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and absorption

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I'm not sure what you missed and what you got...the highlights of the Facebook

discussion on absorption went something like this.

Vicki G. said... Dr. Z said... that as a years out postop we absorb about 70

percent of what we eat. Dr. K said it was much less. I said..everyone is

different and the only way to tell is to measure everything we take in...and

ummm..everything we put out. And each one of us will come up with a different

number. YOU have to learn where YOUR calorie intake causes weight-gain or loss.

Dr. Z saying 70% could be a " total " kind of number of the entire diet...Dr. K

saying we absorb much less...could be a " fats " only kind of number. It is hard

to say without talking to them directly. But truly...the number, the percentage

is arbitrary. Because your % WILL be somewhat different than Mine, or hers, or

his, or theirs...get it?

But a Basic answer...we DO absorb more as time goes on..it is one of the reasons

we quit losing weight. One of the things that happens...our common channel

actually gets fatter...bigger around..giving it more surface to absorb. The

body is amazing in it's ability to adapt. How much your Body adapts will be

different than mine. I have a 75 cm common channel...someone else could have a

shorter 50cm common channel and their body is more efficient in absorbing! It

is a your mileage may vary kind of thing. But KNOW...you DO ABSORB MORE than

you did that first 18 months post-op.




> you are so awesome Jo! thanks!


> Hey, for some reason I don't get all the post on FB. I did see part of a post

on absorption and Marla made the statement on counting calories... So, as not

to have to repeat yourself.... do we over time start absorbing more and we then

have to go back to counting calories?? Please say it ain't so!!


> Have a wonderful day everyone. BTW... starting tonight I'm going to post my

daily protein and carb intake along with water and exercise.  It's mainly to

hold myself accountable but if I can help anyone else along the way, the more

the merrier!





> ________________________________


> To: DS_Friends_Keshishian

> Sent: Mon, February 8, 2010 9:42:39 AM

> Subject: Fructose




> This is a news type video on Fructose. I recently watched a LONG medical

convention type lecture on how Fructose is toxic in the liver and a major player



> http://www.5min. com/Video/ Diagnosing- Digestive- Disorders- 175277797


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