Guest guest Posted July 9, 2010 Report Share Posted July 9, 2010 Hi Tom, Here I am struggling to come to an understanding of MMS - dilution rates; what dilution to use for what situation; to activate or not; and now you confuse my poor little brain by saying that Vitamin C can be used to activate the sodium chlorite ) So now I have yet more questions for you! Which form of Vitamin C - ascorbic acid? sodium ascorbate? or calcium ascorbate? or doesn't it matter? What is the ratio of sodium chlorite to Vitamin C (I would be using a Vitamin C powder which is measured in grams and is 4 grams per 5 mL teaspoon)? Carole in OzEideann & Fionn (Tristania GSDs) For Jim Humble can you get it to him or give me his private email address Jim Humble Hi Jim this is a email I sent to Silver_fox Science as he is a heavy critic of MMS on many group sites..I told him he is with Big Pharma and I get no denial..Could you send me an email with your comments to set the findings right... Hello Alvin,That explains it. Your chemistry is off.Chlorine dioxide is a gas. Period.Sodium chlorite is a stable form of chlorine dioxide. It has an alkaline PH and it releases chlorine dioxide as its PH is lowered. The immune system can't utilize chlorine dioxide because chlorine dioxide doesn't exist for any length of time inside the body. It is too unstable and there are too may organic materials in the body that it reacts with. Industry would love to have a way to determine how much chlorine dioxide exposure someone has had. However, since chlorine dioxide doesn't exist inside the body, they look at oxidative damage and chlorite concentration.NOT TRUE - CHLORINE DIOXIDE HAS BEEN USED FOR 80 YEARS TO PURIFY WATER IN MANY INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS AND IN SPECIAL WATER PURIFICATION PLANTS BECAUSE ORGANIC MATERIALS MOSTLY HAVE LITTLE EFFECT ON CHLORINE DIOXIDE. The breakdown of chlorine dioxide to chlorite does have an oxidation potential of 0.95 volts, and it involves the chlorine dioxide gas loosing 1 electron and forming chlorite. Chlorite is what has the half life of some 40 hours inside the body, and is found in all the organs in the body including the brain. Keep in mind that it still has 4 electrons to oxidize with.THIS AGAIN IS DELIBERATE MISINFORMATION. CHLORINE DIOXIDE BREAKS DOWN INTO CHLORITE FOR ONLY A MILLISECOND. THAT'S ALL. IT THEN CONTINUES TO BREAK DOWN INTO TABLE SALT. ANYTHING THAT HAS THE .95 VOLTS TO PULL OFF THE FIRST ELECTRON ALWAYS PULLS OFF THE NEXT FOUR ELECTRONS TOO. IT NEVER REMAINS CHLORITE. CHEMICALLY IT CANNOT. Chlorite causes oxidative stress to the organs in the body, and to the blood. That is why there are closely regulated limits on the amount of chlorite left in water after purification. The chlorite is formed when the chlorine dioxide breaks down. The extended half life allows for plenty of time to oxidize whatever it comes into contact with inside the body. This is also why the Canadian government came down hard on people supplying sodium chlorite for water purification. The directions they provided resulted in chlorite concentrations in excess of what is allowed and what is considered safe.THIS IS ALL PURE BULL. PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TAKING CHLORITE AS IT HAS BEEN SOLD IN HEALTH FOOD STORES FOR MORE THAN 80 YEARS. THE NAME HAS BEEN STABILIZED OXYGEN FOR ALL THOSE YEARS HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TAKING IT AND NOTHING BUT GOOD RESULTS HAS BEEN REPORTED. STABILIZED OXYGEN IS SODIUM CHLORITE IN WATER AND NOTHING ELSE. CHECK IT OUT FOR YOUR SELF. MOST HEALTH FOOD STORES STILL SELL IT. SILVER FOX KNOWS THIS AND IS SIMPLY LYING TO THE PUBLIC. CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELF, GO TO ANY HEALTH FOOD STORE. As the chlorite breaks down, some chlorate is formed and also some chloride, but about 70% of the chlorine dioxide leaves the body through urine as chlorite. Chlorite is a lot different from common table salt.NOT TRUE- AGAIN. THIS DOES NOT FIT THE CHEMISTRY. CHECK WITH THE NEAREST UNIVERSITY, DON'T TAKE MY WORD. CHLORINE DIOXIDE BREAKS DOWN INTO TABLE SALT AT ABOUT 98% BREAK DOWN. THE REST IS CHLORITE AND CHLORATE. NOT ENOUGH CHLORATE TO EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DAILY ALLOWANCE FROM A DOSE OF MMS, AND OF COURSE, AS MENTIONED ABOVE, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TAKING CHLORITE FOR 80 YEARS. Chlorine dioxide is selective in that it does not chlorinate. Both chlorine and chlorine dioxide oxidize, but chlorine also combines with what it is oxidizing. Chlorine dioxide is more selective in that it does not combine. This has nothing to do with what it oxidizes. Take a whiff of chlorine dioxide gas and you will find that it oxidizes the tissues of the lungs. It does not take a high concentration to do this either. You run the possibility of irritating the lungs every time you mix up a dose of MMS. AMAZING AS IT MIGHT SEEM, SILVER FOX HAS ALMOST TOLD THE TRUTH HERE AS IF YOU BREATH WITHIN AN INCH OF A FULL STRENGTH MIXTURE OF MMS BEFORE YOU ADD WATER OR JUICE YOU CAN RISK IRRITATING YOUR LUNGS. BUT THEN YOU ALSO RUN THE SAME RISK WHEN YOU USE CHLOROX TO WASH YOUR CLOTHES AND THE GREATER RISK IS THE CHLOROX. If chlorine dioxide was not harmful to the body, the animal studies would show no adverse effects. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Chlorine dioxide was studied in humans in one study and no adverse effects were observed. The concentration used was 5 PPM and the amount consumed was 500 ml per day for 13 weeks. If the MMS protocol limited the persons exposure to 5 PPM, and limited the length of time to 13 weeks of exposure, I would not be having this discussion. Unfortunately a 3 drop dose of MMS has a concentration of a little over 300 PPM.ONCE AGAIN SILVER FOX LIES BY BEING ONLY SLIGHTLY CORRECT. YES WHEN YOU MIX 6 DROPS OF MMS AND 6 DROPS OF CITRIC ACID ACTIVATOR, THE PPM IS ABOUT 300 PPM. THAT'S 12 DROPS OF 300 PPM. AFTER 20 SECONDS THE INSTRUCTIONS SAY TO ADD 1/2 GLASS OF WATER, AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DILUTE 12 DROPS OUT TO 1/2 GLASS OF WATER. YOU GUESSED IT, IT DILUTES OUT TO 5 PPM. SO IT IS 300 PPM ONLY DURING THE PREPARATION STAGE. WHICH NEVER TOUCHES THE PERSON PREPARING OR ANYONE ELSE. Jim Humble says that chlorine dioxide has been well studied and even tested in humans. This is correct, they did test it at 5 PPM. He goes on to say that since it was safely tested, it is safe to use MMS. What he leaves out is that 5 PPM was found to be safe, but no humans looked at 300 PPM every hour for 8 hours a day. Just because it is safe at 5 PPM does not mean that it is safe at 300 PPM. AS I HAVE EXPLAINED IN THE PARAGRAPH ABOVE THAT IS NEVER TRUE. THE PERSON DOING THE TESTING NEVER TOUCHES THE 300 PPM UNTIL IT IS 5 PPM. Jim Humble claims he has run thousands of tests. Were are the tests showing that he duplicated the human study using 300 PPM and there were no signs of oxidative stress or other adverse effects?WOW, DIDN'T REALIZE I EVER SAID THAT OR EVER CLAIMED THAT I RUN THOUSANDS OF TESTS. I CERTAINLY DON'T REMEMBER THAT. LET ME TELL YOU THE TRUTH. I NEVER RAN THOUSANDS OF TESTS. I RAN VERY FEW TESTS. I AM AN INVENTOR, NOT A SCIENTIST. NEVER CLAIMED TO BE A SCIENTISTS. SORRY. IN SOUTH AMERICA I GOT MALARIA, AND I DID NOTHING FOR IT FOR DAYS SO I COULD GET TO THE HOSPITAL TO PROVE I DID HAVE MALARIA. I WAS PRETTY SICK UPON ARRIVING AT THE HOSPITAL, BUT THEY CHECKED MY BLOOD AND VERIFIED I HAD MALARIA. I LEFT AND TOOK MY MMS RIGHT OUT SIDE OF THE HOSPITAL. I RETURNED THE NEXT DAY TO HAVE MY BLOOD TESTED AGAIN, AND I WAS NEGATIVE OF MALARIA. DOES THAT SOUND TO YOU LIKE I DID THOUSANDS OF TEST. AFTER THAT I TRAVELED THROUGH THE JUNGLE PROSPECTING AND CURING PEOPLE OF MALARIA, IT WAS ABOUT 100. PEOPLE, BUT THEY WEREN'T TESTS, THEY WERE SICK PEOPLE WHO NEEDED HELP. DO YOU THINK I SHOULDN'T HAVE HELPED ALL THOSE PEOPLE. DO YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE, SILVER FOX IS ASSUMING I SAID THINGS I DIDN'T AND THEN HE IS LYING ABOUT IT. Dr. Hesselink address this. He mentions that it appears that oxidative stress does not occur if the solution is ingested 1 - 3 times a week. Who do you think has a better understanding of how things react inside the body... the inventor who made the discovery, or a medical doctor who believes in it and wants to document the proper and safe use of it? Jim Humble instructs people to add various juices to the mix to kill the taste. Dr. Hesselink is amazed that the dose with juice in it has any effect at all. Why? Because chlorine dioxide reacts with organic material and the colloids in the juice use up the chlorine dioxide. The taste is more tolerable because the amount of chlorine dioxide has been reduced. Wouldn't it make more sense just to reduce the dose amount and use water? Jim Humble has now finally suggested reducing the dose amount, but he hasn't stopped the juice recommendation. While this indicates some progress, there are still people taking MMS in an ineffective manor.WELL NOW LET ME SEE, THERE ARE ABOUT 2 MILLION USERS OF MMS AT THIS TIME. MORE THAN 5 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE DOWNLOADED MY FREE BOOK. I HAVE PERSONALLY TREATED MORE THAN 10 THOUSAND PEOPLE IN AFRICA, MEXICO, THE USA, EUROPE, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. MMS IS SOLD THROUGHOUT EUROPE AND MORE THAN 100 THOUSAND BOOKS HAVE BEEN SOLD IN GERMANY ALONE. IN FEBRUARY I JUST COMPLETE TREATING MORE THAN 800 CASES OF HIV. THOSE CASES ALL HAD 40 CASES OF CANCER, 50 CASES OF NUMB FEET AND LEGS, 5 CASES OF HEART DISEASE, MANY CASES OF HAP C, CASES OF MALARIA THAT WOULDN'T GO AWAY, AND ABOUT 20 OTHER DISEASES. ALL THOSE SYMPTOMS ARE GONE AS CHECKED BY THE LOCAL HOSPITAL. THEY ARE ALL BACK TO WORK AND TO THEIR LIVES. ONCE A PERSON HAS HIV THERE IS NO WAY TO PROVE IT IS GONE, BUT THE FACT THAT HE IS FEELING GOOD, BACK TO HIS FAMILY, AND BACK TO HIS WORK, AND HAS PLENTY OF ENERGY. WE DON'T CARE DO WE. ALL WE WANTED WAS TO SEE HIM WELL AND HAPPY AND THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED. Jim Humble claims that chlorine dioxide is absorbed into the blood stream. Where is the test data that supports this? Since there are no instruments available that can measure chlorine dioxide levels in the blood, and science indicates that chlorine dioxide is broken down inside the body in seconds to minutes, how did he come up with this idea? It sounds good on the surface, but when you dig a little deeper it doesn't hold up. YES IT DOES, BECAUSE LOTS OF DOCTORS SAY IT DOES. NEVER SAID IT WAS MY DATA. IT COMES FROM DOCTORS. You say that I must hate Jim Humble. I say that I love him enough to hold him accountable for his claims.I don't put Jim Humble down. I encourage people to review the safety of using these chemicals and help them to understand what they are dealing with. Enough people have tried MMS to give us a good idea that it is not lethal, but I don't think we can say that it is safe. The medical professionals indicate that when properly used chemo and radiation therapies are safe. While I have witnessed a few remarkable successes involving sodium chlorite, I have also witnessed several successes of people undergoing surgery, chemo, and radiation. I have also witnessed the failure of sodium chlorite and surgery and chemo and radiation to work.According to Jim Humble, MMS will work against everything every time. However, even he ended up in the hospital. Fortunately he recovered. I happen to know that outside the body chlorine dioxide works 100% of the time. Why doesn't it work inside the body? The key to the success of chlorine dioxide is to have a concentration of it in contact with the pathogen for a specific period of time. Almost all of the harmful pathogens have been tested and the amount of chlorine dioxide needed to eliminate them has been tested and verified. However, when it comes to the body, there is too much organic material in the body. Chlorine dioxide reacts with this organic material and is quickly used up.That brings us full circle. There is no doubt that something works, but what is that something, and is it really safe?I would love to be able to tell you what a safe and effective protocol would be. However, all of the studies on safety have been done using chlorine dioxide technology, and MMS involves activated sodium chlorite technology. There are no studies looking at the safety of ingesting chlorous acid. I have already indicated that the MMS activation is not as effective as the activation ratio used in industry. However, there are some disinfecting properties associated with citric acid. Perhaps it is the excess citric acid that is helping people...If you go back and review what I have posted, you will find that in general I am supportive of Jim Humble. I just don't tolerate his claims that are contrary to science and testing, and I still haven't been able to verify his claims regarding his initial trips to Africa. Since I haven't been able to verify Jim Humbles claims, I have looked elsewhere. The medical professionals that use MMS state that it seems to benefit in some cases and that they use it in conjunction with other oxidative therapies. This is a lot different from Jim Humbles claim that it always works all of the time. The alternate cancer people also don't seem to enjoy the same results that Jim Humble claims. The various people on the various forums also don't seem to experience the same results that Jim Humble claims. There are some successes, but there are a lot of others that are not enjoying the instant, or near instant, benefit of taking a dose of MMS. This makes perfect sense once you understand the science behind chlorine dioxide and chlorous acid. The key is in delivering a concentration that is strong enough to kill the pathogen, and holding it there for the correct amount of time. There are many times when simply drinking something doesn't get the chlorous acid to where the pathogen is. I would love to work with more people on discovering more effective protocols. However, many people, including yourself, adopt what Jim Humble claims and ignore what science proves. Before progress can be made, the science and chemistry needs to be understood.Here is a test you can do to get you started. Mix up a 10 drop dose of MMS and activate it according to the MMS protocol. Have a clean empty glass handy. Take a mouthful of the dose into your mouth and swish it around in your mouth for 15 - 20 seconds, then spit it out into the other glass. Now have someone else observe if there is any chlorine dioxide odor of color to the solution you spit out. Where did all the chlorine dioxide go? If a very strong dose doesn't last 15 seconds in your mouth, how does chlorine dioxide get into the blood stream?WELL I AM SORT OF TIRED OF ANSWERING ALL THIS BULL, BUT LET ME ANSWER THIS ONE FINAL STUPID TEST THAT SILVER FOX SUGGESTS THAT YOU DO AS HE IS TOTALLY PROVING HIMSELF WRONG. DO WHAT HE SAYS AND MAKE A DOSE AND SWISH IS AROUND IN YOUR MOUTH AND SPIT IT OUT INTO ANOTHER GLASS. THE FIRST THING YOU MUST KNOW IS THAT STRONG MMS CAN BE IN SOLUTION WITHOUT ANY COLOR. SECONDLY, YOU CANNOT SMELL CHLORINE DIOXIDE IN SOLUTION. YOU ONLY SMELL CHLORINE DIOXIDE IN THE AIR. THIRD, IF YOU COVER THIS SOLUTION THAT YOU SPIT OUT WITH A TIGHT COVER AND THEN TEST IT FOR CHLORINE DIOXIDE WITH SIMPLE CHLORINE DIOXIDE INDICATOR STRIPS YOU WILL FIND CHLORINE DIOXIDE IN IT AFTER A FULL WEEK. GO AHEAD TRY IT. AND THEN WRITE ME. SILVER FOX HAS JUST PROVEN THAT HE IS TOTALLY WRONG.AGAIN LET ME SAY SILVER FOX IS RIGHT WHEN HE SAYS I DIDN'T DO THOUSANDS OF TESTS. I'M NOT INTO TESTING. WHEN PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING I LEAVE THE DOCTORS AND MEDICAL PEOPLE TO DO THE TESTING. PERSONALLY I TREAT THEM AND DO WHAT I KNOW TO DO TO STOP THEIR SUFFERING. THAT'S WHY THERE ARE MORE THAN 100 THOUAND PEOPLE ALIVE TODAY THAT WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN OTHERWISE. IF I HAD WAITED FOR THE TESTING, MMS WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN USED ANYWHERE. THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS IN THE EATING, AND IF YOU ARE GOING TO WAIT UNTIL THE 100 MILLION DOLLAR TESTING IS DONE, YOU WILL NEVER GET TO THE EATING, AND THAT WOULD ALSO BE TRUE OF MMS AND THERE ARE MANY OF YOU OUT THERE THAT KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. FINALLY LET ME SAY THAT THE ABOVE CAPITAL LETTER COMMENTS HAVE BEEN DONE BY ME, JIM HUMBLE. IS SAY THAT SILVER FOX HAS NO UNDERSTANDING OF CHEMISTRY. HE HAS INVENTED HIS OWN CHEMISTRY TO BACK HIS OWN EVIL INTENTIONS. HE HAS BY HIS REMARKS PREVENTED MANY SUFFERING PEOPLE FROM GETTING WELL. IF THAT ISN'T EVIL I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS.JIM HUMBLEALVIN, WRITE TO ME, I'D BE HAPPY TO TALK TO YOU. Tom>> Hi Tom> Neither my terminology or chemistry is off at all..Chlorine dioxide a gas is made> from sodium chlorite by adding citric acid and activated for three minutes or more.> chlorine dioxide CLO2 which is the clo2 molecule at the atomic level contains 2 ions of> oxygen and one ion of chlorine..The immune system uses clo2 to distroy pathogens in the blood> stream...All matter is constructed of atoms..atoms are combined in various ways to create molecules.> Everything you see is constructed of molecules including disease causing pathogens..To distroy a pathogen> you must destroy some of the molecules..Atoms are held togeather to make up molecules by electron> shells..we can destroy the molecule by removing the electron shell..This is accomplished in nature or chemistry> by drawing the electron shell off of the molecule..It is called oxidation..It is done with one of a series of chemicals> known as oxidizers..Oxidizers distroy other compounds and in the process are themself changed..The electrical> charge of attraction of the oxidizer molecule is what draws the electron shell away..> Chlorine dioxide has a oxidation of 0.95 volts..much lower then other oxidizers used in the body and can not attack> body is selective for pathogens..It is the most effective killer of pathogens known to man..> While chlorine dioxide is one of the weakest oxidizers, it has the highest capacity of all oxidizers for things it can oxidize> One molecule can accept 5 electrons which is 2.07 times more then ozone.> Chlorine dioxide exists in the human body for only a few hours and then deteriorates into plain old table salt > and neutral molecules of oxygen..there is nothing left in the body to build up or cause side effects..Chlorine oxidation> is oxidizes by combination..This is the chemistry of CL02> Vitamin c is an antioxidant which is used to provide oxidative stress relief along with other nutritional supplements.> We take nutrition in the morning and use MMS in the evening every two that they will not cancel each other > out..Tom I have seen many recoverys of the most serious diseases verified by catscans and MRIs..These were people> who were terminal but now have a new life...I dont understand your Hatred for Jim Humble as he has done a lot for> the lives of many people..You have posted more then 1363 messages on CureZone ..many of which have been to > put down Jim Humble..You were accused of working for Big PHarma which you have not said was not true..> Why don't you try to work with the MMS people to improve the protocol..I think you have an hidden agenda but I do not> know what it is..It will show itself in time..If I am wrong I will appologize without delay..I am on a number of lists you are on> including the Silver list, I even see you on Euromed..It is rare that I post as I do not like arguments and fights> they achieve nothing..Get rid of your hate for jim humble and everything will be good..I hope you listen to> my suggestions..I know a lot about other protocols as I have been doing research since 1998> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 4580 (20091106) __________The message was checked by ESET Smart Security. 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Guest guest Posted July 9, 2010 Report Share Posted July 9, 2010 Hi Tom, Here I am struggling to come to an understanding of MMS - dilution rates; what dilution to use for what situation; to activate or not; and now you confuse my poor little brain by saying that Vitamin C can be used to activate the sodium chlorite ) So now I have yet more questions for you! Which form of Vitamin C - ascorbic acid? sodium ascorbate? or calcium ascorbate? or doesn't it matter? What is the ratio of sodium chlorite to Vitamin C (I would be using a Vitamin C powder which is measured in grams and is 4 grams per 5 mL teaspoon)? I must say I like the idea of using Vitamin C as an activator. Carole in OzEideann & Fionn (Tristania GSDs) For Jim Humble can you get it to him or give me his private email address Jim Humble Hi Jim this is a email I sent to Silver_fox Science as he is a heavy critic of MMS on many group sites..I told him he is with Big Pharma and I get no denial..Could you send me an email with your comments to set the findings right... Hello Alvin,That explains it. Your chemistry is off.Chlorine dioxide is a gas. Period.Sodium chlorite is a stable form of chlorine dioxide. It has an alkaline PH and it releases chlorine dioxide as its PH is lowered. The immune system can't utilize chlorine dioxide because chlorine dioxide doesn't exist for any length of time inside the body. It is too unstable and there are too may organic materials in the body that it reacts with. Industry would love to have a way to determine how much chlorine dioxide exposure someone has had. However, since chlorine dioxide doesn't exist inside the body, they look at oxidative damage and chlorite concentration.NOT TRUE - CHLORINE DIOXIDE HAS BEEN USED FOR 80 YEARS TO PURIFY WATER IN MANY INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS AND IN SPECIAL WATER PURIFICATION PLANTS BECAUSE ORGANIC MATERIALS MOSTLY HAVE LITTLE EFFECT ON CHLORINE DIOXIDE. The breakdown of chlorine dioxide to chlorite does have an oxidation potential of 0.95 volts, and it involves the chlorine dioxide gas loosing 1 electron and forming chlorite. Chlorite is what has the half life of some 40 hours inside the body, and is found in all the organs in the body including the brain. Keep in mind that it still has 4 electrons to oxidize with.THIS AGAIN IS DELIBERATE MISINFORMATION. CHLORINE DIOXIDE BREAKS DOWN INTO CHLORITE FOR ONLY A MILLISECOND. THAT'S ALL. IT THEN CONTINUES TO BREAK DOWN INTO TABLE SALT. ANYTHING THAT HAS THE .95 VOLTS TO PULL OFF THE FIRST ELECTRON ALWAYS PULLS OFF THE NEXT FOUR ELECTRONS TOO. IT NEVER REMAINS CHLORITE. CHEMICALLY IT CANNOT. Chlorite causes oxidative stress to the organs in the body, and to the blood. That is why there are closely regulated limits on the amount of chlorite left in water after purification. The chlorite is formed when the chlorine dioxide breaks down. The extended half life allows for plenty of time to oxidize whatever it comes into contact with inside the body. This is also why the Canadian government came down hard on people supplying sodium chlorite for water purification. The directions they provided resulted in chlorite concentrations in excess of what is allowed and what is considered safe.THIS IS ALL PURE BULL. PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TAKING CHLORITE AS IT HAS BEEN SOLD IN HEALTH FOOD STORES FOR MORE THAN 80 YEARS. THE NAME HAS BEEN STABILIZED OXYGEN FOR ALL THOSE YEARS HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TAKING IT AND NOTHING BUT GOOD RESULTS HAS BEEN REPORTED. STABILIZED OXYGEN IS SODIUM CHLORITE IN WATER AND NOTHING ELSE. CHECK IT OUT FOR YOUR SELF. MOST HEALTH FOOD STORES STILL SELL IT. SILVER FOX KNOWS THIS AND IS SIMPLY LYING TO THE PUBLIC. CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELF, GO TO ANY HEALTH FOOD STORE. As the chlorite breaks down, some chlorate is formed and also some chloride, but about 70% of the chlorine dioxide leaves the body through urine as chlorite. Chlorite is a lot different from common table salt.NOT TRUE- AGAIN. THIS DOES NOT FIT THE CHEMISTRY. CHECK WITH THE NEAREST UNIVERSITY, DON'T TAKE MY WORD. CHLORINE DIOXIDE BREAKS DOWN INTO TABLE SALT AT ABOUT 98% BREAK DOWN. THE REST IS CHLORITE AND CHLORATE. NOT ENOUGH CHLORATE TO EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DAILY ALLOWANCE FROM A DOSE OF MMS, AND OF COURSE, AS MENTIONED ABOVE, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TAKING CHLORITE FOR 80 YEARS. Chlorine dioxide is selective in that it does not chlorinate. Both chlorine and chlorine dioxide oxidize, but chlorine also combines with what it is oxidizing. Chlorine dioxide is more selective in that it does not combine. This has nothing to do with what it oxidizes. Take a whiff of chlorine dioxide gas and you will find that it oxidizes the tissues of the lungs. It does not take a high concentration to do this either. You run the possibility of irritating the lungs every time you mix up a dose of MMS. AMAZING AS IT MIGHT SEEM, SILVER FOX HAS ALMOST TOLD THE TRUTH HERE AS IF YOU BREATH WITHIN AN INCH OF A FULL STRENGTH MIXTURE OF MMS BEFORE YOU ADD WATER OR JUICE YOU CAN RISK IRRITATING YOUR LUNGS. BUT THEN YOU ALSO RUN THE SAME RISK WHEN YOU USE CHLOROX TO WASH YOUR CLOTHES AND THE GREATER RISK IS THE CHLOROX. If chlorine dioxide was not harmful to the body, the animal studies would show no adverse effects. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Chlorine dioxide was studied in humans in one study and no adverse effects were observed. The concentration used was 5 PPM and the amount consumed was 500 ml per day for 13 weeks. If the MMS protocol limited the persons exposure to 5 PPM, and limited the length of time to 13 weeks of exposure, I would not be having this discussion. Unfortunately a 3 drop dose of MMS has a concentration of a little over 300 PPM.ONCE AGAIN SILVER FOX LIES BY BEING ONLY SLIGHTLY CORRECT. YES WHEN YOU MIX 6 DROPS OF MMS AND 6 DROPS OF CITRIC ACID ACTIVATOR, THE PPM IS ABOUT 300 PPM. THAT'S 12 DROPS OF 300 PPM. AFTER 20 SECONDS THE INSTRUCTIONS SAY TO ADD 1/2 GLASS OF WATER, AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DILUTE 12 DROPS OUT TO 1/2 GLASS OF WATER. YOU GUESSED IT, IT DILUTES OUT TO 5 PPM. SO IT IS 300 PPM ONLY DURING THE PREPARATION STAGE. WHICH NEVER TOUCHES THE PERSON PREPARING OR ANYONE ELSE. Jim Humble says that chlorine dioxide has been well studied and even tested in humans. This is correct, they did test it at 5 PPM. He goes on to say that since it was safely tested, it is safe to use MMS. What he leaves out is that 5 PPM was found to be safe, but no humans looked at 300 PPM every hour for 8 hours a day. Just because it is safe at 5 PPM does not mean that it is safe at 300 PPM. AS I HAVE EXPLAINED IN THE PARAGRAPH ABOVE THAT IS NEVER TRUE. THE PERSON DOING THE TESTING NEVER TOUCHES THE 300 PPM UNTIL IT IS 5 PPM. Jim Humble claims he has run thousands of tests. Were are the tests showing that he duplicated the human study using 300 PPM and there were no signs of oxidative stress or other adverse effects?WOW, DIDN'T REALIZE I EVER SAID THAT OR EVER CLAIMED THAT I RUN THOUSANDS OF TESTS. I CERTAINLY DON'T REMEMBER THAT. LET ME TELL YOU THE TRUTH. I NEVER RAN THOUSANDS OF TESTS. I RAN VERY FEW TESTS. I AM AN INVENTOR, NOT A SCIENTIST. NEVER CLAIMED TO BE A SCIENTISTS. SORRY. IN SOUTH AMERICA I GOT MALARIA, AND I DID NOTHING FOR IT FOR DAYS SO I COULD GET TO THE HOSPITAL TO PROVE I DID HAVE MALARIA. I WAS PRETTY SICK UPON ARRIVING AT THE HOSPITAL, BUT THEY CHECKED MY BLOOD AND VERIFIED I HAD MALARIA. I LEFT AND TOOK MY MMS RIGHT OUT SIDE OF THE HOSPITAL. I RETURNED THE NEXT DAY TO HAVE MY BLOOD TESTED AGAIN, AND I WAS NEGATIVE OF MALARIA. DOES THAT SOUND TO YOU LIKE I DID THOUSANDS OF TEST. AFTER THAT I TRAVELED THROUGH THE JUNGLE PROSPECTING AND CURING PEOPLE OF MALARIA, IT WAS ABOUT 100. PEOPLE, BUT THEY WEREN'T TESTS, THEY WERE SICK PEOPLE WHO NEEDED HELP. DO YOU THINK I SHOULDN'T HAVE HELPED ALL THOSE PEOPLE. DO YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE, SILVER FOX IS ASSUMING I SAID THINGS I DIDN'T AND THEN HE IS LYING ABOUT IT. Dr. Hesselink address this. He mentions that it appears that oxidative stress does not occur if the solution is ingested 1 - 3 times a week. Who do you think has a better understanding of how things react inside the body... the inventor who made the discovery, or a medical doctor who believes in it and wants to document the proper and safe use of it? Jim Humble instructs people to add various juices to the mix to kill the taste. Dr. Hesselink is amazed that the dose with juice in it has any effect at all. Why? Because chlorine dioxide reacts with organic material and the colloids in the juice use up the chlorine dioxide. The taste is more tolerable because the amount of chlorine dioxide has been reduced. Wouldn't it make more sense just to reduce the dose amount and use water? Jim Humble has now finally suggested reducing the dose amount, but he hasn't stopped the juice recommendation. While this indicates some progress, there are still people taking MMS in an ineffective manor.WELL NOW LET ME SEE, THERE ARE ABOUT 2 MILLION USERS OF MMS AT THIS TIME. MORE THAN 5 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE DOWNLOADED MY FREE BOOK. I HAVE PERSONALLY TREATED MORE THAN 10 THOUSAND PEOPLE IN AFRICA, MEXICO, THE USA, EUROPE, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. MMS IS SOLD THROUGHOUT EUROPE AND MORE THAN 100 THOUSAND BOOKS HAVE BEEN SOLD IN GERMANY ALONE. IN FEBRUARY I JUST COMPLETE TREATING MORE THAN 800 CASES OF HIV. THOSE CASES ALL HAD 40 CASES OF CANCER, 50 CASES OF NUMB FEET AND LEGS, 5 CASES OF HEART DISEASE, MANY CASES OF HAP C, CASES OF MALARIA THAT WOULDN'T GO AWAY, AND ABOUT 20 OTHER DISEASES. ALL THOSE SYMPTOMS ARE GONE AS CHECKED BY THE LOCAL HOSPITAL. THEY ARE ALL BACK TO WORK AND TO THEIR LIVES. ONCE A PERSON HAS HIV THERE IS NO WAY TO PROVE IT IS GONE, BUT THE FACT THAT HE IS FEELING GOOD, BACK TO HIS FAMILY, AND BACK TO HIS WORK, AND HAS PLENTY OF ENERGY. WE DON'T CARE DO WE. ALL WE WANTED WAS TO SEE HIM WELL AND HAPPY AND THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED. Jim Humble claims that chlorine dioxide is absorbed into the blood stream. Where is the test data that supports this? Since there are no instruments available that can measure chlorine dioxide levels in the blood, and science indicates that chlorine dioxide is broken down inside the body in seconds to minutes, how did he come up with this idea? It sounds good on the surface, but when you dig a little deeper it doesn't hold up. YES IT DOES, BECAUSE LOTS OF DOCTORS SAY IT DOES. NEVER SAID IT WAS MY DATA. IT COMES FROM DOCTORS. You say that I must hate Jim Humble. I say that I love him enough to hold him accountable for his claims.I don't put Jim Humble down. I encourage people to review the safety of using these chemicals and help them to understand what they are dealing with. Enough people have tried MMS to give us a good idea that it is not lethal, but I don't think we can say that it is safe. The medical professionals indicate that when properly used chemo and radiation therapies are safe. While I have witnessed a few remarkable successes involving sodium chlorite, I have also witnessed several successes of people undergoing surgery, chemo, and radiation. I have also witnessed the failure of sodium chlorite and surgery and chemo and radiation to work.According to Jim Humble, MMS will work against everything every time. However, even he ended up in the hospital. Fortunately he recovered. I happen to know that outside the body chlorine dioxide works 100% of the time. Why doesn't it work inside the body? The key to the success of chlorine dioxide is to have a concentration of it in contact with the pathogen for a specific period of time. Almost all of the harmful pathogens have been tested and the amount of chlorine dioxide needed to eliminate them has been tested and verified. However, when it comes to the body, there is too much organic material in the body. Chlorine dioxide reacts with this organic material and is quickly used up.That brings us full circle. There is no doubt that something works, but what is that something, and is it really safe?I would love to be able to tell you what a safe and effective protocol would be. However, all of the studies on safety have been done using chlorine dioxide technology, and MMS involves activated sodium chlorite technology. There are no studies looking at the safety of ingesting chlorous acid. I have already indicated that the MMS activation is not as effective as the activation ratio used in industry. However, there are some disinfecting properties associated with citric acid. Perhaps it is the excess citric acid that is helping people...If you go back and review what I have posted, you will find that in general I am supportive of Jim Humble. I just don't tolerate his claims that are contrary to science and testing, and I still haven't been able to verify his claims regarding his initial trips to Africa. Since I haven't been able to verify Jim Humbles claims, I have looked elsewhere. The medical professionals that use MMS state that it seems to benefit in some cases and that they use it in conjunction with other oxidative therapies. This is a lot different from Jim Humbles claim that it always works all of the time. The alternate cancer people also don't seem to enjoy the same results that Jim Humble claims. The various people on the various forums also don't seem to experience the same results that Jim Humble claims. There are some successes, but there are a lot of others that are not enjoying the instant, or near instant, benefit of taking a dose of MMS. This makes perfect sense once you understand the science behind chlorine dioxide and chlorous acid. The key is in delivering a concentration that is strong enough to kill the pathogen, and holding it there for the correct amount of time. There are many times when simply drinking something doesn't get the chlorous acid to where the pathogen is. I would love to work with more people on discovering more effective protocols. However, many people, including yourself, adopt what Jim Humble claims and ignore what science proves. Before progress can be made, the science and chemistry needs to be understood.Here is a test you can do to get you started. Mix up a 10 drop dose of MMS and activate it according to the MMS protocol. Have a clean empty glass handy. Take a mouthful of the dose into your mouth and swish it around in your mouth for 15 - 20 seconds, then spit it out into the other glass. Now have someone else observe if there is any chlorine dioxide odor of color to the solution you spit out. Where did all the chlorine dioxide go? If a very strong dose doesn't last 15 seconds in your mouth, how does chlorine dioxide get into the blood stream?WELL I AM SORT OF TIRED OF ANSWERING ALL THIS BULL, BUT LET ME ANSWER THIS ONE FINAL STUPID TEST THAT SILVER FOX SUGGESTS THAT YOU DO AS HE IS TOTALLY PROVING HIMSELF WRONG. DO WHAT HE SAYS AND MAKE A DOSE AND SWISH IS AROUND IN YOUR MOUTH AND SPIT IT OUT INTO ANOTHER GLASS. THE FIRST THING YOU MUST KNOW IS THAT STRONG MMS CAN BE IN SOLUTION WITHOUT ANY COLOR. SECONDLY, YOU CANNOT SMELL CHLORINE DIOXIDE IN SOLUTION. YOU ONLY SMELL CHLORINE DIOXIDE IN THE AIR. THIRD, IF YOU COVER THIS SOLUTION THAT YOU SPIT OUT WITH A TIGHT COVER AND THEN TEST IT FOR CHLORINE DIOXIDE WITH SIMPLE CHLORINE DIOXIDE INDICATOR STRIPS YOU WILL FIND CHLORINE DIOXIDE IN IT AFTER A FULL WEEK. GO AHEAD TRY IT. AND THEN WRITE ME. SILVER FOX HAS JUST PROVEN THAT HE IS TOTALLY WRONG.AGAIN LET ME SAY SILVER FOX IS RIGHT WHEN HE SAYS I DIDN'T DO THOUSANDS OF TESTS. I'M NOT INTO TESTING. WHEN PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING I LEAVE THE DOCTORS AND MEDICAL PEOPLE TO DO THE TESTING. PERSONALLY I TREAT THEM AND DO WHAT I KNOW TO DO TO STOP THEIR SUFFERING. THAT'S WHY THERE ARE MORE THAN 100 THOUAND PEOPLE ALIVE TODAY THAT WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN OTHERWISE. IF I HAD WAITED FOR THE TESTING, MMS WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN USED ANYWHERE. THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS IN THE EATING, AND IF YOU ARE GOING TO WAIT UNTIL THE 100 MILLION DOLLAR TESTING IS DONE, YOU WILL NEVER GET TO THE EATING, AND THAT WOULD ALSO BE TRUE OF MMS AND THERE ARE MANY OF YOU OUT THERE THAT KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. FINALLY LET ME SAY THAT THE ABOVE CAPITAL LETTER COMMENTS HAVE BEEN DONE BY ME, JIM HUMBLE. IS SAY THAT SILVER FOX HAS NO UNDERSTANDING OF CHEMISTRY. HE HAS INVENTED HIS OWN CHEMISTRY TO BACK HIS OWN EVIL INTENTIONS. HE HAS BY HIS REMARKS PREVENTED MANY SUFFERING PEOPLE FROM GETTING WELL. IF THAT ISN'T EVIL I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS.JIM HUMBLEALVIN, WRITE TO ME, I'D BE HAPPY TO TALK TO YOU. Tom>> Hi Tom> Neither my terminology or chemistry is off at all..Chlorine dioxide a gas is made> from sodium chlorite by adding citric acid and activated for three minutes or more.> chlorine dioxide CLO2 which is the clo2 molecule at the atomic level contains 2 ions of> oxygen and one ion of chlorine..The immune system uses clo2 to distroy pathogens in the blood> stream...All matter is constructed of atoms..atoms are combined in various ways to create molecules.> Everything you see is constructed of molecules including disease causing pathogens..To distroy a pathogen> you must destroy some of the molecules..Atoms are held togeather to make up molecules by electron> shells..we can destroy the molecule by removing the electron shell..This is accomplished in nature or chemistry> by drawing the electron shell off of the molecule..It is called oxidation..It is done with one of a series of chemicals> known as oxidizers..Oxidizers distroy other compounds and in the process are themself changed..The electrical> charge of attraction of the oxidizer molecule is what draws the electron shell away..> Chlorine dioxide has a oxidation of 0.95 volts..much lower then other oxidizers used in the body and can not attack> body is selective for pathogens..It is the most effective killer of pathogens known to man..> While chlorine dioxide is one of the weakest oxidizers, it has the highest capacity of all oxidizers for things it can oxidize> One molecule can accept 5 electrons which is 2.07 times more then ozone.> Chlorine dioxide exists in the human body for only a few hours and then deteriorates into plain old table salt > and neutral molecules of oxygen..there is nothing left in the body to build up or cause side effects..Chlorine oxidation> is oxidizes by combination..This is the chemistry of CL02> Vitamin c is an antioxidant which is used to provide oxidative stress relief along with other nutritional supplements.> We take nutrition in the morning and use MMS in the evening every two that they will not cancel each other > out..Tom I have seen many recoverys of the most serious diseases verified by catscans and MRIs..These were people> who were terminal but now have a new life...I dont understand your Hatred for Jim Humble as he has done a lot for> the lives of many people..You have posted more then 1363 messages on CureZone ..many of which have been to > put down Jim Humble..You were accused of working for Big PHarma which you have not said was not true..> Why don't you try to work with the MMS people to improve the protocol..I think you have an hidden agenda but I do not> know what it is..It will show itself in time..If I am wrong I will appologize without delay..I am on a number of lists you are on> including the Silver list, I even see you on Euromed..It is rare that I post as I do not like arguments and fights> they achieve nothing..Get rid of your hate for jim humble and everything will be good..I hope you listen to> my suggestions..I know a lot about other protocols as I have been doing research since 1998> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature database 4580 (20091106) __________The message was checked by ESET Smart Security. 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Guest guest Posted July 9, 2010 Report Share Posted July 9, 2010 Hello Carole, Sorry about the confusion. My remarks were addressed to Jim Humble. Ascorbic acid is what I am using. Keep in mind that sodium chlorite is activated by lowering its PH. Ascorbic acid is an acid as well as an anti oxidant. This allows for some interesting combinations. I have had several people who have ended up being very sensitive to citric acid ask me about alternative ways to activate sodium chlorite. In addition, I was approached by a researcher exploring ways to help people with MS. I threw out the use of vitamin C as an activator, and something clicked inside the researcher. I am providing technical support for this research as well as being a " sounding board " for " out of the box " ideas. A real concern for people suffering from MS is that they don't want to consume anything that is acid. The specific amounts to use are still under development. It seems that people with MS are especially concerned with the chlorine dioxide odor, and prefer to have the chlorous acid odor free. This is turning out to be much more difficult that I thought it would be, but some progress is being made. With a full understanding that this is a " work in progress " and if you want to do some experimentation on your own, I can give you a place to start. I mix 1/8 teaspoon of ascorbic acid in 10 ml of water. I put 2 ml of 5% sodium chlorite in a glass, add 1 ml of the ascorbic acid activator, swirl to mix and let the activation continue for 10 minutes. Then water is added to make a total of 500 ml. This results in a solution that has about 85 PPM available chlorine dioxide and 3 PPM of that as free chlorine dioxide and a PH of about 6. The ascorbic acid solution is perishable. It needs to be mixed fresh every time you need some. Like I said, this is not ready for prime time, but that should give you a starting place. Tom --- In , " Carole " <carole@...> wrote: > > Hi Tom, > > Here I am struggling to come to an understanding of MMS - dilution rates; what dilution to use for what situation; to activate or not; and now you confuse my poor little brain by saying that Vitamin C can be used to activate the sodium chlorite ) > > So now I have yet more questions for you! > > Which form of Vitamin C - ascorbic acid? sodium ascorbate? or calcium ascorbate? or doesn't it matter? > > What is the ratio of sodium chlorite to Vitamin C (I would be using a Vitamin C powder which is measured in grams and is 4 grams per 5 mL teaspoon)? > > Carole in Oz > Eideann & Fionn (Tristania GSDs) > carole@... > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 9, 2010 Report Share Posted July 9, 2010 Hello Tanstaafl, HCl is used all the time in chlorine dioxide technology. MMS is all about acidified sodium chlorite technology. They are quite different. This is why I keep pointing out that all of the studies done on chlorine dioxide technology do not directly apply to acidified sodium chlorite technology. When you add a weak acid to sodium chlorite, you form chlorous acid. Chlorous acid has some free chlorine dioxide and usually a larger amount of available chlorine dioxide. When you add a strong acid, like HCl, to sodium chlorite, all of the available chlorine dioxide is released as free chlorine dioxide. When using HCl to activate sodium chlorite, you want to use a concentration that is 1.2 times the concentration of the sodium chlorite. For example, with 5% sodium chlorite you would use 6% HCl. Caution, the rapid release of the chlorine dioxide generates heat and can be explosive at higher concentrations and in the presence of UV light. The container you are mixing the chemicals in can shatter, or the solution can bubble out of the top. Lots of fumes are released at the same time, so proper ventilation is necessary. Handle with care and take precautions to protect yourself. Tom > > I have had several people who have ended up being very sensitive to > > citric acid ask me about alternative ways to activate sodium > > chlorite. In addition, I was approached by a researcher exploring > > ways to help people with MS. I threw out the use of vitamin C as an > > activator, and something clicked inside the researcher. I am > > providing technical support for this research as well as being a > > " sounding board " for " out of the box " ideas. A real concern for > > people suffering from MS is that they don't want to consume anything > > that is acid. > > In that case I wish you would look further into the use of liquid HCl as > an activator - meaning, what is the ideal concentration ratio to use. > > It just seems to me this would be the ideal activator since: > > 1. it is naturally occurring in the body, and indeed, is what the body > itself uses to activate unactivated MMS when consumed, and > > 2. most people (in the USA at least) have low to extremely low HCl > production, and would benefit directly from the activator itself, as > well as the activated MMS. > > Maybe I'm wrong, but it just seems logical to me. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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