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> Yes in this group I am an extra terrestrial because I am the only one with an

interested in MMS but want proofs of Jim claims especialy on curing Aids (just

intellectual curiosity, I dont have it).

> I am 100% sure that if some people inside and especialy outside of Africa were

cured of Aids but MMS, they would not all be hidding underground and some of you

in this groups would now about it and have names,

****D: As far as I know, no one here has the names, or copies of anyone's lab

work to prove that anyone with Aids was cured by MMS. (There are no " proof's of

cures " or " guarantees " available on this site - nor is proof required in order

for a group to experiment with the products that Jim Humble recommends).

Perhaps, if we are fortunate, an Aids patient will join the group who wishes to

try MMS, and will then give us a report on their lab results. However, their

cure would still remain hearsay unless this person is willing to reveal very

personal information directly to you and allow their lab reports to be verified

by you, (very unlikely)

>but nothing from you, no willing to search for proof,

********Again, it is not the group's responsibility or any individual's

responsibility to search for proof for you…we have no more resources at hand

than you do…Perhaps the proof is on the internet somewhere…please feel free to

search for the proof you need. This group is experimental…the only first hand

information we have that this has worked can be found in the archives in the

form of testimonials.


> I am off course not working for big pharma, what a joke! I am simply requiring

more than a simple and impressive list of deseases cured by MMS that I have to

trust blindly. This is the minimum that we should all expect but as I am the

only one not beleiving blindly, I must be from an other planet !

****Trusting blindly is not what this group is about. We are looking for answers

and trying to verify just how good MMS is or isn't. It is about experimenting

and sharing our experiences with MMS, both positive and negative, regarding

whatever ailment we are dealing with. No one is asking you to participate…it is

completely your responsibility to make such a decision. You should never do

anything you are uncomfortable with. Please read the following from the group


*** If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk. Self-help

requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take responsibility for

your own actions. By joining the list

you agree to hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use

any ideas found here without consulting a medical professional, unless

you are a researcher or health care provider. This group is established for the

purpose of discussing and sharing our experiences with the Miracle Mineral

Supplement The things you will find here are for information and research

purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. Please post your experiences with using this

supplement. We are not experts or medical doctors and these are only our

individual experiences.

***One positive is that as more people experiment with MMS, more information

will be forthcoming, perhaps even the proof that you seek. Meanwhile, some of us

here have acquired enough knowledge about MMS 1 & 2, to feel that it is worth


Best wishes



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