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Re: Howdy, and a question on the Accutone CDs

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<< I was just curious - why are there no CD's for what I would consider one of

the biggest problems in this country today, and the root cause of many if

not most of the diseases the other CDs are designed to treat - that being,

Obesity / Junk Food Cravings, etc. >>

Couldn't resist mentioning that there is a simple way to deal with the above.

I started " tapping " with EFT on June 11 for weight loss. I weigh every


and as of this morning I have lost 12 pounds!! It seems to directly affect


desire for heavy, fattening foods, etc. You can download the manual at:

http://www.emofree.com No, they're not selling it...it's free.


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There is a formula which can be made into a special CD for obesity. Dr.

Ebert told me it was not effective unless one was doing something like EFT for

cravings. He is working on a new one. He has had success with pigs in getting

them to fatten up quicker and go off to market sooner!!!

His " theories " on curing physical illness are mind-blowing to me and I spent

some time re-reading Power vs Force on my short vacation. Dr. Ebert says diet

is not important in getting well. What is important is breaking up the catabolic

energy fields- fear, anger, guilt that have been created by your thoughts and

replacing them with anabolic attractor energy fields which are created by

thoughts of love, beauty and compassion. Now you can understand how my mind

gets " blown " . I have not met Dr. Ebert in person as I cancelled driving to

Philadelphia to study with him at the end of June and so have not had the

pleasure of dialoguing with him to any great length. Dr. Hawkins, MD. says in

his book that there is no incurable disease. Dr. Ebert says that if the CD has

helped you to cure an illness and you stop using it without changing your

thoughts, the illness will come back. Jim Lambert has studied the Dr. Pearl

method and Dr. Pearl has cured many serious illnesses and he just works with

energy. This says to me that there is something of value in looking at the

" energy " part of healing.

Glad to hear about your success with the magnetic sleep pad. I have had the

same experience with my back--no chiropractor for over 5 years. I don't need to

wear a back support to garden after using one for years when I gardened.





Magnetic Sleep Pads, Zappers,

Ionizing- Alkalizing Water Filters,

Rebounders, Energy Therapies,

Howdy, and a question on the Accutone CDs

Hi Kallie,

I was just curious - why are there no CD's for what I would consider one of

the biggest problems in this country today, and the root cause of many if

not most of the diseases the other CDs are designed to treat - that being,

Obesity / Junk Food Cravings, etc.

In other words, one that would foster a healthy change in dietary habits to

the Living Foods lifestyle.

I would be happy to pay for a custom CD, if that can be done. Do I need to

be more specific about what I want?


p.s. I still think the magpad is helping my back and my hemmorrhoids -

haven't had one attack from either since I started sleeping on it, but to be

honest, I don't think much of anything can help me much until I change my

diet, which I am still struggling to do.

> Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 14:07:29 -0400



> I have just returned from a short vacation and here is a new

> article Dr. Ebert has written to go with the Accutone CDs

> which are an outgrowth of Dr. Hawkins " research and which he

> relates in the book " Power vs Force " . This new article is

> not yet published on Ebert's web site nor mine. I just read

> it myself. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the prices of the

> Accutone CDs are going up as of August 1/02.


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Dear ,

Why struggle, when with a simple phone call to me, I can show you how to

simply drink a green drink, alkalize your water and inner terrain, begin

devolving the yeast/fungus and observe your own cells directing you to eat

differently. You must first change your inner terrain and then you will

naturally and gracefully connect with your body's newly awakened wisdom,

lost the reason for fat cells being produced as well as your cellular

misdirection or what you call food cravings. Trust me, no one on the

frontier ever wanted a Mcs or a Twinkie. When Montel had a lady on his

show who had lost 185 pounds on Dr. Young's program, he was amazed at the

idea that non survival food choices gave her up rather than she gave them


Much Goodwill,

A. Brown, Ph.D.


Howdy, and a question on the Accutone CDs

Hi Kallie,

I was just curious - why are there no CD's for what I would consider one of

the biggest problems in this country today, and the root cause of many if

not most of the diseases the other CDs are designed to treat - that being,

Obesity / Junk Food Cravings, etc.

In other words, one that would foster a healthy change in dietary habits to

the Living Foods lifestyle.

I would be happy to pay for a custom CD, if that can be done. Do I need to

be more specific about what I want?


p.s. I still think the magpad is helping my back and my hemmorrhoids -

haven't had one attack from either since I started sleeping on it, but to be

honest, I don't think much of anything can help me much until I change my

diet, which I am still struggling to do.

> Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 14:07:29 -0400



> I have just returned from a short vacation and here is a new

> article Dr. Ebert has written to go with the Accutone CDs

> which are an outgrowth of Dr. Hawkins " research and which he

> relates in the book " Power vs Force " . This new article is

> not yet published on Ebert's web site nor mine. I just read

> it myself. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the prices of the

> Accutone CDs are going up as of August 1/02.


> copied & pasted.



> Accutone CD Treatment catalogue


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Sorry everyone, I intended for that initial email to go privately...

> Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 09:47:06 -0400



> Hi

> There is a formula which can be made into a special CD

> for obesity. Dr. Ebert told me it was not effective unless

> one was doing something like EFT for cravings. He is working

> on a new one. He has had success with pigs in getting them

> to fatten up quicker and go off to market sooner!!!

Aaaargh! He can make a CD for osteoporosis that doesn't require the

tapping, but not for food cravings?! How unfair!!

> His " theories " on curing physical illness are

> mind-blowing to me and I spent some time re-reading Power vs

> Force on my short vacation. Dr. Ebert says diet is not

> important in getting well.

Well, on the one hand, I would say he is full of it...

But on the other hand, since all matter is energy, just in different forms,

*if* the mind was capable of transforming one type of energy (matter) into

another, then I guess, yes, one could truly eat junk food, and their mind

could simply transform it by re-arranging the atoms into what it needed....

But it seems to me it is *far* easier to change eating habits - one could

spend a lifetime in a Tibetan Monastery and not develop this kind of mastery

of our bodies.

> What is important is breaking up

> the catabolic energy fields- fear, anger, guilt that have

> been created by your thoughts and replacing them with

> anabolic attractor energy fields which are created by

> thoughts of love, beauty and compassion.

OK - is there an Accutone CD for that? ;)

Seriously, if this is what is needed, my only question is, how do I do it?

Without spending a lifetime in Tibet, that is.


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I was surprised your email was to the list. Until my mind is as clear as a

Tibetan monk's, I prefer to eat fairly well, sleep on my magnetic pad, use the

rebounder, take my supplements etc:>)

He does have a couple of CDs you can use so you don't have to go to Tibet.

One is called the #5 Basic Treatment (Belief Change) CD which contains all the

levels of consciousness from 20 - 250 as described in Power vs Force and also on

the www.tree-of-life.com website. He suggests this is used daily for 3 months

and then you progress to the second one #15 Levels of Consciousness-Disk 2 for

the levels 310 - 700. There is one little catch here though. To do the Basic

CD, you need to spend about 20 minutes a day doing the affirmations he has

brilliantly (IMHO) written and then just play the CD on repeat for 24/7 or as

long as you are within 40 feet of the antenna.

I have the Basic Treatment CD and for the first week or so, I was just

playing it and not doing the affirmations. I did notice a positive shift in my

energy but I then started to play at the same time a CD for my son who has a

chronic illness. At the same time, I had great demands for information on the

CDs and to sell them. I was also attempting to keep up my other business

interests. I felt more and more stressed out. EFT or relaxation exercises did

not help. I kept getting more and more stressed and blamed myself for not being

able to cope. Ten days ago, I asked Dr. Ebert for a customer if one could play

two Accutone CDs at a time. The answer - NO. Too many meridians stimulated at

once. The word " agitated " then described how I was feeling exactly!!! One can

play several CDs one after the other.

I stopped playing two at once and immediately felt the difference so I

learned the power of these CDs to affect my energy field. The gift was I did

learn how powerful they were. I have also learned that to benefit fully, one

has to do the affirmations.

He just notified me this week that he is raising the price on the stock CDs

from $100 plus $20 for the special antenna and no extra shipping costs to $150

with antenna and $7.00 shipping cost on August 1/02. If you are interested,

there is a saving if you order before Aug. 1. Let me know privately (don't hit

reply:>) ) if you would like me to email you further information including a

new article he just wrote and is not published yet.

I had a man purchase four Accutone CDs and today he referred a friend of his

to me because this man feels he has benefited. A New York naturopath had his

heart arrhythmia reduce to a normal heartbeat in two days and is now

recommending them to his patients. Dr. Ebert says he gets an average of 60%

positive response with these CDs and that is with supposedly " incurable "

diseases among other lesser physical challenges.

A couple of weeks ago when I was still playing two CDs at a time, I had

burning pains-nerve pain from my spine around to my ribs for three days along

with hot flashes a few times a day and began to fear I was getting shingles. I

played the CD for HIV-Herpes-Hepatitis which covers fungus, yeast, bacteria,

mycomplasma etc. and the pain went away along with the hot flashes which took a

little longer to recede. I must say that impressed me.





Magnetic Sleep Pads, Zappers,

Ionizing- Alkalizing Water Filters,

Rebounders, Energy Therapies,

Re: Howdy, and a question on the Accutone CDs

Sorry everyone, I intended for that initial email to go privately...

> Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 09:47:06 -0400



> Hi

> There is a formula which can be made into a special CD

> for obesity. Dr. Ebert told me it was not effective unless

> one was doing something like EFT for cravings. He is working

> on a new one. He has had success with pigs in getting them

> to fatten up quicker and go off to market sooner!!!

Aaaargh! He can make a CD for osteoporosis that doesn't require the

tapping, but not for food cravings?! How unfair!!

> His " theories " on curing physical illness are

> mind-blowing to me and I spent some time re-reading Power vs

> Force on my short vacation. Dr. Ebert says diet is not

> important in getting well.

Well, on the one hand, I would say he is full of it...

But on the other hand, since all matter is energy, just in different forms,

*if* the mind was capable of transforming one type of energy (matter) into

another, then I guess, yes, one could truly eat junk food, and their mind

could simply transform it by re-arranging the atoms into what it needed....

But it seems to me it is *far* easier to change eating habits - one could

spend a lifetime in a Tibetan Monastery and not develop this kind of mastery

of our bodies.

> What is important is breaking up

> the catabolic energy fields- fear, anger, guilt that have

> been created by your thoughts and replacing them with

> anabolic attractor energy fields which are created by

> thoughts of love, beauty and compassion.

OK - is there an Accutone CD for that? ;)

Seriously, if this is what is needed, my only question is, how do I do it?

Without spending a lifetime in Tibet, that is.


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