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I too have been in the situation, as you are, that you feel you just

can't take anymore. Friends - and often family - just don't

understand what we go through and this can sometimes make things

tougher. But it seems to me that whenever I hit rock bottom,

something happens to me and I find strength from somewhere and

suddenly I am able to face another day - and things don't seem so

bad. This has happened so many times in my life and only Monday I

felt like hiding in a hole and never coming out because my 15 year

old son (DX aspergers but has other psychiatric issues including

psychosis)had become violent - and I mean violent - after such a long

spell of calm (although I am never calm because I never quite know

when its going to happen!!) He too takes Risperdal (Risperidone in

UK) and is on a small dose of 1mg twice a day but without this I

don't think I COULD go on. The anxiety alone would kill me. Its not a

wonder drug and does come with some risks and side effects but after

much agonising, I told myself that I would rather my son took this

med and stayed relatively safe due to his extreme behaviours, than

stayed drug free and something awful happened to him or someone else.

It doesn't work for everyone I'm told but most people I have read

about/spoken to, it has made life manageable again. It is a mood

stabiliser which, in my experience, really does help. Its important

every six months or so to have blood tests to check prolactin levels,

heart, liver and kidney function just to be on the safe side - but

try persevering for a short period. My son is tormented without it -

and who knows what goes on inside our children's heads? (as he never

tells me and I'm 'not allowed' to ask) and if this is what it takes

to stop his torment and allow him to live as normally as possible in

an already limited lifestyle then its been a Godsend.

I hope it also works for your child and you are in my thoughts.

Please remember that things will get better - and they will.

With Love,



> Hi , I am brand new to this group but I wanted to tell you

that my heart goes out to you. I have been there too. My son took

risperdal for aggression and it did help in his case. Take care,



> Risperdal


> Hello,


> I am new to group and rarely post. My 5 year old Son dx with ASD at

2 1/2. Started out to be a very calm and loving little boy. He is

still very very loving... but his behaviors at home have gone to the

EXTREME. He spends ALL of the time -- from time he gets home from

school to bedtime... trying to get into the cabinets, oven, freezer,

frig... etc. I have actually slipped up and not closed the freezer

part of frig ( i have to tape it-- only things that works) and he

gets inside and closes door.


> Anyway, saw Child Psy on last week. My son absolutely showed him

his BEST :)-- non stop runnning around room, throwing everything in

site, lights on and off, trying to break toys.. etc..


> He prescribed Risperdal M Tablet .5 MG and I started him on Sat..

didnt see ANY change -- possibly as Dr. said may or may not work for

him, may or may not take awhile to take affect.. etc.. will see him

end of week.. I am about to drop---- I am mentally and physically

exhausted. terribly unhappy and not sure what to do next. Divorced

from his father, who used to see him daily even after divorce but now

I have to force him to come take him and my other child who is 4 and

exhibiting behaviors I am not sure of... I just dont knw what to do

AT ALL!!! anymore!!!


> Thanks for reading




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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't remember the dose that Karac was on; I just know it made him calm, but he also put on 30 lbs in two weeks!! After about a year he became very aggressive; He was switched to Geodon, but it was 80mg. and he developed Tardive Dyskinesia. I don't know if the Risperdal contributed to that or if it was just the Geodon. I know that Geodon is suppose to be the least likely to cause TD. Pat K**************************************See AOL's top rated recipes (http://food.aol.com/top-rated-recipes?NCID=aoltop00030000000004)

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Hello, We are in week 3 and started with .5--- didnt see much the first week. It was not until the 2nd week that I saw a change. He was calmer around bedtime and begin to put himself to sleep again.. as he used too. Dr. added Metadate 10 mg in the am for one week.. and I didnt see much of anything. I think he is just bored with me b/c he is on vacation from a more structured school... and I can only do so much is how i am feeling at this moment.. anyway, Doc last night adjusted to the following... Risperal .5 in am and 1mg in the PM and Metadate CD 20g in AM.. dont have the Risperdal b/c the pharmacy that promised me they would order it.. didnt!!!! so went to another pharm and it will be there Monday afternoon.. so have to wait 3 days b/f the new situation begins... best to you and all! wrote: I lurk on this list and have seen several negative comments about risperdal....How quickly did you see the negative results, and what dose were your kids on?We're going to start Risperdal--.25 this week and then up to .50. I've heard many kids take much higher doses. Just curious what the dose was for people with the bad results vs. the people with good results.Thanks!

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J was on resperdal for years! At first it worked great but then he got side effects from it and started to get mean acting on it. J always took a small dose........he can't take high doses of any med. he took 0.5mg once a day. Lois


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My child's psychiatrist prescribed Abilify when Risperdal didn't work

out. It takes about six for Abilify to reach it's full potential. So

don't give up early on it if you try it. My son is also very

hyperactive. So Stattera (which also has a build-up period of time),

was added. My husband has noticed major improvement and so have I.

For the longest time I have been very reluctant to give behavioral

medication to my child. Now that I see how much more content and

functional he is, I'm glad I finally came around. It's like giving

someone with poor eyesight glasses to see with. The fog has lifted

and now they can see better.


> ,

> J was on resperdal for years! At first it worked great but then he

got side effects from it and started to get mean acting on it. J

always took a small dose........he can't take high doses of any med.

he took 0.5mg once a day. Lois

> Risperdal


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Hi, my son has been taking Risperdal since he was 8 years old. He is now 15. And I can honestly say that without it I don't know how we would have coped. I always hated the idea of my son on medication of any kind but after a year of awful aggression there seemed no choice. Also, my son sees and imagines things that are not there without Risperidone which absolutely torment what little quality of life that he has. The first dose was 0.5mg per day as he was so young and the dose stayed the same until he was 11 when it was upped to 1mg her day. He is now taking 2mg per day which is considered a very small dose. My son still has violent outbursts but nothing like they could be and also not as frequently as they would be without the drug. This is supposed to be one of the newer anti psychotics and is less likely to case severe side effects - but as with any drug it is always better to be aware of such things which is why six monthly blood tests for liver function and prolactin levels are important. I did take him off of the drug for just over a year and his symptoms returned, including a great increase in hyperactivity and aggression within a few months. So after a brief trial on Ritalin (unsuccessful) I agreed with the docs that he should go back on Risperidone, for his own safety as well as others. But even Paracetamol can have side effects - and sometimes medication can be the lesser of the two evils. I say it has worked for us so good luck.

Best Wishes,


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I appreciated your message. What a very insightful and thoughtful way of describing your decision :) I had been against giving meds for 2 years now.. but I do believe it is the right decision at this point. " When you know better, you do better" hopsalotnfrankey wrote: My child's psychiatrist prescribed Abilify when Risperdal didn't work out. It takes about six for Abilify to reach it's full potential. So don't give up early on it if you try it. My son is also very hyperactive. So Stattera (which also has a build-up period of time), was added. My husband has noticed major improvement and so have I. For the longest time I have been very reluctant to give behavioral medication to my child. Now that I see how much more

content and functional he is, I'm glad I finally came around. It's like giving someone with poor eyesight glasses to see with. The fog has lifted and now they can see better. >> ,> J was on resperdal for years! At first it worked great but then he got side effects from it and started to get mean acting on it. J always took a small dose........he can't take high doses of any med. he took 0.5mg once a day. Lois> Risperdal>

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I am actually waiting for an order to come in on the new prescription. ITs been 2 days without it. and I see a difference. Thanks for sharing... wrote: Hi, my son has been taking Risperdal since he was 8 years old. He is now 15. And I can honestly say that without it I don't know how we would have coped. I always hated the idea of my son on medication of any kind but after a year of awful aggression there seemed no choice. Also, my son sees and imagines things that are not there without Risperidone which absolutely torment what little quality of life that he has. The first dose was 0.5mg per day as he was so young and the dose stayed the same until he was 11

when it was upped to 1mg her day. He is now taking 2mg per day which is considered a very small dose. My son still has violent outbursts but nothing like they could be and also not as frequently as they would be without the drug. This is supposed to be one of the newer anti psychotics and is less likely to case severe side effects - but as with any drug it is always better to be aware of such things which is why six monthly blood tests for liver function and prolactin levels are important. I did take him off of the drug for just over a year and his symptoms returned, including a great increase in hyperactivity and aggression within a few months. So after a brief trial on Ritalin (unsuccessful) I agreed with the docs that he should go back on Risperidone, for his own safety as well as others. But even Paracetamol can have side effects - and sometimes medication can be the lesser of the two evils. I say it has worked for us so good luck. Best Wishes, CINDY (UK)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Everybody:

My son's doctor keeps raising my son's Risperdal dosage. He is taking .5 in the morning and .25 in the evening. He wants to raise the evening dosage to .5.

When does it become too high? I am scared?

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Look up the theraputic range does for his age. I don't know if the stuff can be measured in his blood but if you are really worried they could take a blodd test to tell if he is in the theraputic range. I know they do this for epileptic drugs. Ehrlich wrote: Hi Everybody: My son's doctor keeps raising my son's Risperdal dosage. He is taking .5 in the morning and .25 in the evening. He wants to raise the evening dosage to .5. When does it become too high? I am scared?

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I have two of my kids (FASD) on risperadol for several years now.

They are l5 and l8 at this point and the doses are .5 in the morning, .5 in the afternoon and l.0 at bedtime for my daughter

and she has not had any weight gain, or neurological issues.

My son a smaller l8 year old has been on it for five years l.0 in the morning, l.0 in the afternoon and l.0 at bedtime.

It has saved their placements in our home, as it has allowed them to be calm, no aggression, and allowed them to access

their brains and do well in school. Without it my son was heading to an RTC and possible disruption.

My daughter Miss Rage does not rage on risperadol and her voices, hallucinations went away.

I had many concerns placing them on it, but without it their lives were out of control.

We monitor for any tics, involuntary movements, and any presigns of tardive dyskenesia. Also

we have the doctors do yearly liver function levels to just make sure they are staying stable.

My husband is a physician and we thought long and hard and read up to be aware of what to watch for.

Risperadol I believe is actually FDA approved??? and many other of the meds they wanted us to try weren't with our

set of five siblings we adopted l0 years ago with FASD, bipolar and other mental health disorders.

Anny mom to ll

author Tiny Titan Journey of Hope

2007 Mom's Choice Award Winner-Best Adult Non-Fiction

2007 Book of the Year Award--Most Inspirational


Hi Everybody:

My son's doctor keeps raising my son's Risperdal dosage. He is taking .5 in the morning and .25 in the evening. He wants to raise the evening dosage to .5.

When does it become too high? I am scared?

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