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MMS and DMSO Protocol

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A New Way to Administer MMSBy staff at The Institute for Advanced MMS Studies. April, 2009


In Jim Humble's book (Volume 2), Chapter 21 page 10, Jim wrote about a Dr. Koch who cured cancer patients in 1917 based on theories that are being re-examined today - as will be shown herein. He also wrote about Royal Rife who, during the 1930's, invented a special microscope that proved in thousands of documented observations and with many different scientists that a pleomorphic cancer organism was present in nearly all types of cancerous cells. Thousands of people during the 1930's and 40's were cured of cancers until the FDA stopped the practice and destroyed all of the Rife microscopes. In summary, this article will describe how the drug store liquid "DMSO" can be used to carry MMS into the body with the goal of killing cancer microbes. It's a standard practice for doctors to sometimes use DMSO mixed with antibiotics or other drugs to deliver a drug through the skin directly into muscle or flesh. Before recommending DMSO as a carrier for MMS, Jim Humble tested MMS mixed with DMSO years ago. He also tested the effect of drinking (in overdose) as much as two tablespoons of DMSO along with 30 drops of activated MMS twice a day and with many different size doses of DMSO and MMS. There was no observable problem. Thousands of people have taken weakened DMSO orally as a general muscle and pain reliever. One particular use was reported years ago by a DMSO book which has now been banned and burned by the FDA. The book recommended using DMSO to stop strokes. One teaspoonful of DMSO in juice was to be taken every 15 minutes until the stroke has passed. At one time this was a suggested use of DMSO. If you never head of DMSO, then for your reassurance you should read about it at http://dmso.org/articles/information/muir.htm A few words from that article reveals the forgotten popularity and characteristics of DMSO:

More than 40,000 articles on [DMSO] chemistry have appeared in scientific journals, which, in conjunction with thousands of laboratory studies, provide strong evidence of a wide variety of [DMSO] properties. Worldwide some 11,000 articles have been written on the medical and clinical implications of DMSO, published in 125 countries throughout the world, including Canada, Great Britain, Germany, and Japan, doctors prescribe it for a variety of ailments, including pain, inflammation, scleroderma, interstitial cystitis, arthritis, and elevated inter-cranial pressure. (Dr. Muir's writing)

California and a few other states have made DMSO into a prescription-only "drug." In other states it's sold in drug stores - available like peroxide and other common chemicals. Most farm animal supply companies sell DMSO which is used on horses and large animals. You can order DMSO on the Internet. Standard medical research about cancer has had no explanation about how cancer spreads. They reject the possibility that cancer can be caused by a microbe or germ. So how then is cancer able to spread from one place to another? For example, prostate cancer - even after surgical removal - even after being told "we got it all," still cancer frequently returns somewhere else - in a bone, or the liver, or as a tumor somewhere else in the body. Surgery doesn't guarantee that cancer won't return. How come? Back in 1900 to 1917 scientists demonstrated persuasively that normal cells were triggered into a cancerous state by viral or fungal components. Their microscopes at that time were not adequate to prove this visually but other empirical evidence led them to that conclusion. Cancer treatments (at that time) were formulated around that concept and easily 100,000 people were finally cured of cancer using strategies such as were published by Dr. Koch, (above) for example. Then during the 1930's Royal Rife's microscope "proved visually" that cancer was caused by a morphing microorganism. Treatments for cancer by the medical community today rely on using radiation to directly kill tumors and cancers, or they rely on the alternate "chemo" method - the chemical killing of cancerous cells, usually followed by surgery, Chemo, radiation, and surgery are the three methods that doctors are allowed to discuss with patients today. These methods existed 100 years ago and no real improvement has been allowed in standard medical practice. Radioactive RADIUM was the radiation source in the 1900s so little has changed except that microwave radiation is used today. Jim Humble wrote about this in his two books, especially Volume Two of The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century." Chapter 21 Pg 7.

"The ...unaccepted theory of cancer is that cancer is caused by a very unusual virus that changes it's size and shape from a virus to a bacteria and back to virus again. . . .The theory is called pleomorphism. Research into this theory is not allowed. No money is available for such research and those who try hit a blank wall." (Jim Humble - quote from the book.)

What is the standard practice today? Today's costly "remedies" aim to kill billions of cancer cells - entire tumors. Current approved procedures all cause collateral damage to normal cells as well as cancer cells. Also, long-term illness, loss of the immune system, and no guarantees about the outcome. Patients become super nauseous and sick while paying up to $800 per chemo capsule in some cases. If you are diagnosed as having cancer you are instantly worth between $100,000 and $350,000 to hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies. You can see why the idea that a morphing virus or morphing microbe might cause cancer - that idea is understandably not welcome in the business of sickness. Viewed from the sickness industry perspective, they can visualize millions of dollars slipping through their fingers if people are taught to think a germ causes cancer. So don't ask your doctor about it because he or she will have to change the subject - enforced by AMA policy. Fortunately, in 2007 and 2008 various independent scientists used electron microscopes and published findings that support the ancient theories about pleomorphic bacteria - namely that there is a microbe that is almost always present and visible to electron microscopes where cancer exists. They claim to be able to watch bacteria/viral/fungal microbes morphing from one state to another. They claim it's the wandering bacteria-microbe that causes cancer to spread to other parts of the body. They claim that if you could remove those microbes, cancer cells would simply revert back to normal oxygen-breathing cells and you wouldn't have to kill or remove them at all. Theoretical basis for a new approach: If that alleged cancer microbe can be cleansed from cancer cells they would be normalized and the immune system will integrate cancer cells back into normal body use and function. Even surplus tumor cells would slowly be eliminated as "unneeded" by the body. The immune system knows how to let unnecessary cells to fade away over time according to this theory. If true, billions of cancer cells would not need to be radiated or excised by surgery in most cases according to this theory. Several scientists have published research findings that support this theory. You can read their writings at these sites:http://www.rense.com/general74/cant.htm (Forum Interview with Dr. Cantwell - 2006)http://www.rense.com/general80/canc.htm "Cancer is an Infection Caused by Tuberculosis-Type Bacteria. (2008) If this research is validated, MMS (ClO2) is probably the most qualified and potent method of finding and killing any morphing viral/fungal/bacteria. There are other alternate strategies for stopping and eliminating cancer such as use of ozone, chemo-therapies, antibiotics, hyperbaric chambers, heat therapies (Europe), herbs, Laetrile (B17), and alkaline baking soda therapies. However, these alternative "remedies" aim to kill millions or billions of cancer cells, producing a lot of collateral damage. But with the strategy described herein, activated MMS with DMSO can eliminate microbial-bacteria rapidly, safely, and for pennies per dose wherever they hide in the body WITHOUT KILLING BILLIONS OF CANCER CELLS. The cancer cells can revert back to their normal functions if the microbe is removed. Cancer-inducing bacteria penetrate to the INSIDE of body cells. Once inside. a cell is tricked by the microbe to stop using oxygen as its source of energy and instead it begins to ingest sugars from the blood stream or from surrounding tissues. The wild rapid reproduction of cancer cells is based entirely on the availability of sugars. Each cancer cell ingesting sugar quickly initiates cell division. Rapid growth is the result. Tumors grow without restraint in many cases. In some cases cancer will even nibble away at surrounding flesh in an effort to extract sugars. REDUCE SUGAR INTAKE- we can all agree on that. Cancer patients are advised to minimize sugar intake. Especially eliminate high fructose corn syrups - and even those carbohydrate foods that end up supplying sugar to the blood. Goodbye to candy bars, french fries, and potato chips. Sugar doesn't cause cancer, but once you have cancerous cells they are fed entirely and only by sugar. By definition cancer cells are anaerobic, meaning they have stopped using oxygen and now maintain themselves with sugar. Cancer would die and go away if sugar could be totally denied to it - but that can't be achieved or the patient would die also from "low blood sugar." MMS Institute staff report instances where people called in, reporting they were at stage IV cancer - but had never been told by their doctors to reduce intake of sugar to the extent possible. All doctors know this fact so why wasn't the patient told - back at stage 1, or 2, or 3? The normal use of MMS is doubtless a great cancer deterrent in the light of cancer being microbe-induced. Better yet, the ClO2 ions may be able to eliminate an established cancer by killing the cancer-causing microbes - even late in stage 3 or 4. To do this, the MMS ClO2 ions need to penetrate to the inside of cancerous body cells to kill the microbe wherever it may be present - inside or outside cell walls. In general: To enhance the penetration of MMS, Jim Humble recommends activating 10 drops of MMS in the normal way, stir for only 15 seconds, and then immediately add one or two teaspoons of DMSO. Then add some water and rub it on skin where big muscles underlie the skin. The exact protocol can be referenced at this address: www.JimHumble.biz DMSO is a special solvent because it can uniquely penetrate cells - like the skin (for example). It sinks right into body cells and flows harmlessly out the other side. Most drug stores have it in bottles similar to hydrogen peroxide. In a few states it has become a prescription drug. When using MMS with DMSO, people with life-threatening diseases should at the same time continue to take MMS by mouth using normal activation methods. In addition, if there is a tumor on the outside of the body, spray activated MMS on the tumor every hour. See the exact spraying dosage suggestions at www.JimHumble.biz When activating MMS in this skin-rubbing option, stir the mixture only 15 seconds, add the DMSO, and immediately rub it onto a large area of the body like a leg. This may get as much as 5 times more MMS through the skin and into the blood stream. And of course, using a larger area of the body can also get more MMS into the blood stream. SPECIFIC SUGGESTONS:1. Make a dose of MMS by activating 10 drops of MMS with 50 drops of lemon juice or 10% citric acid. Swirl or stir it for 15 seconds.2. Add one teaspoon of DMSO and stir it for about 15 seconds, no longer.3. Immediately rub it on to a leg or arm or belly. There's no harm in getting the mixture on your hands assuming you're applying it to yourself. Avoid rubber gloves. If you notice any burning sensation, you can add about ½ teaspoon of water, or you can rub olive oil and aloe vVerajuice on the skin after the application (not during the treatment because oils seal the skin and pores temporarily. Use a different part of the body each time until you have to start over. Do this once every other hour the first day, and once every hour the second day and third day and then quit for 4 days and start the same thing the next week, but never stop taking the MMS by mouth. If you didn't buy Jim's second volume, consider ordering both volumes in a single hardback book. Part Two digs deeply into the effectiveness of MMS related to the heart, liver, herpes, fungi, and considerable examples that resulted from five years of testing MMS on 75,000 human volunteers. Order it from this separate web site here if you wish: http://MiracleMineral.org/book.php. See also the MMS knowledge base at http://MMSanswers.com CONSIDERATIONS: If you are debating whether to use MMS against any life-threatening disease, you must consider that almost all cancer remedies DO LONG-LASTING HARM in that they aim to kill billions of cancer cells PLUS the killing of thousands of normal body cells PLUS disabling the immune system for six months or more. This results in long-term illness, high costs, and immune system damage which may never fully recover. In contrast, MMS and its ClO2 ions circulating in your blood cannot harm normal living body cells. This suggested option (MMS with DMSO) targets only pathogens and does no damage to normal cells. The cost is pennies. This process aims to AVOID KILLING CANCER CELLS - but rather to restore them back to normal oxygen-breathing body cells. No guarantees come with any of the alternate cancer treatments. AND, GUARANTEES DO NOT COME WITH THE THREE standard medical procedures which is why if you take standard treatments you will sign a lot of forms at the hospital, agreeing that no one will be held responsible for the outcome of surgery or radiation. You will even be told there is no known "cure" for cancer, indicating that the best options from standard medical practice are already declared to be ineffective and unpredictable. After their best shot at helping you, if your cancer reoccurs a year later, the medical industry will be rewarded doubly - if you have funds left to support them. Your individual choice of attack against cancer must take those issues into consideration. However, if you are thinking about taking this MMS/DMSO information to your doctor to see if he or she will approve and bless it for your use, then you haven't understood why or how this MMS option works, nor how alternative options fly in the face of entrenched methods. Don't try to educate your doctor. You need to maintain a valid working relationship with medical doctor(s) and professionals because in the future they may save your life where child birth is an issue, or broken bones, or emergency accidents, or blood transfusion services are suddenly needed. Don't harm the relationship with your doctor by asking or even telling a doctor that you are using MMS against cancer, or baking soda against cancer, or the use of cinnamon and honey against cancer, or Laetrile enemas, or the value of Apricot seeds against cancer. It's better to remain shy or silent about your private experimentation. If this puzzles you, consider reading Jim Humble's writings about world peace at his site: www.jimhumble.biz . There are severe penalties for physicians who promote therapies that are not yet approved in the doctor's book of "best practices. Doctors know about the penalties, so why bring up your private health experiments? Doctors remember well those annoying patients who want to "play doctor" or who challenge their advice. If you choose to experiment privately with the option described in this article, be thoughtful about how you discuss it and await your own successful outcome. Then submit a success story to Updated April 2009 by Institute staff.

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This page provides information about MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) which is a well known mineral-salt in solution. This information is not a substitute for licensed professionals who can diagnose, treat, and give medical advice. This page informs people about an option that non-professional people sometimes use as experimental researchers. These MMS web sites and articles describe one well-known salt in solution for limited internal and external use. The wide use of chlorine dioxide and its descriptions do not and can not represent the practice of medicine. These MMS pages assume no responsibility for how people use or understand these descriptive materials. No products are sold or shipped from this web site. No money is collected or billed. Contact: MMSnews@... Close This Window , 2009. Institute for Advanced MMS Studies, LLC. .

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