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In a message dated 4/26/01 4:37:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

car18win@... writes:

> . I am a private person, who NEVER worked out in front of

> anyone, even in front of my hubby, so morning is better for me,

> Honestly I hate the feeling of my fat jumping around withme, and


Carla and ,

I can relate to what both of you are saying. I just wanted to tell you a bit

about myself, hoping it would help you have faith. (all of you who know me

can skip this, lol). After having two kids, I found myself weighing 245

pounds. I was fat and totally miserable. All of my life, I have hated

exercise. I tried diet after diet to lose the weight, hoping to avoid having

to sweat. Nothing seemed to work. One day I saw the Tae-Bo infomercial and

decided to order it. I made up all of the excuses in the world as to why I

couldn't work out. I couldn't go to the gym because I was " too fat. " I

couldn't go for a walk because it as too embarrassing to be seen by

neighbors. I saw the infomercial and thought, now that is something I can do

at home. I started doing the tapes for a few months and then quit. I got

frustrated that I wasn't getting fast enough results and decided that Tae-Bo

wasn't worth the effort. So, I went back to doing what I was doing before,

sitting on my butt. One day, as I sat around wallowing in self pity, I

decided to try the tapes again. I don't know why, but that time something

clicked with me. I have been doing Tae-Bo ever since. Things have not been

easy. I have a definite problem with my body image and eating at times too.

But very slowly I have worked very hard to change all of my bad habits into

good ones. I can't even tell you how much Tae-Bo has changed my life. I am so

much stronger and more self assured now. I do things that I never would have

done before Tae-Bo. I travel the country to meet up with my Tae-Bo friends. I

went out to Los Angeles twice to workout with . I was in a Tae-Bo TV

workout and a few workouts on QVC! I EXERCISED on NATIONAL TV!! Me, a girl

who would not even go for a walk because I was afraid that people would laugh

at me! I went on TV!!! I am also proud to say that I joined a gym a few

months ago. I lift weights, do the cardio machines and take kickboxing

classes with barely a thought as to who is watching me. I would have never

done all of these things before Tae-Bo. I have so much self confidence now

and it has spilled over into all areas of my life. Tae-Bo is an amazing thing

if you let it in. talks about working yourself from the inside out. It

took me a very long time to get what he was saying. Even now I still have

days where I let the scale get to me, but I am not nearly as bad as I used to

be. I really do believe that if I make myself healthy on the inside, the

outside will follow. There will be days in your journey where you feel like

giving up. There will be days where you feel fat and ugly. That happens to

all of us. I have no idea why it happens, but it does. The important thing

for you to remember is that you are a special person, put on this earth for a

purpose. I assure you that your purpose is not to beat yourself up on a daily

basis over your weight. Ya, it sucks to be over weight! But you know what?

You have the power to change! And with patience and determination, you WILL

reach your goals! I have lost over 90 pounds now from Tae-Bo and can fit into

a size 9! When I was 245 pounds, I couldn't imagine being able to lose the

weight. It was too huge, too much, too overwhelming! But somehow I did it.

And if I can do it, anyone can (I know that is cliche, but it is so true).

You just have to believe that you are worth it and you deserve to be healthy

and happy. We have the power to decide how our lives will be. No one is

destined to be fat and miserable. No, it is not easy, but anyone can lose

weight with patience and determination. I know that both of you have those

things inside of you. I hope you are both able to look deep down inside

yourselves and find the strength to believe in the power you have to change

your lives. You both have it, now is the time to put it to use! Good luck to

both of you. We will all be here to support you every step of the way!

:) who is not usually this cheesy...sorry!

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It's funny how sometimes the human mind works.

I just finished my daily workout.

While I was doing it about mid way, I started to think about how I had

lost no weight at all, how I was fat, ugly and how I shouldn't even bother

trying so much. I would then try to muffle those thoughts down by saying that it


nonesense. I started to cry and just couldn't stop like it was the end of the


I admit, I sometimes feel this is a lost cause and I should just give in to the


to hack n' slash this fat off me. I know I can't give up. I paused the tape,


myself out and then finished the workout.

I feel really weird now. I had to share. I am still on the verge

of tears and have no idea what to do or think.

I am just feeling terribly alone with this body image I don't like.

A. - Webmistress



ICQ: 18686159

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No !!!! You are NOT ALONE! I feel the same way you do, but

you have started to work out. I am so lost, no support, my hubby

says I'm too big and fat, and of course I feel just plain gross, but

he is only saying this to help motivate me....sometimes I just dunno

you know.

I am alone at home, but not here, I belong to two taebo boards and

have yet to stick my tapes in the VCR!.

You said you haven't lost any weight, did you take your measurments

before you began your journey? That is what shows you your

progress, at first you may not drop weight, it is turning " fat " into

muscle...I hate the f (fat) word. But it is true. Also my friends

works at our local Y and he says that workouts when you first wake up

are more beneficial to your progress, ok, he is no expert, but it

makes lots of sense to me, get up, get the blood pumping. You can do

this. I'm with you.

I will check back tomorrow around noon EST and i would love to hear

how you are doing. I will get off my rear and do the workout in the

morning. I am a private person, who NEVER worked out in front of

anyone, even in front of my hubby, so morning is better for me,

Honestly I hate the feeling of my fat jumping around withme, and

believe me it does.

All My Best,


> It's funny how sometimes the human mind works.

> I just finished my daily workout.


> While I was doing it about mid way, I started to think about how I


> lost no weight at all, how I was fat, ugly and how I shouldn't

even bother

> trying so much. I would then try to muffle those thoughts down by

saying that it was

> nonesense. I started to cry and just couldn't stop like it was the

end of the world.

> I admit, I sometimes feel this is a lost cause and I should just

give in to the surgeon

> to hack n' slash this fat off me. I know I can't give up. I paused

the tape, cryed

> myself out and then finished the workout.


> I feel really weird now. I had to share. I am still on the verge

> of tears and have no idea what to do or think.


> I am just feeling terribly alone with this body image I don't like.


> A. - Webmistress

> http://www.LaraSanctuary.com

> http://www.SeasonalJoys.com

> ICQ: 18686159




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Good, :)

I suggest you sit down tonight and watch

the tape as you would watch a movie. Take

the time to assimilate what is saying and

doing and tell yourself that you *will* do it tomorrow



A. - Webmistress



ICQ: 18686159

Re: Negativity


I know what you mean, we fight sometimes, but he told me just a few

minutes ago that he is bidding on The Tae Bo Way for me on ebay, he

is at home and i'm still at work, leaving shortly, but for him to do

that means that he knows i am serious and I mean business. I just

look at him when he says mean things and walk away, it sort of puts

me plum out of the mood to work out. He is getting better though, he

knows being an ass is not the way to get any " happy sheets " so LOL

I've been getting my butt kissed. LOL

Keep me posted. Tomorrow morning is my first workout to the tapes

and I'm pumped to try them, I hope I don't say it and then do


All my best.


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In a message dated 4/26/01 9:13:50 PM !!!First Boot!!!, Agaw12577@...


<< You both have it, now is the time to put it to use! Good luck to

both of you. We will all be here to support you every step of the way!

:) who is not usually this cheesy...sorry!


Yeah ! Great post! You should be a motivational speaker :-)

You have done some awesome things for yourself and we are proud of you. I

hope others will realize that they can have the same thing.


Check out our website at:


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In a message dated 4/27/01 2:26:57 AM !!!First Boot!!!,

blaze-designs2@... writes:

<< Tomorrow is my last day of smoking. Do you think since I am just really

starting my exercise program that I will gain weight. Gosh I hope not. I

can't afford new clothes. Do you have any tips to help ease the withdrawal

symptoms....I am gonna need all the help that I can get but am actually

excited that i will soon be smoke free :)



I was never too much of a habitual smoker (thought I did get in the habit for

a very short while during a difficult time and freaked when I realized that I

was addicted), I was more of a social smoker. But even with the little tar

and carbon dioxide I did inhale, I could FEEL it when I worked out and it

FELT horrible. While you are working out and struggling with things (make

sure you are not too easy on yourself) think about how much easier it will be

in a week if you stay cigarette free. Pay attention to your breathing and how

your body feels. I don't know how effective nicorette is for the cravings for

a heavy smoker, but it did help me and I still have some because I still

crave a cigarette occasionally when I smell one. Plus it gives you a little

buzz, but it tastes awful and after chewing it you don't want to put anything

in your mouth including food and cigarettes. Therefore I wouldn't brush my

teeth for a few hours so that the taste would remain in my mouth.

Good luck with quitting!


Who still likes to hold a lit cigar on occasion.. I know its bad and weird,

but it reminds of my grandfather who smoke a pipe and its very comforting.

Its only like 2 or 3 times a year.

Check out our website at:


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In a message dated 4/26/01 5:45:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

simon@... writes:

> I

> have close to 90 pounds to lose, and some days, I do feel so overwhelmed.

> Between work, kid, and my house I just dont know how I can always make time

> for myself. So far for 2 months I have done it, and I feel so great about


I hear ya on that Robbi!! One thing I have learned is that you have to be

" selfish. " My exercise will come before the dishes or the laundry, you know?

I have started to put myself first now. Congratulations on all that you have

accomplished in the last 2 months!! Try not to think about the " big picture "

right now. Don't think of yourself as having to lose 90 pounds, take it a

pound at a time. And celebrate every thing you do right for yourself. You

know, a long time ago, we used to have weekly brags where everyone would brag

about themselves and what they did right that week. I vote that we bring that

back!!! What do you all say? Hang in there Robbi, you can do it!!


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In a message dated 4/26/2001 10:19:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

ttlccm@... writes:

<< I finally went to WW this morning. I am going to give it a go, and I liked


much better than TOPS. I also like the plan, and I think it will force me to

plan my meals which I never do. I also have worked out 2X this week already,


I'm glad you like WW. A lot of people here have had success with that plan.

Way to go on exercising this week!


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In a message dated 4/26/2001 10:26:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

blaze-designs2@... writes:

<< Tomorrow is my last day of smoking. Do you think since I am just really

starting my exercise program that I will gain weight. Gosh I hope not. I

can't afford new clothes. Do you have any tips to help ease the withdrawal

symptoms....I am gonna need all the help that I can get but am actually

excited that i will soon be smoke free :) >>

Good for you, ! You will feel so much better.


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In a message dated 4/26/01 10:20:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ttlccm@...


> At WW I was given the initial

> goal of losing 25 lbs. Which is good, I am going to focus on that, but even

> more so, I am still going to focus on my initial goal of 10 pounds. I am

> working on not thinking about the 120 lbs of baby fat I have to lose, and

> focus on 10 pounds at a time, and my real goal of losing 80-90% ofmy weight

> by my graduation May 2002.


You can do it Temera! I am glad you liked WW! I really like that plan!


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In a message dated 4/26/01 10:27:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

blaze-designs2@... writes:



That is fantastic that you are going to quit smoking! Good luck! I KNOW YOU



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In a message dated 4/27/2001 9:06:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

janou_pou@... writes:

<< who did the Kathy kickbox workout Monday for the first time in 2

years, and found that it is a great workout with lots of points on correct

form that could be substituted for an intermediate workout (lasting 45

minutes) for those interested in a change of style (of course Kathy is NOT

!) once in a while


I agree completely with your assessment of the Kathy workout, Janou.

She (and the guy who is there) give great tips on kicks. You should be so

proud of yourself for fitting in your workouts. would give you the

" thumb's up. "


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Let me step out of my semi-lurkdom mode here... YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! This is

one of the reasons we have this group. We are all at different parts of our

journeys. Some have achieved their goals, and are a source of inspiration for

us, some are at the very beginning, feeling the same as you do. Getting the

motivation to workout is easy, keeping it is a constant struggle. Especially

when we don't " see " the results we want to.

Some have lost weight faster than others... but the key here, is we all

eventually start losing! It's normal to get down periods, we all get them...

all of us... even the ones who have achieved their goals. Accept these down

periods, live them, but NEVER give up. Fitness is a LIFE LONG commitment. In

any commitment, there are good days and bad, like a marriage.

, you are doing great work, keep it up. Don't forget that we are all

here for you!!! The results will come eventually, but you have to be patient...


who was really bummed that Liz got booted off from Survivor yesterday


It's funny how sometimes the human mind works.

I just finished my daily workout.

While I was doing it about mid way, I started to think about how I had

lost no weight at all, how I was fat, ugly and how I shouldn't even bother

trying so much. I would then try to muffle those thoughts down by saying that

it was

nonesense. I started to cry and just couldn't stop like it was the end of the


I admit, I sometimes feel this is a lost cause and I should just give in to

the surgeon

to hack n' slash this fat off me. I know I can't give up. I paused the tape,


myself out and then finished the workout.

I feel really weird now. I had to share. I am still on the verge

of tears and have no idea what to do or think.

I am just feeling terribly alone with this body image I don't like.

A. - Webmistress



ICQ: 18686159

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" :) who is not usually this cheesy...sorry! "

, you are a true inspiration!!! You have worked so hard to get where

you are at. I may have not been around since the beginning of your journey, but

I do remember your downs, and ups... You have always bounced back with even

more strength and courage than before. You know, you could write a book about

your experience, it would be a best seller!!!


who will have to go back in lurk mode soon...

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Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking. I am an ex-smoker

and know what you are going through. Just remember, when you feel

like biting someone's head off and spitting down their neck, it's not

going to last. It will get better, I promise!

When I quit, I found that I was very nervous and edgy. It seemed

like I was needing something to keep my hands busy and needed

something to satisfy my cravings. Every time you get the urge, drink

water. Lots and lots of water. When I first quit I felt like I was

drink gallons a day. The water will do you good and provides

something in the absence of the nicotine. It will also keep your

stomach full and prevent a lot of the food cravings. I didn't get

gain weight when I quit, I actually lost around 8 pounds just because

of the water.

Good luck and God Bless!!!


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" Between work, kid, and my house I just dont know how I can always make time

for myself. "

I can relate to the part of finding time for yourself. I also work full time,

commute 2 and half hours a day, and have a 1 year old child. I have set my

priorities straight. Chores get done, but I have decreased my sleeping time in

order to get my workouts in. Besides, when you workout, you need less sleep,

because you are so energized. Even if I get in only half an hour, I'm pleased

with myself. Sure, if I had an hour and a half available, I'd workout that

amount of time. But we have to be realistic with our schedules. I'd rather

workout 30 minutes, but give it all I got, than workout 0 minutes, and veg out

in front of the TV!


who did the Kathy kickbox workout Monday for the first time in 2 years,

and found that it is a great workout with lots of points on correct form that

could be substituted for an intermediate workout (lasting 45 minutes) for those

interested in a change of style (of course Kathy is NOT !) once in a while

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I have to jump in on this one!!!! Temera, your husband is ALREADY

very, very insecure!!!!!! That is why he has to put other people down

- to make himself feel better about himself or feel superior. Was he

a bully when he was a kid???? Or was HE picked on so that he had to

call people names to feel better about himself???? I don't understand

why but people who degrade others like this usually do it to the ones

they love - they really do need to get help. It's too bad he won't go

and talk to someone especially since your kids are seeing and hearing

this and a cycle is started. Your sons could grow up to do the same

to their wives and your daughters might pick a man who will treat her

the same as her dad did to her mom. If only your hubby could see that

- since it has to be his decision that what he's doing isn't right.

And it's much, much harder for a male to admit that. Gosh, you see

these type of men on talk shows and I wonder where they came from but

they are right there aren't they? It seems there is more and more of

this behavior going on which is so sad. If they could see the damage

they do to the inside of the people they love, I bet they would stop.

They just don't realize.

I am so proud of you that you are working on YOURSELF, no matter what

anyone says. You have an inner strength that you should be proud

of!!!!!! (((HUGS)))


> Amen a, many know that my hubby is less than supportive, and it

is not

> helpful. But, I now know I am doing this for me, and his name

calling will

> not stop me!! Although it hurts like hell, he is going to be the

insecure one

> when I am through.LOL


> Temera




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In a message dated 4/27/01 1:57:07 PM !!!First Boot!!!, ravin@...


<< Your sons could grow up to do the same

to their wives and your daughters might pick a man who will treat her

the same as her dad did to her mom. >>

AMEN! My brother tends to act like my Dad. He knows it too as he is trying to

NOT to act like him. To insult him I call him Elwyn which is our real dad's

name. He can be a chauvinistic pig and is sometimes insensitive about my

SIL's weight and etc. He has gotten better over the last few years, but it

definitely had an impact.

And I use to put up with the same crap from the men I dated.Example-My

ex-fiance told me often that the two of us, he and I, could stand to loose a

few pounds. I was 115-120 and worked out!!!! Thankfully he dumped me for a my

stick friend (seriously) :-)

Don't let him get away with that stuff. You may think yu can handle it, but

it will influence your children.


Check out our website at:


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In a message dated 4/27/01 7:29:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

patioqueen@... writes:

> I agree, bring back the brags! It really helps to


Ok, it is settled! W'll bring back the weekly brag reports! How do Fridays

sound? Or Sundays? Whichever ya'll want to do.

:) who was hit by the flu all of the sudden today and feels like

total....you know what

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No, not necessarily. I didn't gain any weight when I

quit, after smoking for five years (heavily). I truly

believe that if you keep exercising and don't eat

more, you'll be okay. It's just that cigarettes

supress hunger, so when people quit they usually feel

the need to eat more. You can do it! Like everyone

else said, be sure to keep straws or toothpicks with

you at all times, and maybe candy or gum. Good luck!!!


--- wrote:

> Tomorrow is my last day of smoking. Do you think

> since I am just really starting my exercise program

> that I will gain weight. Gosh I hope not. I can't

> afford new clothes. Do you have any tips to help

> ease the withdrawal symptoms....I am gonna need all

> the help that I can get but am actually excited that

> i will soon be smoke free :)


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Hey Guys

I just want to say thank you all for this wonderful thread. It's amazing how

when I stop to listen I learn that there are a LOT of people who struggle and

share some of the same fears and anxieties that I do. This is a VERY big

deal for me, I struggle a great deal with body image. I struggle a great

deal more because people don't take me seriously. It's very very hard for me

to allow people to look at me and say that my feelings aren't real because I

work out a lot, that I only need to lose about 30 lbs or that I lost 30 lbs

in 3 months a while ago so they KNOW that I know what to do to lose weight.

It's so hard. Generally, I don't talk about stuff and lately when I've

wanted to or tried to I basically got either laughed at as though it was a

joke or told straight out that I am lying about how high my body fat % is

because I work out a lot. I don't find it flattering at all because these

people KNOW that I'm not nearly as small as I use to be. It's SO frustrating.

I can NOT stand patronism. My oldest sister, who lives in a different

state, often asks me if I still do taebo and I tell her that I do, a couple

of times a week and I also do cardio kickboxing at the gym 2 or 3 times a

week. I will go on to tell her that I've gained quite a bit of the weight I

had lost back and she will just tell me that I am just lying... there's no

way in hell I've gained weight back because she's seen what kind of food is

in my fridge and everytime she calls I'm either off to the gym or in the

middle of doing a tape. I get really really angry and it happens EVERY time

I talk to her. I try to explain and even go as far as to ask why I would lie

about gaining weight but she just basically dismisses me and it makes me very

upset but sometimes things just aren't ok to talk about. 's post really

hit home with me... I mean, I use to get the same thing and I still had

about 20 lbs to lose to be in the high range of what my weight should be.

I'm not saying that it's bad to be concerned. I guess I just don't believe

for one minute that it was out of concern, if that were the case, where are

they now? It's just as dangerous to gain weight quickly and no one has

pulled me to the side and had a serious talk with me about how I'm gaining

weight. No one is questioning me about what I ate for lunch now. Now,

they say nothing.... just smile and act as though things are the way they

should be. Oh well, I guess that's just how it's going to be and it's up to

me to get a handle on things. Thank you all for the great posts this week,

there is nothing more powerful than knowledge. You are all a great bunch of

people. Thanks for letting me vent! Whew! :)


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Thanks so much. You guys are the greatest. I think the weekly brags would

be awesome!!


who has to work this weekend, all weekend, and is dreading night shift. ;)

Re: Re: Negativity

> In a message dated 4/26/01 5:45:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> simon@... writes:



> > I

> > have close to 90 pounds to lose, and some days, I do feel so


> > Between work, kid, and my house I just dont know how I can always make


> > for myself. So far for 2 months I have done it, and I feel so great


> >


> I hear ya on that Robbi!! One thing I have learned is that you have to be

> " selfish. " My exercise will come before the dishes or the laundry, you


> I have started to put myself first now. Congratulations on all that you


> accomplished in the last 2 months!! Try not to think about the " big

picture "

> right now. Don't think of yourself as having to lose 90 pounds, take it a

> pound at a time. And celebrate every thing you do right for yourself. You

> know, a long time ago, we used to have weekly brags where everyone would


> about themselves and what they did right that week. I vote that we bring


> back!!! What do you all say? Hang in there Robbi, you can do it!!

> :)




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I agree, bring back the brags! It really helps to

share what you've accomplished with others.


> know, a long time ago, we used to have weekly brags

> where everyone would brag

> about themselves and what they did right that week.

> I vote that we bring that

> back!!! What do you all say? Hang in there Robbi,

> you can do it!!

> :)



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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