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skin tags

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Another way to get rid of them is to use liquid skin, someone on

another site tried it and it works by suffocating them.

> Ever since this discussion began, I've been looking for an article

I read

> years ago about health care workers in a hospital who noticed that

a large

> number of patients with type 2 diabetes had skin tags. They set up

a study in

> which patients being admitted to the emergency room for accidents

and other

> reasons were checked for skin tags. Those who had a large number of

skin tags

> were asked whether they had diabetes. Many said yes. Those who said

no were

> asked to take a glucose tolerance test. Most of those tested

positive. In

> follow-up testing several years later, most of those who tested

negative now tested

> positive. The study's authors recommended that physicians and

health care

> workers consider skin tags an early symptom of diabetes. Those who

have large

> numbers of skin tags can do much to prevent the onset of type 2

diabetes with

> diet and of course coconut oil. Sorry I can't locate the study, but

I'll keep

> looking.

> CJ in New York

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  • 3 months later...
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have you checked out www.earthclinic.com? I read through the

testemonials one day, a few people talked of their success with

removeing warts with co.



> Hello:


> Has anyone ever tried using VCO for warts, moles or skin tags?


> I have some tiny skin tags on my shoulders and since I believe

they are caused from a Virus, VCO should get rid of them.


> Anyone know?


> Bonnie



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I had a doctor tell me skin tags CAN be related to insulin resistance.

Could be an opinion, I don't know.

I have the skin tags and insulin resistance. He just said they often go

hand in hand. Just a thought.


> Hello:


> Has anyone ever tried using VCO for warts, moles or skin tags?


> I have some tiny skin tags on my shoulders and since I believe they are

> caused from a Virus, VCO should get rid of them.


> Anyone know?


> Bonnie

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For those who may be interested in the possible explanation of the link

between skin tags and diabetes and/or insulin resistance here’s an article

that explains.

This article that has info regarding effects of hyperinsulinemia (too much

insulin), this can include skin tags. It’s on page 12 of the pdf article.



" http://thepaleodiet.com/articles/Hyperinsulinemic%20Diseases%20Final.pdf " ht



This is from the journal Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Abstract




Here’s the abstract

Hyperinsulinemic diseases of civilization: more than just Syndrome


" http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6VNH-48WJWGF-6 & _u

ser=10 & _coverDate=09%2F30%2F2003 & _rdoc=11 & _fmt=summary & _orig=browse & _srch=do


29 & _cdi=6179 & _sort=d & _docanchor= & view=c & _ct=20 & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _

urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=af32d8c851d91eae6c27923753354832#m4.1 " *1

Loren Cordain, R. Eades and D. Eades

Department of Health and Exercise Science, Colorado State University, Fort

, CO 80523, USA

Received 27 June 2002;?revised 23 December 2002;?accepted 3 January 2003.?

Available online 20 June 2003.


Compensatory hyperinsulinemia stemming from peripheral insulin resistance is

a well-recognized metabolic disturbance that is at the root cause of

diseases and maladies of Syndrome X (hypertension, type 2 diabetes,

dyslipidemia, coronary artery disease, obesity, abnormal glucose tolerance).

Abnormalities of fibrinolysis and hyperuricemia also appear to be members of

the cluster of illnesses comprising Syndrome X. Insulin is a

well-established growth-promoting hormone, and recent evidence indicates

that hyperinsulinemia causes a shift in a number of endocrine pathways that

may favor unregulated tissue growth leading to additional illnesses.

Specifically, hyperinsulinemia elevates serum concentrations of free

insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and androgens, while simultaneously

reducing insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) and sex

hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). Since IGFBP-3 is a ligand for the nuclear

retinoid X receptor a, insulin-mediated reductions in IGFBP-3 may also

influence transcription of anti-proliferative genes normally activated by

the body's endogenous retinoids. These endocrine shifts alter cellular

proliferation and growth in a variety of tissues, the clinical course of

which may promote acne, early menarche, certain epithelial cell carcinomas,

increased stature, myopia, cutaneous papillomas (skin tags), acanthosis

nigricans, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and male vertex balding.

Consequently, these illnesses and conditions may, in part, have

hyperinsulinemia at their root cause and therefore should be classified

among the diseases of Syndrome X.




From: Coconut Oil

[mailto:Coconut Oil ] On Behalf Of K

Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 11:35 AM

Coconut Oil

Subject: Re: Skin tags


I had a doctor tell me skin tags CAN be related to insulin resistance.

Could be an opinion, I don't know.

I have the skin tags and insulin resistance. He just said they often go

hand in hand. Just a thought.


> Hello:


> Has anyone ever tried using VCO for warts, moles or skin tags?


> I have some tiny skin tags on my shoulders and since I believe they are

> caused from a Virus, VCO should get rid of them.


> Anyone know?


> Bonnie

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Yes, I heard that too and I am Insulin Resistant as well, so.....


Re: Skin tags

I had a doctor tell me skin tags CAN be related to insulin resistance.

Could be an opinion, I don't know.

I have the skin tags and insulin resistance. He just said they often go

hand in hand. Just a thought.


> Hello:


> Has anyone ever tried using VCO for warts, moles or skin tags?


> I have some tiny skin tags on my shoulders and since I believe they are

> caused from a Virus, VCO should get rid of them.


> Anyone know?


> Bonnie

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Interesting.... I removed a whole bunch of skin tags from my neck a few

years ago using thread. I didn't know there was a connection with insulin

resistance. I'll have to check that out.


God Bless America!

One Nation Under God

Re: Skin tags



> I had a doctor tell me skin tags CAN be related to insulin resistance.

> Could be an opinion, I don't know.

> I have the skin tags and insulin resistance. He just said they often go

> hand in hand. Just a thought.

> K


> > Hello:

> >

> > Has anyone ever tried using VCO for warts, moles or skin tags?

> >

> > I have some tiny skin tags on my shoulders and since I believe they are

> > caused from a Virus, VCO should get rid of them.

> >

> > Anyone know?

> >

> > Bonnie







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I get skin tags. Been getting one or two for years. Best cure I

found is to apply Iodine to the tag, while getting as little as

possible on healthy skin because Iodine can cause irritation and

soreness. I repeat twice a day for a few days, then use a good

quality dry skin treatment. Tag gets brittle and begins to crumble.

repeat as needed until the tag is gone.


On 7/14/07, Bonnie Cole <bonnieview@...> wrote:

> Hello:


> Has anyone ever tried using VCO for warts, moles or skin tags?


> I have some tiny skin tags on my shoulders and since I believe they are caused

from a Virus, VCO should get rid of them.


> Anyone know?


> Bonnie

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You can also use liquid band aid - I just a friend who was doing the string

method, but was having a hard time tying the string in that area - the liq.

Band aid worked great. Twice a day.

I have also used Cell Food, from the HFS, it is a product that provides

minerals, you normally use 20 drops in water. But if you place it full

strength on a wart or skin tag or mole even it will remove it in about 7

days. Being careful, like the iodine, not to get on healthy skin.


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What is the the difference between Insulin Resistant and Diabetes? I tried a

search and nothing is mkaing sense.



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  • 2 years later...
  • 11 months later...
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how tightly do you have to tie them?


> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I had some skin tags before starting iodine. I got them during my

pregnancies and they have stayed pretty much the same for the past 5 years.

Since starting iodine two months ago one skin tag grew much larger and two new

ones have formed. Has this happened to any of you? i have tried using the

iodine topically but so far no change. It is tricky to apply topically and not

stain clothes. Is decolorized iodine okay to use for this?

> >

> > Thanks!

> >

> >

> >


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