is the last eliminatory organ. So when the liver is toxic, the poisons start coming out the skin. As soon as you detox the liver, the skin goes back to normal. I've got years and years of experience with this. It's just mind-boggling. " ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION Lanny: "What other conditions does Essiac help?" Dr. McCain: "I had a little guy, a child that was seriously poisoned with SEVIN dust [a garden pesticide]. What happened was this child got very, very ill—been to all the doctors and everything—and they had called me and she described the symptoms. And I had said to her: Listen, it sounds to me like there is some type of poisoning with this child. They had tried every antibiotic, everything with this kid, and the kid was just getting sicker and sicker and sicker. I put the child on the four-herb tea and that was it. Once the chemicals were detoxed out of the body the child recovered and came back to normal. So there was a case where the child was poisoned with a chemical poisoning and it was affecting the liver and the blood system and the neurological system. The child was having neurological symptoms as well. So those types of poisonings—chemical, pesticides, that type of thing that localize in the liver—the four-herb tea helps those as well. Which is pretty remarkable. "And also I don't know if you want to mention this or not, because it is very, very controversial, but I have had an awful lot of children who had been given the MMR vaccine and DPT shots and they have manifested symptoms to the extreme of autism where they can't talk any more and they have serious learning disorders. I formulated homeopathic formulas to counter-balance these vaccines, but I also put these children on the four-herb tea. And my most dramatic case was a case in China where the child, after having received the vaccine, quit speaking, would run around on his tippy-toes, bang his head up against the wall. It was a very, very sad case because the child was normal before they got the vaccine. It took about ten months. I worked with these people. As a matter of fact that was what sparked me to have the MMR detox made up, the actual homeopathic done. And I had sent that over to China and we eventually restored that child to health. But part of the protocol was using the four-herb tea. I did use some other things as well. These are very, very dramatic cases where the medical doctors have no solutions whatsoever." Lanny: "Yeah, except drugs." Dr. McCain: "Well, yeah, that child would have been institutionalized. They would have had to lock that child up. So I really went out of my way to try to save that child and since then have saved a lot of children. NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC "I've got to tell you this about the toxicity levels of it [Essiac]. When we very first started making the tea, I got an emergency phone call. A parent had made the tea and put it in the refrigerator and had left the house with a babysitter and a six-month old baby. Well, the babysitter thought it was iced tea, went into the frig and filled up an eight-ounce bottle, gave it to the six-month old baby--that's an eight-ounce bottle of four-herb tea, straight (i.e., undiluted)—and drank two glasses herself. The parent called me, absolutely flipped out of their mind, okay. We monitored the baby for two days—absolutely no toxic side effect at all. So there is the testimonial on the toxicity. No toxicity from this product [Essiac]. We have never, ever, not one time in all these years, had a toxic reaction to that tea. Not one. ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY "It's unbelievable. The worse thing that happened is that we've had people that have had a lot of drugs, a lot of chemotherapy, etcetera, they'll start off on the tea three times a day, they might get a mild headache because the body is detoxing so quickly. We back them up; we tell them to start off just once a day and build up to it over a couple of weeks. But that's the very worse thing. And we've given it to so many people and people have given it to dogs and cats and you name it over the years. We've sold thousands and thousands and thousands of packages of this tea and have had tremendous amounts of feedback and so I'm very, very familiar with this tea. The original instructions were two ounces in a little bit of warm water three times a day. We have increased that because we know there's no toxicity, so we do tell people if they want to they can increase it to four or five times a day. I had one lady who had breast cancer who called me and said she drank a quart a day. And she did heal herself of breast cancer, by the way, but she was drinking a tremendous amount more than what the recommended doses were. So people do what they want even if you do give them instructions, but I wouldn't recommend that because people take a lot more supplements now. When we very first started out with this tea, that was all we had and mostly people just took the tea. Now we have a lot of other things, people are much more educated—the antioxidants and they added a lot of other things as well. You can overwhelm the body when it's trying to heal itself, if you add too many things." ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID Lanny: "Some people bring up the oxalic acid in sheep sorrel…" Dr. McCain: "I believe that's in the turkey rhubarb as well. The only thing that is contraindicated for is an arthritic-type condition, an acidic condition. Interestingly enough, in my research most people with cancer do not have arthritis and vice versa. That's not a law, but it's pretty common, a general trend. We don't normally recommend the tea for arthritic conditions because we've got so many other things that benefit arthritis much better. And if they do have to take the tea, we recommend that they just add in a calcium supplement, that's all. Because an arthritic condition is an acidic condition and the oxalic acid makes it a little bit acidic. It can aggravate it [Essiac] a little bit, but it's not harmful; it just doesn't cure it. People report that they're a little stiffer, so we supplement calcium and we don't have a problem with the stiffness. It's just the stiffness. They get pain--when they get arthritis they ache. The calcium counterbalances that. That's what an arthritic condition is, is the body is not getting enough calcium and is pulling calcium from the bones. So you have to supplement calcium and then you don't have a problem, unless it's an arthritic condition caused by infection. There's a couple different causes, but most common is lack of calcium." ESSIAC AND DIABETES Lanny: "Have you noticed a lot of people with diabetes with testimonials about Essiac?" Dr. McCain: "Absolutely. The four-herb tea was really good. As a matter of fact we had to put a warning in there. People who were on insulin that were taking the tea needed to monitor their blood sugar because sometimes the pancreas would kick back in, but not all the time it would. Let's say, for instance, the person had been on insulin for fifteen years. The chances of the pancreas kicking back in are going to be a lot slimmer than if a person has just come down with diabetes. Follow? Let's hypothetically say this person is on a fixed dose of insulin a day and we do give them the tea and the pancreas does start to kick in. They've got to monitor that sugar, otherwise they will get an insulin shock because their body does not need that much insulin. Any time we give it to a diabetic patient we have to make sure that they watch their sugar because if their sugar drops down they don't need to be taking their massive doses of their drugs. They've got to be careful. Follow? The tea did in fact sometimes make very radical improvements in people that were diabetics. We've had people come off the insulin with the Essiac, but those are people who are very strict about not eating sugar. The problem with diabetics is that they go to their doctor and the doctor tells them that they're diabetic and they give them insulin shots and they go home and eat their Twinkies. They continue to eat sugar, that's where the problem is. They've got to stop eating sugar. And the people that will quit eating sugar, change their diet and then work with the tea and some other supplements like vanadium. They found that vanadium is deficient in diabetics. The chromium picolinate really helps. If they will work with their supplements they can reverse it. But they can't reverse it if they won't change their diet. [Dr. Banting, a co-discover of insulin, also found a correlation between Essiac, insulin, and the pancreas.] ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM "We have people that are perfectly healthy take it [Essiac] just as a maintenance and they'll swear that they don't get colds any more. They'll swear that they feel better. They take it just once a day. Another thing is longevity. I have a customer who had terminal cancer in 1996 and he started taking the four-herb tea. They had given him a very short time to live and this is 2003. You could never convince this man to stop taking the tea. So people ask me if it's safe for long-term use. You bet. ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION "We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell you that. That much I know. People have got to save themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. "That's another thing. I've got to tell you—make sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. Depression—the liver works with the chemical balances, the chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this four-herb tea [Essiac] with so many people that are suffering from depression—serious, serious depression—and it will bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically say—God forbid—let's take an example of a person whose mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these chemicals and it poisons the system. [Toxins are stored in the fat tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons the body. They become lethargic, they become depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. Do you follow me?" ESSIAC AND ASTHMA Lanny: "I've been there. I had very serious, chronic asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything else." Dr. McCain: "Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so valuable, the St. 's wort." Lanny: "Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers. Now I just drink Essiac tea every day and I haven't had any problems with asthma." [Also, Dr. Glum successfully treated his chronic bronchitis with Essiac.] SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION Dr. McCain: "In order to survive, the people—what I call the remnant, or the people that really will survive—are the ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming." I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc. Dr. McCain indicated that other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are also very effective. Dr. McCain: "For instance, let's take smallpox as an example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time you start to get a rash it has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys detoxing. Get your antiviral in there—your olive leaf extract and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any constipation— that everything is flowing through and you won't get deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the liver and takes the load out of the system." Lanny: "Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from penetrating the cell, like elderberry does?" Dr. McCain: "No, it stops the virus from replicating. You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are continually replacing themselves every day—they're always dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're spurred—like they can sit in the cell for a long time—and they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you follow?" To obtain the four herbs to make Essiac contact: Lanny Messinger 1106 South Main St. #11 Moscow, Idaho 83843 Lanny@HealthFreedom .info http://www.HealthFr {Common Law copyright March 2003 Lanny Messinger; This article may be reproduced and distributed only under the conditions 1) that it be free of charge; 2) that it be reproduced in its entirety without any alterations whatsoever; and 3) that anyone who wishes to post this article on a website must first obtain permission from the author, Lanny Messinger at http://www.HealthFr} Be smarter than spam. 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Guest guest Posted January 19, 2010 Report Share Posted January 19, 2010 JS there are hundreds of links follow them and the truth will astound you it did me. Marie > > Interesting Marie! > > > > > ________________________________ > From: healinghope <mfrreman@...> > bird mites > Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 7:55:39 PM > Subject: Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of America > >  > [Essiac] > Chemtrails,Essiacand theDetoxification of America > An Excerpt from an Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain >  By Lanny Messinger -- http://www.HealthFr > ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION > NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC > ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY > ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID > ESSIAC AND DIABETES > ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM > ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION > ESSIAC AND ASTHMA > SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION >  Dr. Marijah McCain is a naturopath, master herbalist, homeopath and research microscopist with a following of a quarter million students and customers. My initial interest in interviewing Dr. McCain concerned a four-herb formula called Essiac. During the interview our conversation turned to the subject of Chemtrails. Dr. McCain began telling of an unconscionable incident that in today's Orwellian Newspeak could be best described as an act of " terrorism " . >  Dr. McCain: " My life's been threatened already. I was nearly killed†" let's see, it was December, three years ago. I was very actively involved in the chemtrail situation when it came out because it really, really upset me. I was really furious because here I am a doctor and I'm trying to save people and what the hell is this crap that they're spraying on everybody and I know it's making us sick. I was very actively involved on the internet. I was actively involved with an organization in Houston. About 11:00 at night a chopper came over my house and hovered over the house and sprayed the house and almost killed my son and myself. I had complete kidney failure. My lungs filled up with fluid. I couldn't breathe. I had to be put on oxygen. I was sick at least ten days†" life and death†" and so was my son. I lost my teeth over it. My teeth†" I had really great teeth†" but the enamel just literally came off my teeth and the > inside of my teeth fell out. And that was within four months of being sprayed. And I still have the teeth to this day because at some point in time if this ever does become public, I'm going to sue the ass off them. But at any rate, I lost my teeth about†" let's see, from the time I was sprayed to the time I had my teeth done†" it was approximately six months. And I tried to tell people†" I had photographs, etcetera†" and I tried to tell people and nobody would listen. And I said look, this is bad. You know, this is a very serious thing we've got going on in this country. I don't know who the hell is behind this, but it is very, very serious. " >  Lanny: " Did you ever take any test samples to figure out what that chemical was? " >  Dr. McCain: " No, not at that time. I had collected a bunch of samples [of chemtrails] and, you know, we concurred pretty much with what Carnicom was talking about on his website with the barium and aluminum, etc., and the heavy metal poisoning. But also the barium was radioactive and we'd been picking up low-level radiation with the radiation meter when the spraying is heavy. So people are slowly being poisoned with radiation. This is why the thyroids are going out. People are coming down with all kinds of weird rashes. A lot of that is radiation poisoning. " >  Lanny: " What do you recommend for counteracting that? " >  Dr. McCain: " Well, the chemtrail issue is difficult because they use different things in different areas. Sometimes we have reports, you know, they'll spray South Carolina and everybody will get lower gastrointestinal stress. They'll have the diarrhea, etc. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll have the sinus, the upper respiratory. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll come down with meningitis-type symptoms. So it's really hard to say. The basic chemtrails spray is†" you know, that has a specific profile†" that' s the dry skin, the bad taste in the mouth, that type of thing. The chemical poisoning that you're getting from the barium and the aluminum and the metals and the toxin and those types of things from the jet fuel. And then there's the bacteria and the microbes and that's anybody's guess what the hell they're going to do next. It's like the West Nile virus. It went all across the country†" I mean, that was a lot > of garbage that it was just carried by a bird. " >  Lanny: " There's a lot things we're not being told the truth about. " >  Dr. McCain: " Well, exactly. "  >  Lanny: " What do you think is the purpose of chemtrails? " >  Dr. McCain: " I have no clue. I honestly have no idea. I've read everything there is possible to read†" everything from they're trying to get rid of the population to they're trying to control the weather to they're using it for HAARP to there's aliens up there. I've read them all and I have no idea. But I know they're there and I know they're making people sick and I know that if they don't stop†" I mean, there's starting to be reports now of people dying. I mean, there's people getting bacterial infections. They're dying of heart attacks because the bacteria is getting to the heart. There's people that are dying that they've done blood tests on and found high levels of barium in the system. Barium is very, very toxic. It's extremely toxic. And aluminum is really bad because it crosses the brain barrier. It makes people†" they can't think any more. And you can interview hundreds of people and they will tell you that they have > trouble thinking. You know, their minds are foggy. And this is one of the reasons why I developed that Formula One with the EDTA. That was specifically developed to pull those heavy metals out of the system. >  " There's some areas in the states where people don't see them [chemtrails] because they don't spray like down by Bush's farm in Texas. I've got a friend that lives not very far from there. They never spray there†" ever. " >  Lanny: " Gee, I wonder why? That's interesting. " >  Dr. McCain: " Isn't it? So there's a bunch of stuff on my web site about that under The Air Pollution Solution. We've got the barium detox and the aluminum and EDTA. I developed some specific things to target specific problems with these chemtrails and I try to stay on top of those things. Of course, we use them all here. And we back it up with hair analysis to make sure that our bodies are not accumulating barium and not accumulating aluminum. >  " We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell you that. That much I know. People have got to save themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. >  " That's another thing. I've got to tell you†" make sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. Depression†" the liver works with the chemical balances, the chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this four-herb tea [Essiac tea] with so many people that are suffering from depression†" serious, serious depression†" and it will bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically say†" God forbid†" let's take an example of a person whose mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons the body. They become lethargic, they become > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. Do you follow me? " >  Lanny: " I've been there. I had very serious, chronic asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything else. " >  Dr. McCain: " Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so valuable, the St. 's wort. " >  Lanny: " Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers. " >  Dr. McCain: " In order to survive, the people†" what I call the remnant, or the people that really will survive†" are the ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming. "  > About three weeks after I interviewed Dr. McCain I sent her an email asking her what herbs/supplements she took in order to survive the helicopter spraying attack on her home. This was her response: >  " Kidneys failed completely and lungs filled up with fluid and I almost drowned. I was on oxygen and used the following: > Asparagus Extract †" Dr. Chi's to help detox the kidneys fast > Colloidal Silver †" 500 ppm †" 4 times a day > Olive Leaf Extract †" anti-viral †" 9 caps a day > 4-Herb Tea †" 3 times a day > KB †" herbal diuretic to help remove the fluid build up †" I was drowning in my lung fluid. > COQ10 with Hawthorn †" 100 mg. 2 times a day to protect the heart as it was also taking on fluid. > Super II laxative to move the toxins through fast > Homeopathic Kidney and Lung support > The Asparagus Extract saved my life in this case. " >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are also very effective. >  Dr. McCain: " For instance, let's take smallpox as an example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time you start to get a rash it > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys detoxing. Get your antiviral in there†" your olive leaf extract and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any constipation†" that everything is flowing through and you won't get deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the liver and takes the load out of the system. " >  Lanny: " Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from penetrating the cell, like elderberry does? " >  Dr. McCain: " No, it stops the virus from replicating. You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are continually replacing themselves every day†" they're always dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're spurred†" like they can sit in the cell for a long time†" and they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you follow? " > Lanny: " How long have you been using Essiac? " >  Dr. McCain: " I would guess probably about seven years. I made it available for my students to try. I didn't come right out and say it was going to be any good. I asked my students if they wanted to give it a try. My students started to try it and the feedback was just absolutely unbelievable. "  >  Lanny: " What kind of feedback did you get? " >  ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS >  Dr. McCain: " The very first call I got was from a chiropractor who had a patient that had psoriasis for eight years. And she just put the patient on it because she just decided she'd give it a shot and it cleared up the psoriasis. They had never been able to clear up the psoriasis in eight years. So the first testimonials were not cancer testimonials. The first testimonials were actually skin problem testimonials, which was really remarkable. The first cancer testimonial I had was from a man in Arkansas and he had terminal lung cancer. One of my students had given him the tea to try and it had cured his lung cancer and he had done nothing else. There was no other supplements taken†" nothing else†" all he did was take the tea. And I thought: Oh, my Goodness, we're seriously on to something here. So then in the next newsletter, with about six or seven testimonials that I had in hand from my students, I said okay I'm going to offer > this. I'm not going to make any claims on it, but if you guys want to try it here it is, and it just went berserk. We sent out testimonial sheets for about the first five years every time we sent out the tea. I have testimonial sheets that would fill a closet on this tea. It was really shocking to me because it wasn't just the cancer and I couldn't understand how come we were getting so many different testimonials. We had one lady call in. She had these awful white patches all over her skin and she took the tea and the white patches turned hard and they all peeled off and her skin went back to normal. Which was really remarkable because she had that for years and years. We had another elderly person who had lost all their hair. They took the tea, the hair grew back, but not only did the hair grow back, the hair grew back brown. When they lost their hair, it was gray. >  " These testimonials were blowing my mind because I was trying to figure out what in the world this tea was doing in order to have such broad-based positive health effects on so many different things. So I started to investigate, seriously, the burdock root†" see what was in it. Everybody reported better energy when they took the tea. Well, come to find out burdock root is very high in iron, in natural iron that is easily assimilable in the body. So that was good. It was a blood builder, but the primary function of it is that it is a liver cleanser. The liver, of course, filters the blood system and when it's toxic, the immune system starts to fail. This is what was so profound about this tea because as soon as you started to cleanse the liver the immune system would kick in and it would pretty much fix whatever the problem was in the person. That's what I found so mind-boggling about this tea. It wasn't just for cancer; it's our number > one formula now that we use for any kind of skin ailment, hives, psoriasis, especially acne. It works wonders with acne because the skin is the last eliminatory organ. So when the liver is toxic, the poisons start coming out the skin. As soon as you detox the liver, the skin goes back to normal. I've got years and years of experience with this. It's just mind-boggling. " > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION >  Lanny: " What other conditions does Essiac help? " >  Dr. McCain: " I had a little guy, a child that was seriously poisoned with SEVIN dust [a garden pesticide]. What happened was this child got very, very ill†" been to all the doctors and everything†" and they had called me and she described the symptoms. And I had said to her: Listen, it sounds to me like there is some type of poisoning with this child. They had tried every antibiotic, everything with this kid, and the kid was just getting sicker and sicker and sicker. I put the child on the four-herb tea and that was it. Once the chemicals were detoxed out of the body the child recovered and came back to normal. So there was a case where the child was poisoned with a chemical poisoning and it was affecting the liver and the blood system and the neurological system. The child was having neurological symptoms as well. So those types of poisonings†" chemical, pesticides, that type of thing that localize in the liver†" the four-herb tea > helps those as well. Which is pretty remarkable. >  " And also I don't know if you want to mention this or not, because it is very, very controversial, but I have had an awful lot of children who had been given the MMR vaccine and DPT shots and they have manifested symptoms to the extreme of autism where they can't talk any more and they have serious learning disorders. I formulated homeopathic formulas to counter-balance these vaccines, but I also put these children on the four-herb tea. And my most dramatic case was a case in China where the child, after having received the vaccine, quit speaking, would run around on his tippy-toes, bang his head up against the wall. It was a very, very sad case because the child was normal before they got the vaccine. It took about ten months. I worked with these people. As a matter of fact that was what sparked me to have the MMR detox made up, the actual homeopathic done. And I had sent that over to China and we eventually restored that child to > health. But part of the protocol was using the four-herb tea. I did use some other things as well. These are very, very dramatic cases where the medical doctors have no solutions whatsoever. " >  Lanny: " Yeah, except drugs. " >  Dr. McCain: " Well, yeah, that child would have been institutionalized. They would have had to lock that child up. So I really went out of my way to try to save that child and since then have saved a lot of children. >  NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC >  " I've got to tell you this about the toxicity levels of it [Essiac]. When we very first started making the tea, I got an emergency phone call. A parent had made the tea and put it in the refrigerator and had left the house with a babysitter and a six-month old baby. Well, the babysitter thought it was iced tea, went into the frig and filled up an eight-ounce bottle, gave it to the six-month old baby--that's an eight-ounce bottle of four-herb tea, straight (i.e., undiluted)†" and drank two glasses herself. The parent called me, absolutely flipped out of their mind, okay. We monitored the baby for two days†" absolutely no toxic side effect at all. So there is the testimonial on the toxicity. No toxicity from this product [Essiac]. We have never, ever, not one time in all these years, had a toxic reaction to that tea. Not one. >  ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY >  " It's unbelievable. The worse thing that happened is that we've had people that have had a lot of drugs, a lot of chemotherapy, etcetera, they'll start off on the tea three times a day, they might get a mild headache because the body is detoxing so quickly. We back them up; we tell them to start off just once a day and build up to it over a couple of weeks. But that's the very worse thing. And we've given it to so many people and people have given it to dogs and cats and you name it over the years. We've sold thousands and thousands and thousands of packages of this tea and have had tremendous amounts of feedback and so I'm very, very familiar with this tea. The original instructions were two ounces in a little bit of warm water three times a day. We have increased that because we know there's no toxicity, so we do tell people if they want to they can increase it to four or five times a day. I had one lady who had breast cancer who > called me and said she drank a quart a day. And she did heal herself of breast cancer, by the way, but she was drinking a tremendous amount more than what the recommended doses were. So people do what they want even if you do give them instructions, but I wouldn't recommend that because people take a lot more supplements now. When we very first started out with this tea, that was all we had and mostly people just took the tea. Now we have a lot of other things, people are much more educated†" the antioxidants and they added a lot of other things as well.  You can overwhelm the body when it's trying to heal itself, if you add too many things. " >  ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID >  Lanny: " Some people bring up the oxalic acid in sheep sorrel… " >  Dr. McCain: " I believe that's in the turkey rhubarb as well. The only thing that is contraindicated for is an arthritic-type condition, an acidic condition. Interestingly enough, in my research most people with cancer do not have arthritis and vice versa. That's not a law, but it's pretty common, a general trend. We don't normally recommend the tea for arthritic conditions because we've got so many other things that benefit arthritis much better. And if they do have to take the tea, we recommend that they just add in a calcium supplement, that's all. Because an arthritic condition is an acidic condition and the oxalic acid makes it a little bit acidic. It can aggravate it [Essiac] a little bit, but it's not harmful; it just doesn't cure it. People report that they're a little stiffer, so we supplement calcium and we don't have a problem with the stiffness. It's just the stiffness. They get pain--when they get arthritis they > ache. The calcium counterbalances that. That's what an arthritic condition is, is the body is not getting enough calcium and is pulling calcium from the bones. So you have to supplement calcium and then you don't have a problem, unless it's an arthritic condition caused by infection. There's a couple different causes, but most common is lack of calcium. " >  ESSIAC AND DIABETES >  Lanny: " Have you noticed a lot of people with diabetes with testimonials about Essiac? " >  Dr. McCain: " Absolutely. The four-herb tea was really good. As a matter of fact we had to put a warning in there. People who were on insulin that were taking the tea needed to monitor their blood sugar because sometimes the pancreas would kick back in, but not all the time it would. Let's say, for instance, the person had been on insulin for fifteen years. The chances of the pancreas kicking back in are going to be a lot slimmer than if a person has just come down with diabetes. Follow? Let's hypothetically say this person is on a fixed dose of insulin a day and we do give them the tea and the pancreas does start to kick in. They've got to monitor that sugar, otherwise they will get an insulin shock because their body does not need that much insulin. Any time we give it to a diabetic patient we have to make sure that they watch their sugar because if their sugar drops down they don't need to be taking their massive doses of their > drugs. They've got to be careful. Follow? The tea did in fact sometimes make very radical improvements in people that were diabetics. We've had people come off the insulin with the Essiac, but those are people who are very strict about not eating sugar. The problem with diabetics is that they go to their doctor and the doctor tells them that they're diabetic and they give them insulin shots and they go home and eat their Twinkies. They continue to eat sugar, that's where the problem is. They've got to stop eating sugar. And the people that will quit eating sugar, change their diet and then work with the tea and some other supplements like vanadium. They found that vanadium is deficient in diabetics. The chromium picolinate really helps. If they will work with their supplements they can reverse it. But they can't reverse it if they won't change their diet. [Dr. Banting, a co-discover of insulin, also found a correlation between > Essiac, insulin, and the pancreas.] >  ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM >  " We have people that are perfectly healthy take it [Essiac] just as a maintenance and they'll swear that they don't get colds any more. They'll swear that they feel better. They take it just once a day. Another thing is longevity. I have a customer who had terminal cancer in 1996 and he started taking the four-herb tea. They had given him a very short time to live and this is 2003. You could never convince this man to stop taking the tea. So people ask me if it's safe for long-term use. You bet.   >  ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION >  " We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell you that. That much I know. People have got to save themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. >  " That's another thing. I've got to tell you†" make sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. Depression†" the liver works with the chemical balances, the chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this four-herb tea [Essiac] with so many people that are suffering from depression†" serious, serious depression†" and it will bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically say†" God forbid†" let's take an example of a person whose mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons the body. They become lethargic, they become > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. Do you follow me? " >  ESSIAC AND ASTHMA >  Lanny: " I've been there. I had very serious, chronic asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything else. " >  Dr. McCain: " Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so valuable, the St. 's wort. " >  Lanny: " Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers. Now I just drink Essiac tea every day and I haven't had any problems with asthma. "  [Also, Dr. Glum successfully treated his chronic bronchitis with Essiac.] >  SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION >  Dr. McCain: " In order to survive, the people†" what I call the remnant, or the people that really will survive†" are the ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming. " >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are also very effective. >  Dr. McCain: " For instance, let's take smallpox as an example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time you start to get a rash it > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys detoxing. Get your antiviral in there†" your olive leaf extract and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any constipation†" that everything is flowing through and you won't get deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the liver and takes the load out of the system. " >  Lanny: " Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from penetrating the cell, like elderberry does? " >  Dr. McCain: " No, it stops the virus from replicating. You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are continually replacing themselves every day†" they're always dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're spurred†" like they can sit in the cell for a long time†" and they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you follow? " >  To obtain the four herbs to make Essiac contact: > Lanny Messinger > 1106 South Main St. #11 > Moscow, Idaho 83843 > Lanny@HealthFreedom .info > http://www.HealthFr > {Common Law copyright March 2003 Lanny Messinger; This article may be reproduced and distributed only under the conditions 1) that it be free of charge; 2) that it be reproduced in its entirety without any alterations whatsoever; and 3) that anyone who wishes to post this article on a website must first obtain permission from the author, Lanny Messinger at http://www.HealthFr} > > > > __________________________________________________________________ > Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot with the All-new . Click on Options in Mail and switch to New Mail today or register for free at > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 19, 2010 Report Share Posted January 19, 2010 Pretty darn interesting..Thank You --- mfrreman@... wrote: From: " healinghope " <mfrreman@...> bird mites Subject: Re: Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of America Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 01:10:25 -0000 JS there are hundreds of links follow them and the truth will astound you it did me. Marie > > Interesting Marie! > > > > > ________________________________ > From: healinghope <mfrreman@...> > bird mites > Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 7:55:39 PM > Subject: Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of America > >  > [Essiac] > Chemtrails,Essiacand theDetoxification of America > An Excerpt from an Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain >  By Lanny Messinger -- http://www.HealthFr > ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION > NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC > ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY > ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID > ESSIAC AND DIABETES > ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM > ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION > ESSIAC AND ASTHMA > SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION >  Dr. Marijah McCain is a naturopath, master herbalist, homeopath and research microscopist with a following of a quarter million students and customers. My initial interest in interviewing Dr. McCain concerned a four-herb formula called Essiac. During the interview our conversation turned to the subject of Chemtrails. Dr. McCain began telling of an unconscionable incident that in today's Orwellian Newspeak could be best described as an act of " terrorism " . >  Dr. McCain: " My life's been threatened already. I was nearly killed†" let's see, it was December, three years ago. I was very actively involved in the chemtrail situation when it came out because it really, really upset me. I was really furious because here I am a doctor and I'm trying to save people and what the hell is this crap that they're spraying on everybody and I know it's making us sick. I was very actively involved on the internet. I was actively involved with an organization in Houston. About 11:00 at night a chopper came over my house and hovered over the house and sprayed the house and almost killed my son and myself. I had complete kidney failure. My lungs filled up with fluid. I couldn't breathe. I had to be put on oxygen. I was sick at least ten days†" life and death†" and so was my son. I lost my teeth over it. My teeth†" I had really great teeth†" but the enamel just literally came off my teeth and the > inside of my teeth fell out. And that was within four months of being sprayed. And I still have the teeth to this day because at some point in time if this ever does become public, I'm going to sue the ass off them. But at any rate, I lost my teeth about†" let's see, from the time I was sprayed to the time I had my teeth done†" it was approximately six months. And I tried to tell people†" I had photographs, etcetera†" and I tried to tell people and nobody would listen. And I said look, this is bad. You know, this is a very serious thing we've got going on in this country. I don't know who the hell is behind this, but it is very, very serious. " >  Lanny: " Did you ever take any test samples to figure out what that chemical was? " >  Dr. McCain: " No, not at that time. I had collected a bunch of samples [of chemtrails] and, you know, we concurred pretty much with what Carnicom was talking about on his website with the barium and aluminum, etc., and the heavy metal poisoning. But also the barium was radioactive and we'd been picking up low-level radiation with the radiation meter when the spraying is heavy. So people are slowly being poisoned with radiation. This is why the thyroids are going out. People are coming down with all kinds of weird rashes. A lot of that is radiation poisoning. " >  Lanny: " What do you recommend for counteracting that? " >  Dr. McCain: " Well, the chemtrail issue is difficult because they use different things in different areas. Sometimes we have reports, you know, they'll spray South Carolina and everybody will get lower gastrointestinal stress. They'll have the diarrhea, etc. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll have the sinus, the upper respiratory. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll come down with meningitis-type symptoms. So it's really hard to say. The basic chemtrails spray is†" you know, that has a specific profile†" that' s the dry skin, the bad taste in the mouth, that type of thing. The chemical poisoning that you're getting from the barium and the aluminum and the metals and the toxin and those types of things from the jet fuel. And then there's the bacteria and the microbes and that's anybody's guess what the hell they're going to do next. It's like the West Nile virus. It went all across the country†" I mean, that was a lot > of garbage that it was just carried by a bird. " >  Lanny: " There's a lot things we're not being told the truth about. " >  Dr. McCain: " Well, exactly. "  >  Lanny: " What do you think is the purpose of chemtrails? " >  Dr. McCain: " I have no clue. I honestly have no idea. I've read everything there is possible to read†" everything from they're trying to get rid of the population to they're trying to control the weather to they're using it for HAARP to there's aliens up there. I've read them all and I have no idea. But I know they're there and I know they're making people sick and I know that if they don't stop†" I mean, there's starting to be reports now of people dying. I mean, there's people getting bacterial infections. They're dying of heart attacks because the bacteria is getting to the heart. There's people that are dying that they've done blood tests on and found high levels of barium in the system. Barium is very, very toxic. It's extremely toxic. And aluminum is really bad because it crosses the brain barrier. It makes people†" they can't think any more. And you can interview hundreds of people and they will tell you that they have > trouble thinking. You know, their minds are foggy. And this is one of the reasons why I developed that Formula One with the EDTA. That was specifically developed to pull those heavy metals out of the system. >  " There's some areas in the states where people don't see them [chemtrails] because they don't spray like down by Bush's farm in Texas. I've got a friend that lives not very far from there. They never spray there†" ever. " >  Lanny: " Gee, I wonder why? That's interesting. " >  Dr. McCain: " Isn't it? So there's a bunch of stuff on my web site about that under The Air Pollution Solution. We've got the barium detox and the aluminum and EDTA. I developed some specific things to target specific problems with these chemtrails and I try to stay on top of those things. Of course, we use them all here. And we back it up with hair analysis to make sure that our bodies are not accumulating barium and not accumulating aluminum. >  " We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell you that. That much I know. People have got to save themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. >  " That's another thing. I've got to tell you†" make sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. Depression†" the liver works with the chemical balances, the chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this four-herb tea [Essiac tea] with so many people that are suffering from depression†" serious, serious depression†" and it will bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically say†" God forbid†" let's take an example of a person whose mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons the body. They become lethargic, they become > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. Do you follow me? " >  Lanny: " I've been there. I had very serious, chronic asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything else. " >  Dr. McCain: " Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so valuable, the St. 's wort. " >  Lanny: " Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers. " >  Dr. McCain: " In order to survive, the people†" what I call the remnant, or the people that really will survive†" are the ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming. "  > About three weeks after I interviewed Dr. McCain I sent her an email asking her what herbs/supplements she took in order to survive the helicopter spraying attack on her home. This was her response: >  " Kidneys failed completely and lungs filled up with fluid and I almost drowned. I was on oxygen and used the following: > Asparagus Extract †" Dr. Chi's to help detox the kidneys fast > Colloidal Silver †" 500 ppm †" 4 times a day > Olive Leaf Extract †" anti-viral †" 9 caps a day > 4-Herb Tea †" 3 times a day > KB †" herbal diuretic to help remove the fluid build up †" I was drowning in my lung fluid. > COQ10 with Hawthorn †" 100 mg. 2 times a day to protect the heart as it was also taking on fluid. > Super II laxative to move the toxins through fast > Homeopathic Kidney and Lung support > The Asparagus Extract saved my life in this case. " >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are also very effective. >  Dr. McCain: " For instance, let's take smallpox as an example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time you start to get a rash it > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys detoxing. Get your antiviral in there†" your olive leaf extract and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any constipation†" that everything is flowing through and you won't get deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the liver and takes the load out of the system. " >  Lanny: " Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from penetrating the cell, like elderberry does? " >  Dr. McCain: " No, it stops the virus from replicating. You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are continually replacing themselves every day†" they're always dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're spurred†" like they can sit in the cell for a long time†" and they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you follow? " > Lanny: " How long have you been using Essiac? " >  Dr. McCain: " I would guess probably about seven years. I made it available for my students to try. I didn't come right out and say it was going to be any good. I asked my students if they wanted to give it a try. My students started to try it and the feedback was just absolutely unbelievable. "  >  Lanny: " What kind of feedback did you get? " >  ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS >  Dr. McCain: " The very first call I got was from a chiropractor who had a patient that had psoriasis for eight years. And she just put the patient on it because she just decided she'd give it a shot and it cleared up the psoriasis. They had never been able to clear up the psoriasis in eight years. So the first testimonials were not cancer testimonials. The first testimonials were actually skin problem testimonials, which was really remarkable. The first cancer testimonial I had was from a man in Arkansas and he had terminal lung cancer. One of my students had given him the tea to try and it had cured his lung cancer and he had done nothing else. There was no other supplements taken†" nothing else†" all he did was take the tea. And I thought: Oh, my Goodness, we're seriously on to something here. So then in the next newsletter, with about six or seven testimonials that I had in hand from my students, I said okay I'm going to offer > this. I'm not going to make any claims on it, but if you guys want to try it here it is, and it just went berserk. We sent out testimonial sheets for about the first five years every time we sent out the tea. I have testimonial sheets that would fill a closet on this tea. It was really shocking to me because it wasn't just the cancer and I couldn't understand how come we were getting so many different testimonials. We had one lady call in. She had these awful white patches all over her skin and she took the tea and the white patches turned hard and they all peeled off and her skin went back to normal. Which was really remarkable because she had that for years and years. We had another elderly person who had lost all their hair. They took the tea, the hair grew back, but not only did the hair grow back, the hair grew back brown. When they lost their hair, it was gray. >  " These testimonials were blowing my mind because I was trying to figure out what in the world this tea was doing in order to have such broad-based positive health effects on so many different things. So I started to investigate, seriously, the burdock root†" see what was in it. Everybody reported better energy when they took the tea. Well, come to find out burdock root is very high in iron, in natural iron that is easily assimilable in the body. So that was good. It was a blood builder, but the primary function of it is that it is a liver cleanser. The liver, of course, filters the blood system and when it's toxic, the immune system starts to fail. This is what was so profound about this tea because as soon as you started to cleanse the liver the immune system would kick in and it would pretty much fix whatever the problem was in the person. That's what I found so mind-boggling about this tea. It wasn't just for cancer; it's our number > one formula now that we use for any kind of skin ailment, hives, psoriasis, especially acne. It works wonders with acne because the skin is the last eliminatory organ. So when the liver is toxic, the poisons start coming out the skin. As soon as you detox the liver, the skin goes back to normal. I've got years and years of experience with this. It's just mind-boggling. " > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION >  Lanny: " What other conditions does Essiac help? " >  Dr. McCain: " I had a little guy, a child that was seriously poisoned with SEVIN dust [a garden pesticide]. What happened was this child got very, very ill†" been to all the doctors and everything†" and they had called me and she described the symptoms. And I had said to her: Listen, it sounds to me like there is some type of poisoning with this child. They had tried every antibiotic, everything with this kid, and the kid was just getting sicker and sicker and sicker. I put the child on the four-herb tea and that was it. Once the chemicals were detoxed out of the body the child recovered and came back to normal. So there was a case where the child was poisoned with a chemical poisoning and it was affecting the liver and the blood system and the neurological system. The child was having neurological symptoms as well. So those types of poisonings†" chemical, pesticides, that type of thing that localize in the liver†" the four-herb tea > helps those as well. Which is pretty remarkable. >  " And also I don't know if you want to mention this or not, because it is very, very controversial, but I have had an awful lot of children who had been given the MMR vaccine and DPT shots and they have manifested symptoms to the extreme of autism where they can't talk any more and they have serious learning disorders. I formulated homeopathic formulas to counter-balance these vaccines, but I also put these children on the four-herb tea. And my most dramatic case was a case in China where the child, after having received the vaccine, quit speaking, would run around on his tippy-toes, bang his head up against the wall. It was a very, very sad case because the child was normal before they got the vaccine. It took about ten months. I worked with these people. As a matter of fact that was what sparked me to have the MMR detox made up, the actual homeopathic done. And I had sent that over to China and we eventually restored that child to > health. But part of the protocol was using the four-herb tea. I did use some other things as well. These are very, very dramatic cases where the medical doctors have no solutions whatsoever. " >  Lanny: " Yeah, except drugs. " >  Dr. McCain: " Well, yeah, that child would have been institutionalized. They would have had to lock that child up. So I really went out of my way to try to save that child and since then have saved a lot of children. >  NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC >  " I've got to tell you this about the toxicity levels of it [Essiac]. When we very first started making the tea, I got an emergency phone call. A parent had made the tea and put it in the refrigerator and had left the house with a babysitter and a six-month old baby. Well, the babysitter thought it was iced tea, went into the frig and filled up an eight-ounce bottle, gave it to the six-month old baby--that's an eight-ounce bottle of four-herb tea, straight (i.e., undiluted)†" and drank two glasses herself. The parent called me, absolutely flipped out of their mind, okay. We monitored the baby for two days†" absolutely no toxic side effect at all. So there is the testimonial on the toxicity. No toxicity from this product [Essiac]. We have never, ever, not one time in all these years, had a toxic reaction to that tea. Not one. >  ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY >  " It's unbelievable. The worse thing that happened is that we've had people that have had a lot of drugs, a lot of chemotherapy, etcetera, they'll start off on the tea three times a day, they might get a mild headache because the body is detoxing so quickly. We back them up; we tell them to start off just once a day and build up to it over a couple of weeks. But that's the very worse thing. And we've given it to so many people and people have given it to dogs and cats and you name it over the years. We've sold thousands and thousands and thousands of packages of this tea and have had tremendous amounts of feedback and so I'm very, very familiar with this tea. The original instructions were two ounces in a little bit of warm water three times a day. We have increased that because we know there's no toxicity, so we do tell people if they want to they can increase it to four or five times a day. I had one lady who had breast cancer who > called me and said she drank a quart a day. And she did heal herself of breast cancer, by the way, but she was drinking a tremendous amount more than what the recommended doses were. So people do what they want even if you do give them instructions, but I wouldn't recommend that because people take a lot more supplements now. When we very first started out with this tea, that was all we had and mostly people just took the tea. Now we have a lot of other things, people are much more educated†" the antioxidants and they added a lot of other things as well.  You can overwhelm the body when it's trying to heal itself, if you add too many things. " >  ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID >  Lanny: " Some people bring up the oxalic acid in sheep sorrel… " >  Dr. McCain: " I believe that's in the turkey rhubarb as well. The only thing that is contraindicated for is an arthritic-type condition, an acidic condition. Interestingly enough, in my research most people with cancer do not have arthritis and vice versa. That's not a law, but it's pretty common, a general trend. We don't normally recommend the tea for arthritic conditions because we've got so many other things that benefit arthritis much better. And if they do have to take the tea, we recommend that they just add in a calcium supplement, that's all. Because an arthritic condition is an acidic condition and the oxalic acid makes it a little bit acidic. It can aggravate it [Essiac] a little bit, but it's not harmful; it just doesn't cure it. People report that they're a little stiffer, so we supplement calcium and we don't have a problem with the stiffness. It's just the stiffness. They get pain--when they get arthritis they > ache. The calcium counterbalances that. That's what an arthritic condition is, is the body is not getting enough calcium and is pulling calcium from the bones. So you have to supplement calcium and then you don't have a problem, unless it's an arthritic condition caused by infection. There's a couple different causes, but most common is lack of calcium. " >  ESSIAC AND DIABETES >  Lanny: " Have you noticed a lot of people with diabetes with testimonials about Essiac? " >  Dr. McCain: " Absolutely. The four-herb tea was really good. As a matter of fact we had to put a warning in there. People who were on insulin that were taking the tea needed to monitor their blood sugar because sometimes the pancreas would kick back in, but not all the time it would. Let's say, for instance, the person had been on insulin for fifteen years. The chances of the pancreas kicking back in are going to be a lot slimmer than if a person has just come down with diabetes. Follow? Let's hypothetically say this person is on a fixed dose of insulin a day and we do give them the tea and the pancreas does start to kick in. They've got to monitor that sugar, otherwise they will get an insulin shock because their body does not need that much insulin. Any time we give it to a diabetic patient we have to make sure that they watch their sugar because if their sugar drops down they don't need to be taking their massive doses of their > drugs. They've got to be careful. Follow? The tea did in fact sometimes make very radical improvements in people that were diabetics. We've had people come off the insulin with the Essiac, but those are people who are very strict about not eating sugar. The problem with diabetics is that they go to their doctor and the doctor tells them that they're diabetic and they give them insulin shots and they go home and eat their Twinkies. They continue to eat sugar, that's where the problem is. They've got to stop eating sugar. And the people that will quit eating sugar, change their diet and then work with the tea and some other supplements like vanadium. They found that vanadium is deficient in diabetics. The chromium picolinate really helps. If they will work with their supplements they can reverse it. But they can't reverse it if they won't change their diet. [Dr. Banting, a co-discover of insulin, also found a correlation between > Essiac, insulin, and the pancreas.] >  ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM >  " We have people that are perfectly healthy take it [Essiac] just as a maintenance and they'll swear that they don't get colds any more. They'll swear that they feel better. They take it just once a day. Another thing is longevity. I have a customer who had terminal cancer in 1996 and he started taking the four-herb tea. They had given him a very short time to live and this is 2003. You could never convince this man to stop taking the tea. So people ask me if it's safe for long-term use. You bet.   >  ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION >  " We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell you that. That much I know. People have got to save themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. >  " That's another thing. I've got to tell you†" make sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. Depression†" the liver works with the chemical balances, the chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this four-herb tea [Essiac] with so many people that are suffering from depression†" serious, serious depression†" and it will bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically say†" God forbid†" let's take an example of a person whose mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons the body. They become lethargic, they become > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. Do you follow me? " >  ESSIAC AND ASTHMA >  Lanny: " I've been there. I had very serious, chronic asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything else. " >  Dr. McCain: " Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so valuable, the St. 's wort. " >  Lanny: " Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers. Now I just drink Essiac tea every day and I haven't had any problems with asthma. "  [Also, Dr. Glum successfully treated his chronic bronchitis with Essiac.] >  SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION >  Dr. McCain: " In order to survive, the people†" what I call the remnant, or the people that really will survive†" are the ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming. " >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are also very effective. >  Dr. McCain: " For instance, let's take smallpox as an example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time you start to get a rash it > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys detoxing. Get your antiviral in there†" your olive leaf extract and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any constipation†" that everything is flowing through and you won't get deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the liver and takes the load out of the system. " >  Lanny: " Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from penetrating the cell, like elderberry does? " >  Dr. McCain: " No, it stops the virus from replicating. You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are continually replacing themselves every day†" they're always dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're spurred†" like they can sit in the cell for a long time†" and they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you follow? " >  To obtain the four herbs to make Essiac contact: > Lanny Messinger > 1106 South Main St. #11 > Moscow, Idaho 83843 > Lanny@HealthFreedom .info > http://www.HealthFr > {Common Law copyright March 2003 Lanny Messinger; This article may be reproduced and distributed only under the conditions 1) that it be free of charge; 2) that it be reproduced in its entirety without any alterations whatsoever; and 3) that anyone who wishes to post this article on a website must first obtain permission from the author, Lanny Messinger at http://www.HealthFr} > > > > __________________________________________________________________ > Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot with the All-new . Click on Options in Mail and switch to New Mail today or register for free at > ------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 19, 2010 Report Share Posted January 19, 2010 Your Welcome Rose Hope perhaps this will help your brother. > > > > Interesting Marie! > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > From: healinghope <mfrreman@> > > bird mites > > Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 7:55:39 PM > > Subject: Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of America > > > >  > > [Essiac] > > Chemtrails,Essiacand theDetoxification of America > > An Excerpt from an Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain > >  By Lanny Messinger -- http://www.HealthFr > > ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS > > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION > > NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC > > ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY > > ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID > > ESSIAC AND DIABETES > > ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM > > ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION > > ESSIAC AND ASTHMA > > SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION > >  Dr. Marijah McCain is a naturopath, master herbalist, homeopath and research microscopist with a following of a quarter million students and customers. My initial interest in interviewing Dr. McCain concerned a four-herb formula called Essiac. During the interview our conversation turned to the subject of Chemtrails. Dr. McCain began telling of an unconscionable incident that in today's Orwellian Newspeak could be best described as an act of " terrorism " . > >  Dr. McCain: " My life's been threatened already. I was nearly killed†" let's see, it was December, three years ago. I was very actively involved in the chemtrail situation when it came out because it really, really upset me. I was really furious because here I am a doctor and I'm trying to save people and what the hell is this crap that they're spraying on everybody and I know it's making us sick. I was very actively involved on the internet. I was actively involved with an organization in Houston. About 11:00 at night a chopper came over my house and hovered over the house and sprayed the house and almost killed my son and myself. I had complete kidney failure. My lungs filled up with fluid. I couldn't breathe. I had to be put on oxygen. I was sick at least ten days†" life and death†" and so was my son. I lost my teeth over it. My teeth†" I had really great teeth†" but the enamel just literally came off my teeth and the > > inside of my teeth fell out. And that was within four months of being sprayed. And I still have the teeth to this day because at some point in time if this ever does become public, I'm going to sue the ass off them. But at any rate, I lost my teeth about†" let's see, from the time I was sprayed to the time I had my teeth done†" it was approximately six months. And I tried to tell people†" I had photographs, etcetera†" and I tried to tell people and nobody would listen. And I said look, this is bad. You know, this is a very serious thing we've got going on in this country. I don't know who the hell is behind this, but it is very, very serious. " > >  Lanny: " Did you ever take any test samples to figure out what that chemical was? " > >  Dr. McCain: " No, not at that time. I had collected a bunch of samples [of chemtrails] and, you know, we concurred pretty much with what Carnicom was talking about on his website with the barium and aluminum, etc., and the heavy metal poisoning. But also the barium was radioactive and we'd been picking up low-level radiation with the radiation meter when the spraying is heavy. So people are slowly being poisoned with radiation. This is why the thyroids are going out. People are coming down with all kinds of weird rashes. A lot of that is radiation poisoning. " > >  Lanny: " What do you recommend for counteracting that? " > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, the chemtrail issue is difficult because they use different things in different areas. Sometimes we have reports, you know, they'll spray South Carolina and everybody will get lower gastrointestinal stress. They'll have the diarrhea, etc. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll have the sinus, the upper respiratory. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll come down with meningitis-type symptoms. So it's really hard to say. The basic chemtrails spray is†" you know, that has a specific profile†" that' s the dry skin, the bad taste in the mouth, that type of thing. The chemical poisoning that you're getting from the barium and the aluminum and the metals and the toxin and those types of things from the jet fuel. And then there's the bacteria and the microbes and that's anybody's guess what the hell they're going to do next. It's like the West Nile virus. It went all across the country†" I mean, that was a lot > > of garbage that it was just carried by a bird. " > >  Lanny: " There's a lot things we're not being told the truth about. " > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, exactly. "  > >  Lanny: " What do you think is the purpose of chemtrails? " > >  Dr. McCain: " I have no clue. I honestly have no idea. I've read everything there is possible to read†" everything from they're trying to get rid of the population to they're trying to control the weather to they're using it for HAARP to there's aliens up there. I've read them all and I have no idea. But I know they're there and I know they're making people sick and I know that if they don't stop†" I mean, there's starting to be reports now of people dying. I mean, there's people getting bacterial infections. They're dying of heart attacks because the bacteria is getting to the heart. There's people that are dying that they've done blood tests on and found high levels of barium in the system. Barium is very, very toxic. It's extremely toxic. And aluminum is really bad because it crosses the brain barrier. It makes people†" they can't think any more. And you can interview hundreds of people and they will tell you that they have > > trouble thinking. You know, their minds are foggy. And this is one of the reasons why I developed that Formula One with the EDTA. That was specifically developed to pull those heavy metals out of the system. > >  " There's some areas in the states where people don't see them [chemtrails] because they don't spray like down by Bush's farm in Texas. I've got a friend that lives not very far from there. They never spray there†" ever. " > >  Lanny: " Gee, I wonder why? That's interesting. " > >  Dr. McCain: " Isn't it? So there's a bunch of stuff on my web site about that under The Air Pollution Solution. We've got the barium detox and the aluminum and EDTA. I developed some specific things to target specific problems with these chemtrails and I try to stay on top of those things. Of course, we use them all here. And we back it up with hair analysis to make sure that our bodies are not accumulating barium and not accumulating aluminum. > >  " We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell you that. That much I know. People have got to save themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. > >  " That's another thing. I've got to tell you†" make sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. Depression†" the liver works with the chemical balances, the chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this four-herb tea [Essiac tea] with so many people that are suffering from depression†" serious, serious depression†" and it will bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically say†" God forbid†" let's take an example of a person whose mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons the body. They become lethargic, they become > > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. Do you follow me? " > >  Lanny: " I've been there. I had very serious, chronic asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything else. " > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so valuable, the St. 's wort. " > >  Lanny: " Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers. " > >  Dr. McCain: " In order to survive, the people†" what I call the remnant, or the people that really will survive†" are the ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming. "  > > About three weeks after I interviewed Dr. McCain I sent her an email asking her what herbs/supplements she took in order to survive the helicopter spraying attack on her home. This was her response: > >  " Kidneys failed completely and lungs filled up with fluid and I almost drowned. I was on oxygen and used the following: > > Asparagus Extract †" Dr. Chi's to help detox the kidneys fast > > Colloidal Silver †" 500 ppm †" 4 times a day > > Olive Leaf Extract †" anti-viral †" 9 caps a day > > 4-Herb Tea †" 3 times a day > > KB †" herbal diuretic to help remove the fluid build up †" I was drowning in my lung fluid. > > COQ10 with Hawthorn †" 100 mg. 2 times a day to protect the heart as it was also taking on fluid. > > Super II laxative to move the toxins through fast > > Homeopathic Kidney and Lung support > > The Asparagus Extract saved my life in this case. " > >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are also very effective. > >  Dr. McCain: " For instance, let's take smallpox as an example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time you start to get a rash it > > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys detoxing. Get your antiviral in there†" your olive leaf extract and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any constipation†" that everything is flowing through and you won't get deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the liver and takes the load out of the system. " > >  Lanny: " Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from penetrating the cell, like elderberry does? " > >  Dr. McCain: " No, it stops the virus from replicating. You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are continually replacing themselves every day†" they're always dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're spurred†" like they can sit in the cell for a long time†" and they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you follow? " > > Lanny: " How long have you been using Essiac? " > >  Dr. McCain: " I would guess probably about seven years. I made it available for my students to try. I didn't come right out and say it was going to be any good. I asked my students if they wanted to give it a try. My students started to try it and the feedback was just absolutely unbelievable. "  > >  Lanny: " What kind of feedback did you get? " > >  ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS > >  Dr. McCain: " The very first call I got was from a chiropractor who had a patient that had psoriasis for eight years. And she just put the patient on it because she just decided she'd give it a shot and it cleared up the psoriasis. They had never been able to clear up the psoriasis in eight years. So the first testimonials were not cancer testimonials. The first testimonials were actually skin problem testimonials, which was really remarkable. The first cancer testimonial I had was from a man in Arkansas and he had terminal lung cancer. One of my students had given him the tea to try and it had cured his lung cancer and he had done nothing else. There was no other supplements taken†" nothing else†" all he did was take the tea. And I thought: Oh, my Goodness, we're seriously on to something here. So then in the next newsletter, with about six or seven testimonials that I had in hand from my students, I said okay I'm going to offer > > this. I'm not going to make any claims on it, but if you guys want to try it here it is, and it just went berserk. We sent out testimonial sheets for about the first five years every time we sent out the tea. I have testimonial sheets that would fill a closet on this tea. It was really shocking to me because it wasn't just the cancer and I couldn't understand how come we were getting so many different testimonials. We had one lady call in. She had these awful white patches all over her skin and she took the tea and the white patches turned hard and they all peeled off and her skin went back to normal. Which was really remarkable because she had that for years and years. We had another elderly person who had lost all their hair. They took the tea, the hair grew back, but not only did the hair grow back, the hair grew back brown. When they lost their hair, it was gray. > >  " These testimonials were blowing my mind because I was trying to figure out what in the world this tea was doing in order to have such broad-based positive health effects on so many different things. So I started to investigate, seriously, the burdock root†" see what was in it. Everybody reported better energy when they took the tea. Well, come to find out burdock root is very high in iron, in natural iron that is easily assimilable in the body. So that was good. It was a blood builder, but the primary function of it is that it is a liver cleanser. The liver, of course, filters the blood system and when it's toxic, the immune system starts to fail. This is what was so profound about this tea because as soon as you started to cleanse the liver the immune system would kick in and it would pretty much fix whatever the problem was in the person. That's what I found so mind-boggling about this tea. It wasn't just for cancer; it's our number > > one formula now that we use for any kind of skin ailment, hives, psoriasis, especially acne. It works wonders with acne because the skin is the last eliminatory organ. So when the liver is toxic, the poisons start coming out the skin. As soon as you detox the liver, the skin goes back to normal. I've got years and years of experience with this. It's just mind-boggling. " > > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION > >  Lanny: " What other conditions does Essiac help? " > >  Dr. McCain: " I had a little guy, a child that was seriously poisoned with SEVIN dust [a garden pesticide]. What happened was this child got very, very ill†" been to all the doctors and everything†" and they had called me and she described the symptoms. And I had said to her: Listen, it sounds to me like there is some type of poisoning with this child. They had tried every antibiotic, everything with this kid, and the kid was just getting sicker and sicker and sicker. I put the child on the four-herb tea and that was it. Once the chemicals were detoxed out of the body the child recovered and came back to normal. So there was a case where the child was poisoned with a chemical poisoning and it was affecting the liver and the blood system and the neurological system. The child was having neurological symptoms as well. So those types of poisonings†" chemical, pesticides, that type of thing that localize in the liver†" the four-herb tea > > helps those as well. Which is pretty remarkable. > >  " And also I don't know if you want to mention this or not, because it is very, very controversial, but I have had an awful lot of children who had been given the MMR vaccine and DPT shots and they have manifested symptoms to the extreme of autism where they can't talk any more and they have serious learning disorders. I formulated homeopathic formulas to counter-balance these vaccines, but I also put these children on the four-herb tea. And my most dramatic case was a case in China where the child, after having received the vaccine, quit speaking, would run around on his tippy-toes, bang his head up against the wall. It was a very, very sad case because the child was normal before they got the vaccine. It took about ten months. I worked with these people. As a matter of fact that was what sparked me to have the MMR detox made up, the actual homeopathic done. And I had sent that over to China and we eventually restored that child to > > health. But part of the protocol was using the four-herb tea. I did use some other things as well. These are very, very dramatic cases where the medical doctors have no solutions whatsoever. " > >  Lanny: " Yeah, except drugs. " > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, yeah, that child would have been institutionalized. They would have had to lock that child up. So I really went out of my way to try to save that child and since then have saved a lot of children. > >  NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC > >  " I've got to tell you this about the toxicity levels of it [Essiac]. When we very first started making the tea, I got an emergency phone call. A parent had made the tea and put it in the refrigerator and had left the house with a babysitter and a six-month old baby. Well, the babysitter thought it was iced tea, went into the frig and filled up an eight-ounce bottle, gave it to the six-month old baby--that's an eight-ounce bottle of four-herb tea, straight (i.e., undiluted)†" and drank two glasses herself. The parent called me, absolutely flipped out of their mind, okay. We monitored the baby for two days†" absolutely no toxic side effect at all. So there is the testimonial on the toxicity. No toxicity from this product [Essiac]. We have never, ever, not one time in all these years, had a toxic reaction to that tea. Not one. > >  ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY > >  " It's unbelievable. The worse thing that happened is that we've had people that have had a lot of drugs, a lot of chemotherapy, etcetera, they'll start off on the tea three times a day, they might get a mild headache because the body is detoxing so quickly. We back them up; we tell them to start off just once a day and build up to it over a couple of weeks. But that's the very worse thing. And we've given it to so many people and people have given it to dogs and cats and you name it over the years. We've sold thousands and thousands and thousands of packages of this tea and have had tremendous amounts of feedback and so I'm very, very familiar with this tea. The original instructions were two ounces in a little bit of warm water three times a day. We have increased that because we know there's no toxicity, so we do tell people if they want to they can increase it to four or five times a day. I had one lady who had breast cancer who > > called me and said she drank a quart a day. And she did heal herself of breast cancer, by the way, but she was drinking a tremendous amount more than what the recommended doses were. So people do what they want even if you do give them instructions, but I wouldn't recommend that because people take a lot more supplements now. When we very first started out with this tea, that was all we had and mostly people just took the tea. Now we have a lot of other things, people are much more educated†" the antioxidants and they added a lot of other things as well.  You can overwhelm the body when it's trying to heal itself, if you add too many things. " > >  ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID > >  Lanny: " Some people bring up the oxalic acid in sheep sorrel… " > >  Dr. McCain: " I believe that's in the turkey rhubarb as well. The only thing that is contraindicated for is an arthritic-type condition, an acidic condition. Interestingly enough, in my research most people with cancer do not have arthritis and vice versa. That's not a law, but it's pretty common, a general trend. We don't normally recommend the tea for arthritic conditions because we've got so many other things that benefit arthritis much better. And if they do have to take the tea, we recommend that they just add in a calcium supplement, that's all. Because an arthritic condition is an acidic condition and the oxalic acid makes it a little bit acidic. It can aggravate it [Essiac] a little bit, but it's not harmful; it just doesn't cure it. People report that they're a little stiffer, so we supplement calcium and we don't have a problem with the stiffness. It's just the stiffness. They get pain--when they get arthritis they > > ache. The calcium counterbalances that. That's what an arthritic condition is, is the body is not getting enough calcium and is pulling calcium from the bones. So you have to supplement calcium and then you don't have a problem, unless it's an arthritic condition caused by infection. There's a couple different causes, but most common is lack of calcium. " > >  ESSIAC AND DIABETES > >  Lanny: " Have you noticed a lot of people with diabetes with testimonials about Essiac? " > >  Dr. McCain: " Absolutely. The four-herb tea was really good. As a matter of fact we had to put a warning in there. People who were on insulin that were taking the tea needed to monitor their blood sugar because sometimes the pancreas would kick back in, but not all the time it would. Let's say, for instance, the person had been on insulin for fifteen years. The chances of the pancreas kicking back in are going to be a lot slimmer than if a person has just come down with diabetes. Follow? Let's hypothetically say this person is on a fixed dose of insulin a day and we do give them the tea and the pancreas does start to kick in. They've got to monitor that sugar, otherwise they will get an insulin shock because their body does not need that much insulin. Any time we give it to a diabetic patient we have to make sure that they watch their sugar because if their sugar drops down they don't need to be taking their massive doses of their > > drugs. They've got to be careful. Follow? The tea did in fact sometimes make very radical improvements in people that were diabetics. We've had people come off the insulin with the Essiac, but those are people who are very strict about not eating sugar. The problem with diabetics is that they go to their doctor and the doctor tells them that they're diabetic and they give them insulin shots and they go home and eat their Twinkies. They continue to eat sugar, that's where the problem is. They've got to stop eating sugar. And the people that will quit eating sugar, change their diet and then work with the tea and some other supplements like vanadium. They found that vanadium is deficient in diabetics. The chromium picolinate really helps. If they will work with their supplements they can reverse it. But they can't reverse it if they won't change their diet. [Dr. Banting, a co-discover of insulin, also found a correlation between > > Essiac, insulin, and the pancreas.] > >  ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM > >  " We have people that are perfectly healthy take it [Essiac] just as a maintenance and they'll swear that they don't get colds any more. They'll swear that they feel better. They take it just once a day. Another thing is longevity. I have a customer who had terminal cancer in 1996 and he started taking the four-herb tea. They had given him a very short time to live and this is 2003. You could never convince this man to stop taking the tea. So people ask me if it's safe for long-term use. You bet.   > >  ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION > >  " We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell you that. That much I know. People have got to save themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. > >  " That's another thing. I've got to tell you†" make sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. Depression†" the liver works with the chemical balances, the chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this four-herb tea [Essiac] with so many people that are suffering from depression†" serious, serious depression†" and it will bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically say†" God forbid†" let's take an example of a person whose mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons the body. They become lethargic, they become > > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. Do you follow me? " > >  ESSIAC AND ASTHMA > >  Lanny: " I've been there. I had very serious, chronic asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything else. " > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so valuable, the St. 's wort. " > >  Lanny: " Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers. Now I just drink Essiac tea every day and I haven't had any problems with asthma. "  [Also, Dr. Glum successfully treated his chronic bronchitis with Essiac.] > >  SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION > >  Dr. McCain: " In order to survive, the people†" what I call the remnant, or the people that really will survive†" are the ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming. " > >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are also very effective. > >  Dr. McCain: " For instance, let's take smallpox as an example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time you start to get a rash it > > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys detoxing. Get your antiviral in there†" your olive leaf extract and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any constipation†" that everything is flowing through and you won't get deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the liver and takes the load out of the system. " > >  Lanny: " Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from penetrating the cell, like elderberry does? " > >  Dr. McCain: " No, it stops the virus from replicating. You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are continually replacing themselves every day†" they're always dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're spurred†" like they can sit in the cell for a long time†" and they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you follow? " > >  To obtain the four herbs to make Essiac contact: > > Lanny Messinger > > 1106 South Main St. #11 > > Moscow, Idaho 83843 > > Lanny@HealthFreedom .info > > http://www.HealthFr > > {Common Law copyright March 2003 Lanny Messinger; This article may be reproduced and distributed only under the conditions 1) that it be free of charge; 2) that it be reproduced in its entirety without any alterations whatsoever; and 3) that anyone who wishes to post this article on a website must first obtain permission from the author, Lanny Messinger at http://www.HealthFr} > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________________________ > > Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the boot with the All-new . Click on Options in Mail and switch to New Mail today or register for free at > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 19, 2010 Report Share Posted January 19, 2010 ESSIAC INFO Welcome to the ESSIAC INFORMATION NAVIGATION PAGE [top left: burdock; lower left: slippery elm] [top right: sheep sorrel; lower right: turkey rhubarb] Essiac is rapidly becoming a household word when it comes to alternative cancer treatments, natural diabetes therapy, detoxification, immunity, a general health tonic or just a pleasant cup of herbal tea. Essiac tea has earned a reputation as a safe nutritional approach to cancer and diabetes therapy because the herbs used in the Essiac formula have been eaten safely as food since time immemorial. However, one does not have to have cancer or diabetes to drink Essiac tea. Essiac tea is now taken on a daily basis by many people for the purpose of maintaining good health and for preventive measures against many common ailments. There is an incredible amount of disinformation about Essiac on the internet. Therefore, if you have arrived here feeling confused from reading the many contradictory claims made by websites that sell Essiac, you will be glad you took the time to visit the links below. The recently updated Essiac FAQ section is especially informative and is a good place to start. ESSIAC FAQ: CLICK HERE to find answers to many frequently asked questions about Essiac tea. Essiac FAQ is currently being updated to include more questions and answers so please visit often. ESSIAC ARTICLES: CLICK HERE if you wish to learn more about the herbal formula known as "Essiac". If Essiac is new to you, we recommend that you start by reading the "Rene Caisse and her Herbal Cancer Treatment, Essiac" article. If you are already familiar with Essiac or if you are wanting to learn about the health benefits of Essiac, be sure to read the "Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain." This article also contains important information about Essiac dosages, etc. If you want to learn about what happened to Dr. Glum when he publicly released the Essiac formula here in America or if you are interested in natural, alternative AIDS treatments or nutritional AIDS therapy, then read the "Dr. Glum, Essiac & the Antidote for AIDS" article. If you want to hear Rene Caisse's story in her own words, read "I Was Canada's Cancer Nurse." ESSIAC FORMULA & RECIPE: CLICK HERE if you wish to learn the Essiac formula, see the Essiac formula documentation or learn how to make Essiac yourself. CLICK HERE to view the only documented evidence of the Essiac Formula & Recipe, the affidavit sworn by McPherson of Bracebridge, Ontario. McPherson was the only person that Rene Caisse trusted to brew her Essiac tea for her cancer patients. For additional tips on brewing Essiac tea read "Rene Caisse and her Her Herbal Cancer Treatment, Essiac". BUY ESSIAC TEA: CLICK HERE if you wish to purchase the herbs to make Essiac or learn more about the authentic Essiac tea. GROW YOUR OWN ESSIAC TEA: CLICK HERE if you want to grow your own Essiac tea herbs. ESSIAC BOOKS: CLICK HERE to find great books about Essiac tea. RENE CAISSE'S ARCHIVES: Mali Klein is now the Custodian of The Sheila Snow Fraser Essiac Archive Collection. HOW TO USE ESSIAC TEA: The Essiac trilogy of ESSIAC ESSENTIALS, THE SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY and THE ESSIAC BOOK is necessary to understand how to use Essiac to treat cancer. ESSIAC TESTIMONIAL: The Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network website has received many Essiac tea testimonials over the years. The author of the following testimonial wishes to "Pay it Forward" by posting it here in hopes that someone else may be helped by her "story of healing and hope". My Husband is 65 years old...He we was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer on Jan. 08. There is a story here and I could write a novel, but think it more beneficial to just stick to a summary of what happened and what we did to get past the horrors of cancer. He had a surgery and 1/4-1/2 of his right lung was removed...They had to break several ribs to do this...a sample was sent to pathology and the report came back to us telling us it was indeed cancer....He was scheduled for chemo and after 6 mo. of insidious treatment was pretty much a vegetable...I have studied alternative health for 30 years so you can imagine the trauma it was to watch and be a part of something so insidious...3 weeks after the last chemo treatment, still another PET scan showed he had 5-6 new tumors in his the same lung...devastation was overwhelming...They told him all they could offer him was more chemo, but he was in such a frightening state of negative health by then he said no..(actually he said Hell no)...They told him to get his affairs in order and sent him home to die...When all of this started I was to horrified and busy to do any research other than what I had previously known...When it comes to "helping" someone in this field I have found not many are receptive to "Natural health care or cures" ...Anyway I read of a 4 herb tea that had what I thought was a really good record...I bought a pound of essiac and started my Husband on it 2 oz twice a day...we went from eating any and all kids of animal protein to a completely "plant based diet" without exception"....I cannot remember for sure the month (maybe may 09 ) that I called Debbie with tears of joy to tell her My Husband's results from a recent test "there is no detectable cancer" in his body...since than he has had other examinations that agreed with these findings...Today he is a healthy, Happy man of many interests and pursues them all with amazing strength and focus...He is very much alive and it has been just a little over a year since they found the new tumors, and deemed him terminal... Needless to say my gratitude for this site and the people involved in making the "Real stuff" available to all of us in dire need is great...I constantly seek new ways to Pay it Forward...Lynda of Oregon [Last name deleted to protect privacy]. "We all have the right to benefit from Essiac because no one can stop us making it, no one can stop us taking it and no one can stop us deciding how and when we're going to do it." [THE ESSIAC BOOK by Mali Klein, 2006] "Chemotherapy should be a criminal offense." -- Rene M. Caisse ESSIAC QUESTIONS? If you have specific questions about Essiac tea that are not covered on this web site, be sure to read the Essiac trilogy. Please do not ask the webmaster to diagnose or treat any ailment as this should be done by a competent, experienced naturopath or nutrition-oriented medical doctor who has personally examined you. It is important to remember that each individual's body has specific requirements for nutrition. Therefore, the information offered on this web site is for general information only and not to be construed as medical advice or treatment for anyone. CLICK ON THE TWO LINKS BELOW TO LOCATE A NATURAL HEALING PROFESSIONAL: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians HealthWorld Online * The Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network is not a business or commercial enterprise. The visitation of the Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network web site by any person or governmental agency constitutes tacit admission and consent to the sole jurisdiction/principles of Natural Law (original native jurisdiction of Turtle Island). THEREFORE, all Natural Human Rights and Freedoms are hereby secured and preserved, any and all mere de facto political laws, codes, regulations, statutes, administrative procedures, government alphabet agencies and/or United Nations treaties to the contrary notwithstanding. Nothing on this web site shall be construed as legal advice or medical advice or treatment. For medical or legal advice please bend over and consult a qualified, licensed profe$$ional :-) ESSIAC INFO PAGE Do you have a natural remedy success story (or a medical establishment horror story) that you would like to share? Feel free to email your story to the Webmaster@.... [The SHFN Newsletter subscriber list is not sold or shared with anyone] SHFN NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES FOR MORE HEALTH NEWS & INFORMATION BE SURE TO VISIT & in Natural Law Home Health Info Freedom Info Chemtrail Info Essiac Info AIDS Info Cancer Info About SHFN Contact Us Ordering Information Books AIDS & Essiac Cancer & Essiac Diabetes & Essiac Essiac & Detoxification Essiac FAQ > >> > Interesting Marie!> > > > > > > > > > ________________________________> > From: healinghope mfrreman@> > bird mites > > Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 7:55:39 PM> > Subject: Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of America> > > >  > > [Essiac]> > Chemtrails,Essiacand theDetoxification of America > > An Excerpt from an Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain> >  By Lanny Messinger -- http://www.HealthFr> > ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS> > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION> > NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC> > ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY> > ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID> > ESSIAC AND DIABETES> > ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM> > ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION > > ESSIAC AND ASTHMA> > SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION> >  Dr. Marijah McCain is a naturopath, master herbalist, homeopath and research microscopist with a following of a quarter million students and customers. My initial interest in interviewing Dr. McCain concerned a four-herb formula called Essiac. During the interview our conversation turned to the subject of Chemtrails. Dr. McCain began telling of an unconscionable incident that in today's Orwellian Newspeak could be best described as an act of "terrorism". > >  Dr. McCain: "My life's been threatened already. I was nearly killedâ€"let's see, it was December, three years ago. I was very actively involved in the chemtrail situation when it came out because it really, really upset me. I was really furious because here I am a doctor and I'm trying to save people and what the hell is this crap that they're spraying on everybody and I know it's making us sick. I was very actively involved on the internet. I was actively involved with an organization in Houston. About 11:00 at night a chopper came over my house and hovered over the house and sprayed the house and almost killed my son and myself. I had complete kidney failure. My lungs filled up with fluid. I couldn't breathe. I had to be put on oxygen. I was sick at least ten daysâ€"life and deathâ€"and so was my son. I lost my teeth over it. My teethâ€"I had really great teethâ€"but the enamel just literally came off my teeth and the> > inside of my teeth fell out. And that was within four months of being sprayed. And I still have the teeth to this day because at some point in time if this ever does become public, I'm going to sue the ass off them. But at any rate, I lost my teeth aboutâ€"let's see, from the time I was sprayed to the time I had my teeth doneâ€"it was approximately six months. And I tried to tell peopleâ€"I had photographs, etceteraâ€"and I tried to tell people and nobody would listen. And I said look, this is bad. You know, this is a very serious thing we've got going on in this country. I don't know who the hell is behind this, but it is very, very serious."> >  Lanny: "Did you ever take any test samples to figure out what that chemical was?"> >  Dr. McCain: "No, not at that time. I had collected a bunch of samples [of chemtrails] and, you know, we concurred pretty much with what Carnicom was talking about on his website with the barium and aluminum, etc., and the heavy metal poisoning. But also the barium was radioactive and we'd been picking up low-level radiation with the radiation meter when the spraying is heavy. So people are slowly being poisoned with radiation. This is why the thyroids are going out. People are coming down with all kinds of weird rashes. A lot of that is radiation poisoning."> >  Lanny: "What do you recommend for counteracting that?"> >  Dr. McCain: "Well, the chemtrail issue is difficult because they use different things in different areas. Sometimes we have reports, you know, they'll spray South Carolina and everybody will get lower gastrointestinal stress. They'll have the diarrhea, etc. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll have the sinus, the upper respiratory. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll come down with meningitis-type symptoms. So it's really hard to say. The basic chemtrails spray isâ€"you know, that has a specific profileâ€"that' s the dry skin, the bad taste in the mouth, that type of thing. The chemical poisoning that you're getting from the barium and the aluminum and the metals and the toxin and those types of things from the jet fuel. And then there's the bacteria and the microbes and that's anybody's guess what the hell they're going to do next. It's like the West Nile virus. It went all across the countryâ€"I mean, that was a lot> > of garbage that it was just carried by a bird."> >  Lanny: "There's a lot things we're not being told the truth about."> >  Dr. McCain: "Well, exactly." > >  Lanny: "What do you think is the purpose of chemtrails?"> >  Dr. McCain: "I have no clue. I honestly have no idea. I've read everything there is possible to readâ€"everything from they're trying to get rid of the population to they're trying to control the weather to they're using it for HAARP to there's aliens up there. I've read them all and I have no idea. But I know they're there and I know they're making people sick and I know that if they don't stopâ€"I mean, there's starting to be reports now of people dying. I mean, there's people getting bacterial infections. They're dying of heart attacks because the bacteria is getting to the heart. There's people that are dying that they've done blood tests on and found high levels of barium in the system. Barium is very, very toxic. It's extremely toxic. And aluminum is really bad because it crosses the brain barrier. It makes peopleâ€"they can't think any more. And you can interview hundreds of people and they will tell you that they have> > trouble thinking. You know, their minds are foggy. And this is one of the reasons why I developed that Formula One with the EDTA. That was specifically developed to pull those heavy metals out of the system.> >  "There's some areas in the states where people don't see them [chemtrails] because they don't spray like down by Bush's farm in Texas. I've got a friend that lives not very far from there. They never spray thereâ€"ever."> >  Lanny: "Gee, I wonder why? That's interesting. "> >  Dr. McCain: "Isn't it? So there's a bunch of stuff on my web site about that under The Air Pollution Solution. We've got the barium detox and the aluminum and EDTA. I developed some specific things to target specific problems with these chemtrails and I try to stay on top of those things. Of course, we use them all here. And we back it up with hair analysis to make sure that our bodies are not accumulating barium and not accumulating aluminum.> >  "We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell you that. That much I know. People have got to save themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed.> >  "That's another thing. I've got to tell youâ€"make sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. Depressionâ€"the liver works with the chemical balances, the chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this four-herb tea [Essiac tea] with so many people that are suffering from depressionâ€"serious, serious depressionâ€"and it will bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically sayâ€"God forbidâ€"let's take an example of a person whose mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons the body. They become lethargic, they become> > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. Do you follow me?"> >  Lanny: "I've been there. I had very serious, chronic asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything else."> >  Dr. McCain: "Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so valuable, the St. 's wort."> >  Lanny: "Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers."> >  Dr. McCain: "In order to survive, the peopleâ€"what I call the remnant, or the people that really will surviveâ€"are the ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming." > > About three weeks after I interviewed Dr. McCain I sent her an email asking her what herbs/supplements she took in order to survive the helicopter spraying attack on her home. This was her response:> >  "Kidneys failed completely and lungs filled up with fluid and I almost drowned. I was on oxygen and used the following:> > Asparagus Extract â€" Dr. Chi's to help detox the kidneys fast> > Colloidal Silver â€" 500 ppm â€" 4 times a day> > Olive Leaf Extract â€" anti-viral â€" 9 caps a day> > 4-Herb Tea â€" 3 times a day> > KB â€" herbal diuretic to help remove the fluid build up â€" I was drowning in my lung fluid.> > COQ10 with Hawthorn â€" 100 mg. 2 times a day to protect the heart as it was also taking on fluid.> > Super II laxative to move the toxins through fast> > Homeopathic Kidney and Lung support> > The Asparagus Extract saved my life in this case."> >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are also very effective.> >  Dr. McCain: "For instance, let's take smallpox as an example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time you start to get a rash it> > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys detoxing. Get your antiviral in thereâ€"your olive leaf extract and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any constipationâ€" that everything is flowing through and you won't get deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the liver and takes the load out of the system."> >  Lanny: "Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from penetrating the cell, like elderberry does?"> >  Dr. McCain: "No, it stops the virus from replicating. You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are continually replacing themselves every dayâ€"they're always dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're spurredâ€"like they can sit in the cell for a long timeâ€"and they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you follow?"> > Lanny: "How long have you been using Essiac?"> >  Dr. McCain: "I would guess probably about seven years. I made it available for my students to try. I didn't come right out and say it was going to be any good. I asked my students if they wanted to give it a try. My students started to try it and the feedback was just absolutely unbelievable. " > >  Lanny: "What kind of feedback did you get?"> >  ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS> >  Dr. McCain: "The very first call I got was from a chiropractor who had a patient that had psoriasis for eight years. And she just put the patient on it because she just decided she'd give it a shot and it cleared up the psoriasis. They had never been able to clear up the psoriasis in eight years. So the first testimonials were not cancer testimonials. The first testimonials were actually skin problem testimonials, which was really remarkable. The first cancer testimonial I had was from a man in Arkansas and he had terminal lung cancer. One of my students had given him the tea to try and it had cured his lung cancer and he had done nothing else. There was no other supplements takenâ€"nothing elseâ€"all he did was take the tea. And I thought: Oh, my Goodness, we're seriously on to something here. So then in the next newsletter, with about six or seven testimonials that I had in hand from my students, I said okay I'm going to offer> > this. I'm not going to make any claims on it, but if you guys want to try it here it is, and it just went berserk. We sent out testimonial sheets for about the first five years every time we sent out the tea. I have testimonial sheets that would fill a closet on this tea. It was really shocking to me because it wasn't just the cancer and I couldn't understand how come we were getting so many different testimonials. We had one lady call in. She had these awful white patches all over her skin and she took the tea and the white patches turned hard and they all peeled off and her skin went back to normal. Which was really remarkable because she had that for years and years. We had another elderly person who had lost all their hair. They took the tea, the hair grew back, but not only did the hair grow back, the hair grew back brown. When they lost their hair, it was gray. > >  "These testimonials were blowing my mind because I was trying to figure out what in the world this tea was doing in order to have such broad-based positive health effects on so many different things. So I started to investigate, seriously, the burdock rootâ€"see what was in it. Everybody reported better energy when they took the tea. Well, come to find out burdock root is very high in iron, in natural iron that is easily assimilable in the body. So that was good. It was a blood builder, but the primary function of it is that it is a liver cleanser. The liver, of course, filters the blood system and when it's toxic, the immune system starts to fail. This is what was so profound about this tea because as soon as you started to cleanse the liver the immune system would kick in and it would pretty much fix whatever the problem was in the person. That's what I found so mind-boggling about this tea. It wasn't just for cancer; it's our number> > one formula now that we use for any kind of skin ailment, hives, psoriasis, especially acne. It works wonders with acne because the skin is the last eliminatory organ. So when the liver is toxic, the poisons start coming out the skin. As soon as you detox the liver, the skin goes back to normal. I've got years and years of experience with this. It's just mind-boggling. "> > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION> >  Lanny: "What other conditions does Essiac help?"> >  Dr. McCain: "I had a little guy, a child that was seriously poisoned with SEVIN dust [a garden pesticide]. What happened was this child got very, very illâ€"been to all the doctors and everythingâ€"and they had called me and she described the symptoms. And I had said to her: Listen, it sounds to me like there is some type of poisoning with this child. They had tried every antibiotic, everything with this kid, and the kid was just getting sicker and sicker and sicker. I put the child on the four-herb tea and that was it. Once the chemicals were detoxed out of the body the child recovered and came back to normal. So there was a case where the child was poisoned with a chemical poisoning and it was affecting the liver and the blood system and the neurological system. The child was having neurological symptoms as well. So those types of poisoningsâ€"chemical, pesticides, that type of thing that localize in the liverâ€"the four-herb tea> > helps those as well. Which is pretty remarkable.> >  "And also I don't know if you want to mention this or not, because it is very, very controversial, but I have had an awful lot of children who had been given the MMR vaccine and DPT shots and they have manifested symptoms to the extreme of autism where they can't talk any more and they have serious learning disorders. I formulated homeopathic formulas to counter-balance these vaccines, but I also put these children on the four-herb tea. And my most dramatic case was a case in China where the child, after having received the vaccine, quit speaking, would run around on his tippy-toes, bang his head up against the wall. It was a very, very sad case because the child was normal before they got the vaccine. It took about ten months. I worked with these people. As a matter of fact that was what sparked me to have the MMR detox made up, the actual homeopathic done. And I had sent that over to China and we eventually restored that child to> > health. But part of the protocol was using the four-herb tea. I did use some other things as well. These are very, very dramatic cases where the medical doctors have no solutions whatsoever."> >  Lanny: "Yeah, except drugs."> >  Dr. McCain: "Well, yeah, that child would have been institutionalized. They would have had to lock that child up. So I really went out of my way to try to save that child and since then have saved a lot of children.> >  NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC> >  "I've got to tell you this about the toxicity levels of it [Essiac]. When we very first started making the tea, I got an emergency phone call. A parent had made the tea and put it in the refrigerator and had left the house with a babysitter and a six-month old baby. Well, the babysitter thought it was iced tea, went into the frig and filled up an eight-ounce bottle, gave it to the six-month old baby--that's an eight-ounce bottle of four-herb tea, straight (i.e., undiluted)â€"and drank two glasses herself. The parent called me, absolutely flipped out of their mind, okay. We monitored the baby for two daysâ€"absolutely no toxic side effect at all. So there is the testimonial on the toxicity. No toxicity from this product [Essiac]. We have never, ever, not one time in all these years, had a toxic reaction to that tea. Not one. > >  ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY> >  "It's unbelievable. The worse thing that happened is that we've had people that have had a lot of drugs, a lot of chemotherapy, etcetera, they'll start off on the tea three times a day, they might get a mild headache because the body is detoxing so quickly. We back them up; we tell them to start off just once a day and build up to it over a couple of weeks. But that's the very worse thing. And we've given it to so many people and people have given it to dogs and cats and you name it over the years. We've sold thousands and thousands and thousands of packages of this tea and have had tremendous amounts of feedback and so I'm very, very familiar with this tea. The original instructions were two ounces in a little bit of warm water three times a day. We have increased that because we know there's no toxicity, so we do tell people if they want to they can increase it to four or five times a day. I had one lady who had breast cancer who> > called me and said she drank a quart a day. And she did heal herself of breast cancer, by the way, but she was drinking a tremendous amount more than what the recommended doses were. So people do what they want even if you do give them instructions, but I wouldn't recommend that because people take a lot more supplements now. When we very first started out with this tea, that was all we had and mostly people just took the tea. Now we have a lot of other things, people are much more educatedâ€"the antioxidants and they added a lot of other things as well.  You can overwhelm the body when it's trying to heal itself, if you add too many things."> >  ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID> >  Lanny: "Some people bring up the oxalic acid in sheep sorrel…"> >  Dr. McCain: "I believe that's in the turkey rhubarb as well. The only thing that is contraindicated for is an arthritic-type condition, an acidic condition. Interestingly enough, in my research most people with cancer do not have arthritis and vice versa. That's not a law, but it's pretty common, a general trend. We don't normally recommend the tea for arthritic conditions because we've got so many other things that benefit arthritis much better. And if they do have to take the tea, we recommend that they just add in a calcium supplement, that's all. Because an arthritic condition is an acidic condition and the oxalic acid makes it a little bit acidic. It can aggravate it [Essiac] a little bit, but it's not harmful; it just doesn't cure it. People report that they're a little stiffer, so we supplement calcium and we don't have a problem with the stiffness. It's just the stiffness. They get pain--when they get arthritis they> > ache. The calcium counterbalances that. That's what an arthritic condition is, is the body is not getting enough calcium and is pulling calcium from the bones. So you have to supplement calcium and then you don't have a problem, unless it's an arthritic condition caused by infection. There's a couple different causes, but most common is lack of calcium."> >  ESSIAC AND DIABETES> >  Lanny: "Have you noticed a lot of people with diabetes with testimonials about Essiac?"> >  Dr. McCain: "Absolutely. The four-herb tea was really good. As a matter of fact we had to put a warning in there. People who were on insulin that were taking the tea needed to monitor their blood sugar because sometimes the pancreas would kick back in, but not all the time it would. Let's say, for instance, the person had been on insulin for fifteen years. The chances of the pancreas kicking back in are going to be a lot slimmer than if a person has just come down with diabetes. Follow? Let's hypothetically say this person is on a fixed dose of insulin a day and we do give them the tea and the pancreas does start to kick in. They've got to monitor that sugar, otherwise they will get an insulin shock because their body does not need that much insulin. Any time we give it to a diabetic patient we have to make sure that they watch their sugar because if their sugar drops down they don't need to be taking their massive doses of their> > drugs. They've got to be careful. Follow? The tea did in fact sometimes make very radical improvements in people that were diabetics. We've had people come off the insulin with the Essiac, but those are people who are very strict about not eating sugar. The problem with diabetics is that they go to their doctor and the doctor tells them that they're diabetic and they give them insulin shots and they go home and eat their Twinkies. They continue to eat sugar, that's where the problem is. They've got to stop eating sugar. And the people that will quit eating sugar, change their diet and then work with the tea and some other supplements like vanadium. They found that vanadium is deficient in diabetics. The chromium picolinate really helps. If they will work with their supplements they can reverse it. But they can't reverse it if they won't change their diet. [Dr. Banting, a co-discover of insulin, also found a correlation between> > Essiac, insulin, and the pancreas.]> >  ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM> >  "We have people that are perfectly healthy take it [Essiac] just as a maintenance and they'll swear that they don't get colds any more. They'll swear that they feel better. They take it just once a day. Another thing is longevity. I have a customer who had terminal cancer in 1996 and he started taking the four-herb tea. They had given him a very short time to live and this is 2003. You could never convince this man to stop taking the tea. So people ask me if it's safe for long-term use. You bet.   > >  ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION > >  "We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell you that. That much I know. People have got to save themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed.> >  "That's another thing. I've got to tell youâ€"make sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. Depressionâ€"the liver works with the chemical balances, the chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this four-herb tea [Essiac] with so many people that are suffering from depressionâ€"serious, serious depressionâ€"and it will bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically sayâ€"God forbidâ€"let's take an example of a person whose mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons the body. They become lethargic, they become> > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. Do you follow me?"> >  ESSIAC AND ASTHMA> >  Lanny: "I've been there. I had very serious, chronic asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything else."> >  Dr. McCain: "Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so valuable, the St. 's wort."> >  Lanny: "Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers. Now I just drink Essiac tea every day and I haven't had any problems with asthma." [Also, Dr. Glum successfully treated his chronic bronchitis with Essiac.]> >  SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION> >  Dr. McCain: "In order to survive, the peopleâ€"what I call the remnant, or the people that really will surviveâ€"are the ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming."> >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are also very effective.> >  Dr. McCain: "For instance, let's take smallpox as an example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time you start to get a rash it> > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys detoxing. Get your antiviral in thereâ€"your olive leaf extract and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any constipationâ€" that everything is flowing through and you won't get deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the liver and takes the load out of the system."> >  Lanny: "Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from penetrating the cell, like elderberry does?"> >  Dr. McCain: "No, it stops the virus from replicating. You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are continually replacing themselves every dayâ€"they're always dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're spurredâ€"like they can sit in the cell for a long timeâ€"and they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you follow?"> >  To obtain the four herbs to make Essiac contact:> > Lanny Messinger> > 1106 South Main St. #11> > Moscow, Idaho 83843> > Lanny@HealthFreedom .info> > http://www.HealthFr> > {Common Law copyright March 2003 Lanny Messinger; This article may be reproduced and distributed only under the conditions 1) that it be free of charge; 2) that it be reproduced in its entirety without any alterations whatsoever; and 3) that anyone who wishes to post this article on a website must first obtain permission from the author, Lanny Messinger at http://www.HealthFr}> > > > > > > > __________________________________________________________________> > Be smarter than spam. 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Guest guest Posted January 19, 2010 Report Share Posted January 19, 2010 Please no association or affiliation you can make this on your own too, or even grow the herbs. > > > > > > Interesting Marie! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > > From: healinghope mfrreman@ > > > bird mites > > > Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 7:55:39 PM > > > Subject: Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of > America > > > > > >  > > > [Essiac] > > > Chemtrails,Essiacand theDetoxification of America > > > An Excerpt from an Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain > > >  By Lanny Messinger -- http://www.HealthFr > > > ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS > > > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION > > > NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC > > > ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY > > > ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID > > > ESSIAC AND DIABETES > > > ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM > > > ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION > > > ESSIAC AND ASTHMA > > > SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION > > >  Dr. Marijah McCain is a naturopath, master herbalist, homeopath > and research microscopist with a following of a quarter million students > and customers. My initial interest in interviewing Dr. McCain > concerned a four-herb formula called Essiac. During the interview > our conversation turned to the subject of Chemtrails. Dr. McCain > began telling of an unconscionable incident that in today's Orwellian > Newspeak could be best described as an act of " terrorism " . > > >  Dr. McCain: " My life's been threatened already. I was > nearly killed†" let's see, it was December, three years ago. I > was very actively involved in the chemtrail situation when it came out > because it really, really upset me. I was really furious because > here I am a doctor and I'm trying to save people and what the hell is > this crap that they're spraying on everybody and I know it's making us > sick. I was very actively involved on the internet. I was > actively involved with an organization in Houston. About 11:00 at > night a chopper came over my house and hovered over the house and > sprayed the house and almost killed my son and myself. I had > complete kidney failure. My lungs filled up with fluid. I > couldn't breathe. I had to be put on oxygen. I was sick at > least ten days†" life and death†" and so was my son. I lost > my teeth over it. My teeth†" I had really great teeth†" but > the enamel just literally came off my teeth and the > > > inside of my teeth fell out. And that was within four months > of being sprayed. And I still have the teeth to this day because at > some point in time if this ever does become public, I'm going to sue the > ass off them. But at any rate, I lost my teeth about†" let's > see, from the time I was sprayed to the time I had my teeth > done†" it was approximately six months. And I tried to tell > people†" I had photographs, etcetera†" and I tried to tell > people and nobody would listen. And I said look, this is bad. > You know, this is a very serious thing we've got going on in this > country. I don't know who the hell is behind this, but it is very, > very serious. " > > >  Lanny: " Did you ever take any test samples to figure out > what that chemical was? " > > >  Dr. McCain: " No, not at that time. I had collected a > bunch of samples [of chemtrails] and, you know, we concurred pretty much > with what Carnicom was talking about on his website with the barium and > aluminum, etc., and the heavy metal poisoning. But also the barium > was radioactive and we'd been picking up low-level radiation with the > radiation meter when the spraying is heavy. So people are slowly > being poisoned with radiation. This is why the thyroids are going > out. People are coming down with all kinds of weird rashes. A > lot of that is radiation poisoning. " > > >  Lanny: " What do you recommend for counteracting that? " > > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, the chemtrail issue is difficult > because they use different things in different areas. Sometimes we > have reports, you know, they'll spray South Carolina and everybody will > get lower gastrointestinal stress. They'll have the diarrhea, > etc. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll have the sinus, the > upper respiratory. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll come > down with meningitis-type symptoms. So it's really hard to say. > The basic chemtrails spray is†" you know, that has a specific > profile†" that' s the dry skin, the bad taste in the mouth, that > type of thing. The chemical poisoning that you're getting from the > barium and the aluminum and the metals and the toxin and those types of > things from the jet fuel. And then there's the bacteria and the > microbes and that's anybody's guess what the hell they're going to do > next. It's like the West Nile virus. It went all across the > country†" I mean, that was a lot > > > of garbage that it was just carried by a bird. " > > >  Lanny: " There's a lot things we're not being told the > truth about. " > > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, exactly. "  > > >  Lanny: " What do you think is the purpose of chemtrails? " > > >  Dr. McCain: " I have no clue. I honestly have no > idea. I've read everything there is possible to > read†" everything from they're trying to get rid of the population > to they're trying to control the weather to they're using it for HAARP > to there's aliens up there. I've read them all and I have no > idea. But I know they're there and I know they're making people > sick and I know that if they don't stop†" I mean, there's starting > to be reports now of people dying. I mean, there's people getting > bacterial infections. They're dying of heart attacks because the > bacteria is getting to the heart. There's people that are dying > that they've done blood tests on and found high levels of barium in the > system. Barium is very, very toxic. It's extremely toxic. > And aluminum is really bad because it crosses the brain barrier. It > makes people†" they can't think any more. And you can interview > hundreds of people and they will tell you that they have > > > trouble thinking. You know, their minds are foggy. And > this is one of the reasons why I developed that Formula One with the > EDTA. That was specifically developed to pull those heavy metals > out of the system. > > >  " There's some areas in the states where people don't see them > [chemtrails] because they don't spray like down by Bush's farm in > Texas. I've got a friend that lives not very far from there. > They never spray there†" ever. " > > >  Lanny: " Gee, I wonder why? That's interesting. " > > >  Dr. McCain: " Isn't it? So there's a bunch of stuff on > my web site about that under The Air Pollution Solution. We've got > the barium detox and the aluminum and EDTA. I developed some > specific things to target specific problems with these chemtrails and I > try to stay on top of those things. Of course, we use them all > here. And we back it up with hair analysis to make sure that our > bodies are not accumulating barium and not accumulating aluminum. > > >  " We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and > this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell > you that. That much I know. People have got to save > themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. > > >  " That's another thing. I've got to tell you†" make > sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. > Depression†" the liver works with the chemical balances, the > chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the > brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do > with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this > four-herb tea [Essiac tea] with so many people that are suffering > from depression†" serious, serious depression†" and it will > bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically > say†" God forbid†" let's take an example of a person whose > mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible > state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these > chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat > tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons > the body. They become lethargic, they become > > > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the > doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need > that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting > poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even > have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario > if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate > improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. > Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. > They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some > other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the > edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that > it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. > Do you follow me? " > > >  Lanny: " I've been there. I had very serious, chronic > asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it > until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out > of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, > immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read > where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. > 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything > else. " > > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver > cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So > there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so > valuable, the St. 's wort. " > > >  Lanny: " Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But > before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to > counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers. " > > >  Dr. McCain: " In order to survive, the people†" what I > call the remnant, or the people that really will survive†" are the > ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after > themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to > help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole > business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how > to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put > them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And > this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming. "  > > > About three weeks after I interviewed Dr. McCain I sent her an email > asking her what herbs/supplements she took in order to survive the > helicopter spraying attack on her home. This was her response: > > >  " Kidneys failed completely and lungs filled up with fluid and I > almost drowned. I was on oxygen and used the following: > > > Asparagus Extract †" Dr. Chi's to help detox the kidneys fast > > > Colloidal Silver †" 500 ppm †" 4 times a day > > > Olive Leaf Extract †" anti-viral †" 9 caps a day > > > 4-Herb Tea †" 3 times a day > > > KB †" herbal diuretic to help remove the fluid build up †" > I was drowning in my lung fluid. > > > COQ10 with Hawthorn †" 100 mg. 2 times a day to protect the > heart as it was also taking on fluid. > > > Super II laxative to move the toxins through fast > > > Homeopathic Kidney and Lung support > > > The Asparagus Extract saved my life in this case. " > > >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective > in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that > colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its > antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list > because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary > to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that > other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are > also very effective. > > >  Dr. McCain: " For instance, let's take smallpox as an > example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on > colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as > well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was > even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to > nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very > powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, > a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical > grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea > fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. > You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel > like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body > where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In > that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time > you start to get a rash it > > > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver > and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out > the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I > say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the > four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys > detoxing. Get your antiviral in there†" your olive leaf extract > and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any > constipation†" that everything is flowing through and you won't get > deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you > allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you > don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do > you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the > four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the > liver and takes the load out of the system. " > > >  Lanny: " Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from > penetrating the cell, like elderberry does? " > > >  Dr. McCain: " No, it stops the virus from replicating. > You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are > continually replacing themselves every day†" they're always > dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are > contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help > people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've > been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say > that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if > you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. > You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're > spurred†" like they can sit in the cell for a long time†" and > they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where > they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits > until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you > follow? " > > > Lanny: " How long have you been using Essiac? " > > >  Dr. McCain: " I would guess probably about seven years. > I made it available for my students to try. I didn't come right out > and say it was going to be any good. I asked my students if they > wanted to give it a try. My students started to try it and the > feedback was just absolutely unbelievable. "  > > >  Lanny: " What kind of feedback did you get? " > > >  ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS > > >  Dr. McCain: " The very first call I got was from a > chiropractor who had a patient that had psoriasis for eight years. > And she just put the patient on it because she just decided she'd give > it a shot and it cleared up the psoriasis. They had never been able > to clear up the psoriasis in eight years. So the first testimonials > were not cancer testimonials. The first testimonials were actually > skin problem testimonials, which was really remarkable. The first > cancer testimonial I had was from a man in Arkansas and he had terminal > lung cancer. One of my students had given him the tea to try and it > had cured his lung cancer and he had done nothing else. There was > no other supplements taken†" nothing else†" all he did was take > the tea. And I thought: Oh, my Goodness, we're seriously on to > something here. So then in the next newsletter, with about six or > seven testimonials that I had in hand from my students, I said okay I'm > going to offer > > > this. I'm not going to make any claims on it, but if you guys > want to try it here it is, and it just went berserk. We sent out > testimonial sheets for about the first five years every time we sent out > the tea. I have testimonial sheets that would fill a closet on this > tea. It was really shocking to me because it wasn't just the cancer > and I couldn't understand how come we were getting so many different > testimonials. We had one lady call in. She had these awful > white patches all over her skin and she took the tea and the white > patches turned hard and they all peeled off and her skin went back to > normal. Which was really remarkable because she had that for years > and years. We had another elderly person who had lost all their > hair. They took the tea, the hair grew back, but not only did the > hair grow back, the hair grew back brown. When they lost their > hair, it was gray. > > >  " These testimonials were blowing my mind because I was trying > to figure out what in the world this tea was doing in order to have such > broad-based positive health effects on so many different things. So > I started to investigate, seriously, the burdock root†" see what was > in it. Everybody reported better energy when they took the tea. > Well, come to find out burdock root is very high in iron, in natural > iron that is easily assimilable in the body. So that was good. > It was a blood builder, but the primary function of it is that it is a > liver cleanser. The liver, of course, filters the blood system and when > it's toxic, the immune system starts to fail. This is what was so > profound about this tea because as soon as you started to cleanse the > liver the immune system would kick in and it would pretty much fix > whatever the problem was in the person. That's what I found so > mind-boggling about this tea. It wasn't just for cancer; it's our > number > > > one formula now that we use for any kind of skin ailment, hives, > psoriasis, especially acne. It works wonders with acne because the > skin is the last eliminatory organ. So when the liver is toxic, the > poisons start coming out the skin. As soon as you detox the liver, > the skin goes back to normal. I've got years and years of > experience with this. It's just mind-boggling. " > > > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION > > >  Lanny: " What other conditions does Essiac help? " > > >  Dr. McCain: " I had a little guy, a child that was > seriously poisoned with SEVIN dust [a garden pesticide]. What > happened was this child got very, very ill†" been to all the doctors > and everything†" and they had called me and she described the > symptoms. And I had said to her: Listen, it sounds to me like > there is some type of poisoning with this child. They had tried > every antibiotic, everything with this kid, and the kid was just getting > sicker and sicker and sicker. I put the child on the four-herb tea > and that was it. Once the chemicals were detoxed out of the body > the child recovered and came back to normal. So there was a case > where the child was poisoned with a chemical poisoning and it was > affecting the liver and the blood system and the neurological > system. The child was having neurological symptoms as well. So > those types of poisonings†" chemical, pesticides, that type of thing > that localize in the liver†" the four-herb tea > > > helps those as well. Which is pretty remarkable. > > >  " And also I don't know if you want to mention this or not, > because it is very, very controversial, but I have had an awful lot of > children who had been given the MMR vaccine and DPT shots and they have > manifested symptoms to the extreme of autism where they can't talk any > more and they have serious learning disorders. I formulated > homeopathic formulas to counter-balance these vaccines, but I also put > these children on the four-herb tea. And my most dramatic case was > a case in China where the child, after having received the vaccine, quit > speaking, would run around on his tippy-toes, bang his head up against > the wall. It was a very, very sad case because the child was normal > before they got the vaccine. It took about ten months. I > worked with these people. As a matter of fact that was what sparked > me to have the MMR detox made up, the actual homeopathic done. And > I had sent that over to China and we eventually restored that child to > > > health. But part of the protocol was using the four-herb > tea. I did use some other things as well. These are very, very > dramatic cases where the medical doctors have no solutions whatsoever. " > > >  Lanny: " Yeah, except drugs. " > > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, yeah, that child would have been > institutionalized. They would have had to lock that child up. > So I really went out of my way to try to save that child and since then > have saved a lot of children. > > >  NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC > > >  " I've got to tell you this about the toxicity levels of it > [Essiac]. When we very first started making the tea, I got an > emergency phone call. A parent had made the tea and put it in the > refrigerator and had left the house with a babysitter and a six-month > old baby. Well, the babysitter thought it was iced tea, went into > the frig and filled up an eight-ounce bottle, gave it to the six-month > old baby--that's an eight-ounce bottle of four-herb tea, straight (i.e., > undiluted)†" and drank two glasses herself. The parent called > me, absolutely flipped out of their mind, okay. We monitored the > baby for two days†" absolutely no toxic side effect at all. So > there is the testimonial on the toxicity. No toxicity from this > product [Essiac]. We have never, ever, not one time in all these > years, had a toxic reaction to that tea. Not one. > > >  ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY > > >  " It's unbelievable. The worse thing that happened is that > we've had people that have had a lot of drugs, a lot of chemotherapy, > etcetera, they'll start off on the tea three times a day, they might get > a mild headache because the body is detoxing so quickly. We back > them up; we tell them to start off just once a day and build up to it > over a couple of weeks. But that's the very worse thing. And > we've given it to so many people and people have given it to dogs and > cats and you name it over the years. We've sold thousands and > thousands and thousands of packages of this tea and have had tremendous > amounts of feedback and so I'm very, very familiar with this tea. > The original instructions were two ounces in a little bit of warm water > three times a day. We have increased that because we know there's > no toxicity, so we do tell people if they want to they can increase it > to four or five times a day. I had one lady who had breast cancer > who > > > called me and said she drank a quart a day. And she did heal > herself of breast cancer, by the way, but she was drinking a tremendous > amount more than what the recommended doses were. So people do what > they want even if you do give them instructions, but I wouldn't > recommend that because people take a lot more supplements now. When > we very first started out with this tea, that was all we had and mostly > people just took the tea. Now we have a lot of other things, people > are much more educated†" the antioxidants and they added a lot of > other things as well.  You can overwhelm the body when it's trying > to heal itself, if you add too many things. " > > >  ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID > > >  Lanny: " Some people bring up the oxalic acid in sheep > sorrel… " > > >  Dr. McCain: " I believe that's in the turkey rhubarb as > well. The only thing that is contraindicated for is an > arthritic-type condition, an acidic condition. Interestingly > enough, in my research most people with cancer do not have arthritis and > vice versa. That's not a law, but it's pretty common, a general > trend. We don't normally recommend the tea for arthritic conditions > because we've got so many other things that benefit arthritis much > better. And if they do have to take the tea, we recommend that they > just add in a calcium supplement, that's all. Because an arthritic > condition is an acidic condition and the oxalic acid makes it a little > bit acidic. It can aggravate it [Essiac] a little bit, but it's not > harmful; it just doesn't cure it. People report that they're a > little stiffer, so we supplement calcium and we don't have a problem > with the stiffness. It's just the stiffness. They get > pain--when they get arthritis they > > > ache. The calcium counterbalances that. That's what an > arthritic condition is, is the body is not getting enough calcium and is > pulling calcium from the bones. So you have to supplement calcium > and then you don't have a problem, unless it's an arthritic condition > caused by infection. There's a couple different causes, but most > common is lack of calcium. " > > >  ESSIAC AND DIABETES > > >  Lanny: " Have you noticed a lot of people with diabetes > with testimonials about Essiac? " > > >  Dr. McCain: " Absolutely. The four-herb tea was really > good. As a matter of fact we had to put a warning in there. > People who were on insulin that were taking the tea needed to monitor > their blood sugar because sometimes the pancreas would kick back in, but > not all the time it would. Let's say, for instance, the person had > been on insulin for fifteen years. The chances of the pancreas > kicking back in are going to be a lot slimmer than if a person has just > come down with diabetes. Follow? Let's hypothetically say this > person is on a fixed dose of insulin a day and we do give them the tea > and the pancreas does start to kick in. They've got to monitor that > sugar, otherwise they will get an insulin shock because their body does > not need that much insulin. Any time we give it to a diabetic > patient we have to make sure that they watch their sugar because if > their sugar drops down they don't need to be taking their massive doses > of their > > > drugs. They've got to be careful. Follow? The tea > did in fact sometimes make very radical improvements in people that were > diabetics. We've had people come off the insulin with the Essiac, > but those are people who are very strict about not eating sugar. > The problem with diabetics is that they go to their doctor and the > doctor tells them that they're diabetic and they give them insulin shots > and they go home and eat their Twinkies. They continue to eat > sugar, that's where the problem is. They've got to stop eating > sugar. And the people that will quit eating sugar, change their > diet and then work with the tea and some other supplements like > vanadium. They found that vanadium is deficient in diabetics. > The chromium picolinate really helps. If they will work with their > supplements they can reverse it. But they can't reverse it if they > won't change their diet. [Dr. Banting, a co-discover of insulin, > also found a correlation between > > > Essiac, insulin, and the pancreas.] > > >  ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM > > >  " We have people that are perfectly healthy take it [Essiac] > just as a maintenance and they'll swear that they don't get colds any > more. They'll swear that they feel better. They take it just > once a day. Another thing is longevity. I have a customer who > had terminal cancer in 1996 and he started taking the four-herb tea. > They had given him a very short time to live and this is 2003. You > could never convince this man to stop taking the tea. So people ask > me if it's safe for long-term use. You bet.   > > >  ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION > > >  " We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and > this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell > you that. That much I know. People have got to save > themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. > > >  " That's another thing. I've got to tell you†" make > sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. > Depression†" the liver works with the chemical balances, the > chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the > brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do > with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this > four-herb tea [Essiac] with so many people that are suffering from > depression†" serious, serious depression†" and it will bring > them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically > say†" God forbid†" let's take an example of a person whose > mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible > state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these > chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat > tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons > the body. They become lethargic, they become > > > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the > doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need > that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting > poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even > have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario > if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate > improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. > Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. > They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some > other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the > edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that > it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. > Do you follow me? " > > >  ESSIAC AND ASTHMA > > >  Lanny: " I've been there. I had very serious, chronic > asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it > until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out > of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, > immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read > where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. > 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything > else. " > > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver > cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So > there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so > valuable, the St. 's wort. " > > >  Lanny: " Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But > before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to > counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the > inhalers. Now I just drink Essiac tea every day and I haven't had > any problems with asthma. "  [Also, Dr. Glum successfully > treated his chronic bronchitis with Essiac.] > > >  SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION > > >  Dr. McCain: " In order to survive, the people†" what I > call the remnant, or the people that really will survive†" are the > ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after > themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to > help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole > business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how > to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put > them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And > this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming. " > > >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective > in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that > colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its > antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list > because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary > to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that > other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are > also very effective. > > >  Dr. McCain: " For instance, let's take smallpox as an > example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on > colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as > well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was > even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to > nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very > powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, > a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical > grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea > fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. > You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel > like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body > where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In > that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time > you start to get a rash it > > > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver > and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out > the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I > say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the > four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys > detoxing. Get your antiviral in there†" your olive leaf extract > and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any > constipation†" that everything is flowing through and you won't get > deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you > allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you > don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do > you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the > four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the > liver and takes the load out of the system. " > > >  Lanny: " Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from > penetrating the cell, like elderberry does? " > > >  Dr. McCain: " No, it stops the virus from replicating. > You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are > continually replacing themselves every day†" they're always > dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are > contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help > people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've > been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say > that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if > you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. > You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're > spurred†" like they can sit in the cell for a long time†" and > they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where > they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits > until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you > follow? " > > >  To obtain the four herbs to make Essiac contact: > > > Lanny Messinger > > > 1106 South Main St. #11 > > > Moscow, Idaho 83843 > > > Lanny@HealthFreedom .info > > > http://www.HealthFr > > > {Common Law copyright March 2003 Lanny Messinger; This article > may be reproduced and distributed only under the conditions 1) that it > be free of charge; 2) that it be reproduced in its entirety without any > alterations whatsoever; and 3) that anyone who wishes to post this > article on a website must first obtain permission from the author, Lanny > Messinger at http://www.HealthFr} > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________________________ > > > Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk > email the boot with the All-new . Click on Options in Mail > and switch to New Mail today or register for free at > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 ESSIAC INFO Welcome to the ESSIAC INFORMATION NAVIGATION PAGE [top left: burdock; lower left: slippery elm] [top right: sheep sorrel; lower right: turkey rhubarb] Essiac is rapidly becoming a household word when it comes to alternative cancer treatments, natural diabetes therapy, detoxification, immunity, a general health tonic or just a pleasant cup of herbal tea. Essiac tea has earned a reputation as a safe nutritional approach to cancer and diabetes therapy because the herbs used in the Essiac formula have been eaten safely as food since time immemorial. However, one does not have to have cancer or diabetes to drink Essiac tea. Essiac tea is now taken on a daily basis by many people for the purpose of maintaining good health and for preventive measures against many common ailments. There is an incredible amount of disinformation about Essiac on the internet. Therefore, if you have arrived here feeling confused from reading the many contradictory claims made by websites that sell Essiac, you will be glad you took the time to visit the links below. The recently updated Essiac FAQ section is especially informative and is a good place to start. ESSIAC FAQ: CLICK HERE to find answers to many frequently asked questions about Essiac tea. Essiac FAQ is currently being updated to include more questions and answers so please visit often. ESSIAC ARTICLES: CLICK HERE if you wish to learn more about the herbal formula known as "Essiac". If Essiac is new to you, we recommend that you start by reading the "Rene Caisse and her Herbal Cancer Treatment, Essiac" article. If you are already familiar with Essiac or if you are wanting to learn about the health benefits of Essiac, be sure to read the "Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain." This article also contains important information about Essiac dosages, etc. If you want to learn about what happened to Dr. Glum when he publicly released the Essiac formula here in America or if you are interested in natural, alternative AIDS treatments or nutritional AIDS therapy, then read the "Dr. Glum, Essiac & the Antidote for AIDS" article. If you want to hear Rene Caisse's story in her own words, read "I Was Canada's Cancer Nurse." ESSIAC FORMULA & RECIPE: CLICK HERE if you wish to learn the Essiac formula, see the Essiac formula documentation or learn how to make Essiac yourself. CLICK HERE to view the only documented evidence of the Essiac Formula & Recipe, the affidavit sworn by McPherson of Bracebridge, Ontario. McPherson was the only person that Rene Caisse trusted to brew her Essiac tea for her cancer patients. For additional tips on brewing Essiac tea read "Rene Caisse and her Her Herbal Cancer Treatment, Essiac". BUY ESSIAC TEA: CLICK HERE if you wish to purchase the herbs to make Essiac or learn more about the authentic Essiac tea. GROW YOUR OWN ESSIAC TEA: CLICK HERE if you want to grow your own Essiac tea herbs. ESSIAC BOOKS: CLICK HERE to find great books about Essiac tea. RENE CAISSE'S ARCHIVES: Mali Klein is now the Custodian of The Sheila Snow Fraser Essiac Archive Collection. HOW TO USE ESSIAC TEA: The Essiac trilogy of ESSIAC ESSENTIALS, THE SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY and THE ESSIAC BOOK is necessary to understand how to use Essiac to treat cancer. ESSIAC TESTIMONIAL: The Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network website has received many Essiac tea testimonials over the years. The author of the following testimonial wishes to "Pay it Forward" by posting it here in hopes that someone else may be helped by her "story of healing and hope". My Husband is 65 years old...He we was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer on Jan. 08. There is a story here and I could write a novel, but think it more beneficial to just stick to a summary of what happened and what we did to get past the horrors of cancer. He had a surgery and 1/4-1/2 of his right lung was removed...They had to break several ribs to do this...a sample was sent to pathology and the report came back to us telling us it was indeed cancer....He was scheduled for chemo and after 6 mo. of insidious treatment was pretty much a vegetable...I have studied alternative health for 30 years so you can imagine the trauma it was to watch and be a part of something so insidious...3 weeks after the last chemo treatment, still another PET scan showed he had 5-6 new tumors in his the same lung...devastation was overwhelming...They told him all they could offer him was more chemo, but he was in such a frightening state of negative health by then he said no..(actually he said Hell no)...They told him to get his affairs in order and sent him home to die...When all of this started I was to horrified and busy to do any research other than what I had previously known...When it comes to "helping" someone in this field I have found not many are receptive to "Natural health care or cures" ...Anyway I read of a 4 herb tea that had what I thought was a really good record...I bought a pound of essiac and started my Husband on it 2 oz twice a day...we went from eating any and all kids of animal protein to a completely "plant based diet" without exception"....I cannot remember for sure the month (maybe may 09 ) that I called Debbie with tears of joy to tell her My Husband's results from a recent test "there is no detectable cancer" in his body...since than he has had other examinations that agreed with these findings...Today he is a healthy, Happy man of many interests and pursues them all with amazing strength and focus...He is very much alive and it has been just a little over a year since they found the new tumors, and deemed him terminal... Needless to say my gratitude for this site and the people involved in making the "Real stuff" available to all of us in dire need is great...I constantly seek new ways to Pay it Forward...Lynda of Oregon [Last name deleted to protect privacy]. "We all have the right to benefit from Essiac because no one can stop us making it, no one can stop us taking it and no one can stop us deciding how and when we're going to do it." [THE ESSIAC BOOK by Mali Klein, 2006] "Chemotherapy should be a criminal offense." -- Rene M. Caisse ESSIAC QUESTIONS? If you have specific questions about Essiac tea that are not covered on this web site, be sure to read the Essiac trilogy. Please do not ask the webmaster to diagnose or treat any ailment as this should be done by a competent, experienced naturopath or nutrition-oriented medical doctor who has personally examined you. It is important to remember that each individual's body has specific requirements for nutrition. Therefore, the information offered on this web site is for general information only and not to be construed as medical advice or treatment for anyone. CLICK ON THE TWO LINKS BELOW TO LOCATE A NATURAL HEALING PROFESSIONAL: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians HealthWorld Online * The Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network is not a business or commercial enterprise. The visitation of the Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network web site by any person or governmental agency constitutes tacit admission and consent to the sole jurisdiction/principles of Natural Law (original native jurisdiction of Turtle Island). THEREFORE, all Natural Human Rights and Freedoms are hereby secured and preserved, any and all mere de facto political laws, codes, regulations, statutes, administrative procedures, government alphabet agencies and/or United Nations treaties to the contrary notwithstanding. Nothing on this web site shall be construed as legal advice or medical advice or treatment. For medical or legal advice please bend over and consult a qualified, licensed profe$$ional :-) ESSIAC INFO PAGE Do you have a natural remedy success story (or a medical establishment horror story) that you would like to share? Feel free to email your story to the Webmaster@.... [The SHFN Newsletter subscriber list is not sold or shared with anyone] SHFN NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES FOR MORE HEALTH NEWS & INFORMATION BE SURE TO VISIT & in Natural Law Home Health Info Freedom Info Chemtrail Info Essiac Info AIDS Info Cancer Info About SHFN Contact Us Ordering Information Books AIDS & Essiac Cancer & Essiac Diabetes & Essiac Essiac & Detoxification Essiac FAQ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Please no association or affiliation you can make this on your own too, or even grow the herbs. --- In , " healinghope " <mfrreman@...> wrote: > > > > <file:///C:/Users/Huck/Pictures/Jun%2006%202008/docs%2032107/Essiac/My%2\ > 0Webs/myweb/BURDOCK.jpg> > <file:///C:%5CDocuments%20and%20Settings%5CLanny%5CMy%20Documents%5CMy%2\ > 0Webs%5Cmyweb%5CBURDOCK.jpg> > > > <file:///C:/Users/Huck/Documents/Jun%2006%202008/docs%2032107/Essiac/My%\ > 20Webs/myweb/SHEEP%20SORREL.jpg> > <file:///C:%5CDocuments%20and%20Settings%5CLanny%5CMy%20Documents%5CMy%2\ > 0Webs%5Cmyweb%5CSHEEP%20SORREL.jpg> > <> > <> > <> > <> > <> > <> > <> > <> > <../../../../bird mites/post?postID=Tl9kJ7vG9mBhuPkopPz8dzmv7zOy_4lzGI\ > kyBA1SzQqR3Z_PI0r_iIMBnFi2Zwr2X0nWL2DAZvwtc3DmiWRPfQ> > <> > > > <file:///C:/Users/Huck/Pictures/Jun%2006%202008/docs%2032107/Essiac/My%2\ > 0Webs/myweb/TURKEY%20RHUBARB.jpg> > <file:///C:%5CDocuments%20and%20Settings%5CLanny%5CMy%20Documents%5CMy%2\ > 0Webs%5Cmyweb%5CTURKEY%20RHUBARB.jpg> > > > > ESSIAC INFO > > [*****] > > Welcome to the ESSIAC INFORMATION NAVIGATION PAGE > > [top left: burdock; lower left: slippery elm] > [top right: sheep sorrel; lower right: turkey rhubarb] > > Essiac is rapidly becoming a household word when it comes to alternative > cancer treatments, natural diabetes therapy, detoxification, immunity, a > general health tonic or just a pleasant cup of herbal tea. Essiac tea > has earned a reputation as a safe nutritional approach to cancer and > diabetes therapy because the herbs used in the Essiac formula have been > eaten safely as food since time immemorial. However, one does not have > to have cancer or diabetes to drink Essiac tea. Essiac tea is now taken > on a daily basis by many people for the purpose of maintaining good > health and for preventive measures against many common ailments. > > There is an incredible amount of disinformation about Essiac on the > internet. Therefore, if you have arrived here feeling confused from > reading the many contradictory claims made by websites that sell Essiac, > you will be glad you took the time to visit the links below. The > recently updated Essiac FAQ > <> section is especially > informative and is a good place to start. > > ESSIAC FAQ: <> CLICK > HERE <> to find answers > to many frequently asked questions about Essiac tea. Essiac FAQ is > currently being updated to include more questions and answers so please > visit often. > > ESSIAC ARTICLES: <> > <> > > CLICK HERE <> if you > wish to learn more about the herbal formula known as " Essiac " . If > Essiac is new to you, we recommend that you start by reading the " Rene > Caisse and her Herbal Cancer Treatment, Essiac " > <> article. > > If you are already familiar with Essiac or if you are wanting to learn > about the health benefits of Essiac, be sure to read the " Interview with > Dr. Marijah McCain > <> > . " This article also contains important information about Essiac > dosages, etc. > > If you want to learn about what happened to Dr. Glum when he > publicly released the Essiac formula here in America or if you are > interested in natural, alternative AIDS treatments or nutritional AIDS > therapy, then read the " Dr. Glum, Essiac & the Antidote for AIDS > <> " article. If you > want to hear Rene Caisse's story in her own words, read " I Was Canada's > Cancer Nurse > <\ > > . " > > ESSIAC FORMULA & RECIPE: > <> CLICK HERE > <> if you wish to > learn the Essiac formula, see the Essiac formula documentation or learn > how to make Essiac yourself. CLICK HERE > <> to view the > only documented evidence of the Essiac Formula & Recipe, the affidavit > sworn by McPherson > <> of > Bracebridge, Ontario. McPherson was the only person that Rene > Caisse trusted to brew her Essiac tea for her cancer patients. For > additional tips on brewing Essiac tea read " Rene Caisse and her Her > Herbal Cancer Treatment, Essiac " > <> . > > BUY ESSIAC TEA: <> > CLICK HERE <> if > you wish to purchase the herbs to make Essiac or learn more about the > authentic Essiac tea. > > GROW YOUR OWN ESSIAC TEA: > <> CLICK > HERE <> if > you want to grow your own Essiac tea herbs. > > ESSIAC BOOKS <> : CLICK HERE > <> to find great books about > Essiac tea. > > RENE CAISSE'S ARCHIVES: > <> Mali Klein is now > the Custodian of The Sheila Snow Fraser Essiac Archive Collection > <> . > > HOW TO USE ESSIAC TEA: The Essiac trilogy of ESSIAC ESSENTIALS > <> , THE > SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY > <\ > e%27s%20Herbal%20Pharmacy.htm> and THE ESSIAC BOOK > <> > is necessary to understand how to use Essiac to treat cancer. > > ESSIAC TESTIMONIAL: The Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network website has > received many Essiac tea testimonials over the years. The author of the > following testimonial wishes to " Pay it Forward " by posting it here in > hopes that someone else may be helped by her " story of healing and > hope " . > My Husband is 65 years old...He we was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer on > Jan. 08. There is a story here and I could write a novel, but think it > more beneficial to just stick to a summary of what happened and what we > did to get past the horrors of cancer. He had a surgery and 1/4-1/2 of > his right lung was removed...They had to break several ribs to do > this...a sample was sent to pathology and the report came back to us > telling us it was indeed cancer....He was scheduled for chemo and after > 6 mo. of insidious treatment was pretty much a vegetable...I have > studied alternative health for 30 years so you can imagine the trauma it > was to watch and be a part of something so insidious...3 weeks after the > last chemo treatment, still another PET scan showed he had 5-6 new > tumors in his the same lung...devastation was overwhelming...They told > him all they could offer him was more chemo, but he was in such a > frightening state of negative health by then he said no..(actually he > said Hell no)...They told him to get his affairs in order and sent him > home to die...When all of this started I was to horrified and busy to do > any research other than what I had previously known...When it comes to > " helping " someone in this field I have found not many are receptive to > " Natural health care or cures " ...Anyway I read of a 4 herb tea that had > what I thought was a really good record...I bought a pound of essiac and > started my Husband on it 2 oz twice a day...we went from eating any and > all kids of animal protein to a completely " plant based diet " without > exception " ....I cannot remember for sure the month (maybe may 09 ) that > I called Debbie with tears of joy to tell her My Husband's results from > a recent test " there is no detectable cancer " in his body...since than > he has had other examinations that agreed with these findings...Today he > is a healthy, Happy man of many interests and pursues them all with > amazing strength and focus...He is very much alive and it has been just > a little over a year since they found the new tumors, and deemed him > terminal... Needless to say my gratitude for this site and the people > involved in making the " Real stuff " available to all of us in dire need > is great...I constantly seek new ways to Pay it Forward...Lynda of > Oregon [Last name deleted to protect privacy]. > " We all have the right to benefit from Essiac because no one can stop us > making it, no one can stop us taking it and no one can stop us deciding > how and when we're going to do it. " [THE ESSIAC BOOK > <> > by Mali Klein, 2006] > > " Chemotherapy should be a criminal offense. " -- Rene M. Caisse > > ESSIAC QUESTIONS? If you have specific questions about Essiac tea that > are not covered on this web site, be sure to read the Essiac trilogy > <> . Please do not ask the > webmaster to diagnose or treat any ailment as this should be done by a > competent, experienced naturopath or nutrition-oriented medical doctor > who has personally examined you. It is important to remember that each > individual's body has specific requirements for nutrition. Therefore, > the information offered on this web site is for general information only > and not to be construed as medical advice or treatment for anyone. > > CLICK ON THE TWO LINKS BELOW TO LOCATE A NATURAL HEALING PROFESSIONAL: > > American Association of Naturopathic Physicians > <> > > HealthWorld Online <> > > * The Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network is not a business or commercial > enterprise. The visitation of the Sovereigns' Health Freedom Network > web site by any person or governmental agency constitutes tacit > admission and consent to the sole jurisdiction/principles of Natural > Law <file:///D:/myweb/natural_law.htm> (original native jurisdiction of > Turtle Island). THEREFORE, all Natural Human Rights and Freedoms are > hereby secured and preserved, any and all mere de facto political laws, > codes, regulations, statutes, administrative procedures, government > alphabet agencies and/or United Nations treaties to the contrary > notwithstanding. Nothing on this web site shall be construed as legal > advice or medical advice or treatment. For medical or legal advice > please bend over and consult a qualified, licensed profe$$ional :-) > > ESSIAC INFO PAGE > > [*****] > > Do you have a natural remedy success story (or a medical establishment > horror story) that you would like to share? 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Guest guest Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Lynn I wish someone would have shared this recipe with me before, or perhaps I just missed it. Excited to start on this healthy tea. I tried pricing the herbs but it is still cheaper to buy here. Where do you buy your tea and formula Lynn? > > > > > > > > Interesting Marie! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > > > From: healinghope mfrreman@ > > > > bird mites > > > > Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 7:55:39 PM > > > > Subject: Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of > > America > > > > > > > >  > > > > [Essiac] > > > > Chemtrails,Essiacand theDetoxification of America > > > > An Excerpt from an Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain > > > >  By Lanny Messinger -- http://www.HealthFr > > > > ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS > > > > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION > > > > NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC > > > > ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY > > > > ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID > > > > ESSIAC AND DIABETES > > > > ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM > > > > ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION > > > > ESSIAC AND ASTHMA > > > > SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION > > > >  Dr. Marijah McCain is a naturopath, master herbalist, homeopath > > and research microscopist with a following of a quarter million students > > and customers. My initial interest in interviewing Dr. McCain > > concerned a four-herb formula called Essiac. During the interview > > our conversation turned to the subject of Chemtrails. Dr. McCain > > began telling of an unconscionable incident that in today's Orwellian > > Newspeak could be best described as an act of " terrorism " . > > > >  Dr. McCain: " My life's been threatened already. I was > > nearly killed†" let's see, it was December, three years ago. I > > was very actively involved in the chemtrail situation when it came out > > because it really, really upset me. I was really furious because > > here I am a doctor and I'm trying to save people and what the hell is > > this crap that they're spraying on everybody and I know it's making us > > sick. I was very actively involved on the internet. I was > > actively involved with an organization in Houston. About 11:00 at > > night a chopper came over my house and hovered over the house and > > sprayed the house and almost killed my son and myself. I had > > complete kidney failure. My lungs filled up with fluid. I > > couldn't breathe. I had to be put on oxygen. I was sick at > > least ten days†" life and death†" and so was my son. I lost > > my teeth over it. My teeth†" I had really great teeth†" but > > the enamel just literally came off my teeth and the > > > > inside of my teeth fell out. And that was within four months > > of being sprayed. And I still have the teeth to this day because at > > some point in time if this ever does become public, I'm going to sue the > > ass off them. But at any rate, I lost my teeth about†" let's > > see, from the time I was sprayed to the time I had my teeth > > done†" it was approximately six months. And I tried to tell > > people†" I had photographs, etcetera†" and I tried to tell > > people and nobody would listen. And I said look, this is bad. > > You know, this is a very serious thing we've got going on in this > > country. I don't know who the hell is behind this, but it is very, > > very serious. " > > > >  Lanny: " Did you ever take any test samples to figure out > > what that chemical was? " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " No, not at that time. I had collected a > > bunch of samples [of chemtrails] and, you know, we concurred pretty much > > with what Carnicom was talking about on his website with the barium and > > aluminum, etc., and the heavy metal poisoning. But also the barium > > was radioactive and we'd been picking up low-level radiation with the > > radiation meter when the spraying is heavy. So people are slowly > > being poisoned with radiation. This is why the thyroids are going > > out. People are coming down with all kinds of weird rashes. A > > lot of that is radiation poisoning. " > > > >  Lanny: " What do you recommend for counteracting that? " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, the chemtrail issue is difficult > > because they use different things in different areas. Sometimes we > > have reports, you know, they'll spray South Carolina and everybody will > > get lower gastrointestinal stress. They'll have the diarrhea, > > etc. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll have the sinus, the > > upper respiratory. Some other areas they're sprayed, they'll come > > down with meningitis-type symptoms. So it's really hard to say. > > The basic chemtrails spray is†" you know, that has a specific > > profile†" that' s the dry skin, the bad taste in the mouth, that > > type of thing. The chemical poisoning that you're getting from the > > barium and the aluminum and the metals and the toxin and those types of > > things from the jet fuel. And then there's the bacteria and the > > microbes and that's anybody's guess what the hell they're going to do > > next. It's like the West Nile virus. It went all across the > > country†" I mean, that was a lot > > > > of garbage that it was just carried by a bird. " > > > >  Lanny: " There's a lot things we're not being told the > > truth about. " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, exactly. "  > > > >  Lanny: " What do you think is the purpose of chemtrails? " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " I have no clue. I honestly have no > > idea. I've read everything there is possible to > > read†" everything from they're trying to get rid of the population > > to they're trying to control the weather to they're using it for HAARP > > to there's aliens up there. I've read them all and I have no > > idea. But I know they're there and I know they're making people > > sick and I know that if they don't stop†" I mean, there's starting > > to be reports now of people dying. I mean, there's people getting > > bacterial infections. They're dying of heart attacks because the > > bacteria is getting to the heart. There's people that are dying > > that they've done blood tests on and found high levels of barium in the > > system. Barium is very, very toxic. It's extremely toxic. > > And aluminum is really bad because it crosses the brain barrier. It > > makes people†" they can't think any more. And you can interview > > hundreds of people and they will tell you that they have > > > > trouble thinking. You know, their minds are foggy. And > > this is one of the reasons why I developed that Formula One with the > > EDTA. That was specifically developed to pull those heavy metals > > out of the system. > > > >  " There's some areas in the states where people don't see them > > [chemtrails] because they don't spray like down by Bush's farm in > > Texas. I've got a friend that lives not very far from there. > > They never spray there†" ever. " > > > >  Lanny: " Gee, I wonder why? That's interesting. " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " Isn't it? So there's a bunch of stuff on > > my web site about that under The Air Pollution Solution. We've got > > the barium detox and the aluminum and EDTA. I developed some > > specific things to target specific problems with these chemtrails and I > > try to stay on top of those things. Of course, we use them all > > here. And we back it up with hair analysis to make sure that our > > bodies are not accumulating barium and not accumulating aluminum. > > > >  " We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and > > this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell > > you that. That much I know. People have got to save > > themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. > > > >  " That's another thing. I've got to tell you†" make > > sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. > > Depression†" the liver works with the chemical balances, the > > chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the > > brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do > > with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this > > four-herb tea [Essiac tea] with so many people that are suffering > > from depression†" serious, serious depression†" and it will > > bring them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically > > say†" God forbid†" let's take an example of a person whose > > mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible > > state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these > > chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat > > tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons > > the body. They become lethargic, they become > > > > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the > > doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need > > that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting > > poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even > > have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario > > if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate > > improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. > > Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. > > They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some > > other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the > > edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that > > it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. > > Do you follow me? " > > > >  Lanny: " I've been there. I had very serious, chronic > > asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it > > until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out > > of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, > > immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read > > where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. > > 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything > > else. " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver > > cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So > > there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so > > valuable, the St. 's wort. " > > > >  Lanny: " Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But > > before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to > > counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the inhalers. " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " In order to survive, the people†" what I > > call the remnant, or the people that really will survive†" are the > > ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after > > themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to > > help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole > > business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how > > to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put > > them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And > > this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming. "  > > > > About three weeks after I interviewed Dr. McCain I sent her an email > > asking her what herbs/supplements she took in order to survive the > > helicopter spraying attack on her home. This was her response: > > > >  " Kidneys failed completely and lungs filled up with fluid and I > > almost drowned. I was on oxygen and used the following: > > > > Asparagus Extract †" Dr. Chi's to help detox the kidneys fast > > > > Colloidal Silver †" 500 ppm †" 4 times a day > > > > Olive Leaf Extract †" anti-viral †" 9 caps a day > > > > 4-Herb Tea †" 3 times a day > > > > KB †" herbal diuretic to help remove the fluid build up †" > > I was drowning in my lung fluid. > > > > COQ10 with Hawthorn †" 100 mg. 2 times a day to protect the > > heart as it was also taking on fluid. > > > > Super II laxative to move the toxins through fast > > > > Homeopathic Kidney and Lung support > > > > The Asparagus Extract saved my life in this case. " > > > >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective > > in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that > > colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its > > antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list > > because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary > > to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that > > other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are > > also very effective. > > > >  Dr. McCain: " For instance, let's take smallpox as an > > example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on > > colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as > > well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was > > even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to > > nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very > > powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, > > a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical > > grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea > > fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. > > You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel > > like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body > > where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In > > that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time > > you start to get a rash it > > > > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver > > and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out > > the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I > > say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the > > four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys > > detoxing. Get your antiviral in there†" your olive leaf extract > > and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any > > constipation†" that everything is flowing through and you won't get > > deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you > > allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you > > don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do > > you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the > > four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the > > liver and takes the load out of the system. " > > > >  Lanny: " Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from > > penetrating the cell, like elderberry does? " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " No, it stops the virus from replicating. > > You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are > > continually replacing themselves every day†" they're always > > dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are > > contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help > > people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've > > been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say > > that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if > > you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. > > You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're > > spurred†" like they can sit in the cell for a long time†" and > > they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where > > they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits > > until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you > > follow? " > > > > Lanny: " How long have you been using Essiac? " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " I would guess probably about seven years. > > I made it available for my students to try. I didn't come right out > > and say it was going to be any good. I asked my students if they > > wanted to give it a try. My students started to try it and the > > feedback was just absolutely unbelievable. "  > > > >  Lanny: " What kind of feedback did you get? " > > > >  ESSIAC FOR SKIN PROBLEMS > > > >  Dr. McCain: " The very first call I got was from a > > chiropractor who had a patient that had psoriasis for eight years. > > And she just put the patient on it because she just decided she'd give > > it a shot and it cleared up the psoriasis. They had never been able > > to clear up the psoriasis in eight years. So the first testimonials > > were not cancer testimonials. The first testimonials were actually > > skin problem testimonials, which was really remarkable. The first > > cancer testimonial I had was from a man in Arkansas and he had terminal > > lung cancer. One of my students had given him the tea to try and it > > had cured his lung cancer and he had done nothing else. There was > > no other supplements taken†" nothing else†" all he did was take > > the tea. And I thought: Oh, my Goodness, we're seriously on to > > something here. So then in the next newsletter, with about six or > > seven testimonials that I had in hand from my students, I said okay I'm > > going to offer > > > > this. I'm not going to make any claims on it, but if you guys > > want to try it here it is, and it just went berserk. We sent out > > testimonial sheets for about the first five years every time we sent out > > the tea. I have testimonial sheets that would fill a closet on this > > tea. It was really shocking to me because it wasn't just the cancer > > and I couldn't understand how come we were getting so many different > > testimonials. We had one lady call in. She had these awful > > white patches all over her skin and she took the tea and the white > > patches turned hard and they all peeled off and her skin went back to > > normal. Which was really remarkable because she had that for years > > and years. We had another elderly person who had lost all their > > hair. They took the tea, the hair grew back, but not only did the > > hair grow back, the hair grew back brown. When they lost their > > hair, it was gray. > > > >  " These testimonials were blowing my mind because I was trying > > to figure out what in the world this tea was doing in order to have such > > broad-based positive health effects on so many different things. So > > I started to investigate, seriously, the burdock root†" see what was > > in it. Everybody reported better energy when they took the tea. > > Well, come to find out burdock root is very high in iron, in natural > > iron that is easily assimilable in the body. So that was good. > > It was a blood builder, but the primary function of it is that it is a > > liver cleanser. The liver, of course, filters the blood system and when > > it's toxic, the immune system starts to fail. This is what was so > > profound about this tea because as soon as you started to cleanse the > > liver the immune system would kick in and it would pretty much fix > > whatever the problem was in the person. That's what I found so > > mind-boggling about this tea. It wasn't just for cancer; it's our > > number > > > > one formula now that we use for any kind of skin ailment, hives, > > psoriasis, especially acne. It works wonders with acne because the > > skin is the last eliminatory organ. So when the liver is toxic, the > > poisons start coming out the skin. As soon as you detox the liver, > > the skin goes back to normal. I've got years and years of > > experience with this. It's just mind-boggling. " > > > > ESSIAC FOR DETOXIFICATION > > > >  Lanny: " What other conditions does Essiac help? " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " I had a little guy, a child that was > > seriously poisoned with SEVIN dust [a garden pesticide]. What > > happened was this child got very, very ill†" been to all the doctors > > and everything†" and they had called me and she described the > > symptoms. And I had said to her: Listen, it sounds to me like > > there is some type of poisoning with this child. They had tried > > every antibiotic, everything with this kid, and the kid was just getting > > sicker and sicker and sicker. I put the child on the four-herb tea > > and that was it. Once the chemicals were detoxed out of the body > > the child recovered and came back to normal. So there was a case > > where the child was poisoned with a chemical poisoning and it was > > affecting the liver and the blood system and the neurological > > system. The child was having neurological symptoms as well. So > > those types of poisonings†" chemical, pesticides, that type of thing > > that localize in the liver†" the four-herb tea > > > > helps those as well. Which is pretty remarkable. > > > >  " And also I don't know if you want to mention this or not, > > because it is very, very controversial, but I have had an awful lot of > > children who had been given the MMR vaccine and DPT shots and they have > > manifested symptoms to the extreme of autism where they can't talk any > > more and they have serious learning disorders. I formulated > > homeopathic formulas to counter-balance these vaccines, but I also put > > these children on the four-herb tea. And my most dramatic case was > > a case in China where the child, after having received the vaccine, quit > > speaking, would run around on his tippy-toes, bang his head up against > > the wall. It was a very, very sad case because the child was normal > > before they got the vaccine. It took about ten months. I > > worked with these people. As a matter of fact that was what sparked > > me to have the MMR detox made up, the actual homeopathic done. And > > I had sent that over to China and we eventually restored that child to > > > > health. But part of the protocol was using the four-herb > > tea. I did use some other things as well. These are very, very > > dramatic cases where the medical doctors have no solutions whatsoever. " > > > >  Lanny: " Yeah, except drugs. " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, yeah, that child would have been > > institutionalized. They would have had to lock that child up. > > So I really went out of my way to try to save that child and since then > > have saved a lot of children. > > > >  NO TOXICITY PROBLEMS WITH ESSIAC > > > >  " I've got to tell you this about the toxicity levels of it > > [Essiac]. When we very first started making the tea, I got an > > emergency phone call. A parent had made the tea and put it in the > > refrigerator and had left the house with a babysitter and a six-month > > old baby. Well, the babysitter thought it was iced tea, went into > > the frig and filled up an eight-ounce bottle, gave it to the six-month > > old baby--that's an eight-ounce bottle of four-herb tea, straight (i.e., > > undiluted)†" and drank two glasses herself. The parent called > > me, absolutely flipped out of their mind, okay. We monitored the > > baby for two days†" absolutely no toxic side effect at all. So > > there is the testimonial on the toxicity. No toxicity from this > > product [Essiac]. We have never, ever, not one time in all these > > years, had a toxic reaction to that tea. Not one. > > > >  ESSIAC AND CHEMOTHERAPY > > > >  " It's unbelievable. The worse thing that happened is that > > we've had people that have had a lot of drugs, a lot of chemotherapy, > > etcetera, they'll start off on the tea three times a day, they might get > > a mild headache because the body is detoxing so quickly. We back > > them up; we tell them to start off just once a day and build up to it > > over a couple of weeks. But that's the very worse thing. And > > we've given it to so many people and people have given it to dogs and > > cats and you name it over the years. We've sold thousands and > > thousands and thousands of packages of this tea and have had tremendous > > amounts of feedback and so I'm very, very familiar with this tea. > > The original instructions were two ounces in a little bit of warm water > > three times a day. We have increased that because we know there's > > no toxicity, so we do tell people if they want to they can increase it > > to four or five times a day. I had one lady who had breast cancer > > who > > > > called me and said she drank a quart a day. And she did heal > > herself of breast cancer, by the way, but she was drinking a tremendous > > amount more than what the recommended doses were. So people do what > > they want even if you do give them instructions, but I wouldn't > > recommend that because people take a lot more supplements now. When > > we very first started out with this tea, that was all we had and mostly > > people just took the tea. Now we have a lot of other things, people > > are much more educated†" the antioxidants and they added a lot of > > other things as well.  You can overwhelm the body when it's trying > > to heal itself, if you add too many things. " > > > >  ESSIAC, ARTHRITIS AND OXALIC ACID > > > >  Lanny: " Some people bring up the oxalic acid in sheep > > sorrel… " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " I believe that's in the turkey rhubarb as > > well. The only thing that is contraindicated for is an > > arthritic-type condition, an acidic condition. Interestingly > > enough, in my research most people with cancer do not have arthritis and > > vice versa. That's not a law, but it's pretty common, a general > > trend. We don't normally recommend the tea for arthritic conditions > > because we've got so many other things that benefit arthritis much > > better. And if they do have to take the tea, we recommend that they > > just add in a calcium supplement, that's all. Because an arthritic > > condition is an acidic condition and the oxalic acid makes it a little > > bit acidic. It can aggravate it [Essiac] a little bit, but it's not > > harmful; it just doesn't cure it. People report that they're a > > little stiffer, so we supplement calcium and we don't have a problem > > with the stiffness. It's just the stiffness. They get > > pain--when they get arthritis they > > > > ache. The calcium counterbalances that. That's what an > > arthritic condition is, is the body is not getting enough calcium and is > > pulling calcium from the bones. So you have to supplement calcium > > and then you don't have a problem, unless it's an arthritic condition > > caused by infection. There's a couple different causes, but most > > common is lack of calcium. " > > > >  ESSIAC AND DIABETES > > > >  Lanny: " Have you noticed a lot of people with diabetes > > with testimonials about Essiac? " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " Absolutely. The four-herb tea was really > > good. As a matter of fact we had to put a warning in there. > > People who were on insulin that were taking the tea needed to monitor > > their blood sugar because sometimes the pancreas would kick back in, but > > not all the time it would. Let's say, for instance, the person had > > been on insulin for fifteen years. The chances of the pancreas > > kicking back in are going to be a lot slimmer than if a person has just > > come down with diabetes. Follow? Let's hypothetically say this > > person is on a fixed dose of insulin a day and we do give them the tea > > and the pancreas does start to kick in. They've got to monitor that > > sugar, otherwise they will get an insulin shock because their body does > > not need that much insulin. Any time we give it to a diabetic > > patient we have to make sure that they watch their sugar because if > > their sugar drops down they don't need to be taking their massive doses > > of their > > > > drugs. They've got to be careful. Follow? The tea > > did in fact sometimes make very radical improvements in people that were > > diabetics. We've had people come off the insulin with the Essiac, > > but those are people who are very strict about not eating sugar. > > The problem with diabetics is that they go to their doctor and the > > doctor tells them that they're diabetic and they give them insulin shots > > and they go home and eat their Twinkies. They continue to eat > > sugar, that's where the problem is. They've got to stop eating > > sugar. And the people that will quit eating sugar, change their > > diet and then work with the tea and some other supplements like > > vanadium. They found that vanadium is deficient in diabetics. > > The chromium picolinate really helps. If they will work with their > > supplements they can reverse it. But they can't reverse it if they > > won't change their diet. [Dr. Banting, a co-discover of insulin, > > also found a correlation between > > > > Essiac, insulin, and the pancreas.] > > > >  ESSIAC AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM > > > >  " We have people that are perfectly healthy take it [Essiac] > > just as a maintenance and they'll swear that they don't get colds any > > more. They'll swear that they feel better. They take it just > > once a day. Another thing is longevity. I have a customer who > > had terminal cancer in 1996 and he started taking the four-herb tea. > > They had given him a very short time to live and this is 2003. You > > could never convince this man to stop taking the tea. So people ask > > me if it's safe for long-term use. You bet.   > > > >  ESSIAC AND DEPRESSION > > > >  " We're in some serious, troubled times and this government and > > this medical system, etc., they're not her to save people, I can tell > > you that. That much I know. People have got to save > > themselves. And the problem is they get so depressed. > > > >  " That's another thing. I've got to tell you†" make > > sure you put this in your article because this is so important now. > > Depression†" the liver works with the chemical balances, the > > chemical balances in the body. And the doctors tell you it's the > > brain that gets chemically imbalanced. But it actually has to do > > with the liver and the toxicity levels. So we have worked with this > > four-herb tea [Essiac] with so many people that are suffering from > > depression†" serious, serious depression†" and it will bring > > them right out of it once they detox. Let's hypothetically > > say†" God forbid†" let's take an example of a person whose > > mother just drops dead or is murdered. They go into such a terrible > > state of shock. They cry for days. The body releases all these > > chemicals and it poisons the system.  [Toxins are stored in the fat > > tissues in the body and can be released at any time.] It poisons > > the body. They become lethargic, they become > > > > depressed, they won't get out of the bed. They go to the > > doctor. The doctor says you need Prozac, you need this, you need > > that, and they keep poisoning the body. The body keeps getting > > poisoned until they eventually become suicidal and sometimes they even > > have to be institutionalized. At any point in time in that scenario > > if you will put them on the four-herb tea, they will see an immediate > > improvement within two weeks. They will start to feel better. > > Their brains will start to clear. They will have more energy. > > They'll start to get their lives back and then you start to add in some > > other supplements. But I have brought people back from just the > > edge of what I would call `darkness'. Because I do understand that > > it's a poison situation. They've actually poisoned themselves. > > Do you follow me? " > > > >  ESSIAC AND ASTHMA > > > >  Lanny: " I've been there. I had very serious, chronic > > asthma and those inhalers were poisoning me. I didn't realize it > > until I went off the inhalers. The first thing I did was move out > > of the city and the pollution, then I could breathe better, > > immediately. Then I started taking St. 's wort because I read > > where it was good for asthma. After several months on the St. > > 's wort, I went off the inhalers. I really didn't do anything > > else. " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " Well, see, St. 's wort is also a liver > > cleanser. It's primary action is to cleanse the liver. So > > there you have a liver cleanser working again. This is why it's so > > valuable, the St. 's wort. " > > > >  Lanny: " Well, I finally went off the inhalers. But > > before that the doctors wanted to put me on Prozac as a solution to > > counteract the symptoms I was having from the toxins in the > > inhalers. Now I just drink Essiac tea every day and I haven't had > > any problems with asthma. "  [Also, Dr. Glum successfully > > treated his chronic bronchitis with Essiac.] > > > >  SURVIVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION > > > >  Dr. McCain: " In order to survive, the people†" what I > > call the remnant, or the people that really will survive†" are the > > ones that are going to be able to pull themselves up and look after > > themselves and understand these principles. God really moved me to > > help save the remnant. That was why I started this whole > > business. That's why I started with herbology to teach people how > > to use the herbs, teach them how to grow them, teach them how to put > > them in their back yard so they could look after themselves. And > > this was twenty years ago I had this burden. I saw it coming. " > > > >  I asked Dr. McCain what herbs or supplements are most effective > > in surviving weapons of mass destruction. She indicated that > > colloidal silver would be at the top of the list because of its > > antimicrobial properties. Olive leaf extract is second on the list > > because of its antiviral properties. The four-herb tea is necessary > > to detoxify the liver, kidneys, etc.  Dr. McCain indicated that > > other microbials such as grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano are > > also very effective. > > > >  Dr. McCain: " For instance, let's take smallpox as an > > example. Smallpox is a virus. I wouldn't stake my life on > > colloidal silver with smallpox. I would use colloidal silver as > > well as the antivirals. Olive leaf was tested in Israel and was > > even found to nail polio one, two and three. And it was found to > > nail most of the influenzas that they researched. So this is a very > > powerful anti-viral and smallpox is a virus. Now you take anthrax, > > a simple bacteria, which is nailed very quickly with a pharmaceutical > > grade colloidal silver. But let me tell you how the four-herb tea > > fits into this. Let's say you get exposed to smallpox today. > > You have virtually no symptoms for a couple of days. You might feel > > like you have a little bit of flu, but it will go back down in the body > > where you won't really manifest anything for maybe seven days. In > > that seven days that virus is replicating in your body and by the time > > you start to get a rash it > > > > has completely taken over the liver and the kidneys. The liver > > and the kidneys are so toxic that the toxins are starting to come out > > the skin and this is why you're getting the skin rash. So what I > > say is if there is any chance of exposure you want to be on the > > four-herb tea immediately. Keep that liver and those kidneys > > detoxing. Get your antiviral in there†" your olive leaf extract > > and your colloidal silver. Make sure that you don't have any > > constipation†" that everything is flowing through and you won't get > > deathly sick; it's impossible. Because it's just a virus and if you > > allow it to replicate in there it's liable to kill you. But if you > > don't and you get after it and you push it through, it won't. Do > > you understand what I am saying? So this is where the value of the > > four-herb tea comes in. Because the four-herb tea helps cleanse the > > liver and takes the load out of the system. " > > > >  Lanny: " Does the olive leaf extract keep the virus from > > penetrating the cell, like elderberry does? " > > > >  Dr. McCain: " No, it stops the virus from replicating. > > You need something to stop it from replicating because the cells are > > continually replacing themselves every day†" they're always > > dying. So if you can stop from replicating, then the cells that are > > contaminated will die off. This is why we've been able to help > > people with herpes and hepatitis. Over six months to a year we've > > been able to eradicate hepatitis. And the medical doctors say > > that's impossible. But antivirals have to be used for long term if > > you have a chronic virus like HIV, herpes, those types of things. > > You have to be on them on a regular basis because they're > > spurred†" like they can sit in the cell for a long time†" and > > they're spurred by say trauma, shock, upset, emotional, you know, where > > they have an outbreak, where the virus is opportunistic and it waits > > until the immune system has been hit and then out it comes. Do you > > follow? " > > > >  To obtain the four herbs to make Essiac contact: > > > > Lanny Messinger > > > > 1106 South Main St. #11 > > > > Moscow, Idaho 83843 > > > > Lanny@HealthFreedom .info > > > > http://www.HealthFr > > > > {Common Law copyright March 2003 Lanny Messinger; This article > > may be reproduced and distributed only under the conditions 1) that it > > be free of charge; 2) that it be reproduced in its entirety without any > > alterations whatsoever; and 3) that anyone who wishes to post this > > article on a website must first obtain permission from the author, Lanny > > Messinger at http://www.HealthFr} > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________________________ > > > > Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk > > email the boot with the All-new . Click on Options in Mail > > and switch to New Mail today or register for free at > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Lynn to get the graphics in post hit rich text editor above. Hit reply then look above see rich text editor hit that then post. > > I tried to copy and past the way you do. I can never get the graphic and all the info to come out. Like on the bulk it has different prices. Thats becuase when you buy more than one packet the price goes down. Her site also has a bulk section. Let me see what I can get from that link. The site you have in bulk is cheaper. $25 for 1/2 lb of Burdock and $16 for 1/2 lb of Slippery elm which you use very little of when making the tea. $25 for 1/2 lb of Turkey Rubarb The sheep sorrel you use larger amount being the main ingredient. It is $44 for 1 lb of sheep sorrel. That would make you enough tea for a very long time sense one is to drink only 2 oz twice a day. I drink it 4 times a day while fighting this dang dease. I am not sure how to figure out how many gallons of tea you could make and you are suppose to make it a gallon at a time for the balance to come out right when making it. Something about smaller doses don't come out right. Not sure why now. Once the tea is 2 weeks old and if you still have some left you have to reboil it before putting it back in the frig. Also it is affected by light and has to be kept in amber bottle. I bought a cheap tea jug that hold a gal. I bought a really dark brown Nylon leg sock and put it on the jar. You have to make it in a stainless steel pot. This is so that the tea can be at its best. If made in other types of cook ware. It will obsorb some of the heavy metals from the pot and contaminate the tea. If you need to know how to make it McCain has the reciepe. What is whare I buy mine in bulk. I buy the prepackaged bulk. 3 at a time. Some day I want to buy the larger amounts. Just not sure if I have enough room in a freezer to keep all the herbs as fresh as long as I can. > > In Light Lynn > > > > > > Home PageAcai PalmberriesAir PollutionAmino AcidsApple Cider VinegarAudio CDsBach Flower RemediesBeta GlucansBite BlockerBooksBrain SupplementsBulk Health FoodsBulk Herbal TeasBulk HerbsBuy 1 Buy 3 SpecialsCandidaChildrenCMO - ArthritisColloidal MineralsColloidal SilverConnexinCoral CalciumCorrespondence CoursesDHEADr. Chi's ProductsEdgar Cayce ProductsEmu OilEssiacEster C and Vitamin CFlu SeasonFREE OffersFruit BarsGFS Green FoodGlandularsGlassware & SuppliesGrapefruit SeedHair AnalysisHerbal CapsulesHerbal TincturesHerbology CourseHome Medicine ChestHomeopathic RemediesHoodiaIncenseLord's PrayerMenParasitesPetsPostcard SpecialsSacred Anointing OilsSkin Care and Sun ScreenSoaps and ShampoosSoy CandlesSt. 's WortWeight LossWhole Body Detox.About Marijah McCainAsk the NaturopathBreaking NewsCatalog RequestFriends of HHAMembershipNewsletter-EmailNewsletter-Snail MailOrder PoliciesStudent Application FormTestimonialsWholesale ApplicationContact HERBAL HEALER ACADEMY INC. > > ESSIAC - A BRIEF HISTORY > Essiac is the name of nurse Rene CAISSE spelled backwards. > A Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse first discovered this amazing herbal formula when one of the patients in the hospital where she worked was cured of cancer. The year was 1922! The patient had received the herbal preparation from an Ojibway herbalist. She began to experiment with the 4-HERB formula and found it to be very effective in helping many ailments including cancer. So startling were her results that the Ontario government of Canada became involved. By 1938, Essiac came within three votes of being legalized by the Ontario government as a treatment for terminal cancer patients. Unfortunately her work was destroyed and it took years to surface again. > > The Herbal Healer Academy began researching the tea and found that many of nurse Caisse's claims were true. We do not and can not make any health claims regarding this formula, but we can supply you with the best herbs, instructions and our member testimonials. This tea is a nutritional supplement and is not recommended as the sole treatment for any ailment, especially life threatening ones. Please consult a health care practitioner for personalized care. This tea has been found helpful when used in conjunction with conventional medicine protocols. > > > > > We are the #1 Global Supplier of this product. You can count on us for quality, accuracy and timely shipments. > We know you needed it yesterday! > > > HHA 4-HERB BULK HERB FORMULA > HHA 4-HERB LIQUID CONCENTRATE > HHA 4-HERB CAPSULES > We have them all! > > Click here for > HHA 4-HERB TEA > INCREDIBLE TESTIMONIALS > > 4-HERB TEA > Note: All of our research on chronically ill members has been done on the Herbal Healer 4-Herb generic brand. We use only organic, potent herbs and our formula can't be beat. All of the products we offer contain Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm and Turkey Rhubarb herb in the correct medicinal proportions. > If treating a life-threatening ailment, please consult with a knowledgeable health care practitioner. > > HHA 4-HERB BULK TEA > We have the HERBAL HEALER 4-HERB BULK TEA > This is the best all-organic herbal formula there is! Our HHA 4-Herb blend has proven itself effective by hundreds of Herbal Healer member testimonials over the last ten years. > One packet is enough to make 2 gallons. That is a one month supply for a cancer patient, two months for other ailments. With your order you will receive the herbs for the tea, complete instructions, member testimonials and an eye opening story. Maximum dosage is 2 oz., 3 times per day. > 4-HERB TEA BULK HERB PACKETS $21.95 > $18.00 > $16.00 > $16.00 > > > > Don't throw out the sludge! > Click here for amazing testimonial > & pictures of healing of skin anomaly. > ESSIAC TM brand made by Resperin Corp. of Canada > > 1 package makes 1 quart. > $39.95 > $34.95 > > > 4-HERB TEA CONCENTRATE > > 1 package makes 1 quart. > Price is $29.95 for a 16 oz. bottle of concentrate. 4-Herb Tea Concentrate is formulated in specific proportions according to a well known traditional Ojebwe Indian Formula. The concentration has been increased so that the liquid is six times the strength of the tea. This high quality concentrate is made by using 1.5 lbs of herb powders to 1 gallon of liquid. > Contents: Water, Alcohol (15% as preservative), Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm, Turkey Rhubarb. > Suggested Usage - As an herbal dietary supplement, take one tablespoon in hot or cold water, two times per day. > Regular price $32.95 > $26.95 > $25.00 > > > HHA 4-HERB TEA 4:1 CAPSULES > > These are capsules containing the 4-herbs in the well known Ojibwe formula. We do not recommend them as a substitute for the HHA 4-Herb formula, because our research has shown that the home made tea is the most effective and potent when dealing with a serious ailment. We offer you these capsules for maintenance use. Many people like to take this formula that are not sick. It is an excellent liver cleansing formula and is beneficial to the immune system. > Maintenance dose is 3 capsules daily. > 450mg - 90 capsules > $15.95 > $13.00 > $12.00 > > > > > Two additional supplies you may need > Stainless Steel Multi-Cooker > Used for proper preparation for HHA 4-HERB TEA > 2 gallon pot with strainer and lid. > Stainless Steel Multi-Cooker - $49.95 > $49.95 > > 32 oz. Amber Bottle with Lids > > $4.50 > > (holds half a batch) > > (holds a full batch) > Replacement Lids - 50 cents > > $.50 > > > > > > > ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS HHA RECOMMENDS > The following three herbs are sold in packets that are simply added to 1 batch of the 4-Herb Tea when you make it. Just add in the packet of additional herbs and keep with the 4-Herb Tea recipe. > HHA MONTANA YEW TIPS > Many of our members who have cancer add this in to their tea > HHA MONTANA YEW TIPS - BULK > Montana Yew Tip Bulk Herb Pack - $3.50 each > > $3.50 > $3.50 > $3.50 > > ~OR~ MONTANA YEW TIP TINCTURE > Tincture can be taken separately from the tea in a glass of water. > Add 3-5 drops to a glass of water - 1-2 times a day > > 2 oz. dropper bottle > $22.00 > $20.00 > $18.00 > > 4 oz. refill > $32.00 > $30.00 > $28.00 > > > ORGANIC DANDELION ROOT > Many of our members with hepatitis C or liver disorders add Dandelion Root in with the tea. > $2.00 > $2.00 > $2.00 > > > ORGANIC RED CLOVER TOP > Many of our members with lymphoma and lymphatic disorders add Red Clover to the tea. > $3.00 > $3.00 > $3.00 > > > HHA VITAMIN D-3 - 1000 IU - Large Bottle - 180 softgels > > Our Vitamin D-3 softgels supply recommended levels of this key vitamin in a highly absorbable liquid softgel form. Vitamin D is normally obtained from the diet or produced by the skin from the ultraviolet energy of the sun. However, it is not abundant in food. As more people avoid sun exposure, vitamin D-3 supplementation becomes even more necessary to ensure that your body receives an adequate supply. Read Vitamin D cuts Cancer risk 50% in archived newsletter. > > 180 softgels > $10.95 > $9.00 > $8.00 > > > > HHA MEMBERS ALSO PURCHASE > HHA BETA GLUCANS with Maitake > Read all about it here. Very important if you have radiation therapy too! > 90 count bottle. Reg. $24.95 > $15.95 > $14.00 > $13.00 > > > HHA PROSTATE SUPPORT CAPS > TWO softgels contain: Saw Palmetto Berry Extract - 160 mg., Pygeum Africanum Bark Extract (13%) - 10 mg., Stinging Nettle Root Extrtact - 250 mg., Pumpkin Seed Oil - 950 mg., Lycopene - 3 mg., Vitamin B6 - 10 mg., Zinc - 30 mg. Use this to supplement all male reproductive disorders. We have had exceptional results with this product for enlarged prostate and all prostate disorders when used with the 4-Herb tea. - 2 caps- twice per day > $23.95 > $21.00 > $20.00 > > > APRICOT KERNELS - Organic > From American Biologics. Chew 4- 5 twice a day. Store in the freezer and thaw daily as needed. > APRICOT KERNALS > Organic - 1 oz. > $5.00 > $5.00 > $5.00 > > APRICOT KERNALS > Organic - 1 pound > $40.00 > $40.00 > $40.00 > > > HHA SHARK CARTILAGE > Many HHA Members that have tumors add this in as a daily supplement > 100 caps (750 mg.) 300 caps (750 mg.) > $21.95 > $18.00 > $16.00 > $49.95 > $45.00 > $42.00 > > > HHA CHILL OUT - 90 tabs. > HHA Members that experience anxiety and depression use this formula. > Contains: Thiamine (B1) - 15 mg., Niacin - 25 mg., Pyridoxine (B6) - 25 mg., Folic Acid - 300 mcg., Vitamin B12 - 250 mcg., Pantothenic Acid - 25 mg., Magnesium - 50 mg., Zinc - 7.5 mg., Manganese - 4 mg., St. 's Wort Extract - ..3% hypericum - 200 mg., Kava Kava Extract - 30% Kavalactones - 35 mg., Valerian 4:1 Extract - 25 mg., Gaba - 125 mg., L-Taurine - 125 mg., L-Tyrosine - 125mg. Sedative and calmative, without the drugged feeling, and great natural supplement for nervous and depression disorders. This is a real super formula!!! Dose: 2 caps 3 times daily as needed. This is very important because you body does not heal well if you are constantly upset, crying or depressed. 90 tabs. > $21.95 > $19.00 > $18.00 > > > ALSO RECOMMENDED > HHA COLLOIDAL SILVER > We also recommend the daily supplementation of the HHA Colloidal Silver 500 ppm. > This should be added to any liquid at least once a day. > Order & read more about it here > and > > GFS GREEN FOOD POWDER - 9500 mg. of Nutritional Power! > This is a very power packed concentrated form of easily digested Vitamins and Minerals > It has proven very helpful in promoting healing by supplying the body it's nutritional needs. > Order & read more about it here > > > MORE POWERFUL MEDICINE FOR OUR MEMBERS > We have a complete line of state-of-the-art Homeopathic Formulations, offering you alternatives to allergy shots. We provide formulas for Herpes, Epstein Barr, Hepatitis A,B & C, Virus, Lyme's disease and many more. We also offer you access to our membership research. Thousands of people use our natural medicine products and their testimonials and experiences are very exciting. > > Click here for > HHA 4-HERB TEA > INCREDIBLE TESTIMONIALS > > > > Home PageAcai PalmberriesAir PollutionAmino AcidsApple Cider VinegarAudio CDsBach Flower RemediesBeta GlucansBite BlockerBooksBrain SupplementsBulk Health FoodsBulk Herbal TeasBulk HerbsBuy 1 Buy 3 SpecialsCandidaChildrenCMO - ArthritisColloidal MineralsColloidal SilverConnexinCoral CalciumCorrespondence CoursesDHEADr. Chi's ProductsEdgar Cayce ProductsEmu OilEssiacEster C and Vitamin CFlu SeasonFREE OffersFruit BarsGFS Green FoodGlandularsGlassware & SuppliesGrapefruit SeedHair AnalysisHerbal CapsulesHerbal TincturesHerbology CourseHome Medicine ChestHomeopathic RemediesHoodiaIncenseLord's PrayerMenParasitesPetsPostcard SpecialsSacred Anointing OilsSkin Care and Sun ScreenSoaps and ShampoosSoy CandlesSt. 's WortWeight LossWhole Body Detox.About Marijah McCainAsk the NaturopathBreaking NewsCatalog RequestFriends of HHAMembershipNewsletter-EmailNewsletter-Snail MailOrder PoliciesStudent Application FormTestimonialsWholesale ApplicationContact HERBAL HEALER ACADEMY INC. > > Minimum shipping charge is $8.00. (Ships 1-3 pounds FedEx ground). > For larger packages, correct shipping charges will be added in our office > at the time of your order, depending on the weight and location. > > > Call-in Order Line > currently not available. > Orders may be placed online, > by fax or mail. > > HHA Inc. > 127 McCain Drive > Mountain View, AR 72560 > Email Herbal Healer > (Email closed Saturday & Sunday) > Orders may be Faxed to > 1- 870-269-5424 > > Herbal Healer Academy Inc. > If you aren't receiving Marijah McCain's > FREE online newsletter, sign up now! > > > > LATEST MEMBER TESTIMONIALS > > > . Trademarks are property of their respective owners. > Website design by web-magik > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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