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Zinc Preventing Pneumonia, Diarrhea In Children /Review of studies

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Hi from Sue,

This post has 2 parts..

(The second part discusses a new vaccine for Pnuemonia that has killed 14 children in Agentina...so far..)

But this First part BELOW THESE 5 points ---was found as a link under the vaccine news

--and since I find ZINC another CORNERSTONE of our recovery

I think it's worth posting FIRST. We have AVOIDED ALL colds for the last 2 years by doing these 5 things.:

At the first sign of pre- cold symptoms...(when we FEEL like something is coming..but BEFORE the sore throat)

1. ZINC is the # 1st thing I turn to... We buy ZINC SULFATE by Systemic Formulas # 195 through Infinity Health recommended by our ND.

During the precold feeling, we often muscle test needing about 3 TBSP. 2-3 x per day which is 3 to 4 times normal for us per muscle testing.

It's tasteless Until you ingest too much then it's bitter.........so go slowly if you don't muscle test.

If you take too much and get naueased...SIMPLY take Acitvated charcoal and you'll feel better within 10 minutes or less.

2. We Increase the wearing of our LW Yage ( Glutathione booster patches to a NEW one every 12 hours until PRE- cold symptoms subside.---usually about 24--48 hours.

or until muscle testing indicates Every Other day as normal directions state. (Making sure we increase our Activated charcoal ,topical sulfate & Liv Amend,too)

Glutathione is delpleted quickly even normally... but 3-4 times during new viral attacks....in our experience --per muscle testing.

( Keep this in mind with other GSH supplements... to increase frequency as needed.)

3. We Increase our antioxidant whole food source 3-4 times normal... ( We use Monavie juice..).. But one can also use other good sources..

Even Emergen-C packets are good... (The Mutivitamin one muscle tests best for us.) Don't get the Aspartame ones. Google danger of Aspartame if needed.

Most of the time increasing these 3 things 3-4 times normal is enough to Kick the precold feeling

....but if not.. we add 4 & 5.

4. OLE (Olive Leaf Extract)

5. GFS ( Grapefruit Seed Extract) ---NOT grapeseed extract )

Here's the 1st article :

Zinc May Prevent Pneumonia, Diarrhea In Children

Dietary supplements of the mineral zinc may help prevent two major causes of death -- pneumonia and diarrhea -- among children in underdeveloped countries. After reviewing a total of 10 studies, investigators at s Hopkins University in Baltimore, land, and the World Health Organization report that zinc supplementation reduces the risk of pneumonia by 41% and the risk of diarrhea by as much 25%. Zinc deficiency is common among children in developing countries. The substantial benefits of zinc supplementation for prevention of diarrhea and pneumonia, the two leading causes of death in children in developing countries, suggest that this could be an important means to improve child survival. Exactly how zinc staves off these conditions is unclear, but the study authors speculate that zinc may boost immune system function, resulting in a stronger immune system that is better able to fend off infections. It is clear, however, that measures such as zinc fortification of bread, more diversified diets and genetic engineering to increase the amount of zinc in foods may be needed to help children in developing countries get the zinc they need. The studies included in the new data analysis involved children receiving oral zinc supplements with at least half of US Recommended Daily Allowance for zinc, which is currently 10 milligrams per day for children aged 1 to 4 years, and 5 milligrams from birth to 1 year of age.

Journal of Pediatrics December 1999;135.

Article # 2 : RE: NEW Vaccines...

Argentina Investigates Deaths of Vaccinated Children

Argentine authorities are investigating a possible link between the deaths of 14 children and an experimental vaccine they were taking as part of a clinical trial run by GlaxoKline.The deaths may be tied to the Synflorix vaccine, which is designed to fight pneumonia, ear infections and several other pneumococcal diseases.A U.S. spokeswoman for GlaxoKline said that the company is not attributing the deaths to the experimental vaccine, which is being tested in three Latin American countries and elsewhere around the world.Argentine officials report that their national food and drug administration received complaints and witnessed “poor ethical management” regarding the recruitment of babies for the study.


Seattle Times August 14, 2008

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