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The Trust Of Love

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Aug 24, 2007 9:02 AM


From the Heart Experiencing the Trust of Love

Sending good vibes to:LightworkerVivianCircle of LightFrom the Heart Experiencing the Trust of Lovea message from God channeled by Yael and Doug From the Heart Experiencing the Trust of Love, Heart perception is a feeling beyond anything that you have ever felt on Earth. It is the radiant light from the Real, the vibration of perfect Love going forth. It now washes through your being and opens up your heart that you might fit more experience of this powerful example of what it means to be connected, centered in the Real and in the Love. You do this while experiencing the play of light that is the shift that is the illusion and simply opening to the trust and the joy as you become truly the heart of God living here on Earth and connecting exponentially with the Love. Every moment, beloved ones, you are living in this wondrous Love as it bathes you like the sun and removes all shadows.The Whole of Love Restores Every Part, Even in the Most Difficult Situations.Ah, the refreshment of the spirit. Nothing else, nothing can compare. No matter what you may tell yourself, it is here where you find your essence, here where you take your nourishment and find the meaning of your life. It is here where you become pure light, pure vibration, the pure expression of Love that you are. Then, you begin to feel this gift of your uniqueness, and make connection with your glorious Twin Flame heart.br />I know, beloved ones, that when you are in the spirit it is easy to understand and feel these things, and you are filled with ecstatic joy, washed in grace, unlimited. You know everything that I say to you is verified by the experience of your heart in the Real.Yet, you also know how it feels to be a traveler in the world and to be bombarded constantly with the images of your life and your experience. And you have wondered how to truly allow this Love without developing any attachments

and without having any resistance to things moving in a certain way,

bringing certain results – even the results that are positive, that seem in alignment with the awakening of Love. For the attachment creates the resistance if what is desired does not appear.Let Me say this to you. When you are in the Real, in your heart, in the truth of the All, the workings of Love can be trusted, no matter what they are.

I promise you that I always have more good waiting for you than your

little mind or ego could ever imagine. As your heart is dedicated to

living this Love, I can promise you that I am guiding you and that

every movement of your life is the expansion and the exponential

explosion of this glorious Love that we share.So I ask you to

remember that I will surprise you and that the good you can imagine

with your mind is paltry, meager, pitiful compared to the good that I

am from the Real, living My life through you. As you are this glorious

heart, identified in the Real, your experience becomes the grand

experience of the weaving patterns of Love. Therefore, you can dance

this dance with ease and grace, connecting always through the heart

with the expression of each life stream as the unity of God I Am and

trusting the expression of the whole to completely realign all the

parts.The whole of Love is perfect. Absolutely perfect

with no exceptions. The whole of Love, being a hologram, is fully alive

in all of its parts. Therefore, if there is no interference from a

little mind, from anything blocking the flow of Love and life, the

whole always remembers its perfection, and will realign or transform

and make perfect any and all of its parts.The whole remembers

the perfection of every iota of energy that is alive within it each Now

Moment in the great unity and perfection of Love. Therefore, if

anything moves out of alignment, the whole of Love simply recreates the

part as perfect, glorious, joyous – the expression of the perfection of

Love.So it makes no sense to be struggling to create your good

from the world. It is certainly doing things the hard way to be

attempting to visualize that which is your good using the little mind.

The little mind by its nature is limited and cannot see the surprising

possibilities of God.Therefore, to affect the transformation

that resonates in your hearts is to move into the Reality of Love, to

hold the vibration of the Real of Love, to make connection with the

unity and the joy, and to trust that the whole then will realign every

part – that each expression is perfect as a part of the unified life I

Am.I do understand, beloved ones, how intensely real the drama

may seem. I also understand the ego and how it is ever seeking to get

attention from you, how it has no overview of the spirit, no sense of

the interweaving of great Love, and can only do that which is limited,

that which looks at the world as duality, and thus, ultimately has only

one part of the whole answer – the perfection of all.So,

beloved ones, please make the shift. Shift again each moment into the

Real and feel. Feel how beautiful the whole is as it sings to you of

the great communion of Love that is the whole vibrating the parts back

into perfection Now.As you do this, as you focus up into the

Real of Love and joy, you also find you have the advantage of the deep

communion that you will find with Me and with every other movement in

the whole of Love. It is this experience of the great heart that you

are, of the vibration that is pure and magnificent, of the connection

of all life in this unity of Love I Am and the sweet interaction of the

spirit -- where you can permeate one another and feel Love at work and

commune spirit to spirit and heart to glorious heart -- this is where

you recognize Me at work.Because Love is always more and I Am

always giving, you can feel in your heart of hearts that whatever would

occur would be more good than anything the ego could imagine.

Resistance on the level of the ego mind is simply keeping you in

separation from this unity where everything is part of the dance of

this living hologram of Love I Am, including the in-breath and the

out-breath of God and the appearance and disappearance of seeming forms

in the world. What is true always is the continuity of the spirit and

the increase of good.Oh, how human beings limit themselves

through fear of change and of course, through the inability to perceive

with the heart. Sometimes it may seem as though there is a loss until

you can view it with some distance or from the Real and see that what

seemingly was taken away was simply the opening door to ever more good

and therefore, understanding once again that Love and unity are

inseparable, and I Am only good. If I Am your vibration, then you are

accepting the exponential increase of Love right now.Will you

say "Yes" and let Me place it in your heart and deliver its gift, the

greatest of which is peace – peace beyond all understanding, peace that

transcends duality and ego and comes from the trust in the Love and the

mending of separation through acknowledging the One and the complete

self-renewal of the whole as long as nothing interferes with it~Beloved ones, please attune to the vibration of the great good, the unfolding of ever more Love. Attune to the vibration and memory of trust and let the vibration then bring other things toward you that you might feel the winds of spirit and everything always shifts and moves, explodes and dances forth again, dissolving old images, the old world for the New.When the great rays of light that you are, effortlessly penetrate all illusion and find the core, the Love at the center of all that you feel and behold -- and with your permission, with your "Yes," bring forth this essence and allow it to blossom as the bridge world -- it brings forth the world of Love and only Love that you are helping to build as you experience living the Vertical life. Love and light Vivian

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