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Re: Studies TOM

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YOU can start to testing on SICK people,or YOU DO not know any one who is

sick/Why You do NOT left alone Jim HUMBLE in Africa,whenn FDA said HE can do

everithing in AFRicA .Anyways You did NOt answered to my questions,why sud Jim

answer to Yours/

question;why 2 gas as H2 and O2 together become water/You unable to answer to

this simple questions.How can you explain to the changes take in our bodies.In

the kreb H2o become H+ and -OH. WHY? gb

> >

> > Hello Tom,

> >

> > Thanks for later correcting your post below. There is a huge difference

between 24 hours and 7 days in the life of a commercial broiler. The study

refers to these birds slaughtered at 6-7 weeks as " market age broilers. " See

also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broilers (8 week life). The first point to

understand then is that 7 days or even 5 days in a life span of only 7-8 weeks

is an " extended " period of time as described by the authors of this study. And

these authors were clearly concerned about the health/safety affects on the

birds in each of these experiments, including the one that lasted only 24 hours.

> >

> > Now that I have read through the study Tom, I can see you are being

excessively narrow in your view. If we understand a few fundamentals about how

poultry farmers gauge the health of their birds, then the safety implications of

this study come alive. The study clearly is about the safety of using ASC over

an extended period in the life of broiler chickens.

> >

> > I have been reading farming literature for a few years now while I have been

keeping my own flock of muscovy ducks. Good animal farmers are always watching

the food and water consumption of their animals, weight gain, and changes in

their manure. The poultry scientists in this study are using these same

parameters to gauge the health/safety effects of the ASC (acidified sodium

chlorite, aka activated mms) on the birds.

> >

> > The first experiment in the study is devoted entirely to the safety issue,

which is proved by the fact there is no reference to pathogens and measuring

them. Feed-conversion ratio and weight gain are particularly important to

poultry producers so the first experiment looks at the affect of various dosages

of citric acid and sodium chlorite in the drinking water of the birds. Weight

gain is probably correlated with health to some degree. Sodium chlorite at

higher concentrations (3,000-6,000 ppm) in the drinking water did result in

reduced water consumption and weight loss over the 7 day period of the study. I

do not believe this creates problems for humans, unless all the liquid you drink

has high concentrations of sodium chlorite. If chickens could be dosed like

humans and you could get them to take a specified dose at certain times and let

them drink clean water the rest of the time, then this problem would go away and

there is no telling what you could accomplish healthwise. Poultry farmers are

limited by the fact that the only efficient way to get mms into the chickens is

to put it in the drinking water, which means they do not have clean water

available. Judging from their further experiments, the authors appear to

conclude from this experiment they should avoid further testing with sodium

chlorite concentrations above 1,200 ppm in the drinking water.

> >

> > The second experiment in the study lasted only 24 hours, but the scientists

were very careful to observe differences in excreta color and appearance. They

tested various doses of ASC on birds that had been infected with salmonella.

They noted no differences in the excreta even at high doses of ASC so this

allowed them to infer that digestive functions were not being disrupted. Which

is quite significant in view of the fact that at the highest concentration of

ASC the salmonella was being significantly reduced in all 3 segments of the

digestive tract. This squarely supports Jim's view that MMS only harms


> >

> > The third experiment lasted 5 days and involved birds that had been

subjected while young to salmonella and campylobacter. The results showed that

ASC at 600 ppm reduced salmonella in the upper segment of the digestive tract,

but no effect on the campy. It is unfortunate the authors did not test the ASC

at the higher 1,200 ppm concentration that had been so successful in the second

experiment. This experiment seems to be consistent with the second experiment

and it shows the campy is more difficult to kill, which the authors speculate is

because of the large numbers of campy colonizing the lower GI tract. It also

showed there was no difference between using citric acid and sodium acid sulfate

for the acid component.

> >

> > The lack of mortality in the study is significant. In any large group of

birds such as those used in this study, there are always some borderline birds

that are weak and susceptible to stresses. The fact that there was no mortality

is another indication of the relative safety of ASC, sodium chlorite and citric


> >

> > For these reasons it is quite reasonable in my opinion to draw inferences of

relative safety based on this study. You are welcome to disagree Tom, you have

a right to. We all have a right to look at the available evidence and draw our

own conclusions. That is why it is important to place a study like this 'out

there' for everyone to see, if it exists.

> >

> > This study directly addresses another one of your concerns. You have

suggested more than once the placebo effect could be an explanation for Jim's

results, but this study tends to disprove that hypothesis, unless you think

chickens experience the placebo effect, right? This begs the question, if you

are aware of solid evidence like this disproving the placebo effect, why do you

keep advocating this argument?

> >

> > This study also illustrates how Jim's approach of focusing on results is not

so unscientific as you say in your latest reply to him. These poultry

scientists are focused exclusively on results, they devote no attention to

speculating about mechanisms of action or 'understanding the chemistry' as you

keep wanting Jim to do. These scientists are not interested in determining

whether it is chlorine dioxide or chlorous acid that produces these results.

Since we cannot really know this until we get plenty of funding for studies, why

do you keep criticizing Jim about it and writing essays about your own

speculations? I do not intend any disrespect, these are just legitimate


> >

> > This study came to my mind because I remembered you had said it was

" actually pretty exciting " and I did not want to see it overlooked in the rush

to oppose healinghope. I agree, it would be great to have some long term

studies, but that requires significant funding if you really want to be

" scientific. " Then the problem is the people who control the funding influence

the outcome, just ask any honest researcher. Studies prove what the funders

want them to prove. That goes for this poultry study too. Who funded it and

why?...are very relevant questions.

> >

> > We can wait around for a long time for testing that is not likely to happen,

and probably won't be reliable if it does happen, or we can devote our lives to

saving people the way Jim has. I have to admire the man. It is not at all

unreasonable for him, Hesselink, the other doctors and humanitarians involved,

to act on the basis of the best available evidence and their personal

experiences. This is how science advances, inventions are discovered,

scientific revolutions are accomplished. The old guard dies out and the

trailblazers getting results operating on a shoestring are eventually proven

right. After seeing your dialogue together, I must also admit I am impressed

with Jim's expertise and experience. He has a great deal of experience with

human disease that you do not have Tom. You can keep trying to discredit his

reports and motives, but I have a right to believe him if I want to, right?

> >

> > Results count in my book Tom. You can ignore them and rely on " proven safe "

drugs for your solutions if you choose, but let us give people the room to make

their own choices, including the choice to make Jim their expert if they wish

and to treat results as evidence. Transtaafl seems to be serving your interests

rather faithfully and aggressively. Look at how healinghope is treated, and she

is not specifically addressing her posts to anyone, just presenting info. And

Tom, you weighed in on Alvin to tell him his terminology or his chemistry was

off, when he never requested your help. This is the type of 'domination' I was

referring to earlier. I nice dialogue with Jim has come out of it but people

get the message: Tom is the only expert here. Could you and transtaafl be a

little more considerate of competing views?

> >

> > I get the idea Jim and Hesselink are not aware of this study. Perhaps in

the spirit of cooperation and scientific advancement you could let them know

about it?

> >

> > Harrah

> >

> > PS: For anyone interested, your comments regarding this study on curezone

are found here (http://curezone.com:80/forums/am.asp?i=1553981). I do not wish

to endorse everything you said there. The positive aspects of what you say are

true enough, but the negative aspects are overdone in my humble opinion.

> >


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Hello GB,

What part of the explanation of how hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water

did you not understand?


--- In , " go2y47or " <go2y47or@...>




> YOU can start to testing on SICK people,or YOU DO not know any one who is

sick/Why You do NOT left alone Jim HUMBLE in Africa,whenn FDA said HE can do

everithing in AFRicA .Anyways You did NOt answered to my questions,why sud Jim

answer to Yours/

> question;why 2 gas as H2 and O2 together become water/You unable to answer to

this simple questions.How can you explain to the changes take in our bodies.In

the kreb H2o become H+ and -OH. WHY? gb

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why 2 gas combined we or the natura getting water,I do not understand at all! I

know we have water but why?

Ok see water ionizer the alkali and acid water maker who makes $5000.00I have

the cheepest $1250.00,but I do know how to mKING ATHOME ,BUT NOT THE TITANIUM


says the alkali side comes auth h2 the acid o2 but i think that is NOt correct.I

think they messing the cationic and anionic side because if we speaking electric

that differents then we speaking abouth PH of water.

DR walter Russel the genius says the Hidrogen do have 10isotope.Some

researcher using that. gyorgyi



> Hello GB,


> What part of the explanation of how hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water

did you not understand?


> Tom



> --- In , " go2y47or " <go2y47or@>


> >

> >

> > YOU can start to testing on SICK people,or YOU DO not know any one who is

sick/Why You do NOT left alone Jim HUMBLE in Africa,whenn FDA said HE can do

everithing in AFRicA .Anyways You did NOt answered to my questions,why sud Jim

answer to Yours/

> > question;why 2 gas as H2 and O2 together become water/You unable to answer

to this simple questions.How can you explain to the changes take in our

bodies.In the kreb H2o become H+ and -OH. WHY? gb


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