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Re: Growing Pains

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Wow, your post brought back so many memories for me.

I was singing " my feet hurt " for so many years as a

child and I remember the feeling very clearly. It

wasn't until I got older that I realized that it had

actually been in my shins and my calves. I ended up

going through a couple episodes 1-2 years ago (I'm 25

now), but still don't know what triggered it. All the

doctors could ever tell my parents was that it was

growing pains. We certainly looked for help for

years, but of course it was always with mainstream,

allopathic doctors.

Sorry I don't have the answer, but you do have my


Peace & Blessings,


<<Has anyone had experience with their kids having

growing pains? My

daughter was up most of the night last night, and the

night before,

complaing that her " feet hurt " . After prodding for

more info., she

said the bones above her ankles hurt in both feet.

The poor kid was

crying and crying, and actually asking to go to the

doctor. I

remember my sister getting pains in her legs at night

and crying, and

I am 99% sure this is what is bother her. Is there

anything I can do

to help her? I'm not sure if this is a


deficiency, or if a homeopathic rx. can help.>>


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I would try increasing, or changing the source of, her

calcium supply. Just an idea!

--- Yahmeema <yahmeema@...> wrote:

> ,

> Wow, your post brought back so many memories for me.

> I was singing " my feet hurt " for so many years as a

> child and I remember the feeling very clearly. It

> wasn't until I got older that I realized that it had

> actually been in my shins and my calves. I ended up

> going through a couple episodes 1-2 years ago (I'm 25

> now), but still don't know what triggered it. All the

> doctors could ever tell my parents was that it was

> growing pains. We certainly looked for help for

> years, but of course it was always with mainstream,

> allopathic doctors.

> Sorry I don't have the answer, but you do have my

> empathy...

> Peace & Blessings,

> Yahmeema


> <<Has anyone had experience with their kids having

> growing pains? My

> daughter was up most of the night last night, and the

> night before,

> complaing that her " feet hurt " . After prodding for

> more info., she

> said the bones above her ankles hurt in both feet.

> The poor kid was

> crying and crying, and actually asking to go to the

> doctor. I

> remember my sister getting pains in her legs at night

> and crying, and

> I am 99% sure this is what is bother her. Is there

> anything I can do

> to help her? I'm not sure if this is a

> nutritional/mineral

> deficiency, or if a homeopathic rx. can help.>>


> __________________________________________________


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  • 6 months later...

Me too. I thought all kids had leg pain.


> Catching up on messages and just read the third one mentioning


> legs while being a child because of growing spurts. Count me in, I

> had that too, big time.

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  • 8 months later...
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Are they Charlie Horses where the muscles spasm in the calf or foot or

different? I know that when I was a kid I use to get them frequently

especially at night. I was given Calcium gluconate and they went away. I

remember them coming back in college when I was not eating well. I am dairy

intolerant but was not getting enough calcium in other sources. Has anyone

checked her calcium levels? Just a thought BARBIE

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  • 3 years later...



> Last night my daughter had leg pains. These are

considered " growing pains. "

> It is a pain in the lower leg right between the knee and ankle.

It feels

> as if the pain is down to the bone. She has had these pains on

and off all

> her life and she is now 6. I had them when I was young as well.

Have any of

> the rest of you experienced these " growing pains? " I always

feared this had

> something to do with my arthritis.




> (Polyarticulate JRA, 35)


> Hi, I'm new to this board. My daughter was diagnosed with JRA at

the age of 5 years. Her joint pain started the same month that she

turned 3yrs old. One of the things that the doctors told us was that

JRA was different from growing pains because JRA pain (and it's bad)

always stays in the joint. You can not get children to discribe the

pain anywhere EXCEPT on the joint itself. They generally do not

complain of pain anywhere on the long bones, just on the joint






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gets them on and off,especialy in the spring and they get worse when

school lets out and the time changes.

He has had two rheumies say they were indeed growing pains as long as they

were gone by morning and he had no morning stiffness.

His are usualy the entire leg and sometimes both legs.We just give him a

Motrin and they are gone within 20 minuites.They are usualy bad enough to make



Becki and 7 systemic

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I am glad you are in this group Silvia and you do bring up a good point. I

know that growing pains are not considered JRA, but for my own personal

interest, I was trying to find out if there was a connection since I had severe

growing pains long before I was diagnosed with JRA.

In a message dated 10/20/2005 9:33:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

canterbury_showdog@... writes:



> Last night my daughter had leg pains. These are

considered " growing pains. "

> It is a pain in the lower leg right between the knee and ankle.

It feels

> as if the pain is down to the bone. She has had these pains on

and off all

> her life and she is now 6. I had them when I was young as well.

Have any of

> the rest of you experienced these " growing pains? " I always

feared this had

> something to do with my arthritis.




> (Polyarticulate JRA, 35)


> Hi, I'm new to this board. My daughter was diagnosed with JRA at

the age of 5 years. Her joint pain started the same month that she

turned 3yrs old. One of the things that the doctors told us was that

JRA was different from growing pains because JRA pain (and it's bad)

always stays in the joint. You can not get children to discribe the

pain anywhere EXCEPT on the joint itself. They generally do not

complain of pain anywhere on the long bones, just on the joint





> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



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, My parents were advised I was suffering from growing pains as well and

it turned out to be JRA. I think your curiosity is normal and warranted. I

feel the same way. My son with asthma and these chest , tummy pains also has

" growing pains " . Believe me, I stay in a worried state of mind.


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I was told was having growing pains for year's. I also had severe

leg pains as I was growing up so bad at times I even told my mom to saw off

my legs. She would sit and rub my legs til I fell asleep. I still had those

kind of pains til almost 20 years old. When started complaining of leg

pains I figured the doctor was right it's just growing pains. I asked Mom about

it and she said Robbin all they told me was it was growing pains. Well one

thing about those pains I didn't grow very tall and if it was growing pains I

guess I should have been taller lolol.

Mom passed away before was diagnosed with JRA. With me bugging

the doctor about the pains and waking up one morning not able to walk.

This got it in a more speed to look farther. I do not know yet if it's all

related. I do know non of my sister's or brother's had this. Also what was

strange is when I had my son my labor pains was in my legs and also with


labor pains were in my legs. Strange right lolol. The doctor asked both times

where are you hurting. lololol I said my legs and he said your legs? I said

yes and they are so many minutes apart. No pain in my back or stomach. I believe

this is why I went natural birth because the doctor didn't know what to do.

Labor pains in her legs lololol.


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All 6 of my kids have experienced growing pains, some more pronoucned than

others... I would say Nick ( who has JRA) and my adopted Chinese daughter

were the 2 least affected by them.....My hubby suffered badly with them as a

child. i dont remember personally having anything like them...

hugs Helen and (8,systemic)


DH Dan



----Original Message Follows----

From: brileetay@...


Subject: growing pains

Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 15:03:56 EDT

Thanks to all who responded. There were 3 out of the whole group that

experienced them not including myself, so hopefully that is a good sign that

growing pains and JRA are not connected.

(Polyarticular JRA, 35)

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Hi ,

In our eyes, you ARE over 6 1/2 feet tall ... and with a giant-sized heart

to match.



Re: Re: growing pains

I so agree if they were suposed to be growing pain I

should be at least 6 and a half feet tall, from all the 'growing pains

during my teenage years...lol



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  • 4 months later...
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When I was a child, I had severe pain in my legs, which was dismissed

as " growing pains. " It would hurt so much that I would just lie there

and cry. Sometimes someone would rub my legs with alcohol, and that

would feel so good. But I hope this is not a sign that I'll get fibro,

because RA is surely enough. Sorry that so many of you have several

different diseases to contend with.


On Wednesday, March 8, 2006, at 04:19 PM, Kathe Sabetzadeh wrote:


> When I was a young child, somewhere between the ages

> of 8 and 11, I had severe pains in my legs, so severe

> that my parents would sit up nights rubbing my legs so

> that I could sleep. The pain would be from my hips

> down my legs, and really, from my memory, I find them

> quite similar to what I have now when my Fibro pain

> kicks in. Other members in the fibro group have also

> reported similar pains which were discounted as

> " growing pains " .

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Hi there!

I also remember staying up at night with " growing pains " .My Mom would rub

alcohol on my legs too! I remember feeling so much pain, it would come on in the

wee hours of the night and I would wake up crying...'


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In a message dated 3/8/2006 7:18:47 PM Central Standard Time,

dakirb1@... writes:

Hi there!

I also remember staying up at night with " growing pains " .My Mom would rub

alcohol on my legs too! I remember feeling so much pain, it would come on in

the wee hours of the night and I would wake up crying...'

the reason i asked about these " growing pains " is because i've had them in

my hips/legs.shoulders since i was around 14 that i can remember. I still get

them sometimes when the weather changes. Is this normal? i'm lamost 28... i

dunno. Sometimes i think there is something wrong with me that the docs are

missing. Wish they would give me a complete workup, ya know.... ok i'm done

rambling for now lol hugs

from PA

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  • 1 year later...


> Trad Foods is having growing pains.


> 3) Vendors are not selling enough products to make it worth the gas

> money, the long trip, the loading in and setting up, and taking down

> again.


with Lighthouse Farm here. My wife, has posted frequently

here, and I thought I'd share some thoughts on this topic...

First off, thank you, thank you, to Joe, Will, Mark and all who have

helped to get this group active and to host the swaps. As vendors for

the past 3 swaps, we would like to see them grow, but we have been

pleased with the results of our efforts so far.

Without sounding too grand, I have to say that the Trad-Foods folks,

and those who think and eat similarly, are our audience. You are all

one of the main reasons we " left good jobs in the city " to begin

farming. We believe in making good healthy food available to folks

who understand the true value of quality food.

My opinion, LOCAL is the key. Organic would largely be a non-issue if

everyone bought local, direct from farmers. The market would take

care of itself... While they propably need to get bigger, the food

swaps are KEY to this and to the future business of farmers like us,

Jan, Alvin and others....

For what it's worth, I think the vendor portion of the food swap

should remain. Part of Trad Foods is the notion of purchasing local

food from farmers. In the case of the farmers who have been

participating, you have people who understand Trad Foods and are

growing for this group's consumption and tastes. Please keep the

vendor portion of the swaps going.

Some people participate in the Trad Food movement by contributing

thier knowledge of preserving and preparing food, some by consuming

food and some by producing food. We can't always post a reply to the

many great comments here, but we can be about the business of growing

great food! It's how we participate in the group.

Ideas for growing this thing: Speakers, identified well in advance,

and promoted. I think most folks aren't sure what to expect...

Entertainment?? Lots of publicity, advertising (yes, I know, cost...)

How about some door prizes for new attenders? If each vendor kicked

in some product to a " basket " ??

Just some thougths..


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I am relatively new to the group, and was able to make it to last

spring's swap (which was fabulous!!). As an attendee who came to

experience and shop (I did go home with a large cooler full of

food), one very helpful thing would be to possibly use the database

function of the list to have the vendors post if they are coming.

There could be information regarding what they are bringing, how to

pre-order (which should be encouraged!), contact information for the

future, etc. I personally scanned all the emails before I went so I

could try and figure out what items would be there and found it

challenging and incomplete.

Along the lines of the database function, another database could be

created for attendees. Give a sign-up deadline, and then attendance

could be better predicted. If there isn't enough interest by a

certain date, a swap could be canceled rather than additional work

be put into a disappointing event.

Another idea if for advanced registration is to ask people to send

the suggested donation ahead of time -- if people have pre-paid,

they are more likely to come. Maybe give an early bird rate?

As an aside, I am a member of a homeschooling list that makes

extensive use of the database function for field trips. It sounds

relatively easy to use and I think has been very helpful for the

coordinators. Reminder emails can then be sent to only the people

signed up.

I am willing to work with the next swap coordinators to personally

figure out how to set up the databases in if needed. I realize

it may be a learning curve for all involved, but would provide some

great information for planning and future events.


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I love the idea of having presentations along with he chance for buying

the products from the vender's. We don't really have the time and

ability to get out there and get to the farmers markets and shop for

what we want, so my husband and I greatly appreciated to be able to go

to the swap and buy as much as we could. It's also very encouraging for

us to see Nt'ers in the area and talk with people who believe in these

same values. From just coming in as a newbie maybe I can offer a few


First, I think the name " swap " is kind of a misnomer. Was the original

idea to swap food stuffs with other food stuffs? I don't really know

how to name it, but a swap implies bartering rather than buying from the

venders. I really had nothing to swap but could buy plenty.

I liked the idea of being able to meet the venders and talk with them

and try out the foods. However, since connection with the local farms

is important I felt that some of the venders should have brought more

info about their farms, price lists, product lists ect...I think every

vender should have had a business card and a sheet of their products and

how to order them after the swap. A poster and a picture speaks more

than words in some cases and can be a big draw.

I love the idea of presentations on all things connected with

traditional foods and how we can attain that goal in our lives. I can

only speak for myself and my folk but we would stick around and listen

to one or two speakers and buy stuff and talk to the venders and that

would be real nice time. I don't know about a whole lot more than that;

it would be tiring with little kids in tow.

To have a set up like a mini-conference would be o.k. with us. A little

more structure rather than less is reassuring to folks who are new to

this and don't know anyone.

From what I could see there were a couple of different purposes to the

swap. Selling products from the venders, meeting friends and new folk,

and the presentation. I think all of that is great and can all be

blended nicely especially because it is still a small group.

I like the idea of having prizes and raffles. Now I'm rambling, on and

on, but I think lots of good and helpful ideas are being talked about. ~ Jo

*~*~* Jo & Pete *~*~*


" Laudo Deum " Farm



(Exploring ways to raise happy, healthy quality Kinder, Nigerian Dwarf

and Mini-Nubian goats for small farms, homesteaders and families with

young children. We love our goats too much to let them suffer from

preventable diseases so ALL our kids will be on a disease prevention


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I know one of my favorite things about the swaps is the venders. I know I have

been one at times and not at others. Plus it really helps to see the faces of

the people who you are buying your food from. Personally, if I could I would

love to visit each and every farm I get my food from too.

I personally have not seen any problems with the swaps, yes, there are always

things we can do to improve but I think they have been great. Even the one in

the cold Mason's hall! I actually loved it as it seemed to bond every one. Like

one of those survival type things! LOL.

We will never be able to find the perfect place for hosting the swaps, it just

does not exist. There is no way to find a place that is centered for every one.

Plus we need to factor in the cost of where we meet. I for one want to keep the

cost as low as we can for the swaps. If we can do it as free will only, that

would be great. It might help though to know the cost of the rental and such.

Having every one bring their own silver, plates and such is great too but we do

need to have some on hand for visitors. I know I am more than happy to donate

plates, silver, napkins and such. We need to post what is needed a couple of

weeks before the swap and then people can sign up for that. The venders need to

decorate their own tables and such.

Some one mentioned the idea of a vender sign-up this is not a bad idea.

Pre-orders can be done to help the venders. I personally would like to try not

to charge venders if we can avoid it. They are already traveling, advertising,

setting up tables, bringing samples and so much more. I just don't want to add

to their expenses.

I think the idea of door prizes too might be fun but not just for visitors but

for all who come. I know I do not mind making a little something to use as a

door prize. We can always do a raffle to help with the cost of things too.

The name has been brought up several times now and I think there is merit to the

idea of making the name match better with the swap focus. So maybe we need to

have people send in names and then do a poll and vote for the one to use.

I think those who have worked so hard to get the swaps going, well how does one

thank you enough for all you have done and do??? you guys are great and my hat's

off to you.

Oh!!!!!! I do have one more thing!!! For the pot luck, every one MUST bring the

recipe!!!! This way we can just bring a note book and jot them down if we want

them. I am looking forward to the posting of the butter beans!! Num, num!! Those

were great!





Birthdays are good for you; the more you have, the longer you live.

" I do not ask that Thou should give me some high or noble task. Give me

little hands to fold in mine. Give me little children to point Thy way, over

the strange, sweet path that leads to You. Give me little voices to teach to

pray. Give me shining eyes Thy face to see. The only crown I ask to wear is

this, that I may teach my children. I do not ask that I may stand among the

wise, the worthy, or the great; I only ask that softly, hand in hand my

children and I may enter at the gate. "


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I really do appreciate the swaps and all of the work involved. As for the name,

I remember

my first swap really was a swap. People brought a few things they had made just

to trade,

and the buying started with people who didn't have anything to trade. Since

there is still

some swapping going on (plus I'd love to see more of it) and there's quite a bit


shopping, I like the suggestion of swap & shop.

I'm probably the smallest vendor at the swaps, but speaking as a vendor, I like


there, with or without being able to sell. I would come without having anything

to sell, but

I look at it as covering my costs and gives me an opportunity to acquire some

goodies for

my family.

Maybe we need to think about having just a few swaps a year with set dates (like

the April

Fools date). That way people can plan for it and be prepared that one is coming

up. If

you're looking at another suggestion for location, Gale Woods Farm is committed


sustainable ag.


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We need to switch venues around.We can take turns making a long drive.

I know the Farm is doing good things but the concrete bunker we

meet in is very similar to a prison. Not really the place I like to

hang out.

I really like the potluck portion of the swap. Can we think, in the

future, about having tables available so we can look at each other and

meet each other as we eat.

Vendors should let us know they are going to be there and what they are

planning to have available.

There needs to be more to the swap than driving for an hour to find

very few vendors selling things that may or may not be of interest to

you. Don't get me wrong, I always find things I want to by, but not

knowing what will be available doesn't encourage me to make the trip.

Knowing what the presentations will be in advance will also make the

trip less of a gamble for me.

I love the idea of a SWAP. If there is a way to preserve the idea of

the barter, I think we will all benefit.

I too will be willing to attend meetings to make this work for everyone.

Bill in South St

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  • 2 weeks later...

Theresa, you really expressed so perfectly so many things in my heart. I too have often and I'm sure will continue to experience 'growing pains'. I also have discovered that there doesn't always have to be pain in exchange for gain. But since I seem to be one of those spirits who always have to learn the lessons for myself rather than vicariously through others, I do often experience pain and boy, sometimes it just feels like it is going to swallow me. I love this 'family' and I sat here reading all the responses and sharing I thought what a wonderful problem that if we could, this group seems to be so willing to give whatever to help or 'fix' someone else's grief and sadness. It is so hard sometimes to find the balance between encouraging and enabling. But this is a family of such love and encouragement and ultimately, that IS the only 'fix'. Love. I often hate the fact that some of the lessons I need, may have even

chosen, have 'teachers' that are so challenging..why don't I just say it...teachers who just seem to suck all 'love' out of me and fill me with 'contempt'! But then when I realize that there is a lesson andd an opportunity for me to grow and grow deep not just tall, then it changes my attitude about them. It is easy to sing in the rain, love the cute lil child but be put off by the homely one with the snotty nose. Ya know? It is easy to love someone who is tender and shares my passions but to tolerate, let alone love someone whose perspectives and attitudes are offensive...what an incredible chance for me to get out of my own way and remember that every encounter is a holy one. I am just so profoundly touched at the real substance (I believe it is called love) of this 'family'. I have no doubt that the collective power of love that we each feel for one another can truly make a positive difference and help each

other transcend emotional, physical, mental pain. To , I know from our personal/private exchanges that you KNOW I totally understand and so I hope that helps you know that I 'get it'. But I must add, I am proud of you. I feel so excited because from where I'm standing you are starting to burst out of the clouds and back into sunshine. I know it probably feels like you've been trying to dance in peanut butter...change the dance..spread your wings and let the love of this family lift you and carry you and give you flight...you don't have to do it alone any longer. And you don't have to feel any 'right' feelings or give back anything. You are the best you there is. If I tried to be you, I'd be counterfeit..only you can be you. You love God even though I think this God thing is so hard to get our arms around, undoubtedly 'he' is the creator of all things great and small. So, he created you and truly, he makes no junk. There

is no all at once. And thank you for your being so brave and such a wonderful example of courage under fire. But now you know you have a retreat and sometimes, that is enough to help us heal and get strong and as Theresa said, endure the growing pains. To each of you, I say, "Namaste". All Love, All Ways, All One. <ASundayInJune@...> wrote: Growing PainsWhen I was a child, I was plagued horribly with what my Mom called"growing pains". My skinny little legs would feel like they were being ripped apart. It REALLY hurt. Momma would have to massage my legs almost every night with something called Watkins Liniment. I don't know if it was the liniment or Momma's gentle hands, but soon I would be able to drift off to sleep, only to wake up in the middle of the night and have to do it all over again.When 's little legs started aching about the time she was 3, I instantly knew what was going on. wrapped her little legs in warm wet towels to ease the pain. And I would massage them until my fingers ached. It gave me a new appreciation for what my Mom used to do almost nightly.My legs don't have growing pains anymore. But I still

experience very painful growing pains of a different sort. I believe all of us do. Some handle these pains better than others. Some cry. Some yell. Some become more silent. Sometimes the pain seems unbearable. But it must be necessary for us to go through growing pains in order to GROW. Sometimes expansion and growth seems to rip apart things in our lives that need to leave. But growth always brings about a new beauty. A calmer Spirit.As I've gotten older, I understand these growing pains a lot better. I can almost welcome them because I know when its all over, I'll be a better person. I will have maybe solved a piece of the puzzle that I thought was missing. I may be able to look at another person and understand things I didn't understand before. I may be able to love when before I just didn't know how.Maybe growing pains is what a lot of us here are going through. We

have to experience THIS to get to THAT. We have to get to HERE before we can go over THERE. There's lots of joy along the way, but spurts of growth can still be painful. Days may turn into weeks, and weeks into months, and months into years. We may not know how we got to where we are, probably because we pushed the growing pains down inside or medicated them, thinking that was the way to cope. I know I did for years. And then when I finally gave myself permission to grow, I found myself wishing I had not tried to mask the pain when I was younger. I would have grown so much faster.But ultimately, something happens. We go through a crisis. We meet someone sent our way by God or the angels or the Universe. We finally almost get to where we're going. And we realize the "medication" for our growing pains all along was as close to us as our hearts, as close as the air that we breathe. If we had only

massaged our hearts with LOVE...growing would have been so much faster and smoother and a LOT less painful.Opening our hearts and realizing that its ok to be loved, and its ok to let someone else see us cry out in pain, is a very good beginning. We can't get it wrong. If someone else doesn't understand, then they have growing pains of their own to go through.I love this family. I've only been in this group a very short time. A month maybe!? And I have had some growing to do. But with the love of my life, , and the sunshine of my soul, , and with this beautiful family I have found, growing has become so much easier.Bless you

all,http://www.myspace.com/rarebreezehttp://www.myspace.com/asundayinjunehttp://www.myspace.com/dnjazzhttp://www.intentionalone.comhttp://intentionalone.com/yabb/YaBB.pl*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun issetting and it will be over so fast." -- Ken Pierpont

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

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Thank you for reminding me..... it seems like only real strange so to speak people hurt real bad , I have done research over the years and not everybodty has those growing pains its weird and not til you get older and you really have to grow up and don't know what to do with the the pain thank you for reminding me .... I 've been through this before and survived Blessed be Anastasia <ASundayInJune@...> wrote: Growing PainsWhen I was a child, I was plagued horribly with what my Mom called"growing pains". My skinny little legs would feel like they were being ripped apart. It REALLY hurt. Momma would have to massage my legs almost every night with something called Watkins Liniment. I don't know if it was the liniment or Momma's gentle hands, but soon I would be able to drift off to sleep, only to wake up in the middle of the night and have to do it all over again.When 's little legs started aching about the time she was 3, I instantly knew what was going on. wrapped her little legs in warm wet towels to ease the pain. And I would massage them until my fingers ached. It gave me a new appreciation for what my Mom used to do almost nightly.My legs don't

have growing pains anymore. But I still experience very painful growing pains of a different sort. I believe all of us do. Some handle these pains better than others. Some cry. Some yell. Some become more silent. Sometimes the pain seems unbearable. But it must be necessary for us to go through growing pains in order to GROW. Sometimes expansion and growth seems to rip apart things in our lives that need to leave. But growth always brings about a new beauty. A calmer Spirit.As I've gotten older, I understand these growing pains a lot better. I can almost welcome them because I know when its all over, I'll be a better person. I will have maybe solved a piece of the puzzle that I thought was missing. I may be able to look at another person and understand things I didn't understand before. I may be able to love when before I just didn't know how.Maybe growing pains is what a

lot of us here are going through. We have to experience THIS to get to THAT. We have to get to HERE before we can go over THERE. There's lots of joy along the way, but spurts of growth can still be painful. Days may turn into weeks, and weeks into months, and months into years. We may not know how we got to where we are, probably because we pushed the growing pains down inside or medicated them, thinking that was the way to cope. I know I did for years. And then when I finally gave myself permission to grow, I found myself wishing I had not tried to mask the pain when I was younger. I would have grown so much faster.But ultimately, something happens. We go through a crisis. We meet someone sent our way by God or the angels or the Universe. We finally almost get to where we're going. And we realize the "medication" for our growing pains all along was as close to us as our hearts, as close as the

air that we breathe. If we had only massaged our hearts with LOVE...growing would have been so much faster and smoother and a LOT less painful.Opening our hearts and realizing that its ok to be loved, and its ok to let someone else see us cry out in pain, is a very good beginning. We can't get it wrong. If someone else doesn't understand, then they have growing pains of their own to go through.I love this family. I've only been in this group a very short time. A month maybe!? And I have had some growing to do. But with the love of my life, , and the sunshine of my soul, , and with this beautiful family I have found, growing has become so much easier.Bless you

all,http://www.myspace.com/rarebreezehttp://www.myspace.com/asundayinjunehttp://www.myspace.com/dnjazzhttp://www.intentionalone.comhttp://intentionalone.com/yabb/YaBB.pl*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun issetting and it will be over so fast." -- Ken Pierpont Anastasia

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Dearest Terese,

What a Beautiful soul you have,I am os glag I found HH and all my new

family members.

Peace and Love,


--- In , " " <ASundayInJune@...>



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> Growing Pains



> When I was a child, I was plagued horribly with what my Mom

> called " growing pains " . My skinny little legs would feel like they


> being ripped apart. It REALLY hurt. Momma would have to massage my

> legs almost every night with something called Watkins Liniment. I


> know if it was the liniment or Momma's gentle hands, but soon I

would be

> able to drift off to sleep, only to wake up in the middle of the


> and have to do it all over again.


> When 's little legs started aching about the time she was 3, I

> instantly knew what was going on. wrapped her little legs in


> wet towels to ease the pain. And I would massage them until my


> ached. It gave me a new appreciation for what my Mom used to do


> nightly.


> My legs don't have growing pains anymore. But I still experience


> painful growing pains of a different sort. I believe all of us do.


> handle these pains better than others. Some cry. Some yell. Some

> become more silent. Sometimes the pain seems unbearable. But it


> be necessary for us to go through growing pains in order to GROW.

> Sometimes expansion and growth seems to rip apart things in our


> that need to leave. But growth always brings about a new beauty. A

> calmer Spirit.


> As I've gotten older, I understand these growing pains a lot

better. I

> can almost welcome them because I know when its all over, I'll be a

> better person. I will have maybe solved a piece of the puzzle that


> thought was missing. I may be able to look at another person and

> understand things I didn't understand before. I may be able to love

> when before I just didn't know how.


> Maybe growing pains is what a lot of us here are going through. We


> to experience THIS to get to THAT. We have to get to HERE before

we can

> go over THERE. There's lots of joy along the way, but spurts of


> can still be painful. Days may turn into weeks, and weeks into


> and months into years. We may not know how we got to where we are,

> probably because we pushed the growing pains down inside or


> them, thinking that was the way to cope. I know I did for years.


> then when I finally gave myself permission to grow, I found myself

> wishing I had not tried to mask the pain when I was younger. I


> have grown so much faster.


> But ultimately, something happens. We go through a crisis. We meet

> someone sent our way by God or the angels or the Universe. We


> almost get to where we're going. And we realize the " medication "


> our growing pains all along was as close to us as our hearts, as


> as the air that we breathe. If we had only massaged our hearts with

> LOVE...growing would have been so much faster and smoother and a LOT

> less painful.


> Opening our hearts and realizing that its ok to be loved, and its

ok to

> let someone else see us cry out in pain, is a very good beginning.


> can't get it wrong. If someone else doesn't understand, then they


> growing pains of their own to go through.


> I love this family. I've only been in this group a very short

time. A

> month maybe!? And I have had some growing to do. But with the

love of

> my life, , and the sunshine of my soul, , and with this

> beautiful family I have found, growing has become so much easier.


> Bless you all,



> http://www.myspace.com/rarebreeze

> http://www.myspace.com/asundayinjune

> http://www.myspace.com/dnjazz

> http://www.intentionalone.com

> http://intentionalone.com/yabb/YaBB.pl


> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

> " Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun


> setting and it will be over so fast. "

> -- Ken Pierpont


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