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Change Your Life - Manifest Your Desires

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Change Your Life - Manifest Your Desires

Learn the simple process of the

Habit of Attraction

The Workshop and Live Webcast

Hello Pass Along Friends,

Four months ago I embarked on an extraordinary journey. I found

myself stepping into a role of teaching a Law of Attraction process

that I was just starting to apply in my own life and getting

incredible results from. I termed this process the Habit of


My first experience of teaching this process was the 8 week HOA tele-

workshop, offered back in May. Sixty people signed up for this

workshop and two months later I was in awe over the breakthroughs

people had with this process. Of the 60 people who were in the

program, 15 of them signed up for 1 on 1 coaching with me to deepen

the process. Most of these 15 people had experienced major life

changes since then.

I discovered a secret. I discover how to teach this process in a new

and effective way and I believe I have something to teach even more

amazing than four months ago. Over the last two months, myself and my

training partner trained 11 amazing people on becoming a Habit of

Attraction Life Coaches. We did this because I knew in the next

workshop I offered I wanted every person to experience the

combination of the 8 weeks of group calls with me and the power of 1

on 1 life coaching with people who are trained and experienced in

this process.

Today is the day to announce and launch this " next evolution " of the

Habit of Attraction teachings - in two powerful formats. Here they

are and links to learn more about them:

The HOA 8-Week Tele-Workshop - This program teaches the HOA process

in the comfort of your home, on the phone and over the time that is

needed to become a master of this process. In addition to the 8 group

conference calls with me, you will get 6 one-on-one coaching calls

with a certified HOA life coach and two group coaching calls with me.

This program is packed full of value and features that cannot be

listed here. If you are at all curious about this process you must

check out the full description of the program.

Click Here to learn more and listen to a recorded conference call

about this workshop - www.habitofattraction.com/workshop.cfm

The HOA 4-hour Live Video Webcast - This program is included for free

in the above tele-workshop but can be registered for on its own. This

live video webcast comes to your home, on your computer using a

cutting-edge internet technology. Watch the live event as it happens

and interact with the myself and the amazing HOA coach Earl Ameen as

we teach you the HOA process. Participate in internet history as we

introduce to you not only the HOA process but the future of personal


Click Here to learn about the HOA Live Video Webcast -


FREE Conference Call Recording

Just recently I offered a free conference call on the power of this

process and the upcoming workshop, with some of the participants from

the last workshop sharing their experience. I think you'll love this

call. It's recorded and available here to listen to when you're

ready - www.habitofattraction.com/workshop.cfm



Here is feedback I received on my last Habit of Attraction workshop.

Within hours of getting clear on my second desire and writing it out;

to find a new part-time job in a supportive and positive environment,

I was given my lead. I talked to the Chiropractor the next day. I

have the job. It was so quick, I didn't even get to use all the


~ Ann Peek

This course has given me some simple yet powerful tools for

activating that law in my life. The habits I've developed through

this course have enabled me to be much more conscious about

clarifying my desires, setting intentions, recognizing and letting go

of resistance, and allowing my desires to manifest. And the beauty of

it all is that it's easy, it's fun and I found all the wisdom I need

right within myself. Big things are manifesting in my life already.

If you're considering this course for yourself, then I'm excited for


~ Castle

I did, indeed, enjoy and benefit from the HOA Teleclass. I learned to

focus on what I want, to state it clearly, to take mini steps daily

toward its completion and to reward myself for each success. I

learned that upon completing even the smallest task, that that is a

success. YEAH !!

~ Frances Washington

" As a long time deliberate creator & proponent of the laws of

attraction, I've always known the most effective way to make things

easy & effortless is to cultivate the habits that support their

natural development, this course details how! "

~ Aurora Cicero, Holistic Intuitive & Health Counselor

By working with the HOA I learned that what I desire may not be

what's best for me at that moment. My initial desire was to lose

weight, but I found that I needed to work on forgiveness first. Once

I was successful in working with forgiveness, the weight started

melting off my body. I am amazed that I have now lost over 20 pounds!

The HOA has empowered me, has given me back control over my life, and

provided me with tools that serve me in every part of my life! I use

it everyday with all aspects of my life and am greatly enjoying all

my successes.

~ Jeanne Lesniak

Register Today!

Click the link below to learn more or visit the website to contact me

for more information.

With Gratitude and Excitement,


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