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Re: Tthank you to the person who posted the information about ANNA HAYES..

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Tthank you to the person who posted the information about


> My mum is very interested in DNA, so she will want to have a look at the web

reference you gave.


> I wonder if this lady is extremely attuned to the more subtle energies, as

you say you think her information is the most well presented in all your



> regards Anne UK

Yes, Anne, she is phenomenally attuned! In fact, she is giving a workshop soon

in the UK. Her workshops are WONDERFUL.

You can find the workshop details listed on the website at:


I cannot recommend these teachings more enthusiastically!



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Guest guest

Tthank you to the person who posted the information about


> My mum is very interested in DNA, so she will want to have a look at the web

reference you gave.


> I wonder if this lady is extremely attuned to the more subtle energies, as

you say you think her information is the most well presented in all your



> regards Anne UK

Introducing an Unparalleled Paradigm in

I thought you'd like to see the contents of the workshop. Here it is, straight

from the website at http://members.aol.com/azuritetemple/uk_dance_for_life.htm



Spiritual Self Empowerment: **The Dance for Life **

With Ashayana & Azurtanya Deane

Ashayana Deane, author of the most compelling and factually accurate 'New Age'

material in contemporary history, visits the UK for a one time presentation of

the most profound, spiritually advanced, self-empowerment spiritual teachings,

which meet, head on, the challenges and needs of our times - from both a

personal and planetary perspective.

" Dance for Life " © & " Dance for Love " ©

The thrust of the workshop addresses the Restoration of Personal Divinity,

explaining how and why, without this information, fully realized Spiritual

Empowerment and Ascension is virtually impossible; a " reality " reinforced by

distorted spiritual teachings of recent history (which endanger and limit,

rather than liberate).

The workshop introduces the need for and " Keys " to practical and effective

consciousness expansion to realize the walking awareness and the direct power

relationship, associated with true Christ Consciousness. These Keys are called

Sacred Veca Codes. They are the Pre-Ancient " official " means through which a

direct Path to the Inner Christ can be realistically forged. The " Keys " and the

manner of their use have no parallel in the quest to successfully participate,

as Christed Co-Creative MANIFESTERS, in the events referred to as the " End

Times " .

You will discover the true structure and function of " Creation " , the " Human "

role in relation to its history, the " Fall " , the truth and correct function of

Merkaba (and why it is reversed), the reasons why we cannot yet manifest change

in our reality and how we can overcome this, what the future holds for humanity

plus a great deal more .


As Lightworkers, we understand that " All is Energy, All Energy Is Conscious " and

therefore " All Consciousness Is Energy " . We know that all living things are

connected to Source-God, that we are " All One " , and that we carry the inherent

potential to return to At-One-Ment (or successfully " ascend " ). We all hope to

understand this, and to achieve this as our own personal, unconditionally loving

reality. Yet we still understand the process so little - we haven't tried to do

this before (or often don't remember when we have). No one knows what to do,

really, nor what to expect. That's EXACTLY what this workshop is about.

Connection to Source necessarily implies connection to the very Currents of

Manifestation, " Primal Life Force Currents " (PLCs). Assumption of greater

Spiritual Powers, bi-location, instantaneous healing, open telepathic

communication and such all presuppose this REAL connection, just as ascension

does. There are 15 aspects of these PLCs to be worked with in careful and

appropriate sequence. Can you name any of them? Do you know how to work with

them? Very very few people have any EFFECTIVE working awareness of these at

all. If there were more, this Planet of Conflict and Suffering would

instantaneously change, just by the critical mass effect of those who were

equipped with such powerful and, literally, God-given tools of Christiac


Returning these tools to the sectors of humanity who carry the Spiritual

Maturity and sense of deep responsibility is what this workshop is about. It is

about restoring the Divine Blueprint to this part of the Universe. It is about

the way in which Source " corrects " the devolved or deviant aspects of itself,

with and through us. Such times are Great Cycles, sometimes referred to as the

" In Breath and Out Breath of God " , but since in all practical terms these times

refer to the opening of Star Gates inside and outside the body, they are known

as " Stellar Activations Cycles " .

Stellar Activations Cycles are times when the Gates of the Cosmic, Universal,

Galactic, Planetary and Biological Grids open to receive intense bursts of PLC'

s. Because all life forms cannot hold these frequencies a process of " Natural

Selection " ensues. The period between now and 2012-2017 is this time; it is a

time of " Polarisation " where organic separation occurs between those that are

CORRECTLY working to embody more of the PLC's frequency and those who think they

are, but are not (as well as those who couldn't care less anyway).

It isn't so much a matter of " correctness " that matters but in ensuring one has

the correct basis of understanding about who humans REALLY are, and what their

relationship to all this is. Humans, coupled with the techniques of this

workshop, are the KEY to success in re-anchoring the Divine Blueprint. It isn't

an easy task. The workshop introduces you to the true multi-dimensional form of

human anatomy, together with the inextricable, biological-spiritual link to the

Planetary Grids (Shields). The damage done since the " Fall " from Tara (570

million years ago) provides an understanding as to how the original design and

function of the Angelic Human has been compromised in such a way that without

the appropriate understanding and special techniques, the task of opening to the

influx of PLC's will be almost impossible for a majority of humans. There are

indeed many reasons why this hasn't been resolved before now - not least that

humans wouldn't listen, or consistently act on information provided. Frequently

too, such information was stolen, distorted or abused before it became possible

to use it .

There are many ways to refer to these blockages in (high frequency) energy

circulation abilities. Commonly they are referred to as the need to " activate

the 12 Strand DNA " , but what isn't understood is that Angelic Humans have DNA

structures all the way up to 48 Strands! If a dozen angelic humans successfully

activated all 12 Strands at once the Planetary Grids would explode simply

because of the " Blockages " the planet shares with us; no-thing could hold all

that frequency in one big jump!

In this workshop such issues will be referred to as the Shadow side of reality

and the reason for this will be explained. It is the Shadow, which has

Lightworkers believing that in one weekend they have successfully activated

their 12 Strand DNA, when in fact they may have achieved something quite

different and not at all what was hoped for .

The Dance for Life is designed to clear the Shadow, by treating energetic issues

progressively with high frequency D-12 hydroplasmic Christos energy (facilitated

through Psonns [songs], Symbols [Geomancies] and Postures [seurieas]). The

workshop reveals the significance and existence of the Radial Body or what is

known in biblical terms as " the Veils " . This is where genetic distortions, DNA

blockages, effects of the Fall are held in human embodiment. The process is NOT

JUST about clearing pathways to enable higher frequency to flow, but to re-learn

the means to pull PURE CONSCIOUSNESS back in to one's cellular memory. This

involves understanding the Tangible Structure of the Shadow - the REAL basis of

the Duality Complex hidden within human DNA.

Working consciously and with deep understanding of PLC's means that the Shadow

can be cleared. This means that Sacred Veca Codes can be utilised through the

Radial Body to (re)create the DIVINE MANIFESTATION MACHINE, which means we

rediscover our TRUE PERSONAL POWER which is inherent to the personal Divine


This is the climax of the workshop: Learning the format for opening our own

individual God-Consciousness. Learning about the REAL Cosmic Trinity - the

ManU, ManA, and EirA - Primary Life Force Currents (and the Anatomy of the

Sacred Frequencies), the 7 Higher and 7 Lower Heavens, the 12 Domains of the

Primal Light and Sound Fields, which form them, and the Divine Psonns, Codes and

Seuria's that go with each of them enabling all who receive this information to

" Embed the Thought You Wish to Manifest " (and have it happen!). This means that

participants will re-learn the Sacred Language of Light and Sound, the Key

Language of At-One-Ment lost to humanity 800,000 years ago. This is something

that you will need to give yourself permission to do, to experience this power,

to KNOW that these ARE POWERS, powerful expressions of God-Force to be treated


The process of personal development will therefore include an appreciation of

the Structure of Multi-Dimensional reality, the Anatomy of the Grids (human,

planetary, stellar, etc.), Personal and Planetary Shields, how PLCs enter the

body/ link with the Earth Grids, Stargates, Vortices, and the flow of the Sacred

Frequencies through the body (plus the Why, How and When). You will be shown

where the Radial Body (Veils) fits into our own anatomy with the Ka-Tha-Ra (the

sacred structure of Light, Sound and Oneness), the 15 Dimensional Universe, the

Chakras, Auric Fields and how Radial Body's exist as bodies of Light and Sound

around EVERY - THING. You will be shown how specific currents (rays) flow from

the 3 Primary PLC's, and how they belong with and affect specific parts of our

multi-dimensional anatomy/ reality and this present, living, manifest


As a result you will develop a deep appreciation of how the PLC's form Merkaba

(if circuits are functional!), how merkaba frequencies form the Radial Body, how

Hova Bodies form inside of those, Auric Fields inside of Hova bodies, and inside

those our DNA, atoms and sub-atomic particles. All of these need to be embraced

correctly if cellular transmutation (ascension) is to be successful.

The Radial Body is a crucial component since it alone allows the weaving of

Light and Sound sending currents " up " , " down " , forward and back (in " time " ).

This way Primal Forces become Primal Currents, creating Primal Structure,

forming Primal US. Our understanding of this, of how Source pulses

energetically into manifestation, how the process of manifestation really works

is what CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS REALLY IS. However, because our genetic mechanisms

are so damaged they (unbeknownst to ourselves) create total imbalance in the

Natural Flow of PLC's (as particles of God Consciousness), in the structure of

our DNA (atoms) and seriously limit scope for the inflow of PLC itself. All of

this affects our past, as well as future, selves.

People die hundreds of years before their genetic " sell by " date, simply because

the body cannot access much PLC. Fire Letters, the programs of frequency that

allow corresponding portions of PLC's to flow through the body, are either

turned off or mutilated from the time of foetal integration. This is witnessed

by the fact that the Astral Body cannot communicate with the 3D self shortly

after birth. There was a time when we could open or close our ManU " window "

simply by intention, to pull in more PLC as needed. Nowadays, the body cells are

so mutated that they struggle to hold the God-Consciousness that does come in.

The Natural Life Force Frequencies can no longer be processed and so atoms

within the human DNA literally consume themselves. This reflects in the Chakras,

Auric Field, Merkaba, etc.

This is why many things no longer manifest according to the intention of Divine

Blueprint. It is also why so many lovely, dedicated, loving Lightworkers fail to

manifest changes in their reality fields. " for they do not know what they do " .

Such an unfortunate condition, the " disempowerment of the Angelic Human " is by

no means an accident, a guilt-object of our own deep and distant past. Much

outside assistance for human devolution has been given along the way, not least

by the entities known as Metatron and Thoth. The workshop will embrace the

truth and significance of these 'issues' too, in a loving and

non-confrontational way, and will also clarify the role/ nature of the " Flaming

Blue Sword of Archangel " whilst revealing the significance and function

of the " - Line " across the UK together with its connection to other

Turnstile Grids across the globe.

The Secrets of Metatron

Spiritual " understanding " is limited to " information available " . Access to that

which exists to be understood and truly offers empowerment has been purposely

limited, controlled and distorted. (The Bible is but one small example). Access

to genuine, factual and substantial information (and techniques which DO work!)

is a prerequisite to effective personal spiritual empowerment. Without access to

certain, previously " forbidden " , information such a goal cannot be truly

realized. Sincere spiritual effort has so far gone under-rewarded because

personal effort has been applied under many and major misapprehensions. This

workshop will reveal the basis of the many lies, manipulations and distortions

that have enslaved Humans as well as this Planet. The reality and nature of the

" Original Sin " will be revealed and with it, the truth, the damage done, as a

result of the entity/ " person " known as Metatron. The significance of the " Eyes

of Horus " , the unthinkable reality of the " Path of Arimathaea " , which beckons so

many ill-informed " Light-workers " , and the corruption of the Thothian-Atlantean

Ascension Schools, followed by so many today, will be fully exposed for what

they are!

The true nature of the " times " , the origin and hidden purpose of our 'Shadow

Selves', the " Players " and their Negative Agendas, the reality of key spiritual

" characters " (followed innocently and dangerously by so many) and the outcome of

this Cosmic Game will be discussed.


Rev. Ashayana Deane, Eckr MC, ( ) Melchizedek Cloister Minister,

Speaker and teacher reveals never-before-released information obtained through

her personal experience with 2 extra-ordinary phenomena-Conscious Birthing and

Conscious Dying. Having clear awareness of the Fetal Integration Process and

detailed memory of other lifetimes since birth, Ashayana's life with open

interdimensional and multi-spectrum perception became an odyssey of fascinating

and sometimes frustrating adventures in consciousness and demonstrations of the

experiential and spiritual potentials that lie dormant in the human form. Since

the age of seven, Ashayana was selected to receive intensive private instruction

in the " Secrets of Amenti " , the ancient Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister

Esoteric Spiritual Tradition, as long held in private trust within Ashayana's

Celtic-descent maternal family line.

At age 18, Ashayana survived a Near-Death-Experience, during which the purposes

and process of NDE and the evolution of human consciousness, and the

significance of the Melchizedek Cloister teachings and related spiritual

phenomena were more fully revealed. During her NDE, Ashayana learned that

consciousness/spiritual identity pre-dates and continues beyond the

chronological limitations of the physical body, that consciousness/spirit and

the physical-chemical body are intimately intertwined and that human evolution

and spiritual actualisation represent a Divine process of Bio-Spiritual

Evolution, development and maturation of the body-mind-spirit system. Her

experience also revealed that genuine spirituality and consciousness development

possess an intrinsic translation and inherent Divine Blueprint design in terms

of the sciences of psychology, physics and the natural laws governing

multi-dimensional energy mechanics. Following her NDE, Ashayana continued her

studies in the Emerald Order Melchizedek Cloister tradition, completing 5th

Degree (of Six Degrees) MC Consummate Minister Ordination at age 27 and 6th

Degree MC Eckar Minister Ordination at age 33, while working as a

private-commission studio artist and professionally in the commercial printing


Ashayana began active service as an MC Eckar Minister-Speaker and spiritual

development-life enrichment teacher at age 34, conducting private MC spiritual

development classes in 1998, finally bringing the Emerald Order Melchizedek

Cloister teachings and EOMC Priesthood Initiate-Ordinate Program to the public

domain in 1999. Ashayana agreed to return from her NDE to bring a message of

joyful spiritual awakening to others through sharing what she has learned

through many years of Melchizedek Cloister spiritual training and personal

experiences of Conscious Birthing and her NDE " journey beyond the veils " .

Unprecedented Quality - A Unique Guarantee

Ashayana's work, as official Speaker for the Founder's Races of this Universe,

is of such unprecedented quality that workshops are offered, uniquely, with a

" satisfaction guarantee " ! If you attend this workshop and fail to encounter

evidence that this material represents 'Truth' long sought, and by so many, you

may freely request and receive a refund of your fee ... but no one EVER has! "

Workshop Source Materials:

** CDT - Plate Revelations from the Pre-Ancient " Bible "


go to http://members.aol.com/azuritetemple/uk_dance_for_life.htm

to sign up for the workshop

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