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Fundamentals of Using MMS

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The Fundamentals for using MMS are These:

Fundamental One:

Repeated small doses are more effective than large morning and evening doses.

It has been demonstrated more than 1000 times that small doses

administered often, up to once each hour, are more effective than large

doses administered once or twice a day.

We now know that the chlorine dioxide chemical generated by MMS does

not remain in the body more than one or two hours at most. The size of

the dose does not seem to make a great deal of difference to the amount

of time that MMS remains active in the body. That basically is because

it doesn't matter if it is a large amount or small amount it still

deteriorates into mostly just table salt in an hour or two.

So in reading the various methods of using MMS elsewhere on

this web site, keep in mind - it is going to be much more effective to

take MMS either each hour, or each two hours, and with smaller doses

that will be equal to - or maybe larger than - one large dose.

If you are in the habit of taking larger MMS doses only in the

morning and evening as was suggested in the past, MMS will still

cleanse the body of microbes and pathogens. However, new research

clearly reveals that a smaller-but-continuous circulation of ClO2

prevents regrouping and reproduction of pathogens, especially in

situations where you are fighting a specific health issue - whether a

cold or herpes or hepatitis.

Fundamental Two:

Put as much MMS into the body as you can without causing an increase in sickness, nausea, or diarrhea.

Always start out with a one drop dose at first and increase the drops

every time you feel you can. That means, of course, that you activate

each MMS drop with 5 drops of citric acid or vinegar and wait the 3

minutes and add juice or water as always.

So, on the second dose you could increase to two drops if the first

drop didn't seem to increase sickness (in most cases it won't).

Generally, that would be in two hours after taking the first dose. Then

keep increasing each one or two hours until you feel that you have

reached maximum or until you notice a slight nausea. Generally two or

three or four drops each time is all that is needed.

However, you could increase the drops up to 10 drops per hour

if there is no increase in nausea and if you feel that more is needed.

I would put a limit on 10 drop doses and normally you would never need

to go to 10 drops doses if you are doing 5 to 10 doses a day.

You stop when you are well. Or if you are just trying to clean

yourself out then you could try the 15 drops dose three times a day as

that has always been the standard. If you can take 15 drops three times

a day for a week without nausea or diarrhea or other negative effects,

then most likely the majority of the infections and pathogens and

parasites are gone.

After you are cleaned out a maintenance dose is still the same

as always, 6 drops a day of MMS along with the citric or other acids

required for activation. That's for older people and 6 drops twice a

week for younger people, older people being over 60.

Fundamental Three:

Decrease the number of drops as needed if diarrhea or nausea occur, but do not stop taking MMS.

Nausea and diarrhea are both good indicator signs that MMS is working.

Diarrhea lasting for an hour or two is very good, but to keep it up for

days at a time can cause more harm than good. So always decrease the

drops when these temporary barriers arise - they are temporary in most


Fundamental Four:

Avoid all forms of Vitamin C for two hours before and after use of MMS.

This is a temporary requirement, necessary during the significant weeks

of your ramping up to the level of drops where you can be considered to

be "Cleaned Out." If you are taking Vitamin C capsules marked as "12

hour" type, you will have to discontinue their use and only take

capsules or tablets that do not indicate a timed action and take them

only at night after MMS hours. See more information at http://JimHumble.biz/biz-normal.htm

Fundamental Five:

Thoughtfully maintain a nutrition program adequate to maintain your immune system.

MMS takes unwanted pathogens and parasites out of your body with great

efficiency but it provides no nutritional minerals or vitamins.

Maintain intake of friendly micro-organisms (acidophilus, and other

flora). MMS itself does not kill intestinal friendly micro-organisms

but forceful diarrhea can sometimes reduce their numbers. Similarly,

maintain intake of minerals - especially calcium and magnesium.

Nutritional intake is critical to the immune system. Daily sunshine on

the skin will maintain your vitamin D or, if you rarely see the sun,

you must maintain "D" with supplements - - essential for maintaining

the immune system. While MMS is the most potent germicidal agent on the

planet, only the immune system produces healing and maintenance of

health. Read my books on this topic, available at http://MiracleMineral.org/book.php

The five fundamentals above are basic to all the various methods and

protocols that are explained on this Web Site. Be sure to click through

to the various specific protocols that are highlighted below.

Six proven ways to move MMS into your body.

1. Drink it. Swallow activated MMS with any amount of water or juice flavoring added.

This is the most common method. Adding water or limited juice to the

mix after the three minute wait enables you to drink the mixture. The

amount of water matters very little provided that you drink it all -

typically one half to a full glass of water. If you drink the entire

amount you will get all of the MMS benefit. Diluted little or much it

will still do the same cleansing within in your body.

After the three minute wait, when you add water or juice, no

more chlorine dioxide is generated. It is locked into the water or

juice. After drinking the mix with the water added, the ClO2 gas will

circulate in the body for less than two hours as described above.

Insignificant amounts of ClO2 are generated after the water is added,

but not enough to consider.

You could repeat any MMS dose every two hours (or less)

without harm provided you observe the temporary barriers created by

diarrhea or nausea. Important additional information is here: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-normal.htm .

2. You can spray activated MMS on skin anywhere.

It is effective against localized skin sores or diseases. The mixture

must have a small amount of water added to make the liquid ready for

spraying. It does not bleach hair and does not harm the skin. If you

have open sores or cuts, it may cause sensations of burning but it

promotes rapid germ-free closure of wounds. See http://jimhumble.biz/biz-skin.htm .

3. MMS retention enemas are effective in cleansing intestinal walls.

They also cause the ClO2 to be absorbed and mixed with the plasma of

the blood - the blood liquid. MMS benefits are more available to more

parts of the body more quickly when the ClO2 is carried in the plasma.

Further information is here: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-enema.htm .

4. Hot tub baths with activated MMS in the water expose the entire skin surface to ClO2 ions.

Add hot water continually while sitting in the tub. Skin pores open and

the ClO2 ions pass deep below the skin and into muscles. Since blood is

always present in muscles, the ClO2 ions merge into the plasma of the

blood providing greater concentration of detoxifying action against

parasites, yeast, fungus and other pathogens. Further information is

here: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-tubbath.htm .

5. Some people briefly breath the ClO2 gas into the nose, head, and sinuses. DO NOT DEEPLY BREATH the ClO2 gas into the lungs because of unexpected depletion of oxygen.

Sitting with your mouth or nose over a cup of activated 2 drop mixture

(definitely no more than 4 drops), and with no water added, draw the

odorous ClO2 gas into the nostrils or mouth. Approach this with

caution. If it seems too strong move the cup further away or prepare a

weaker mixture. This has proven effective in killing germs in the

sinuses that are often the cause of post-nasal drip. One or two brief

nasal breathing session have been reported to eliminate post-nasal drip

after all other medicines had failed to stop it.

Caution: If you have any history of asthma, use low doses

and stop immediately if you have any sensation of an asthma attack.

Never exceed the 4 drop maximum. This method is effective in situations

where sinuses, vocal cords, or ear infections are retaining germs or


Remember, it is the ClO2 Ion - the gas that you can smell -

that is the germicidal agent. Use a 2 to 4 drop dose activated with 5

drops of citric acid or vinegar for each drop of MMS that you use.

There's no need to add water since you won't be drinking it. Germs live

and thrive in MUCUS and PHLEHM. The odor of ClO2 can kill them and

prevent further production of mucus.

NOTE: Some people report "catching a cold" when using this

method. Yes, there can be dried mucus plugs in your lungs from a cold

you had a year ago. a few of those germs are sometimes encapsulated in

the dried mucus. The ClO2 gas weakens the mucus and the former cold

attempts to redevelop - symptoms appear. In this case, continue with

internal 2 drop doses of activated MMS every hour (drink it), and

continue deep breathing every half hour from the cup (Observe the

limits and cautions above). The cold will soon vanish.

CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED the 4 drop maximum mixture and take

periodic breaks often by breathing normal air to assure replenishment

of oxygen to the lungs. You can always mix a second dose later if you

want more time span. Bird cages and free-flying house birds should be

kept in another room because of their sensitivity to various gases.

HEED THESE CAUTIONS. You are responsible for using this strategy

responsibly so avoid prolonged deep breathing of the ClO2 gas, always

separated with deep breathing of normal air.

6. DMSO can sometimes be added to the MMS activated mix in special or life-threatening situations. Special DMSO instructions are provided under the topic "Life Threatening Diseases" at this address: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-life-threatening.htm

.. Always test yourself first with a small DMSO spot on your arm. People

who have a damaged or weakened liver should reduce the use of DMSO if

any aching or pain is felt in the liver area. Put 5 drops of DMSO on

your arm and rub it in. Wait for several hours. If there is no liver

pain, you are probably safe in using DMSO.

One tablespoon of DMSO with two or more tablespoons of water can be

taken internally by drinking it once or twice a day while fighting a

severe disease. Normally use juice and dilute the DMSO much more. A

50-50 dilution will burn most people's throat. It's best to dilute DMSO

with at least 2 parts water or juice to 1 part DMSO. Important

additional DMSO information is in two articles at http://MMS-articles.com/ .

Caution One: DO NOT ATTEMPT any experimental intravenous injections in your home.

There are health clinics that can administer such therapies. Seek

qualified professionals who can take responsibility for proper dosage,

administration, and predictable outcomes from any IV process. Health

clinics may charge up to $100 per intravenous treatment. Intravenous

provides about the same benefits as methods 4 and 5 above, but at a

high cost.

Caution Two: If you choose to put activated MMS into a dehumidifier

or room fogger, keep the MMS mixture at no more than 10 activated drops

per gallon of water. (Must be activated in a cup with the three minute

wait before dropping it into the water tank.) People have written

asking about this. They want to use the humidifier because ClO2 is a

powerful deodorizer and air purifier. Remove canaries and parrots from

the room.

It is best not to sleep in the room where the humidifier is fogging the

room with ClO2 in the mix. Your lungs pick up the ClO2 gas (which is

beneficial) just as readily as they pick up oxygen. While the ClO2 is

received willingly by your lungs and red blood cells, you could

unknowingly reduce oxygen intake and suffer harm. Remember this also if

children are playing or sleeping in the same room. A limited amount of

ClO2 in the air would be helpful for children and adults, but only if

alert people are present and are knowledgeable about the nature of ClO2

as a germicidal agent.

It is equally effective to rid a closet or room of mold, odors, or germs

if you set a 10 drop mix of activated MMS on a saucer in the middle of

a closed room and let the ClO2 gas arise out of the liquid naturally.

Do not add any water in this case. Do not exceed the 10 drop

suggestion. It's more effective and safer to do several repeated room

cleansings every hour than to release too much ClO2 at one time into a

closed room. The odor does not linger and will not harm cushions,

curtains, or lampshades. After 2 hours, the odor will have sacrificed

itself and any room odors will be gone. If the normal small from shoes

and clothes in a closet are still present, then a second ClO2 saucer or

cup should be repeated.

ClO2 gas is a powerful deodorizer and germicidal agent.

Drifting through the air, it will eventually kill all germs in the air

and in furniture fabrics. After about two hours, the ClO2 gas

disappears. It deteriorates into two molecules of water vapor.

Activated MMS can restore lawn chairs thought to be ruined by skunk

spray. Scrub the MMS mixture into car carpets, smelly shoes, and under

arms. Will the whole house start to smell like a motel swimming pool?

No. Not possible.

When using MMS as a room deodorizer or fungus eliminator, close the room doors and remove all pets and birds from the room for one or two hours.

Caution Three: Regarding Citric Acid: It is unusual to

experience any nausea when starting MMS with a one drop dose. if you

experience nausea after taking the first one-drop dose of MMS, it's

rare, but you may be allergic to citric acid at the 10% solution

strength. To quickly stop the nausea, wait ten minutes, then counter it

with a teaspoon of baking soda in water if the nausea persists. Also

eat an apple if you can keep it down. Wait overnight, then try a

one-drop dose again, but use unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar as the acid instead of citric acid.

It is very rare, but a few people are allergic to 10% citric acid in

water, even though they may easily tolerate weak forms of it as in

lemonade. The solution is to adopt unfiltered vinegar as

the acid of choice because it is non-allergenic. Therefore try MMS

again using unfiltered unpasteurized vinegar as the activating acid and

slowly ramp upward in the number of drops as is described in the normal

process at http://JimHumble.biz/biz-normal.htm .

A list of MMS educational web sites (no sales) is at http://MMS-education.com

CONTACT INFO: Before writing to the MMS Institute

about specific disease questions you should visit the knowledge base

and click on various diseases that may be of interest. Click here: http://MMSanswers.com An E-mail contact address is provided there.

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This page provides information about MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement)

which is a well known salt in solution. The information is not a

substitute for licensed professionals who can diagnose, treat, and give

medical advice. This page informs people about an option that

non-professional people sometimes use as experimental researchers.

These MMS web sites describe one well-known salt in solution for

limited internal and external use. The wide use of chlorine dioxide and

its descriptions do not and can not represent the practice of medicine.

These MMS pages assume no responsibility for how people use or

understand these descriptive materials. No products are sold or shipped

from this web site. No money is collected or billed.

, 2009. Institute for Advanced MMS Studies, LLC. .

> > > I have been doing the standard protocol of MMS twice a day. I can't> > > seem to get past 7 drops without serious diarrhea which has become> > > annoying. So I am just hovering at 7 right now, afraid to leave home> > > if I increase again.> > > > If I were you I'd try the new protocol, using less drops, more times per> > day. The new recommendation is one dose per hour, for 8 hours per day.> > Apparently the chlorine dioxide doesn't last nearly as long as Jim> > firsth thought.> > > > > I am also treating my cats taking a half dropper our of my own dose> > > for each cat, which Jim suggests. One cat is very ill with feline HIV> > > Leukemia. It has effected his teeth as well. We had to have 11> > > removed last summer. We are trying to save the rest using the MMS. We> > > have been using the mouth protocol on him. Once a day we rinse his> > > mouth and brush his teeth. For a while there he seemed to be getting> > > better but now his mouth is all mucusy, he doesn't smell good, and> > > his skin is irritated and there is now hair loss on his back leg.> > > > > > Has anyone had success treating a cat with cancer?> > > > Never tried, sorry... hope he gets better...> > > > -- > > > > Best regards,> > > > Marcus> > I.T. Director> > Media Brokers International, Inc.> > 678.514.6200 x224> > 678.514.6299 fax> >>

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On 2010-01-27 1:08 PM, tadadzn@... wrote:


> ,


> You mentioned the new protocol. Can you direct me how to find it?

I see Healinghope was nice enough to provide it (thx)...

One problem with all of Jims writings is none of them seem to be dated,

so its hard to know when any of them were written, unless you've been

following along for a while...


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