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Re: Bathes

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Somewhere on Humble's site he has a chart for the various applications of MMS1 versus MMS2. If memory serves me correctly he says to never apply MMS2 topically or to inhale it.On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:50 AM, <Ibrake4monks@...> wrote:


I've been reading the posts about bathing with the MMS and I'm very interested in trying it.  Also interested in applying it directly onto my skin (after being properly mixed of course).


Is there any special reason why the posts seem to only be referring to using the MMS1 and not the 2?


I realize the 2 would have to be disolved, but is that the only reason or is there some other?


If the MMS2 could be used, can someone please give some instructions and amounts to use?


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MMS2 Dosage Suggestions

This MMS2 instruction page was approved by The Institute

for Advanced MMS Studies. Updated December, 2009


The human body produces its own hypochlorous acid to target and kill

bacteria, germs, and pathogens of many types. In doing so, normal

living cells are not harmed.

However, the complex ingredients needed to generate the acid

are not always available. Being in short supply, there is often not

enough hypochlorous acid to destroy most of the life-threatening

diseases that attack the human body plus the poisons and other normal

things that the body needs the acid for.


capsules provide a surplus-reserve of hypochlorous acid enabling the

immune system to apply it wherever it is needed. Within the suggested

dosage limits, any excess not used by the immune system will simply be

discarded with no harm to the body. MMS2 is a purifying agent, used in

water purification systems, in swimming pools, and even in the body. It

eliminates pathogens without harm to other living systems.


general use and taken without MMS1, Jim Humble suggests starting with

one capsule taken with ample water (two glasses of water for the first

capsule abd then one glass of water thereafter) to prove you have no

adverse reactions. (None have been reported so far.)


day and thereafter, take one capsule morning and evening (2 per day).

If you have mild stomach sensations, drink more water to complete the


Then gradually increase the use of MMS2 capsules from 2 per

day to 3 or 4 per day - if you wish. Always maintain at least two hours

between capsule use. Read further about MMS2 protocols at http://JimHumble.biz/ - especially protocols 8 and 11 at his web site.


For more aggressive use against toxins or diseases, use MMS1 (two MMS1

drops activated with 10 drops unfiltered vinegar or lemon juice - then

wait 3 minutes, dump into a glass of water) taken every 1 or 2 hours

apart. If nausea occurs, put more hours between doses temporarily. Read

Item ZERO - FUNDAMENTALS on Jim Humble's protocol list. Many small

doses of MMS1 are superior to a few large doses. Also taste is not an

issue if plenty of water is added to the activated MMS1 2-drop doses.

At the same time, take MMS2 capsules, as suggested above -

but never more than one capsule every two hours. If nausea arises, back

off and take fewer capsules, increasing later if you wish.


The capsules are activated by water. The beneficial acid is not

available until the capsule spills into stomach fluids. Water must be

present or the acid will not be properly formed. Water is the activator

for the capsules. Sometimes capsules don't empty into the stomach for

10 or 15 minutes. If you have any sensation after taking a capsule,

simply drink more water.


began testing Jim Humble's MMS2 capsules in 2007 in Mexico where

desperate individuals requested help for cancer, HIV, Hepatitis, and

other serious ailments. Achieving success in those limited cases, Jim

began serious use of MMS2 in his third trip to Africa where he was able

to test MMS1 and MMS2 with different groups of people, and also to

experiment with the use of both products together. Based on 100%

successes, Jim released the MMS2 announcement on August 15, 2009,

posted on his site at http://JimHumble.biz/

Jim's protocols and dosage suggestions for MMS1 and MMS2 are posted on

his web site. And on the left-side menu there is an article about MMS2.

See also the MMS newsletters. (Free - signup at http://MMSnews.org .


By providing a limited surplus of this valuable agent to the body, the

immune system uses it to fire one or two oxygen atoms directly into

pathogens, oxidizing them locally - without harming other body cells.

The immune system uses the acid molecules like a gun, aimed precisely

at a germ, bacteria, or virus - like a weapon that has perfect aim.

As an example, with two groups comprising over 75 AIDS

patients, Jim found MMS2 to be equal in pathogen-removal power to MMS1.

Both groups progressed to disease-free status within 4 to 5 weeks. Note

that auto-immune cases are considered among the most difficult to

remedy - generally considered impossible.

Methods of Using MMS1 and MMS2 Compared:




Is an Activator Required?

Yes: Unfiltered Vinegar or citric acid


Does It Purify Water?



Ingest Through Stomach?



Spray on Skin?


Not tested

Can be Inhaled to Sinuses

Yes (Cautions)


Can be Inhaled to lungs?

Yes (Cautions)


Use as a Douche?


Not Tested

Use as an Enema?


Not Tested

Tub Bath Benefits?


Probably Yes

Mouth, Teeth, Gum?



Useful as a Deodorizer, Fumigator?



Can be dripped Intravenously?


Probably not

Removes Heavy Metals?


Not Tested


is no help-desk for MMS1 or MMS2 at this time. Policies and laws during

the flu pandemic era preclude telephone or email coaching. Also, The

Institute for Advanced MMS Studies awaits funding and help desk

staffing. Links at page-bottom provide full information regarding all

that is known about these two miracle mineral-salts.


such as "Will MMS2 cure my pancreatic cancer" cannot be answered for

legal reasons and also because the product is new. Provided MMS2 is

circulated to the right places, it will target undesirable pathogens

for elimination. See MMS Frequently Asked Questions [ Here ] .

There are at least 66 types of cancer. Until documented reports are

gathered over time, only the incoming-but-undocumented testimonials can

be reported. Jim Humble has applied MMS2 to many and various cancer and

auto-immune situations with successful outcomes and no complaints.

Important cancer information can be found at http://CancerTutor.com/ .

At that site a professional doctor and researcher has documented many

alternate cancer treatments that doctors are prohibited from

recommending by order of their medical associations.


MMS1 and MMS2 you have the most potent germicidal agents on the planet.

Taken in the proportions and dosage suggested, they are proven not to

harm normal living cells. The body actually produces MMS2 (hypochlorous

acid ) with its own resources as best it can under the toxic load we


If you are in doubt about its safety or benefits, you could still

proceed cautiously and record the progress that follows. Each person

knows their own body and its history better than anyone else. Remember,

you may not have the disease or allergy or ailment that you were

diagnosed to have. But if any adverse reaction occurs with MMS2, cease

use of the capsules. There are too many variables to provide

assurances. A professional would take into account your age, sex, diet,

weight, anxiety, blood chemistry, disease history, current

prescriptions and medicines, smoking, alcohol, other drugs, dental

history and much more.

If you wonder whether MMS1 or 2 will conflict with other

drugs, simply proceed with caution and decide for yourself. No feedback

has come back from the one-million-plus daily MMS users about conflicts

with other medicines. However, many of the prescribed medicines are

debilitating poisons or drugs like codeine or antihistamines that often

are the cause of degraded health.


When you decide to voluntarily experiment with MMS1 or MMS2 you are

automatically an independent researcher, responsible personally for the

outcomes of your experiments. MMS1 and MMS2 are understood

scientifically and chemically to be potent destroyers of germs and


With MMS2 you are not using pharmaceutical drugs that contain

poisons with listed side effects. Several famous actors have died

recently - not from cancer, but from "Chemo." By design Chemo destroys

the immune system. With MMS1 and 2 you have simple mineral salts and

body acids that enhance the immune system in animals and humans.


with any capsules, keep them out of reach of children who might open

them or expect to play with the powder out of curiosity. Also remember

that water is a necessary activator so take the capsules with adequate

water. Success stories can be submitted to the MMS Institute at MMSnews@...

FURTHER MMS INFO LINKS from the Institute for Advanced MMS Studies:

Click These Links

[Here] www.MMS-education.com/

An index of basic MMS information & articles.

[Here] www.JimHumble.biz/

Recent writings and protocols of Jim Humble

[Here] www.MMS-Central.com/

Free download Jim's MMS1 book - Volume One

[Here] www.MMSnews.org/

Free MMS newsletter signup

[Here] www.JimHumbleFoundation.org/

Read about Jim's vision for the future.

[Here] www.MiracleMineral.org/book.php/

Buy Jim's hardback book (both vols)

[Here] www.MMSanswers.com/

Database of diseases with Jim's comments

[Here] www.MiracleMineralStories.com/

Testimonials regarding MMS1 results.

[Here] FrequentlyAskedQuestions

People ask these questions over and over...

Your International Supplier for MMS1, MMS2 and other products is: [ http://Mineral-Solutions.net ] .

Business Contact Address: Sales@... ===-===-===-===

The disclaimer for this information is [ Here ].

These writings are educational and informative. They describe

discoveries Jim Humble made as documented in his books and writings

plus and the experiences of volunteers who assisted him beginning in

1991. Readers are encouraged to consult medical professionals at

medical and health clinics where valid client-patient relationships can

be sustained. Statements herein about MMS1 and MMS2 have not been

evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. MMS is a well known salt

in distilled water. MMS1 and MMS2 are water purifiers. The information

reported in this article does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any

disease. If you have any medical condition, you must take personal

responsibility if you privately experiment with MMS1 or MMS2. In fact

you should consult a medical professional before using salts, minerals,

odors, hair colorings, skin enhancers, diet drinks, perfumes, iodine,

snake bite kits, tooth paste, lotions, aspartame, alcohol, cigarettes,

MSG laden soups, and products mentioned in this article. Chlorine

dioxide gas (produced in small quantities by MMS) and hydrochlorous

acid are water purifying agents used in many city water purification

systems around the world. Competing drug store products are "Stabilized

Oxygen" and "Vitamin O," or other trade names packaged in various

strengths. Sporting goods stores sell the same MMS1 mineral salt

(Sodium Chlorite) in the form of water purification tablets used by

campers and hunters.

The "Terms of Use Statement" is [ Here ] . The "Privacy Statement" is [ Here ] .

This instruction page is not under Copyright

See also MMS newsletter 006 at [ http://MMSnews.org/NEWS006.htm ].

> > >> >> > I've been reading the posts about bathing with the MMS and I'm very> > interested in trying it. Also interested in applying it directly onto my> > skin (after being properly mixed of course).> >> > Is there any special reason why the posts seem to only be referring to> > using the MMS1 and not the 2?> >> > I realize the 2 would have to be disolved, but is that the only reason or> > is there some other?> >> > If the MMS2 could be used, can someone please give some instructions and> > amounts to use?> > KR> > > >>

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Thanks for looking that up!On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:29 PM, healinghope <mfrreman@...> wrote:


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MMS2 Dosage Suggestions

This MMS2 instruction page was approved by The Institute

for Advanced MMS Studies. Updated December, 2009


The human body produces its own hypochlorous acid to target and kill

bacteria, germs, and pathogens of many types. In doing so, normal

living cells are not harmed.

However, the complex ingredients needed to generate the acid

are not always available. Being in short supply, there is often not

enough hypochlorous acid to destroy most of the life-threatening

diseases that attack the human body plus the poisons and other normal

things that the body needs the acid for.


capsules provide a surplus-reserve of hypochlorous acid enabling the

immune system to apply it wherever it is needed. Within the suggested

dosage limits, any excess not used by the immune system will simply be

discarded with no harm to the body. MMS2 is a purifying agent, used in

water purification systems, in swimming pools, and even in the body. It

eliminates pathogens without harm to other living systems.


general use and taken without MMS1, Jim Humble suggests starting with

one capsule taken with ample water (two glasses of water for the first

capsule abd then one glass of water thereafter) to prove you have no

adverse reactions. (None have been reported so far.)


day and thereafter, take one capsule morning and evening (2 per day).

If you have mild stomach sensations, drink more water to complete the


Then gradually increase the use of MMS2 capsules from 2 per

day to 3 or 4 per day - if you wish. Always maintain at least two hours

between capsule use. Read further about MMS2 protocols at  http://JimHumble.biz/  - especially protocols 8 and 11 at his web site.


For more aggressive use against toxins or diseases, use MMS1 (two MMS1

drops activated with 10 drops unfiltered vinegar or lemon juice - then

wait 3 minutes, dump into a glass of water) taken every 1 or 2 hours

apart. If nausea occurs, put more hours between doses temporarily. Read

Item ZERO - FUNDAMENTALS on Jim Humble's protocol list. Many small

doses of MMS1 are superior to a few large doses. Also taste is not an

issue if plenty of water is added to the activated MMS1 2-drop doses.

At the same time, take MMS2 capsules, as suggested above -

but never more than one capsule every two hours. If nausea arises, back

off and take fewer capsules, increasing later if you wish.


The capsules are activated by water. The beneficial acid is not

available until the capsule spills into stomach fluids. Water must be

present or the acid will not be properly formed. Water is the activator

for the capsules. Sometimes capsules don't empty into the stomach for

10 or 15 minutes. If you have any sensation after taking a capsule,

simply drink more water.


began testing Jim Humble's MMS2 capsules in 2007 in Mexico where

desperate individuals requested help for cancer, HIV, Hepatitis, and

other serious ailments. Achieving success in those limited cases, Jim

began serious use of MMS2 in his third trip to Africa where he was able

to test MMS1 and MMS2 with different groups of people, and also to

experiment with the use of both products together. Based on 100%

successes, Jim released the MMS2 announcement on August 15, 2009,

posted on his site at  http://JimHumble.biz/ 

Jim's protocols and dosage suggestions for MMS1 and MMS2 are posted on

his web site. And on the left-side menu there is an article about MMS2.

See also the MMS newsletters. (Free - signup at  http://MMSnews.org .


By providing a limited surplus of this valuable agent to the body, the

immune system uses it to fire one or two oxygen atoms directly into

pathogens, oxidizing them locally - without harming other body cells.

The immune system uses the acid molecules like a gun, aimed precisely

at a germ, bacteria, or virus - like a weapon that has perfect aim.

As an example, with two groups comprising over 75 AIDS

patients, Jim found MMS2 to be equal in pathogen-removal power to MMS1.

Both groups progressed to disease-free status within 4 to 5 weeks. Note

that auto-immune cases are considered among the most difficult to

remedy - generally considered impossible.

Methods of Using MMS1 and MMS2 Compared:




 Is an Activator Required?

 Yes: Unfiltered Vinegar or citric acid


 Does It Purify Water?



 Ingest Through Stomach?



 Spray on Skin?


 Not tested

 Can be Inhaled to Sinuses

 Yes (Cautions)


 Can be Inhaled to lungs?

 Yes (Cautions)


 Use as a Douche?


 Not Tested

 Use as an Enema?


 Not Tested

 Tub Bath Benefits?


 Probably Yes

 Mouth, Teeth, Gum?



 Useful as a Deodorizer, Fumigator?



 Can be dripped Intravenously?


 Probably not

 Removes Heavy Metals?


 Not Tested


is no help-desk for MMS1 or MMS2 at this time. Policies and laws during

the flu pandemic era preclude telephone or email coaching. Also, The

Institute for Advanced MMS Studies awaits funding and help desk

staffing. Links at page-bottom provide full information regarding all

that is known about these two miracle mineral-salts.


such as " Will MMS2 cure my pancreatic cancer " cannot be answered for

legal reasons and also because the product is new. Provided MMS2 is

circulated to the right places, it will target undesirable pathogens

for elimination. See MMS Frequently Asked Questions  [ Here ] .

There are at least 66 types of cancer. Until documented reports are

gathered over time, only the incoming-but-undocumented testimonials can

be reported. Jim Humble has applied MMS2 to many and various cancer and

auto-immune situations with successful outcomes and no complaints.

Important cancer information can be found at  http://CancerTutor.com/ .

At that site a professional doctor and researcher has documented many

alternate cancer treatments that doctors are prohibited from

recommending by order of their medical associations.


MMS1 and MMS2 you have the most potent germicidal agents on the planet.

Taken in the proportions and dosage suggested, they are proven not to

harm normal living cells. The body actually produces MMS2 (hypochlorous

acid ) with its own resources as best it can under the toxic load we


If you are in doubt about its safety or benefits, you could still

proceed cautiously and record the progress that follows. Each person

knows their own body and its history better than anyone else. Remember,

you may not have the disease or allergy or ailment that you were

diagnosed to have. But if any adverse reaction occurs with MMS2, cease

use of the capsules. There are too many variables to provide

assurances. A professional would take into account your age, sex, diet,

weight, anxiety, blood chemistry, disease history, current

prescriptions and medicines, smoking, alcohol, other drugs, dental

history and much more.

If you wonder whether MMS1 or 2 will conflict with other

drugs, simply proceed with caution and decide for yourself. No feedback

has come back from the one-million-plus daily MMS users about conflicts

with other medicines. However, many of the prescribed medicines are

debilitating poisons or drugs like codeine or antihistamines that often

are the cause of degraded health.


When you decide to voluntarily experiment with MMS1 or MMS2 you are

automatically an independent researcher, responsible personally for the

outcomes of your experiments. MMS1 and MMS2 are understood

scientifically and chemically to be potent destroyers of germs and


With MMS2 you are not using pharmaceutical drugs that contain

poisons with listed side effects. Several famous actors have died

recently - not from cancer, but from " Chemo. " By design Chemo destroys

the immune system. With MMS1 and 2 you have simple mineral salts and

body acids that enhance the immune system in animals and humans.


with any capsules, keep them out of reach of children who might open

them or expect to play with the powder out of curiosity. Also remember

that water is a necessary activator so take the capsules with adequate

water. Success stories can be submitted to the MMS Institute at MMSnews@...

FURTHER MMS INFO LINKS from the Institute for Advanced MMS Studies:

 Click These Links 


 [Here]  www.MMS-education.com/  

  An index of basic MMS information & articles.

 [Here]  www.JimHumble.biz/  

 Recent writings and protocols of Jim Humble

 [Here]  www.MMS-Central.com/  

 Free download Jim's MMS1 book - Volume One

 [Here]  www.MMSnews.org/  

 Free MMS newsletter signup

 [Here]  www.JimHumbleFoundation.org/  

 Read about Jim's vision for the future.

 [Here]  www.MiracleMineral.org/book.php/  

 Buy Jim's hardback book (both vols)

 [Here]  www.MMSanswers.com/  

 Database of diseases with Jim's comments

 [Here]  www.MiracleMineralStories.com/  

 Testimonials regarding MMS1 results.

 [Here]  FrequentlyAskedQuestions  

 People ask these questions over and over...

Your International Supplier for MMS1, MMS2 and other products is:  [ http://Mineral-Solutions.net ] .

Business Contact Address:  Sales@...  ===-===-===-===

The disclaimer for this information is [ Here ].

These writings are educational and informative. They describe

discoveries Jim Humble made as documented in his books and writings

plus and the experiences of volunteers who assisted him beginning in

1991. Readers are encouraged to consult medical professionals at

medical and health clinics where valid client-patient relationships can

be sustained. Statements herein about MMS1 and MMS2 have not been

evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. MMS is a well known salt

in distilled water. MMS1 and MMS2 are water purifiers. The information

reported in this article does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any

disease. If you have any medical condition, you must take personal

responsibility if you privately experiment with MMS1 or MMS2. In fact

you should consult a medical professional before using salts, minerals,

odors, hair colorings, skin enhancers, diet drinks, perfumes, iodine,

snake bite kits, tooth paste, lotions, aspartame, alcohol, cigarettes,

MSG laden soups, and products mentioned in this article. Chlorine

dioxide gas (produced in small quantities by MMS) and hydrochlorous

acid are water purifying agents used in many city water purification

systems around the world. Competing drug store products are " Stabilized

Oxygen " and " Vitamin O, " or other trade names packaged in various

strengths. Sporting goods stores sell the same MMS1 mineral salt

(Sodium Chlorite) in the form of water purification tablets used by

campers and hunters.

 The " Terms of Use Statement " is  [ Here ] .        The " Privacy Statement " is  [ Here ] .

This instruction page is not under Copyright

See also MMS newsletter 006 at  [ http://MMSnews.org/NEWS006.htm ].


> >> >> > I've been reading the posts about bathing with the MMS and I'm very> > interested in trying it. Also interested in applying it directly onto my> > skin (after being properly mixed of course).

> >> > Is there any special reason why the posts seem to only be referring to> > using the MMS1 and not the 2?> >> > I realize the 2 would have to be disolved, but is that the only reason or

> > is there some other?> >> > If the MMS2 could be used, can someone please give some instructions and> > amounts to use?> > KR> > > >>

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Your welcome long day at work can't even type:)

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I've been reading the posts about bathing with the MMS and I'm very

> > > > interested in trying it. Also interested in applying it directly onto

> > my

> > > > skin (after being properly mixed of course).

> > > >

> > > > Is there any special reason why the posts seem to only be referring to

> > > > using the MMS1 and not the 2?

> > > >

> > > > I realize the 2 would have to be disolved, but is that the only reason

> > or

> > > > is there some other?

> > > >

> > > > If the MMS2 could be used, can someone please give some instructions

> > and

> > > > amounts to use?

> > > > KR

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >


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