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No Words Were Availble For Title At Time Of This Release

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Well, I've sat here for the last 40 minutes or so waiting for some words

to spill across this page. I'm sure their coming, my heads on fire with

ideas, images and dimensional flux. They are moving so rapidly you'd

think a word or two would just fall out, but " noooooooo " , my fingers

stand ready like a band waiting to go on stage but the lights are out,

the fuses blown, and the crowd getting restless....no, I take that back,

it's more like the bands not here yet and the crowds getting....no,

that's not it either.....

[oh, you thought I'd at least edit out the above since I changed what I

might write? Are you nuts? It took 40 minutes for those words... " I'm

keepin' 'em " .]

You think writers just happen along don't ya? Well, they don't....words

can get heavy, you try lifting them into place in just the right order

and have them make some kind of sense. Ever tried to move a word? You'd

think you were pulling teeth. Only words can " cop an attitude " [see

that? those three got together and quoted themselves, I tell you

what....]. Move them one way, and they act out. Move another, and they

lose their sense, of direction. If I could be a writer and not have to

use words I'd..................strike that.

I know your looking at this right now, admit it. You are, aren't you.

You can't help yourself...you can't take your eyes off what your seeing.

I know, I'll bet on it. It's like your waiting for something to appear.

It's not pretty seeing into the mind of a writer whose lost his

mind....is it? It was here alittle whi.....err, about 45 minutes ago.

But, nevermind, or not....we'll try to salvage this issue of

" Intentional Insanity " ......somehow!

I bet you thought healing was going to be all hard work and late night

intimate relationships with your phone and/or computer huh? Get over it.

I'm sorry, it's not going to happen. Healing is not hard work. And late

night encounters with machinery and appliances is not highly


Healing is the ability for you to " become complete " and " whole " . When

you feel " well " , you are energized and alive. Your alert, running at

full charge, estatic...completely yourself, aren't you?

When we offer healing, we don't do it...[whether by prayer, meditation,

or sending love/energy]...by half hoping something good will come out of

it. We charge " full on " into the winds of whatever powers we preceive

as, the " cause " . We don't take " no " for the answer because WE KNOW any

" cause " requiring our attention is pure illusion. And what is illusion

by the perception, or information, that has been used, or misused.

Now, before I get strung up, I don't mean someone went out and decided

one day to get sick. Everything, no matter what it is, amounts to

" thought " . It may have been thoughts that were entertained at some

point. It may have been thoughts encountered on a sub-conscious level,

thoughts from a past life, and even thoughts out of the " collective " . It

amounts to thoughts, thoughts that have brought on illusion.

The body doesn't know...it's like a computer, feed it the wrong or

incomplete data and it's not going to operate as it should. Information

is missing or distorted. The mind believes everything, regardless of the

truth, it acts upon the information it has. And information is " light " .

The " sick " , or better said, " the " affected " , part of " us " , is within the

illusion of the matter. The affected part can not always see beyond the

limits of this. Someone may request healing for, let say, cancer. To the

affected person...THIS IS REAL...their " reality " . Yes, they feel the

pain, the emotion, and the process. We relate to them with " empathy " . We

can " feel " where they are, but WAIT....

We are not there, in the healing role, to agree with what " their

reality " is. We can feel for them, yet our role is to DISAGREE. We can

not agree that they are " not well " . Our healing is sent in the form of

knowing they are whole and complete. That they are perfect. That this

" thing " is but an illusion of truth. What appears is simply a " blockage "

of living energy. We move the energy, we restore balance. We take away

the illusion. We come to agree that they are whole - " well " . We

reprogram the missing data. Reboot - Reformat....we're just removing the

" garbage files " . But the final thing that happens here, in a lot of

cases, in most even, is when you reboot, and you've made these changes,

helped " the affected person " to understand, by your thoughts directed to

them, or in person, is a screen will pop up to the " msconfig " file,

asking you if you want to keep this setting change. This is where " they "

agree to the changes by clicking yes. In other words, they must come to

the conclusion that they are whole as well, and begin acting in that


And this is done by the knowing that " we " are bringing our selves whole.

" Where any two gather in my name, so it shall be done... " You, the

healer, and that one, which is affected, come together, and " the will of

the two " makes healing so. The affected, willing to be " made well " , the

healer, willing - agreeing it so. And of course, you remember, " in my

name " simply means... " in LOVE " .

In fact, when you send love directly into the situation, intently,

deliberately....with power....all of what was just referred to can be

accomplished in the one act.

Try the " Living On Love " books I referred to before...no matter what

types of healing you prefer and use, sending love, as if it were fire

from your wand or staff...from your heart, changes everything


One last note...if you pray instead of meditate, we are not " asking " for

something to happen, we are " agreeing " that it is so.

Now, wasn't that fun? The most incredible feeling that you will ever

experience is the one where you give full focus, power and attention to

what comes to your awareness [for healing, for improvement], and you see

it change, fill [feel]with life, right before your eyes and

senses....no, wait........just go ahead and feel " that " to begin

with....you already know what the results going to be don't you?

ummhummm... " thought so " .

Ok, gonna go see if my mind has wandered back yet....

[ knightsint(dc) ]


* no letters were harmed in the creation of this production, although

numbers have filed suit for discrimination.

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