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Change is the Prelude to Growth

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A Ramble on Change Change is the Prelude to Growth Many people fear Change. We get comfortable with our routines and the thought of a disruption in them can cause feelings of insecurity or even anxiety. Unfortunately, Change is unavoidable, and no matter how hard we may try to avoid it, eventually Change will come knocking on the door. "The only thing constant in life is change." * François de la Rochefoucauld There is a spectrum to the types of Change: from Destructive to Chaotic to Progressive. Destructive Change is a downward spiral and is self-explanatory. This is typically caused by a Change that is imposed upon a person by outside forces and instead of adapting to the new situation, the person reacts in fear and retreats into themselves. Chaotic Change is nothing more than switching some aspect in your life just to try something different and is usually innocuous in nature: a new hair style, for instance. Progressive Change occurs when an individual decides to make a positive alteration in their lives in order to improve their situation: starting an exercise program, accepting a new job, or learning a new skill. What many people do not realize is that ALL Change can be redirected and guided towards the highest good. It is a question of Outlook and Intention. Change gives us the opportunity to try something new, to learn, to experience, to grow. Only with growth can we reach our full potential, both as individuals and as a culture. The Humanity Healing Network is pleased to share with you our latest creative project: the following video "Change is the Prelude to Growth".Change is the prelude of Growth "You must be the change you want to see in the world." * Mahatma Gandi Remember that all Change starts with the Individual. Make a conscious Choice to make a positive Change. Humanity Healing welcomes you to grow with us and create real, sustainable and positive Changes in our world. With Great Respect, and **RaK** Humanity Healing www..net Humanity Healing Group This Ramble is Copyrighted by B. Buck 28 August 2007

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