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MMS Newsletter 009

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This newsletter provides updates regarding best practices

for using MMS, potentially adding years to your life.

If you're new to the germ-destroying power of MMS, it is a recent discovery. It's a broad spectrum penny-per-dose germicidal agent that people mix in their kitchens. It purifies water (cities use it) but some

people drink a few drops in water because viruses and pathogens in our bodies are targeted by MMS and killed. Accumulated toxins are eliminated. It is used sometimes to remove stubborn infections and pathogens. Learn more about MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution. [Click Here] to learn how it works.

N E W S L E T T E R 0 0 9 T O P I C S

Topic 1. Introducing Dr. Lias who remains a consultant to the MMS initiatives.

Topic 2. Mia Hamel Is Named Director of the MMS Institute

Topic 3. MMS - New Education and Training Facilities for MMS

Topic 4. First Schedule of Upcoming MMS Courses

Topic 5. Two New Newsletters from Dr. Lias

Topic 6. Refresher - Evidence that the Pandemic is a


Despite the ongoing Flu Pandemic there is considerable good news about MMS operations to report. Having served as Jim's assistant for the past 2.5 years, we decided to reveal my identity because new leadership has become available and is welcomed in this 009 newsletter issue. This enables me to move on to new MMS challenges and surprises.

My name is Lias living in Texas. I functioned as part-time help-desk responder and web-site creator under Jim's direction. This will be the last newsletter that I l edit because I'm moving on to serve

on the Foundation Board and will be publishing two independent newsletters (described below).

From Jim's locations in Mexico and Africa he provided web page content during my 2.5 year association that expanded into about 90 web pages and

15 web sites including

[ JimHumble.biz/ ] .

His BIZ website spells out 21 MMS protocols - all in one place for easy

reference. None of Jim's updated protocols recommend ramping up to 15 MMS drops. If you haven't read about these changes, you should visit this site immediately.

Jim wrote all his own articles, but allowed me a free hand in the newsletters to express my research findings that dove-tailed with MMS findings. I did a lot of "telephone coaching" in which we learned much about the mistakes people make and the areas where web site materials needed simplification or clarification. In his attempt to create a self-administered MMS product, the writings, instructions, and warnings have to be clear and available to people when they need them. People don't want to read a book before mixing a fresh two-drop dose of MMS. They would rather call someone or find short answers in writing - quickly.

Jim has been fully employed testing the power of MMS against specific cases of AIDS. After nine months of his personal efforts he claims to have over 500 people fully recovered and reversed from AIDS - as his tests demonstrate. After two weeks of MMS people often think they are better. They get out of bed and go looking for work. But tests showed they were not fully recovered until 4 or 5 weeks of careful MMS applications, described at his web site above.

This question comes up often: "can you use MMS1 and 2 together." Jim says "YES" and he has been doing that for some time. He believes that both products are equally effective and he uses them together in many cases. See the comparisons between MMS1 and MMS2 at [ http://mms-central.com/mms2dosage.htm ] .

TOPIC TWO: Mia Hamel is named the first Director of the MMS Institute.

Upon my request, Jim and I initiated a search for new leadership so that

I could move on to other areas. I will remain as a consultant and custodian for the Foundation at JimHumbleFoundation.org .

We were fortunate to attract MIA HAMEL, a business woman and energetic supporter of causes. We found her because of her web site that documents the horrors of vaccinations and the damaging Squalene ingredient. Her site is [ Here: ] .

Being single and prepared to travel, she has received training from Jim and me, including the transfer of LLC papers that are the structure for the "Institute for Advanced MMS Studies." Mia is actively receiving donations into the Institute and the Foundation that directly enable MMS

initiatives to expand.

Mia will introduce herself further through these MMS newsletters.

TOPIC THREE: A new property in the Dominican Republic has been acquired for training and teaching purposes.

Newsletter 008 displayed some pictures of the buildings and facilities recently acquired in the Dominican Republic. The hub for future MMS services and training will be at this new property. It provides rooming

for seminar attendees, office space, equipment, farmland, and small auditoriums. It will eventually support scientific environment where medical records and client testing can be documented. MMS will be more accepted as medical evidence is documented in the ways that science requires. Newsletter 008 displayed some of the facilities.

There is comfortable lodging and group facilities at the "Genesis II Mission" for groups up to 60 who will learn the fundamentals of MMS so that the knowledge of MMS can be carried many people around the world. There will be an office for the "Institute for Advanced MMS Studies" that is organized to collect and publish scientific and medical studies about MMS.

TOPIC FOUR: MMS Training Classes Are Scheduled for April in the Dominican Republic

Newsletter 008 [Here]

put out a call for donations to purchase a property for a center for MMS. There have been a few donations large and small for which we are truly grateful. We hope some pending promises may still work out.

With the cooperation of the existing owner, we have options on the property and are paying monthly payments to retain it. Therefore we are opening registration now for the first MMS Fundamentals course at the Genesis II training center. We aim for the "Genesis II Mission" to eventually "create a new Earth without disease!"

The course dates will be April 3 – 18 with the weekends planned for arrivals and departures from the capital, Santo Domingo. Classes are scheduled from 9-5 each day with plenty of breaks. Accommodation and meals are included for the stay, and the cost is $1,000, with a 50% down

payment required.

Jim Humble will teach a 2 week course on: The Fundamentals of MMS: the discovery and evolution of the usage of the world's most important broad-spectrum non-toxic anti-microbial agent. Some of the topics in the curriculum below are drawn from other classes Jim is teaching during

his "perpetual Travelling" days.

How MMS Produces Chlorine Dioxide

Home Manufacture of MMS

Sourcing of MMS Chemicals

Basic First Aid and Diagnosis

Legal and FDA considerations

How MMS attacks pathogens in the body.

The evolution of MMS protocols

Success stories with different diseases

Using MMS for water purification

Health ministers training

Preparing to manage an MMS help desk

Preparing to train others in remote areas

We are hoping to coordinate with a team of volunteers who will have established a base of operations in Haiti, and possibly make a trip there during the intervening weekend if there is interest, which will give us all a chance to help with the relief efforts there.

Please join us in a joyful convergence of people who share a belief in the possibility of a new earth free of disease.

It will be a wonderful chance to help strengthen the international MMS network. If you are interested, send us an email for further account deposit instructions. We are also available for healthy holiday stays and we can be available for group stays, staging relief efforts to Haiti, or alternative conferences.

TOPIC FIVE: Lias' Upcoming Assignments and Interests:

Dr. Lias ambitions spring from a desire to assist INVENTORS. Having retired from a career in the large-scale computer industry, in 2008 I contacted Jim and he understood that I would attempt to be helpful for a

two-year period. (See Ed's bio material [ Here ] .)

Eventually the work resulted in writing and maintaining about 90 web pages so it was a welcome relief to pass the baton over to Mia. She located another computer expert who is maintaining Jim's web pages and sites.

As a continuing boost to the MMS initiatives, I maintain three private MMS web sites that aim to acquaint newcomers with basic information about MMS and also a route to labs that sell both MMS1 and MMS2. My web sites are here:

[ http://MMSsuperSite.com/ ]

[ http://MMSdetox.com/ ]

[ http://KillTheVirus.com/ ]

These sites were taken off the Web during the height of the "Pandemic," but are back on-line now. They enable you to navigate over to other sites that sell MMS1 and MMS2 if you need to stock up.

Two new independent newsletters will be produced together with a technology blog. If you want to hear from me in the future, you should review and click below.

One newsletter will be called "MMS AND HEALTH." Being independent I will be able to research the interactions between MMS and nutritional needs. Jim and I agree that in many cases when toxic load is removed (by MMS) the body is then able to manufacture nutrients that are missing from diets or supplements. He experienced the mystery of this in Africa where he had patients who had never had a good meal nor balanced nutrition. Yet, when their toxic load was removed, they seemed to regain aspects of health that could not be explained given their life-long lack of nutrition.

I have proofs of this also. New information will be exposed about basic needs for selenium, vitamin B4 (never synthesized), and Vitamin D3 supplements, and potassium iodine which is virtually missing from current diets. I know methods of recovery from heart dysrhythmia and a few other "unsolvable" handicaps that are not caused by virus or bacteria. If you want to sign up for this independent newsletter called, [ Free MMS and Health News - Click Here ]

A second newsletter will report on bold new technologies that may

soon be released for public use. Most of them exist now but are suppressed. Free energy, antigravity, physics anomalies, plans for high

school science projects, and magnetic motors that run with no energy input and much more.

This engine pictured here is home-made. It produces up to 350 horsepower

- more than enough to power a refrigerator or a room heater. This photo is used with permission from the site at [ http://FuellessPower.com/ ] where I purchased the plans (they are not free). This particular device was patented in 2005 - how come you never heard of it? You might have eliminated winter heat bills with a couple of these self-running motors that draw no current at all.

This is one of hundreds of already-developed methods for producing "Energy from the void."

The newsletter is called "SPACED OUT." To signup for it, Click here: [ Click

Here ]

Mia and Jim will continue the normal MMS newsletters at [ http://MMSnews.org/NEWS009.htm ] and following - in which the travels of Jim Humble and his discoveries will be documented.

TOPIC SIX: Proof the Pandemic was designed to do harm.

If you need a summary of the SCAM aspects of the "Pandemic" consider these four:

1. Within a few weeks after the Pandemic was announced, the government in the US stopped testing to see who had seasonal flu versus those who had H1N1. Thus everyone with any type of runny nose could be catalogued

as an H1N1 case. Even then the numbers didn't come up to those encountered in a normal flu season. Even at meetings with the Press core when asked about this, the CDC danced with classic gestures. This was shown on YouTube videos. It was described in NEWS007.htm under Topic

8 - The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA)

2. No one asked or reported on the BIG BAD QUESTION which is "Of those who died from the flu, how many were vaccinated with H1N1 vaccine in the

four weeks prior?" And, how many miscarriages and still births were experienced? Early in the Pandemic it was decreed that any negatives associated with pregnant women would be catalogued as "coincidental." In

the 1919 plague, a published book of research was the first to show that MOST PLAGUE DEATHS and DISABLEMENTS were among persons who were vaccinated or who used aspirin and continued going to work. This proved

true also in the Pandemic under President Ford. But in 2009, the powers-that-be prohibited the logging of these statistics. See chapter one here: [ Horrors of Vaccination Exposed ]

3. The H1N1 vaccine was designed to harm you or they wouldn't put Squalene in it "to make it work better." Squalene has been identified as the cause of "gulf-war syndrome." It reeducates your immune system to believe that all Squalene in your body must be attacked and eliminated. Trying to get the shot and the Squalene back out of your body doesn't help because the immune system now knows - irreversibly - that normal Squalene in disks, joint cushions, and all places that are flexible must be attacked and gradually eliminated - leading to a slow stiffening death ranging from months to several years. BY DESIGN. Bad enough that the aluminum and mercury produce "micro-strokes" every time you and your children are vaccinated with shots containing these preservatives.

4. The production of vaccines are carefully controlled with inspection of batches to guarantee uniform quality. How then did 150 million vials of vaccines arrive for distribution throughout Europe, only to discover (by accident) that the vials were capable of killing almost everyone who

would be injected with them. Baxter said that "a mistake" must have been made. But that can't happen, given the safeguards required by safety inspectors. More logical would be that governments want to implement population reduction. Their genocidal goals need to operate more quickly and effectively. It's likely that governments ordered vials

that would achieve their evil ends - population reduction. Someone in each EU country placed an order with baxter using a check-off list and Baxter merely delivered what was ordered. No one is suing Baxter, but plenty of suits against governments are in process. The vials were by design meant to produce maximum deaths. Vaccine vials are produced in labs in various countries of unknown origins. As delivered, there are always test vials marked for statistical purposes (for example) to learn

how many people of a specific race are affected most by certain ingredients. As Henry Kissinger stated in one of his speeches at an elitist conference "There are a number of undesirable races . . ."


ARCHIVES: If you joined recently, you may not have received NEWS Issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.If so, click any of these links to read prior issues:











[Here] - Feds Can Quarantine Anyone With Flu-Like Symptoms.

[Here] - Dr. Moulden proving that every vaccination causes micro-strokes - and they result in cumulative damage.


- Vaccines: Deadly Immunity.

[Here] - Full screen of Vaccine clickable items. GOOD. Many answers here.


- Twenty MMS protocols related to various health situations by Jim


[Here] - Articles about MMS and how to apply it to specific situations.

The disclaimer for this Newsletter is [ Here ]. These writings are educational and informative materials that encourage health seekers to consult medical professionals at medical and health clinics where valid client-patient relationships can be legally sustained. Statements herein about MMS have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. MMS is a well known mineral supplement and a water purifier not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have any medical condition, you must take personal responsibility for your private experimentation, or consult a medical professional before using minerals, salts, foods, odors, hair colorings,

skin enhancers, diet drinks, iodine, snake bite kits, tooth paste, lotions, aspartame, alcohol, cigarettes, MSG laden soups, or products mentioned in this newsletter. MMS is a water purifying mineral salt in solution. Competing products are known as "Stabilized Water," "Vitamin O," and other trade names packaged in various strengths. Sporting goods stores sell the same MMS mineral salt (Sodium Chlorite) in the form of water purification tablets for use by campers and hunters.

The "Terms of Use Statement" is [ Here ] . The "Privacy Statement" is [ Here ] .

MMS can be purchased from these suppliers - http://MMSsupplies.com/

This MMS Newsletter 009 is under Institute for Advanced

MMS Studies, LLC. .

No portion of this newsletter - graphics or text - may be re-published on other web sites including all social network blogs or pages. Tell friends to bring up their own sample copy of this newsletter using this address: http://MMSnews.org/NEWS009.htm

Newsletter Contact address (Click it): MMSnews

@ MMS-central.com

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