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Thursday, Nov 17 - DHR Restructuring and BCW

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Attached is a position paper from Parent to Parent of Georgia regarding the restructuring of DHR and the fate of BCW! There is a public hearing at the Capitol this Thursday.


Gov Perdue appointed a task force to look at the restructuring of DHR.  Their recommendations include the creation of two new departments (or government agencies) and then restructuring the remaining parts of the Department of Human Resources (DHR).  The plan will create a Department of Health and a Department of Behavioral Health, and DHR will then consist of Developmental Disabilities (DD), Aging, Family & Children Services (DFCS), and Child Support only.  Behavioral Health will consist of Mental Health and Addictive Diseases.  The Department of Health will consist of the current Department of Community Health, Public Health (which is currently located in DHR and is where Babies Can’t Wait currently is housed), Planning and Regulation, and Health Care Finance and Management.  In this proposal Babies Can’t Wait would move to the new Department of Health.  


There has been some discussion of Babies Can’t Wait instead possibly remaining under DHR (with Developmental Disabilities) or moving to the Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL).  


On Thursday November 20th, a public hearing will be held on the topic of DHR restructuring, from 9 to 5:30 pm at the Capitol.  


Here are the details of that hearing:


                         9-12:30 -

                                        Overview of the proposal

                                        Governor's task force rep

                                        Agency Impacts on DHR and DCH


                         1:30-5:30 -

                                        Implications for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities

                                        Implications for Public Health

                                        Sign up sheet for public comments


To make public comment, individuals need to sign up in Room 245 of the Capitol, or call House appropriations, to sign up.   We’ve been told that if there is a high volume of speakers, they may not let multiple speakers address the same issue. But presence in the room is important.  Let’s fill the room with families of children with disabilities who feel strongly about the future of the Babies Can’t Wait program in Georgia.   


As the PTI, our position is that families and children in Babies Can’t Wait will be best served if it becomes a part of DECAL.  We have attached our position paper that explains and supports our decision.  It is very important that families’ voices are heard at this public hearing!  You may have a different opinion about where Babies Can’t Wait is best located, and that’s okay too, but if you agree with our position, please feel free to use our position statement to develop your own talking points and/or written comments if you choose to speak out about this matter.  Staff from the PTI will be attending the hearing and can hand-deliver any written comments that we receive by the close of business Wednesday, November 19th.  Please feel free to send any comments to us if you would like for them to be delivered Thursday.  


Let me know if you have any questions or need any explanation about our position and/or the hearing and public comment processes.  Hope to see you there!



Debra S. Tucker

Executive Director

Parent to Parent of Georgia, Inc.

3805 Presidential Parkway, Suite 207

Atlanta, GA  30340




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I am re-sending this information about the DHR (Department of Human Resources) restructuring hearing tomorrow at the Capitol. This is an opportunity for citizens (and organizations) to make public comment about the proposed plan.

Advocates for young children with special needs should be aware that Babies Can't Wait (BCW) will be impacted by the reorganization plan. BCW (Part C - Early Intervention) is currently a program under DHR's Public Health and administered by the Health Department in all regions except Gwinnett County (which is contracted to Easter Seals). Under the proposed reorganization, Public Health along with DCH (Medicaid) will be a separate Department of Health.

Does BCW belong in that Department of Health? 2 other options are being considered. 1) Move BCW into the Office of Developmental Disabilities. 2) Move BCW into DECAL (Department of Early Childhood and Learning).

The attached Parent to Parent position paper supports moving BCW into DECAL. Parents, family members and advocates who have experience with BCW need to make their positions heard at the hearing tomorrow. Early intervention in Georgia is critical for young children and deserves attention.

Please consider speaking tomorrow . . . or making written comment.

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Attached is a position paper from Parent to Parent of Georgia regarding the restructuring of DHR and the fate of BCW! There is a public hearing at the Capitol this Thursday.


Gov Perdue appointed a task force to look at the restructuring of DHR.  Their recommendations include the creation of two new departments (or government agencies) and then restructuring the remaining parts of the Department of Human Resources (DHR).  The plan will create a Department of Health and a Department of Behavioral Health, and DHR will then consist of Developmental Disabilities (DD), Aging, Family & Children Services (DFCS), and Child Support only.  Behavioral Health will consist of Mental Health and Addictive Diseases.  The Department of Health will consist of the current Department of Community Health, Public Health (which is currently located in DHR and is where Babies Can’t Wait currently is housed), Planning and Regulation, and Health Care Finance and Management.  In this proposal Babies Can’t Wait would move to the new Department of Health.  


There has been some discussion of Babies Can’t Wait instead possibly remaining under DHR (with Developmental Disabilities) or moving to the Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL).  


On Thursday November 20th, a public hearing will be held on the topic of DHR restructuring, from 9 to 5:30 pm at the Capitol.  


Here are the details of that hearing:


                         9-12:30 -

                                        Overview of the proposal

                                        Governor's task force rep

                                        Agency Impacts on DHR and DCH


                         1:30-5:30 -

                                        Implications for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities

                                        Implications for Public Health

                                        Sign up sheet for public comments


To make public comment, individuals need to sign up in Room 245 of the Capitol, or call House appropriations, to sign up.   We’ve been told that if there is a high volume of speakers, they may not let multiple speakers address the same issue. But presence in the room is important.  Let’s fill the room with families of children with disabilities who feel strongly about the future of the Babies Can’t Wait program in Georgia.   


As the PTI, our position is that families and children in Babies Can’t Wait will be best served if it becomes a part of DECAL.  We have attached our position paper that explains and supports our decision.  It is very important that families’ voices are heard at this public hearing!  You may have a different opinion about where Babies Can’t Wait is best located, and that’s okay too, but if you agree with our position, please feel free to use our position statement to develop your own talking points and/or written comments if you choose to speak out about this matter.  Staff from the PTI will be attending the hearing and can hand-deliver any written comments that we receive by the close of business Wednesday, November 19th.  Please feel free to send any comments to us if you would like for them to be delivered Thursday.  


Let me know if you have any questions or need any explanation about our position and/or the hearing and public comment processes.  Hope to see you there!



Debra S. Tucker

Executive Director

Parent to Parent of Georgia, Inc.

3805 Presidential Parkway, Suite 207

Atlanta, GA  30340




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