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Re: Nanobacteria - more information

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Dear Bill,

As I have said before, there is no need to take tetracycline

or any other antibiotic, since ozone never met a bacteria or virus it

couldn't overcome.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman


Reply-To: oxyplus

To: oxyplus

Subject: Nanobacteria - more information

Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 01:45:50 -0400

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To: rife-list@..., rife ,

rifers , rife-list@...

Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002

Subject: Re: [rife-list] Re: [rifers] nanobacteria info

The nanobacteria sanguineum looks very much like the virus X that

Rife discovered years ago. It is admitedly pleomorphic, just like

the virus X, and its extremely small size could have led Rife to

believe that he was in the presence of a virus.

This nanobacterium is believed to be the cause of numerous

diseases, all of them related to pathological calcifications.

Among these diseases are atherosclerotic plaque, cardiovascular

disease, kidney stones, cataracts, polycystic kidney disease,

cataracts, dental plaque, periodontal disease, reheumatoid

arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, some cancers, multiple

sclerosis, etc, etc.

It is interesting to note that there may be frequencies common to

some of these diseases, as they appear to be caused by the same

organism, and if one frequency works for any of the above, there

should be some sort of common frequency or frequencies for some

other of these diseases.

By the way, the medical and pharmaceutical establishments have

not yet admitted the existence of the nanobacteria, although

there is evidence that there is active and heated research going

on in some centers, trying to find a patentable antibiotic for

the nanobacterium. I guess they will not admit it exists until

they find the antibiotic. If someone needs a cure for any of the

above diseases, there is a guy in Tampa that seems to have found

a method of combining EDTA chelation and tetracycline which

appears to work against the nanobacteria at least in some of

these diseases.

By the way, many vaccines appear to have been contaminated with

the nanobacteria, including the polio vaccines given to children.

This explains why more and more young individuals are found to

have vascular problems very early in their lives. Nanobacteria

research appears destined to destroy many many accepted medical

theories of our day, such as the one that blames cholesterol as

the cause of cardiovascular diseases. It will also resolve many

of the riddles of modern medicine, such as the rise in the last

40 years of many cancers, arthritis, osteoarthritis, cataracts,

Alzheimer's and many others.


From: soundtree@...

Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002

Subject: [rife-list] nanobacteria info


Here is an article giving some interesting information about

nanobacteria, its pleomorphic characteristics, and related info...


And other articles about nanobacteria at


Best wishes



From: soundtree@...

Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002

Subject: [rife-list] Re: [rifers] nanobacteria info

> This is interesting if Rife or other frequencies can dispose of

> these " Nanobacteria " , however an interesting site is

> http://www.drcranton.com , who is an advocate of IV chelation.

> Lots of interesting articles. But one might want to review this

> site and the methodologies.


Going to Dr. Elmer Cranton MD article at

http://www.drcranton.com/nanobacteria.htm with the title " Alleged

Nanobacteria do not Cause Calcification of Arterial Plaque " ,

perhaps Dr. Cranton has not had the opportunity to avail himself

of the growing body of literature regarding nanobacteria.

Important institutions such as National Academy of Sciences,

NASA, and Mayo Clinic are sponsoring work on this bacteria, (for

example see http://www.nas.edu/ssb/nanopanel2kajander.htm ). And

Mayo Clinic would not be advertising for someone to characterize

the genome of an " alleged " or " mythical " organism. Cranton

finishes his article by brashly stating " In the absence of new

evidence to the contrary, Nanobacterium sanguineum now seems now

to be a myth. What we are left with is a clever and deceptive

marketing scheme. "

His reasoning that nanobacteria do not exist, comes from a single

journal article published in the Proceedings of the National

Academy of Sciences USA.

Researchers in the field of nanobacteria have stated since the

publication of that article, that " even a recently published

government study on Nanobacteria was inherently flawed and

invalid because their nanobacterial cultures were contaminated

with regular bacteria... invalidating their DNA findings... "

Also, " multiple nanobacteria researchers have shown that

Nanobacterium sanguineum causes a false positive on Chlamydia

pneumoniae testing " . (from


page 4). Also at this link you will see a very large number of

research articles regarding nanobacteria and related subjects

(page 7).

It is difficult to argue with the clinical results being produced

with the treatments against nanobacteria (see case studies from a

clinic in Toledo Ohio at

http://www.heartfixer.com/NB%20-%20Case%20Studies.htm and

information at http://www.Nanobaclabs.com ). The Toledo clinic

sometimes uses other supportive methods including pertinent

nutritional supplements.

Considering that Dr. Cranton's webpage was just updated on

7-11-02, one can only assume at best that he is simply

uninformed, and hope that he will retract his opinions.

It is not known if Rife types of technologies can affect

nanobacteria (there is such a wide range of devices). While I

have read in some places that the genome has been decoded, if

that is the case the researchers have not submitted it to GenBank

yet. Nanobacterial research will certainly be an interesting

field to follow in the next few years!

Best wishes,





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Dear Bill,

Ozone would be used in concert with chelation for a

longterm solution. EDTA is potentiated by the use of ozone


Following removal of the plaque, a steady diet of ozone will

ensure that it is not reestablished, by clearing the bacteria

from the system.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman


Reply-To: oxyplus

To: oxyplus

Subject: Re: Nanobacteria - more information

Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 18:36:28 -0400

At 23:25 7-18-2002 +0000, you wrote:

> Dear Bill,


> As I have said before, there is no need to take tetracycline

> or any other antibiotic, since ozone never met a bacteria or

> virus it couldn't overcome.


> Best of Health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman


Dear Saul,

The problem with nanobacteria isn't the infection, as far as I know.

Rather, it is the disease-causing calcium deposits shielding the

nanobacteria, that are growing and reproducing inside these 'shells.'

Does ozone therapy chelate calcium deposits? If not, then ozone may

not be able, by itself, to overcome the " nanobacteria diseases " which

are caused by the inorganic calcium deposits -- even if ozone is able

to kill the nanobacteria inside those deposits.

Do you have evidence ozone effectively penetrates the calcium deposits

produced by nanobacteria? And does ozone chelate (dissolve and remove)

calcium deposits, especially the types produced by nanobacteria?

Or, would ozone therapy best be combined with chelation therapy for a

more effective reversal of nanobacterial calcium-deposit diseases?

Best regards,




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