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> From: " Lila O. O'Brien " <thegardeners@...>


> Dear Marcus,


> Thank you for the information. I just heard about colloidal

> siver again last night, at a fascinating evening featuring

> [an investigative journalist who wrote a book

> about what 'Agent Orange' actually was] on 'Chemtrails' being

> left in the skies that are making people sick.


> of NM

I know. Theres weird stuff going on. An acquaintance of

mine, who has a lot of connections inside the

government monster, says that these chemtrails are NOT

'attacks' on the civilian population PER SE, but they

are WEATHER MANIPULATION activities, though some of the

chemicals they are using definitely can cause health




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  • 29 years later...
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>From: " Ulf Hogberg " <ulftage@...>

>Reply-bowel cleanseonelist

>bowel cleanseonelist

>Subject: Bath

>Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 08:02:44 +0200


>From: " Ulf Hogberg " <ulftage@...>


>I like taking long hot baths, one hour or so. This is not only to get

>a clean body, it is also very relaxing. The only thing I put in the

>water right now is some oil so that the skin does not get too dry (it

>- the oil - also smells good).


Yes I also like long hot baths myself when I have the time for them and you

are very correct.The hot baths are very relaxing.However ,I do not put oils

in my bath water and there is nothing wrong with adding oils to your bath


>I wonder if there perhaps is something more beneficial that I could

>put in the water. I have no skin problems so I am just looking for

>something which could have a general good effect on body and health.


Sure! There are lots of different things that you can add to the bath

water.Are you seeking a specific effect? And do you have any health


>I also remember reading somewhere that the body could absorb the

>toxins from the water via the skin. Is this a serious problem?

>Perhaps one shouldn´t take baths after all, and only showers?


I do not think I would worry to much about your body absorbing toxins from

the bath water.The skin can and does absorb many different things but it

also depends on the specific agents involved that come into contact with the

skin and several other factors. But there again your body would absorb the

toxins from the water just the same if you took a shower.

Let me know and I will be happy to help you in any way that I can!

As far as any specific health problems are concerned you can tell me about

them by contacting me by private e-mail.



>Best regards, Ulf




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Yes, it is a rinse off with fresh water after taking a bath. Which I forgot

to do tonite actually, I just recently read of this from Dr. Hal Huggins

regarding saunas, and baths for detox purposes. I know you take baths for

relaxation, ( I do too, they are amazing ) but here is some interesting info

about the detox, and info about, according to him, to help with detox with a

bath. He say's

to get a bath thermometer and bring the

temp at 104 degrees, and to get a " bath sheet "

it is a 3 feet by 6 feet wide bath towel. Soak it in the water and then

cover yourself with it while in the water.

After 2 or 3 minutes soak towel again to keep it warm.

He says not to over do it, if you feel woozy get out.

2 or 3 minutes will remove enough toxin to be worth the effort,

and between the 15th and 20th minute a tremendous amount of garbage

comes out. Do not go into the 21st minute. At that point the

" core temperature " of the body starts up and damage can occur to your

inner protiens. Get out of there and rinse off with fresh water.

This info is new to me, and I now will start paying attention to how long

I am in the tub.

I have heard adding seaweed to your bath water is really good for your skin.

Any local health store I'm sure can tell you a 1000 good things to add to the



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In a message dated 7/1/99 4:29:55 AM Central Daylight Time, DreamsAvA@...


<< From: DreamsAvA@...

Yes, it is a rinse off with fresh water after taking a bath. Which I forgot

to do tonite actually, I just recently read of this from Dr. Hal Huggins

regarding saunas, and baths for detox purposes. I know you take baths for

relaxation, ( I do too, they are amazing ) but here is some interesting info

about the detox, and info about, according to him, to help with detox with a

bath. He say's

to get a bath thermometer and bring the

temp at 104 degrees, and to get a " bath sheet "

it is a 3 feet by 6 feet wide bath towel. Soak it in the water and then

cover yourself with it while in the water.

After 2 or 3 minutes soak towel again to keep it warm.

He says not to over do it, if you feel woozy get out.

2 or 3 minutes will remove enough toxin to be worth the effort,

and between the 15th and 20th minute a tremendous amount of garbage

comes out. Do not go into the 21st minute. At that point the

" core temperature " of the body starts up and damage can occur to your

inner protiens. Get out of there and rinse off with fresh water.

This info is new to me, and I now will start paying attention to how long

I am in the tub.

I have heard adding seaweed to your bath water is really good for your skin.

Any local health store I'm sure can tell you a 1000 good things to add to




For years I had terrible allergies, had shots over the counter pills, you

name it, I tried it

but they only became worse. Then I drastically changed my diet, starting

juicing and taking brley green. I completely overcame that awful thing that

took years of my life.

Then I started doing some cleanses and that allergic response would come

back---the constant sneezing and runny nose. A friend of mine that dabbles

in natural health told me to lay in a very hot bath with 2 to 3 TB of ginger

powder and when I was through to take a shower and scrub skin with sponge or

brush to rinse away toxins forced out of skin.....no soap since the pores

were so open. It works every time for me.


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> From: DreamsAvA@...


> Yes, it is a rinse off with fresh water after taking a bath.

> Which I forgot to do tonite actually, I just recently read

> of this from Dr. Hal Huggins regarding saunas, and baths for

> detox purposes.

Does he have a web site?

> I know you take baths for relaxation, ( I do

> too, they are amazing ) but here is some interesting info

> about the detox, and info about, according to him, to help

> with detox with a bath. He say's to get a bath thermometer

> and bring the temp at 104 degrees, and to get a " bath sheet "

> it is a 3 feet by 6 feet wide bath towel. Soak it in the

> water and then cover yourself with it while in the water.

> After 2 or 3 minutes soak towel again to keep it warm. He

> says not to over do it, if you feel woozy get out. 2 or 3

> minutes will remove enough toxin to be worth the effort, and

> between the 15th and 20th minute a tremendous amount of

> garbage comes out. Do not go into the 21st minute. At that

> point the " core temperature " of the body starts up and damage

> can occur to your inner protiens. Get out of there and rinse

> off with fresh water.

Sounds interesting.

Another thing I forgot to mention in this vein is the

use of hot/cold showers. I would imagine that doing

this after the hot soak would work even better than by

itself, which is pretty incredible. People have healed

themselves of Cancer and other serious diseases SOLELY

by using the hot/cold shower. What you do is stand

under the water, and slowly turn up the hot until it is

as hot as you can stand (of course, for you radicals

out there, you don't want to actually cook yourself).

Count to 7, then turn the hot completely off, and once

the water gets cold, count to 7 again. Repeat this 7

times. This is the most invigorating thing I have ever

done. It is the best thing you can do to improve blood

AND Lymph circulation, and can only increase the

effectiveness of any treatment. You won't believe its

effectiveness until you have tried it.



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> From: " Ulf Hogberg " <ulftage@...>


> I like taking long hot baths, one hour or so. This is not

> only to get a clean body, it is also very relaxing. The only

> thing I put in the water right now is some oil so that the

> skin does not get too dry (it - the oil - also smells good).

> I wonder if there perhaps is something more beneficial that I

> could put in the water. I have no skin problems so I am just

> looking for something which could have a general good effect

> on body and health.

Try an H2O2 bath next time - from Saul Pressman's 'The

Owner's Manual for the Human Body':


1) Shower and brush skin thoroughly with a loofa brush

to remove any dead skin - towel off vigorously.

2) Draw a hot bath, and add 2 cups of Sea Salt and 2

cups of Epsom salts. Stir until dissolved.

3) Add 8 ozs of 35 % food grade hydrogen peroxide,

swish again, climb in and soak for 30 minutes.

4) Repeat as often as desired.

5) The only drawback is the chrome surface of the drain

is attacked by the hydrogen peroxide and will start to


6) An alternate way is to dilute 35 % food grade H2O2

with distilled water, 11:1, to make 3 %. Put it in a

spray bottle and spritz it over the skin after your

shower. Use only white cotton towels, as peroxide will

affect the color of some towels.


Store bought H2O2 has stabilizers in it, so you don't

want to use it. The salt does something to the water (I

think it alters it's specific gravity, or seomthing

like that) which causes toxins to be drawn out of the


Also, if you like oils, I would suggest a good book on

Essential Oils, and try some of their recommendations.

Some friends swear by them (essential oils).

> I also remember reading somewhere that the body could absorb

> the toxins from the water via the skin. Is this a serious

> problem?

> Perhaps one shouldn´t take baths after all, and only showers?

I have heard (no 'proof', just hearsay) that the body

absorbs FAR more chlorine from one bath OR shower than

it does from drinking 8 GLASSES of chlorinated water in

a day. I may be remembering this wrong (it may only be

one - or more - glasses, but it was from a reliable

source - either Dr Norman , Bragg, I

believe, and it was AT LEAST one glass).

Also, I have not been able to find any definitive

answer as to how much sodium fluoride (a rat poison) is

absorbed through the skin, but the people I HAVE talked

to (Culligan Water) claim that it is very little, if

any (they could just be telling me what I want to

hear), Anyway, I sure wouldn't want to take a chance if

I could help it. The only problem is, that stuff is

really hard to remove. I have heard that RO (reverse

osmosis) does, but can't get anything in writing saying

so. A GOOD distiller does as well, but that isn't

practical. The best answer is to have your own well

water, but sometimes thats not practical either, and

also sometimes it can be as polluted or even more so

than 'city' water. I have also 'heard' that a water

ozonator 'oxidizes' it and makes it harmless, but

again, nothing definitive. I use a good shower filter,

but that won't remove sodium fluoride, though it does

get the vast majority of the chlorine.



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>From: DreamsAvA@...

>Reply-bowel cleanseonelist

>bowel cleanseonelist

>Subject: Re: Bath

>Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 05:29:25 EDT


>From: DreamsAvA@...


>Yes, it is a rinse off with fresh water after taking a bath. Which I forgot

>to do tonite actually, I just recently read of this from Dr. Hal Huggins

>regarding saunas, and baths for detox purposes. I know you take baths for

>relaxation, ( I do too, they are amazing ) but here is some interesting


>about the detox, and info about, according to him, to help with detox with


>bath. He say's

>to get a bath thermometer and bring the

>temp at 104 degrees, and to get a " bath sheet "

>it is a 3 feet by 6 feet wide bath towel. Soak it in the water and then

>cover yourself with it while in the water.

>After 2 or 3 minutes soak towel again to keep it warm.

>He says not to over do it, if you feel woozy get out.

>2 or 3 minutes will remove enough toxin to be worth the effort,

>and between the 15th and 20th minute a tremendous amount of garbage

>comes out. Do not go into the 21st minute. At that point the

> " core temperature " of the body starts up and damage can occur to your

>inner protiens. Get out of there and rinse off with fresh water.


Hi Julee

Sorry julee I think the doctor you are referring to needs to

go back and study some more and then re-evaluate his data.

It takes a far greater temperature than 104 degrees to raise the

core temperature in an adult human body and an even higher temperature

before damage occurs to the inner or outer proteins.As far as feeling

woozy this can have any number of causes.


>This info is new to me, and I now will start paying attention to how long

>I am in the tub.

> I have heard adding seaweed to your bath water is really good for your


>Any local health store I'm sure can tell you a 1000 good things to add to










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I strongly recommend getting a shower filter (can fill bath through that if

want to take bath). They are fairly economical to buy and run, very easy

and quick to fit (could take with you on holiday) and very effective.

Some people think you absorb more toxins from water during shower/bath

(inhaling + through skin) than any other way. I take cold baths every day &

my skin and hair look much better since having the filter and its so much

more pleasant. The amount of harmful chemicals is apparently much worse with

hot water & the filters are actually designed for that.

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where would i get a filter for the shower/bath?


Re: Bath

>From: " Markley, A " <linda.markley@...>


>I strongly recommend getting a shower filter (can fill bath through that if

>want to take bath). They are fairly economical to buy and run, very easy

>and quick to fit (could take with you on holiday) and very effective.


>Some people think you absorb more toxins from water during shower/bath

>(inhaling + through skin) than any other way. I take cold baths every day &

>my skin and hair look much better since having the filter and its so much

>more pleasant. The amount of harmful chemicals is apparently much worse


>hot water & the filters are actually designed for that.





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I don' t quite understand. Does the bath sheet go on the surface of the

water? Is that to keep the water hot or ...what? Is 104 degrees very

hot, warm or cool? Thanks! Jean

On Thu, 1 Jul 1999 05:29:25 EDT DreamsAvA@... writes:

>From: DreamsAvA@...


>Yes, it is a rinse off with fresh water after taking a bath. Which I


>to do tonite actually, I just recently read of this from Dr. Hal


>regarding saunas, and baths for detox purposes. I know you take baths


>relaxation, ( I do too, they are amazing ) but here is some

>interesting info

>about the detox, and info about, according to him, to help with detox

>with a

>bath. He say's

>to get a bath thermometer and bring the

>temp at 104 degrees, and to get a " bath sheet "

>it is a 3 feet by 6 feet wide bath towel. Soak it in the water and


>cover yourself with it while in the water.

>After 2 or 3 minutes soak towel again to keep it warm.

>He says not to over do it, if you feel woozy get out.

>2 or 3 minutes will remove enough toxin to be worth the effort,

>and between the 15th and 20th minute a tremendous amount of garbage

>comes out. Do not go into the 21st minute. At that point the

> " core temperature " of the body starts up and damage can occur to your

>inner protiens. Get out of there and rinse off with fresh water.


>This info is new to me, and I now will start paying attention to how


>I am in the tub.

> I have heard adding seaweed to your bath water is really good for

>your skin.

>Any local health store I'm sure can tell you a 1000 good things to add

>to the









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On 1 Jul 99, at 5:29, DreamsAvA@... wrote:

> Yes, it is a rinse off with fresh water after taking a bath. Which I

> forgot to do tonite actually, I just recently read of this from Dr. Hal

> Huggins regarding saunas, and baths for detox purposes. I know you take

> baths for relaxation, ( I do too, they are amazing ) but here is some

> interesting info about the detox, and info about, according to him, to

> help with detox with a bath. He say's to get a bath thermometer and bring

> the temp at 104 degrees, and to get a " bath sheet " it is a 3 feet by 6

> feet wide bath towel. Soak it in the water and then cover yourself with

> it while in the water. After 2 or 3 minutes soak towel again to keep it

> warm. He says not to over do it, if you feel woozy get out. 2 or 3 minutes

> will remove enough toxin to be worth the effort, and between the 15th and

> 20th minute a tremendous amount of garbage comes out. Do not go into the

> 21st minute. At that point the " core temperature " of the body starts up

> and damage can occur to your inner protiens. Get out of there and rinse

> off with fresh water.

Interesting information! Does he say anything about how this compares

to a regular sauna? Would this method with the towel in the bath be

more effective?

> Any local health store I'm sure can tell you a 1000 good things to add to

> the bathwater.

Yes, I thought so too, but the health stores here have degenerated

very much over the years. Now they are mostly selling quick fixes

while they used to sell things for more general health improvement.

If I go into a health store today and say parasite cleanse or kidney

cleanse or bowel cleanse, they do not know what I am talking about.

Best regards, Ulf


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On 1 Jul 99, at 7:45, Es9525@... wrote:

> Then I started doing some cleanses and that allergic response would come

> back---the constant sneezing and runny nose. A friend of mine that

> dabbles in natural health told me to lay in a very hot bath with 2 to 3 TB

> of ginger powder and when I was through to take a shower and scrub skin

> with sponge or brush to rinse away toxins forced out of skin.....no soap

> since the pores were so open. It works every time for me.

Is there any time limit for how long one can be in a bath with ginger

powder? Also has the ginger powder to be of a certain quality or can

I use any bought in a grocery store? I thought it would be best to

grind it myself but in the store I found out that whole ginger was

more than twice as expensive as ground ginger so I bought the ground


As for soup, I do not use any no more. I use liquid borax for all

washing, including hair wash. And I am very satisfied so far and

would recommend anyone to try the borax.

Best regards, Ulf


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In a message dated 7/5/99 12:43:08 AM Central Daylight Time,

ulftage@... writes:

<< On 1 Jul 99, at 7:45, Es9525@... wrote:

> Then I started doing some cleanses and that allergic response would come

> back---the constant sneezing and runny nose. A friend of mine that

> dabbles in natural health told me to lay in a very hot bath with 2 to 3 TB

> of ginger powder and when I was through to take a shower and scrub skin

> with sponge or brush to rinse away toxins forced out of skin.....no soap

> since the pores were so open. It works every time for me.

Is there any time limit for how long one can be in a bath with ginger

powder? Also has the ginger powder to be of a certain quality or can

I use any bought in a grocery store? I thought it would be best to

grind it myself but in the store I found out that whole ginger was

more than twice as expensive as ground ginger so I bought the ground


As for soup, I do not use any no more. I use liquid borax for all

washing, including hair wash. And I am very satisfied so far and

would recommend anyone to try the borax.

Best regards, Ulf


I first used ground ginger from store but that became quiet expensive so now

I order it from Ozark Food Co-op by the pound.......much cheaper. Don't

know how long one should but we always tried around 15 min.

Thanks for the tip on liquid borax, I'll try that.


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On 2 Jul 99, at 9:45, Markley, A wrote:

> I strongly recommend getting a shower filter (can fill bath through that

> if want to take bath). They are fairly economical to buy and run, very

> easy and quick to fit (could take with you on holiday) and very effective.

One thing I have heard about those filters is that they tend to fill

up with lots of bacteria from the water after some time of use. Any

comment on this?

Best regards, Ulf


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On 1 Jul 99, at 10:02, Marcus wrote:

> Try an H2O2 bath next time - from Saul Pressman's 'The

> Owner's Manual for the Human Body':

This sounds very interesting and I would like to try it! Do you know

what kind of benefits to expect from such a bath?

> Store bought H2O2 has stabilizers in it, so you don't

> want to use it.

So you mean that I should make it myself? And if so, how? (I asked

around here a bit and found out that ready made H2O2 can be bought

from any pharmacy here in Sweden.)

> Also, if you like oils, I would suggest a good book on

> Essential Oils, and try some of their recommendations.

> Some friends swear by them (essential oils).

Yes, I would gladly learn some more about this. Any book

recommendation from you or any of the friends?

> I have heard (no 'proof', just hearsay) that the body

> absorbs FAR more chlorine from one bath OR shower than

> it does from drinking 8 GLASSES of chlorinated water in

> a day. I may be remembering this wrong (it may only be

> one - or more - glasses, but it was from a reliable

> source - either Dr Norman , Bragg, I

> believe, and it was AT LEAST one glass).

Yes, at least it sounds very probable.

> again, nothing definitive. I use a good shower filter,

> but that won't remove sodium fluoride, though it does

> get the vast majority of the chlorine.

I have looked around here for such a filter but have not found

anything useful yet. In a health store I found a german made filter

named BRITA for drinking water. It uses activated carbon and, well,

using a literal translation :-) something which breaks the ions. Does

anyone have any experience with this device or something similar?

Also, what brand of shower filter do you use?

Best regards, Ulf


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> One thing I have heard about those filters is that they tend

> to fill up with lots of bacteria from the water after some

> time of use. Any comment on this?

Soak it in colloidal silver for at least six minutes

every now and then...no more problem.



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> From: " Ulf Hogberg " <ulftage@...>


> On 1 Jul 99, at 10:02, Marcus wrote:


>> Try an H2O2 bath next time - from Saul Pressman's 'The

>> Owner's Manual for the Human Body':


> This sounds very interesting and I would like to try it! Do

> you know what kind of benefits to expect from such a bath?

Tingling, stimulation of circulation in the capillaries

near the surface of the skin, general clean feeling,

refreshed, energized, etc. You might also experience

some cleansing reactions, even some discharges from the

skin...this is OK! It just means you needed it, and the

body is taking advantage of it to get rid of some junk

it needs to get rid of. If this happens, just do

another one the next day, and the next, until the

discharges stop.

>> Store bought H2O2 has stabilizers in it, so you don't want

>> to use it.

> So you mean that I should make it myself? And if so, how? (I

> asked around here a bit and found out that ready made H2O2

> can be bought from any pharmacy here in Sweden.)

Buy the 35% food grade stuff (its available in most

health food stores here in America, don't know about

Sweden)...for quantities just follow Sauls

recommendations in the post I sent you...I think it was

32 ozs per bath.

>> Also, if you like oils, I would suggest a good book on

>> Essential Oils, and try some of their recommendations.

>> Some friends swear by them (essential oils).


> Yes, I would gladly learn some more about this. Any book

> recommendation from you or any of the friends?

Don't know of any off-hand...but I would waher that a

search of this subject on Borders.com or Amazon.com

would turn up a plethora of choices. I'll see if I can

get any good recommendations tomorrow.

>> again, nothing definitive. I use a good shower filter,

>> but that won't remove sodium fluoride, though it does

>> get the vast majority of the chlorine.


> I have looked around here for such a filter but have not

> found anything useful yet. In a health store I found a german

> made filter named BRITA for drinking water. It uses activated

> carbon and, well, using a literal translation :-) something

> which breaks the ions. Does anyone have any experience with

> this device or something similar?

Should be fine. Just check to make sure it at least

claims to get the majority of the chlorine out. you

can't 'filter' out Fluoride, but my understanding is

that this is not absorbed readily through the skin.

> Also, what brand of shower filter do you use?

I think it is 'Rainshower'.



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That's a poison, right? Where can one get it? Thanks! Jean

On Wed, 07 Jul 1999 02:16:42 -0400 " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>From: " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>> One thing I have heard about those filters is that they tend

>> to fill up with lots of bacteria from the water after some

>> time of use. Any comment on this?


>Soak it in colloidal silver for at least six minutes

>every now and then...no more problem.




> Marcus



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> From: " Lila O. O'Brien " <thegardeners@...>


> That's a poison, right? Where can one get it? Thanks! Jean


> On Wed, 07 Jul 1999 02:16:42 -0400 " Marcus "

> <cmarcus@...>

> writes:

>>From: " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>>> One thing I have heard about those filters is that they

>>> tend to fill up with lots of bacteria from the water after

>>> some time of use. Any comment on this?


>>Soak it in colloidal silver for at least six minutes

>>every now and then...no more problem.




>> Marcus

No, CS (colloidal silver) is probably the best natural

anti-biotic you can use, and you can make it yourself.

Go to www.sota-inc.com and www.sharinghealth.com ,

and/or just do a web seacrh on colloidal silver. You'll

find plenty of info on it, including how to make it

yourself. You can buy it in a health food store, but it

will cost you 500 times more than if you make it

yourself (a 2 oz bottle can cost as much as 20 bucks,

but if you make it yourself, you can make a gallon for

under 50 cents - including the cost of a gallon of

purified water, depeneding on where you get it and what

kind it is, of course).

Something else you could use that you can buy todau is

GSE (grapefruit seed extract - NOT GRAPE SEED, but

grapeFRUIT seed extract). It goes by the name of

'Citricidal', though another brand called 'Nutribiotic'

is about 1/3 the potency.



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On 5 Jul 99, at 10:17, Es9525@... wrote:

> that dabbles in natural health told me to lay in a very hot bath with 2

> to 3 TB of ginger powder and when I was through to take a shower and

Just checking so that I get the correct dosage. Does TB above stand

for tablespoonfuls?

> I first used ground ginger from store but that became quiet expensive so

> now I order it from Ozark Food Co-op by the pound.......much cheaper.

OK, so you do this more or less every day?

> Don't know how long one should but we always tried around 15 min.

Well, I meant more if there was an _upper_ limit to how long one

could be in the bath.

> Thanks for the tip on liquid borax, I'll try that.

Do you know how to make it? Otherwise I can tell you.

Best regards, Ulf


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In a message dated 7/9/99 12:44:59 AM Central Daylight Time,

ulftage@... writes:

<< From: " Ulf Hogberg " <ulftage@...>

On 5 Jul 99, at 10:17, Es9525@... wrote:

> that dabbles in natural health told me to lay in a very hot bath with 2

> to 3 TB of ginger powder and when I was through to take a shower and

Just checking so that I get the correct dosage. Does TB above stand

for tablespoonfuls?

> I first used ground ginger from store but that became quiet expensive so

> now I order it from Ozark Food Co-op by the pound.......much cheaper.

OK, so you do this more or less every day?

> Don't know how long one should but we always tried around 15 min.

Well, I meant more if there was an _upper_ limit to how long one

could be in the bath.

> Thanks for the tip on liquid borax, I'll try that.

Do you know how to make it? Otherwise I can tell you.

Best regards, Ulf


Hi Ulf,

Yes TB does mean tablespoon and I did not know upper limit. Friend just said

as long as you can stand the hot water which is only about 15 min for me.

No I do not do this every day. Only when I am having terrible cleansings and

want to hurry and rid myself of toxins as quickly as possible. Drinking a

hot herbal tea also helps while doing this to get the perspiration going.(or

hot lemon water.... whatever you like)

We also use this if we feel a cold or flu coming on.

Please tell me about the liquid borax.


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Dear Marcus,

Thank you for the information. I just heard about colloidal siver again

last night, at a fascinating evening featuring [an

investigative journalist who wrote a book about what 'Agent Orange'

actually was] on 'Chemtrails' being left in the skies that are making

people sick.

of NM

On Thu, 08 Jul 1999 10:20:32 -0400 " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>From: " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>> From: " Lila O. O'Brien " <thegardeners@...>


>> That's a poison, right? Where can one get it? Thanks! Jean


>> On Wed, 07 Jul 1999 02:16:42 -0400 " Marcus "

>> <cmarcus@...>

>> writes:

>>>From: " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>>>> One thing I have heard about those filters is that they

>>>> tend to fill up with lots of bacteria from the water after

>>>> some time of use. Any comment on this?


>>>Soak it in colloidal silver for at least six minutes

>>>every now and then...no more problem.




>>> Marcus


>No, CS (colloidal silver) is probably the best natural

>anti-biotic you can use, and you can make it yourself.

>Go to www.sota-inc.com and www.sharinghealth.com ,

>and/or just do a web seacrh on colloidal silver. You'll

>find plenty of info on it, including how to make it

>yourself. You can buy it in a health food store, but it

>will cost you 500 times more than if you make it

>yourself (a 2 oz bottle can cost as much as 20 bucks,

>but if you make it yourself, you can make a gallon for

>under 50 cents - including the cost of a gallon of

>purified water, depeneding on where you get it and what

>kind it is, of course).


>Something else you could use that you can buy todau is

>GSE (grapefruit seed extract - NOT GRAPE SEED, but

>grapeFRUIT seed extract). It goes by the name of

>'Citricidal', though another brand called 'Nutribiotic'

>is about 1/3 the potency.




> Marcus



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Wow! I'm trying that!

of NM

On Thu, 01 Jul 1999 09:38:48 -0400 " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>From: " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>> From: DreamsAvA@...


>> Yes, it is a rinse off with fresh water after taking a bath.

>> Which I forgot to do tonite actually, I just recently read

>> of this from Dr. Hal Huggins regarding saunas, and baths for

>> detox purposes.


>Does he have a web site?


>> I know you take baths for relaxation, ( I do

>> too, they are amazing ) but here is some interesting info

>> about the detox, and info about, according to him, to help

>> with detox with a bath. He say's to get a bath thermometer

>> and bring the temp at 104 degrees, and to get a " bath sheet "

>> it is a 3 feet by 6 feet wide bath towel. Soak it in the

>> water and then cover yourself with it while in the water.

>> After 2 or 3 minutes soak towel again to keep it warm. He

>> says not to over do it, if you feel woozy get out. 2 or 3

>> minutes will remove enough toxin to be worth the effort, and

>> between the 15th and 20th minute a tremendous amount of

>> garbage comes out. Do not go into the 21st minute. At that

>> point the " core temperature " of the body starts up and damage

>> can occur to your inner protiens. Get out of there and rinse

>> off with fresh water.


>Sounds interesting.


>Another thing I forgot to mention in this vein is the

>use of hot/cold showers. I would imagine that doing

>this after the hot soak would work even better than by

>itself, which is pretty incredible. People have healed

>themselves of Cancer and other serious diseases SOLELY

>by using the hot/cold shower. What you do is stand

>under the water, and slowly turn up the hot until it is

>as hot as you can stand (of course, for you radicals

>out there, you don't want to actually cook yourself).

>Count to 7, then turn the hot completely off, and once

>the water gets cold, count to 7 again. Repeat this 7

>times. This is the most invigorating thing I have ever

>done. It is the best thing you can do to improve blood

>AND Lymph circulation, and can only increase the

>effectiveness of any treatment. You won't believe its

>effectiveness until you have tried it.




> Marcus



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On 9 Jul 99, at 8:36, Es9525@... wrote:

> Yes TB does mean tablespoon and I did not know upper limit. Friend just

> said as long as you can stand the hot water which is only about 15 min for

> me.

I tried this for half an hour on Sunday. After a bath the body

usually feels a bit tired but this time I felt quite refreshed

instead. Quite a difference! :-)

> No I do not do this every day. Only when I am having terrible cleansings

> and want to hurry and rid myself of toxins as quickly as possible.

> Drinking a hot herbal tea also helps while doing this to get the

> perspiration going.(or hot lemon water.... whatever you like)


> We also use this if we feel a cold or flu coming on.

Interesting. Does it work on every occasion?

> Please tell me about the liquid borax.

Yes, I´ll do so in a separate message.

Best regards, Ulf


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In a message dated 7/14/99 12:36:56 AM Central Daylight Time,

ulftage@... writes:

<< From: " Ulf Hogberg " <ulftage@...>

On 9 Jul 99, at 8:36, Es9525@... wrote:

> Yes TB does mean tablespoon and I did not know upper limit. Friend just

> said as long as you can stand the hot water which is only about 15 min for

> me.

I tried this for half an hour on Sunday. After a bath the body

usually feels a bit tired but this time I felt quite refreshed

instead. Quite a difference! :-)

> No I do not do this every day. Only when I am having terrible cleansings

> and want to hurry and rid myself of toxins as quickly as possible.

> Drinking a hot herbal tea also helps while doing this to get the

> perspiration going.(or hot lemon water.... whatever you like)


> We also use this if we feel a cold or flu coming on.

Interesting. Does it work on every occasion?

> Please tell me about the liquid borax.

Yes, I´ll do so in a separate message.

Best regards, Ulf



About colds or flu sumptoms.......If it doesn't completely take care of it,

it certainly lessens the effects. One of my friends does this with several

cups of epson salt in the hot bath water. I have never tried that but if I

didn't have the ginger I would use that.


ps thanks for borax mixture

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