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Reframe & Recycle = Gift

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KnightsIntent *Note: As a gift for all here, and should you like...go to www.intentionalone.com and let the page load. Min. the page for the rest of your time online and be filled with an enviroment of tranquil beauty, as a long list of piano music plays...meditative, soothing, relaxing, inspiring, delecious even...

With Love,


Aug 16, 2007 12:18 PM


Reframe & Recycle


Dear Friends, If you're in the Floyd County, VA area, there's anarticle in this week's issue about my upcoming talk atthe Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis. The FloydPress is a treat to read, everything a small townnewspaper should be and more, as its's about a placewith such heart.This is my most recent blog @ my myspace page,www.myspace.com/kantanancy. It was posted Tuesday,July 24, 2007 Recycling, Reframing and Chocolate Town Tonight is Recycling Eve. We get to put out all ourwater bottles, jam jars and plastic salad dressingcarafes. And boy-o-boy, what a pile it'll be, as weforgot two weeks ago and have since been amassing themotherlode. What an amazing concept this is to me, child of the50's that I am. I learned to "Duck and Cover" in caseof nuclear attack in kindergarten. It was a big dealto make a "long distance, person-to-person call." Andhere I am in such a new world…still gleeful that I cantalk to my friend in for nothing because weshare the same cell provider! Recycling…It seems so cool, so sane, so right. I amhappy to participate in an act of changing somethingfrom waste to useful, changing the nature of itsmeaningfulness from refuse to supply material.The old stuff becomes like art supplies, waiting to beobjects to feed creation. One man's trash is anotherman's…whatever. Recently a beloved client gave me somebooks by Dr. Hawkins. got a hold of themwith his big builder's hands and even bigger brain andhas been reading passages excitedly to me every day.I'm hearing a lot about "recontectualization." Hey, I'm an artist and a hypnotherapist, so to me it's"reframing," but by any name, it's the bomb, the realbomb, the one that blows your paranoia into nextTuesday and replaces it with, well…Pronoia (thank you,Rob Bregzsny), that state of awareness that you arebeing cherished, adored, loved, beyond your wildestdreams.What happens when you experience an old idea in a newcontext, the context of love? With the given that theUniverse is always offereing you the best possibleoutcome for your learning and ever-opening awareness?You realize your parents you resented or feared weredoing the best that they could to love you. Yourealize that closed door you rued kept you fromwalking in a wrong direction and put you on path towhat you really wanted. Sometimes we need some help with reframing. This isone of the things I do as a spiritual mentor. Andpeople I love to it for me. I remember when I wasfreaking out that my belly seemed lopsided aftersurgery. said, "Think of it as evidence thatthe doctors did a great job of healing you. That, thetumor on your left side is gone so now you're well." On Thursday, my sister drove here from to take me to my all-day treatment in Hershey, PA,Chocolate Town (the whole town smells a like a Devil'sFood cake baking. Heavenly!) On our way I mentionedthe hair loss that had occurred and that that wasstill supposed to (it hasn't yet!). She said, "Well,that way you know the medicine is working." Helloparadigm shift!With this shift comes a change in what you're scanningfor. And as we all know, what you see is what you get,so a shift from searching out for evidence ofvictim-hood, to signs of love & support radicallychanges your life experience. One of the best ways to do this is the use oflanguage. Training yourself to use language ofempowerment and joy. Remember what I said aboutRecycling Eve? We "get to" put out our stuff to beremoved. Not "have to." Language of love andgratitude. What do you "get to" do today? Wishing you nibbles of dark chocolate, whiffs ofwildflowers and an awareness of your infinitepossibilities…In Love & Light,KantaYou can find more blogs at:www.myspace.com/kantanancyRev. Kanta Bosniak, DD, CHtGuided Imagery, Coaching & Energy Workwww.kantabosniak.comwww.myspace.com/kantanancy(610) 927-7733</SPAN>Hold an image of the life you want, and that image will become fact. Dr. Norman Peale</SPAN>

Source: art4spirit@... email

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