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This week:Teach The Children!Read below....

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This week's Simple Act

One Simple Act Suggestion - May 24th, 2007

This week it's about the children!

Children are our future and they are our greatest teachers. This week I want to invite you to teach them something they will most likely remember their entire life.

This Simple Act was inspired by our friend Will and is coming to you because my wife suggested I share this idea with the world.

A couple weeks ago Will told us a story that really touched our hearts. When he was a young boy he remembers a time when a friend of the family had come over to visit and when he did, this man gave young Will a gift. This was a small gift but it had become a lifelong lesson for Will that he still connects with today, some 50 years later. What this man gave Will was a small gold piece that Will still has to this day, in it's original wrapping.

This gold piece taught Will a few things. It taught him the value of giving and the power it can have on a young person's life (this man wasn't a big influence in his life until he gave him this gift). It taught him the lesson of saving something valuable, which taught him abundance and by having this gold piece, he knew abundance was always with him.

Each year, sometimes a few times a year, Will gets this small gold piece out and connects with it. He connects with the memory of this man going out of his way to give something to a young boy to allow that boy to learn important lessons about life.

How much effort did it take to do this? Not much at all.

How simple was it? Very simple.

How impactful was this simple act? Life Changing for Will!

This week, I invite you to gift a child. Find something that you feel is of value and of meaning to you and give a child in your life this thing. This child can be your own or one that you know and love. When giving this child the gift, take some time to be present with them and tell them what it could be like to hold on to this item and cherish it throughout their life. Children love gifts and they will remember your lesson if you are willing to share it.

You'll see how powerful this will be for the child and you'll experience the joy they will have from your simple act.

Go online now and make your commitment.

How many children will you gift this week? Make the choice, go do it and then come back and tell us your story. Give us as much detail as you can and let's see how many children we can impact together - all over the world!Click Here to join for FREE and be a part of this Simple Actsource: http://onesimpleact.com/

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