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Re: Fwd: Excerpt from Rae's Cosmic Time

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Thank you for this information. Just yesterday old patterns of

jealousy came up. I thought I was finished with this. I apparently

was not. I was containing it to the outside world, only The war was

going on inside. Last night I had to do work (meditate) to raise my

vibration level,(chanting the Gayatri for one, and saging myself and

my room), and clear myself so love could re-enter. It is reasuring

or comforting to hear an astrological energetic reason that I am

releasing and seeing the left over residue of #@!% that still needs

to be released.

Thank you,




> *September 11 Eclipse* ******In this time of no-time between


> you are invited to explore, to journey, to remember. Who else

could you

> be? What else could you do? Surprises, expansion, reconfiguration.

You are

> the snake shedding the skin of its former self. Open. Explore. Dive

in. This

> is depth work, the death process, magic, shamanism, the art of


> Divine Essence. The Core. In just 10 days, the Sun and Moon meet

in Virgo,

> to birth a new you. As the September 11 eclipse approaches, awaken

to your

> destiny and purpose in a new way. Solar eclipses are super-charged


> moons. We begin again, finally free. What is changing, re-

arranging, in

> your life?

> Pluto turns direct on September 7 and begins the approach to his


> alignment with the Galactic Center, exact on the October 26/27 Full


> This is a culmination of a lifetime. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on


> 11 opens the portal. Higher dimensional frequencies stream in. We


> reborn.

> *Pluto Portal* **

> * " How would you like to believe that what you believe is wrong? How


> you like to believe something different? " *

> ** Astrologer Philip Sedgwick said that back in August 2006,

commenting on

> Pluto's passage of the Galactic Center in 2006-2007. Here it is a


> later, and we're in the thick of this transit, finding out just

what it

> means. Since last December, Pluto has hovered in alignment with

the center

> of our Milky Way Galaxy at 26 degrees 55 minutes Sagittarius. He's


> retrograding back and forth over that point, rooting out


> patterns and beliefs that no longer serve on our evolutionary

journey. The

> Galactic Heart Center, by the way, is an enormous black hole that

> obliterates and creates matter on the scale of worlds and stars.

Now we

> have the eclipses breaking up energy so new patterns may emerge.


> witnessing the Earth changes, the political and financial upheaval.


> will take the place of what was? What else could be? In the

September 11

> eclipse, Uranus joins the party, opposing the Sun-Moon conjunction.


> combination is bursting with potential. Watch for sudden

breakthroughs and

> insights, spontaneous healing and more. The potential for deep,


> transformation is profound. On October 26-27, Pluto lines up with


> Galactic Center for the final conjunction of our lifetime.

Remember, this

> only happens every 248 years. Pluto has exactly aligned with the


> Center twice now - on December 28, 2006, and again on July 17 this

year (the

> date of Fire the Grid). The third and final pass will be on October


> 2007. We will honor this passage and ride the wave of potential

with a

> healing retreat that weekend (details below). The last degrees of

> Sagittarius call us to a higher order. The Archer aims for the

stars. Our

> lives are reconfigured based on cosmic law and divine intent, the

truth of

> who we are. Re-alignment. Restructuring. Reconfiguration. This is a


> beginning.

> The changes keep accelerating through the end of the year as

Jupiter catches

> up with Pluto in the late degrees of Sagittarius. Their conjunction


> December 11 is the rendezvous of the year. We blast into 2008 as


> awakened to our cosmic destiny and purpose.



> *Navigating the Shift*

> We live in the between times, the cusp period between world ages.

The two

> weeks between eclipses magnifies this effect.


> What " was " is dissolving and what will be is yet to come. In these

times, be

> gentle with yourself and others you encounter. As the changes speed


> you'll be tempted. Resist the urge to control things, people,


> Surrender to what is.


> Practice radical self-care and forgiveness. Go overboard on


> yourself. Notice the changes in your body and mind. As fears and


> come up, acknowledge them and move forward anyway. Help others

align with

> Love.

> These are the pre-dawn hours of a new existence that's still

forming, a

> paradigm centered in Love. Trust and allow the process. Dream. And

let go.

> Namaste.






> ------------------------------


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