Guest guest Posted March 24, 2010 Report Share Posted March 24, 2010 I N D E X Our First ClassDonationsSecond Class DatesAfrica and HIVNEW PROTOCOLSNew Citric Acid ConcentrationArchive and Important links Email this newsletter to a friend Voluntary Contributions Deposit Directly into Jim's Trust Account. Change the Amount: (US $$ Currency Only)Repeated Donations? Do not repeatWeeklyMonthlyYearly Your Full Name: Your Email: Click DONATE once andawait the PayPal form. This newsletter is copyrighted but may be reprinted and republished freely. Contact us at MMSnews@... Signup: MMS Newsletter Enter your email address: Click Once. Await Confirmation. Hello, friends of MMS I have just recently arrived to my Genesis II Mission in the Dominican Republic where I will be teaching the First MMS Training ever held. I want to just briefly cover a little bit about this present class, some data on the second class, but the most important thing is that I want to tell you about the completely New MMS protocol and the amazing success rate that's even better than it was. Our First Class: We have a large place here at the Genesis II Mission and room for quite a few people from around the world. We now have 12 people coming for this class starting on the 5th of April and lasting two weeks, we would like to have 20, so get a ticket now if you can. The class will be arranged so that those who want to go home because of other commitments can leave after the first week as the first will cover most of the technology of MMS and treating diseases. The second week will cover how to manufacture MMS and make a business out of it and many other details, and there may even be time to go to the beach or the mountains. We may even go to a village or two and set up treatment. Donations: We are working hard to get the property ready, and we could sure use some more funds for improvements. We have put the donations received so far to good use, and we thank those of you who have sent in a donation. We would especially like to thank Pavel from Czech Republic, who helped us buy a good generator. There are many projects to complete here, and we want the property to be as accommodating as possible. Expenses are high on the island, gasoline is over $4 per gallon, and many items are imported. If you could pitch in, it would be most appreciated by us and by all of the people we hope to welcome here from all over the world. Instructions for getting here are: Please let us know your itinerary. Fly to Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic and take a taxi to the Caribe Tours Bus Station, Avenida Leopoldo Navarro, Santo Domingo and buy a ticket to Barahona there. There are 4 buses each day. It is a modern bus, air-conditioned, with toilet and movie. The Genesis II Mission is located in barrio Casandra Damiron. A person could take a taxi for about $5 but we usually pick them up. The same instructions are for the second class in June. The Second MMS Class will be held from June 7 - 18, 2010. It will cover essentially the same material for the new people, but of course, there will always be new data coming in. And the newest data will always be available to the newest class immediately. Return to Top The New Protocols: Unfortunately the new 4th edition book was published before the newer protocols came out and many people are still using the old protocols in the book. They work, but they are not as good and as sure as the new ones. So you should save the new protocols in this Newsletter as you or someone in your family may need it soon. Hopefully that won't be the case, but it is always best to be prepared. Africa and HIV When I left South Africa in about May of last year I put on a pair of large sun glasses to be discreet and took a very long trip to a country north of South Africa by bus so as not to take an airplane. Now that doesn't tell you much as all the countries of Africa are north of South Africa, but I still want to be discreet. Take my advice; don't go on trips by bus in Africa, they are dreadful. I arrived in a certain country because a past friend invited me. He said that they really needed me and that there were many areas that were 60% HIV positive. He begged me to come for a couple of years and when he found out that I was in South Africa, he wouldn't let up. So without telling anyone where I was going, I was off to begin a new healing adventure specializing in HIV/AIDS. When I arrived in the country my friend met me and put me up overnight, but the next day he took me on a several hour trip to see a Catholic Priest that was head of a very large Catholic Complex, way out in the Bush. The Father told me to go over to the Herbal Clinic and see if the Doctor would be receptive to MMS. Well, that doctor was enthusiastic, and he called in his 8 workers who all had bad health problems, and we gave them all a dose. I also gave the doctor a dose of MMS. The next day most of them were improved, except for one with a tumor under her arm and her tumor did seem smaller. They all took another dose and the next day they were doing even better. Jim in South Africa The doctor asked me if it also handled HIV/AIDS and I said yes. He knew some HIV cases and several of the workers at the Herbal Clinic were positive with HIV and they all knew of cases so we began treating HIV. With all that I had already been observing and also from recent cases in South Africa, at that point I decided to lower the drops per dose of MMS but do it hourly as I already knew. So the definitive HIV/AIDS protocol was developed right there at the herbal clinic. Never go over 3 drops at one time for HIV/AIDS. Take it hourly for most illnesses. We started out having AIDS sufferers do 3 drops an hour for 8 hours a day. We told them if they started to feel bad to reduce the drops, otherwise just remain at 3 drops an hour. Treating people in Africa is an adventure. We had people bring in small medicine bottles or hand cream bottles or anything else they could find to store their MMS in. We gave them enough for 3 drops each hour 8 hours a day for 3 weeks in every bottle they brought. I cut a slot hole in the lid of each bottle so they could tip it and get drops out of it. The doctor would then put a plastic film from a plastic bag over the mouth of the bottle and screw the lid on to keep from spilling it on their journey home. He told them to remove the film when they got home. At first everyone used lemon juice to activate the MMS. We traveled into the nearby town and found a factory that made plastic bottles and managed to buy 1000 bottles for about $50 USD. As time went on we also found citric acid crystals and we then gave each person a bottle of MMS and a bottle of 50% citric acid. We had each person do the entire process of preparing the MMS dose to drink right there in the clinic. Those people were pretty good at following instructions. They took 3 drops an hour mostly without fail because they wanted to get well. And they did get well, although we couldn't `prove' it. You may not have thought of it, but the way to test for HIV is to test for the antibodies of HIV. But the immune system will always make antibodies, once there has been a disease, and they will be present long after the illness is gone. That's a known fact. Vaccination has never been proved to provide immunization. So how do you prove a person is well from HIV as his immune system will always have the antibodies? That's easy, you ask him how he feels. If he is feeling well, has energy, and has gone back to work or his life, and his disabilities that were caused by HIV are gone, and he is no longer sick, we figured he was well. And you know what? That worked to our advantage. The local hospital didn't interfere with us because we were not destroying their government income from HIV positive people, the people were happy because they were well and no longer sick, and the government was happy (we hope) because they were not hearing about us. Meanwhile, we were happy that the WHO (World Health Organization) didn't hear about us and didn't have an inkling that we were there. In six months we treated over 800 HIV cases, and that included 40 cancer cases, several of which were very bad. The cancer tumors are now all gone, 4 heart cases are back to normal according to tests at the hospital, about 50 cases of numb feet and legs are gone, about 15 cases of underweight are gone, a number of cases of malaria is gone, and just about every kind of disability and sickness you can think of has been eliminated from the 800 patients. Let me mention something to you at this point that no one seems to confront. Modern medical science has never found a single HIV virus. That fact is seldom mentioned. But those people were sick, some of them very sick and perhaps just a few days away from death. So how do they determine that you have HIV? They test for antibodies that the immune system generates to fight the HIV virus. Isn't that ironic? They have never found a virus, but they can find antibodies, so how do they know that those antibodies are fighting the HIV virus? The medical arguments get a little sketchy at this point. But it is because people with AIDS, the virus they are able to find, have those antibodies present that they claim are HIV antibodies. Now for the amazing part. Every single one of those HIV 800 people we treated had been tested for HIV antibodies and were told that they had HIV antibodies, and thus, of course that they had HIV. Then what happens is that the doctor prescribes ARV's, one or two or three of several dozen different complex poisonous drugs, and they are told that they must take these ARV's the rest of their lives, or they will die, and that the ARV can keep them alive for 49 years. Except, every day in that village there is another funeral. Business waits while friends attend the funeral. I kept several of the ARV pill boxes on my desk. The companies don't mince any words. Right on the side of the box there were 5 different reasons that subjects in the test groups died while taking the pills. In addition to that there were more than 70 different diseases and difficulties that were listed as being caused in the test subjects as a result of taking the pills. Now this is the real corker, they claim that these pills can make you live up to 49 years longer than if you didn't take them. Some people claim that they feel a little better a couple of weeks after they start taking them, but every single one of them ended up with at least one disease or discomfort that they didn't have before they started on the ARV. And some of them had 2, 3, and up to 5 different discomforts, such as numb feet, or sore throats, or pneumonia that won't go away, and all those other things I mentioned above and dozens of others. THE DRUG COMPANIES EXTRACT BILLIONS FROM THE AFRICAN COUNTRIES FOR THE DRUGS THAT ARE KILLING THEIR PEOPLE. NONE OF THE DRUG COMPANY LITERATURE MENTIONS IN ANY WAY THAT THESE ARV'S WILL MAKE YOU LIVE LONGER. SO FAR AS I COULD SEE ONLY THE DOCTORS IN THE HOSPITALS AND MAGAZINE ARTICLES CLAIMED THAT THE ARV'S WOULD MAKE ONE LIVE LONGER. . IN THAT WAY THE DRUG COMPANIES CANNOT BE SUED FOR SAYING THE ARV WILL MAKE YOU LIVE LONGER, BECAUSE THEY NEVER WRITE THAT IN THE PACKAGE INSERTS. THEY GET THE DOCTORS TO SAY THAT FOR THEM. Now for the good news part. MMS neutralizes the ARV's. So far as I could see, it neutralized them all. That's the only reason why these people were pulling out of their HIV sickness. If there is a genuine HIV virus then MMS kills it, but if there is not, then neutralizing the ARV's is enough to make these people well. I couldn't get them to stop taking the ARV's as their doctors told them that they will die if they stop, so I told them the same thing, basically, that they will have to continue to take MMS to stay well. The fact is, the ARV's will make them sick and finally die if they quit neutralizing them with MMS. A few of the HIV people stopped taking the ARV's, but only a very few. Can you blame them? Doctors are Gods in Africa just like in the USA, and if your doctor told you that you would die if you didn't take a particular drug, wouldn't you take it? Doctors remain Gods even when their treatments fail. Just because my MMS cures them and their neighbor from something that the doctor couldn't, doesn't change that opinion. I'm still just a nice guy and the doctors remain the Gods. And the Drug companies continue to rake in billions of dollars from Africa and the rest of the world. I just got to tell you one story that really sticks with me. About one week after I arrived one morning early I received a call...I didn't even know anyone had my phone number! A woman asked if she could come see me. Well, it was about 8 o'clock in the morning and I like to sleep in a little after being up late, but she said she had been riding on busses for 3 days and she had arrived early and slept in the bus station, so I had to agree to see her. In a few minutes a young lady about 30 knocked on my door. She had trousers on under her skirt and a long sleeved shirt and her face was covered. She took the shirt off and her face covering and rolled up her pant leg. She had sores all over her body from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. She had sores in her mouth and down her throat. She was suffering terribly. I dug out one hand lotion bottle and another bottle I had there and washed them out good. And filled them with with MMS knowing she was going to need more than normal. I showed her how to mix the 3 drops for taking each hour and then showed her how to mix a heavier dose to rub gentle or spray over her body. She stayed less than 1/2 hour. Then she covered up again and went back outside to take the bicycle taxi to the bus station to do the long trek home. She would take many small buses and travel over a thousand miles to get home. About three weeks later, I got another call from a lady wanting to come see me in the morning again. I barely remembered the other lady and the call brought no recognition. In about 15 minutes there was a knock at the door and when I opened it, there stood one of the most beautiful women I have seen for a very long time. She said, "Hello," and shook my hand. She said, "You don't know who I am, do you?" I said that I didn't have any idea. She said, "I am the lady with the sores that you treated 3 weeks ago. I have traveled 3 days to come here and thank you." She took my hand and put it on her arm. It felt smooth like a baby's skin. She really couldn't speak English, she had practiced those lines. Anyway, that is one of the things that makes this work worthwhile. Very few ever return to say thanks, not that it is necessary. Just one once in a while says it all. Then she did something that nobody in that country ever does. Just before she left she came over and gave me a big hug. I never did know where she got my phone number from over a thousand miles away or how she heard of me. She couldn't tell me and thus I never found out. Return to Top NEW PROTOCOLS The protocol that cured all 800 of those HIV cases follows. The entire 800 weren't all cured at first. Maybe as high as 5% had problems at first, mostly because they didn't follow the protocol, but there were other reasons, however, we finally treated most of them and we were excited that there were no failures with the people who followed the protocol or of those that we had redo the protocol. Now you can believe that or not, and if you really want to prove it one way or the other, I will give you the name of the country and of my friends and at least 400 report forms as we recorded every single case. The other 400 were confiscated from us by the local `Gestapo' Poisons and Medicines Control Board. But we know all those we treated and you can just go over there and visit as many ex-patients as you like so long as you don't act like you are interviewing them. If you start interviewing them the government will have you deported from the company. You cannot violate the privacy of their citizens, but I suspect that rule is mostly to keep the drug companies happy. New Citric Acid Concentration ARE YOU AWARE? The MMS dosage protocols have changed - for the better. You do not have to ramp up to the 15 drop level, you can use a more frequent dose at a lower level to achieve the same or better results. Visit the Jim Humble web page at Return to Top The protocols for MMS for HIV/AIDS and Cancer and life threatening diseases are given below: New Citric Acid Concentration The new protocols recommend a 50% citric acid solution, which is easy to mix. You can mix by volume, equal parts of citric acid powder and distilled water and use it in the same type of dropper bottle. If you do not have citric acid powder, you must keep using the lemon juice or vinegar at the old ratio of 5 drops of lemon juice to 1 drop of MMS. Mix a separate small bottle of citric acid solution of 50% citric powder and 50% water. Jim likes to add a few drops of green food coloring to the citric(one drop of food coloring for each ounce of liquid) to keep you from making a mistake in the mixing. Label the 50% solution so that you don't confuse it with the normal bottle of the 10% citric acid. With the new solution, it is easier to count the drops and you use the same number of MMS and citric acid drops, so there is less to remember. A big advantage is that the mixture activates faster, in 15 seconds, so the preparation is easier and faster to take. This is especially important now with the hourly doses so that you can take a travel kit of MMS and citric and prepare your drops wherever you are more conveniently. Prepare the dose in this manner: If you are going to take a 3 drop dose, put 3 drops of MMS1 in the corner of a clean dry glass, then add 3 drops of 50% citric acid on the MMS1 drops and shake the glass while tipped. Wait 15 seconds as the solution turns brown. HIV/AIDS PROTOCOL USING MMS: Consume 3 drops an hour of activated MMS in juice or water. Put 3 of drops of MMS in a clean dry glass. Tip it to get the drops at the edge, add 3 drops of 50% citric acid, or 15 drops of lemon juice, shake gently to mix, wait 20 seconds for the citric acid to activate or 3 minutes for the lemon juice to activate and then add 1/2 glass of water or juice and drink. (Do not use orange juice or juice with added vitamin C). Do this every hour for 8 consecutive hours each day for 3 weeks. At any time should you begin to feel nauseous or have diarrhea, reduce the number of drops you are taking but do not stop. If you reduce to 2 drops and the feeling or diarrhea doesn't go away reduce to one drop or even 1/2 drop. Then begin to increase as soon as you feel better. Follow this protocol for three weeks or until well. Some things take more than 3 weeks such as herpes. FOR CANCER OR ANY LIFE THREATENING DISEASE: This protocol is similar to the HIV but much more intense. Read the above protocol first. Begin at 3 drops an hour for 10 hours a day (This is different, The HIV protocol calls for 8 hours). Remember, use 1 drop of 50% citric acid for each drop of MMS or 5 drops of lemon juice for each drop of MMS. Wait 3 minutes after adding the lemon juice before adding the juice or water to drink. If 3 drops doesn't make you sick go to 4 drops. If you feel nauseous reduce to 2 drops. Continue to take as many drops as you can per hour without getting sick or diarrhea as high as 10 drops an hour. Go to and learn about MMS2 and take the MMS2 capsules as suggested there, just remember to start slow and you can take 1/2 capsule or less by dumping out some of the powder. So for Cancers you are doing both MMS1 and MMS2. And always treat any cancer as if it was life threatening and keep this protocol going until you are well. That goes for all other life threatening diseases. BUT ALSO REMEMBER THERE ARE MANY OTHER PROTOCOLS. THESE ARE JUST THE BASICS. I hope you liked my MMS story, and there are many such stories. I hope you will come to one of my seminars on MMS. We all have fun while we learn. It is important to know about MMS because it can save your life or someone you love. I HAVE SOME VERY IMPORTANT NEW INFORMATION TO TELL YOU ABOUT WHEN YOU ARE HERE. I THINK EVERY ONE ONE OF YOU OUT THERE WILL EVENTUALLY BE HAPPY THAT WE STARTED ON THIS NEW SURPRISE. IT'S A NEW PROGRAM THAT WE WILL SOON BE USING, AND MANY OF YOU MAY WANT TO TAKE PART. So let me say this, if you don't know what to do about any disease or situation, grab a bottle of MMS and begin taking 3 drops an hour. You can't go wrong. But follow the data given above. Of course always use a little horse sense with that advice. For example, a baby that weighs 1/10th that of a man would take 1/10th of three drops and that would be for all practical purposes 1/3 of a drop. Make a one drop dose and pour 2/3 out and add some more water or juice. We are collecting testimonies of successful MMS experiences to publish as a book. Send us your story for our 'Book of Testimonies' and you can be part of the project. We ask you to be willing to allow yourself to be contacted for third party verification. We figured you would rather read a book about a person who has used MMS successfully than read a study on a laboratory rat. I will be meeting some of you soon and I look forward to that. Your support is very important to me and the future health of humanity. Good fortune to you always! Jim Humble Return to Top ARCHIVES: click any of these links to read prior issues: NEWS001.htm NEWS002.htm NEWS003.htm NEWS004.htm NEWS005.htm NEWS006.htm NEWS007.htm NEWS008.htm NEWS009.htm NEWS009s.htm Disclaimer The disclaimer for this Newsletter is [ Here ]. These writings are educational and informative materials that encourage health seekers to consult medical professionals at medical and health clinics where valid client-patient relationships can be legally sustained. Statements herein about MMS have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. MMS is a well known mineral supplement and a water purifier not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have any medical condition, you must take personal responsibility for your private experimentation, or consult a medical professional before using minerals, salts, foods, perfumes, hair colorings, skin enhancers, diet drinks, iodine, snake bite kits, tooth paste, lotions, aspartame, alcohol, cigarettes, MSG laden soups, or products mentioned in this newsletter. MMS is a water purifying mineral salt in solution. Competing products are known as "Stabilized Oxygen, "Vitamin O," and other trade names packaged in various strengths. Sporting goods stores sell the same MMS mineral salt (Sodium Chlorite) in the form of water purification tablets for use by campers and hunters. This MMS Newsletter 0010 is under Institute for Advanced MMS Studies, LLC. . Terms of Use | Privacy Statement | Contact: MMSnews@... | MMS suppliers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2010 Report Share Posted March 26, 2010 So is the new protocol 3 drops every hour instead of going 1drop, 2 drops, 3 drops, 4 drops....and this is for non cancer cases?(looking for regular virus cases) Thanks, Dave --- In , " healinghope " <mfrreman@...> wrote: > > > I N D E X > 1. Our First Class <> > 2. Donations <> > 3. Second Class Dates <> > 4. Africa and HIV <> > 5. NEW PROTOCOLS <> > 6. New Citric Acid Concentration > <> > 7. Archive and Important links > <> > 8. Email this newsletter to a friend > <mailto:Who@...?subject=Forwarding%20a%20newsletter%20about%20MMS%\ > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2010 Report Share Posted March 26, 2010 Hi Dave Hurried for work hope this helps. HIV/AIDS PROTOCOL USING MMS: Consume 3 drops an hour of activated MMS in juice or water. Put 3 of drops of MMS in a clean dry glass. Tip it to get the drops at the edge, add 3 drops of 50% citric acid, or 15 drops of lemon juice, shake gently to mix, wait 20 seconds for the citric acid to activate or 3 minutes for the lemon juice to activate and then add 1/2 glass of water or juice and drink. (Do not use orange juice or juice with added vitamin C). Do this every hour for 8 consecutive hours each day for 3 weeks. At any time should you begin to feel nauseous or have diarrhea, reduce the number of drops you are taking but do not stop. If you reduce to 2 drops and the feeling or diarrhea doesn't go away reduce to one drop or even 1/2 drop. Then begin to increase as soon as you feel better. Follow this protocol for three weeks or until well. Some things take more than 3 weeks such as herpes. FOR CANCER OR ANY LIFE THREATENING DISEASE: This protocol is similar to the HIV but much more intense. Read the above protocol first. Begin at 3 drops an hour for 10 hours a day (This is different, The HIV protocol calls for 8 hours). Remember, use 1 drop of 50% citric acid for each drop of MMS or 5 drops of lemon juice for each drop of MMS. Wait 3 minutes after adding the lemon juice before adding the juice or water to drink. If 3 drops doesn't make you sick go to 4 drops. If you feel nauseous reduce to 2 drops. Continue to take as many drops as you can per hour without getting sick or diarrhea as high as 10 drops an hour. Go to and learn about MMS2 and take the MMS2 capsules as suggested there, just remember to start slow and you can take 1/2 capsule or less by dumping out some of the powder. So for Cancers you are doing both MMS1 and MMS2. And always treat any cancer as if it was life threatening and keep this protocol going until you are well. That goes for all other life threatening diseases. BUT ALSO REMEMBER THERE ARE MANY OTHER PROTOCOLS. THESE ARE JUST THE BASICS. > > So is the new protocol 3 drops every hour instead of going 1drop, 2 drops, 3 drops, 4 drops....and this is for non cancer cases?(looking for regular virus cases) > Thanks, > Dave > > --- In , " healinghope " <mfrreman@> wrote: > > > > > > I N D E X > > 1. Our First Class <> > > 2. Donations <> > > 3. Second Class Dates <> > > 4. Africa and HIV <> > > 5. NEW PROTOCOLS <> > > 6. New Citric Acid Concentration > > <> > > 7. Archive and Important links > > <> > > 8. Email this newsletter to a friend > > <mailto:Who@?subject=Forwarding%20a%20newsletter%20about%20MMS%\ > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2010 Report Share Posted March 26, 2010 Dave Normal dosage no disease. > > > > So is the new protocol 3 drops every hour instead of going 1drop, 2 drops, 3 drops, 4 drops....and this is for non cancer cases?(looking for regular virus cases) > > Thanks, > > Dave > > > > --- In , " healinghope " <mfrreman@> wrote: > > > > > > > > > I N D E X > > > 1. Our First Class <> > > > 2. Donations <> > > > 3. Second Class Dates <> > > > 4. Africa and HIV <> > > > 5. NEW PROTOCOLS <> > > > 6. New Citric Acid Concentration > > > <> > > > 7. Archive and Important links > > > <> > > > 8. Email this newsletter to a friend > > > <mailto:Who@?subject=Forwarding%20a%20newsletter%20about%20MMS%\ > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2010 Report Share Posted March 26, 2010 Hi and thanks Healinghope, just wanted to make sure for flu the protocol remains the same starting with 1drop and increasing one drop every hour.Regards,Dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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